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    Find A Home Get A Dog短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 -公寓里有 100% 的狗被收养,该机构饲养的 50% 以上的狗没有在活动中出现,也找到了一个家。-波哥大环境机构动物的长期平台已经建立。-超过 370万次浏览。-在社交媒体上超过 2000万次印象。-超过 100.000 次互动。-波哥大环境机构的网站粉丝增加了 392%,互动增加了 372%。 简要解释 战略 通过研究,我们发现当人们得到一个新家时,他们更有可能考虑得到一只宠物。所以我们的目标是波哥大每天寻找新家的成千上万的人。我们的策略是与波哥大最大的房地产网站合作,将它们作为我们狗的展示。不是广告,而是展示每个公寓或房子的部分内容。没有多少波哥大的环境机构或标志放在哪里。每只狗都根据家庭的特点被分配,例如,根据空间,你会得到一只小型、中型或大型的狗来匹配。 概要 波哥大环境机构是一个每天从街上捡起流浪狗的机构,为它们提供庇护所和健康援助。但是由于空间有限,他们不能把狗抱很长时间。所以他们必须尽快为狗找到家。我们的目标是增加对这些动物的收养,并把它们放在真正的家里,但是环境机构没有大规模收养活动的预算。 执行 我们与主要的房地产网站合作,每月有成千上万的人在寻找新的居住地,并拍摄了展示这些房产的通常照片, 但后来拍了更多他们和狗在同一个空间的照片。去寻找新房子的人找到了带狗的公寓,可以免费提供。但是我们不想看起来像一个品牌或非政府组织的广告,我们想看起来像狗是家庭内容的一部分。没有波哥大环境机构的电话号码或放置的标志。每只狗都根据家庭的特点被分配,例如,根据空间,你会得到一只小型、中型或大型的狗来匹配。 活动描述 这个想法很简单: 展示任何一个有狗的家看起来都更舒适。因此,我们与该市的主要房地产网站合作,而不是在网站上充斥横幅和广告,而是使用他们用来宣传房产的语言: 照片。我们拍了展示这些房产的通常照片。然后我们又拍了同样的照片,但是这次有一只狗在等着被收养,占据了原本空白的空间。我们在狗旁边放了一个牌子,上面写着: “我可以免费带着这个家来”。人们可以免费得到带狗的公寓。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 波哥大的环境机构从街上营救条件恶劣的狗,帮助它们通过适当的医疗护理恢复。我们的目标是推动收养他们照顾的狗,以便拯救和照顾其他人。哥伦比亚对收养宠物的通信没有限制。


    案例简介:Outcome - 100% of the dogs featured in the apartments were adopted, over 50% of the dogs kept by the Agency not featured in the campaign also found a home. - A long-term platform for the animals of Bogotá’s Environmental Agency was established.- Over 3.7 million views.- Over 20 million impressions on Social Media.- Over 100.000 interactions. - Bogotá's Environmental Agency's website grew its fan base by 392%, and interactions grew by 372%. BriefExplanation Strategy Through research we found that when people get a new home, they are more likely to consider getting a pet as well. So we targeted the thousands of people in Bogotá who look for new homes every day. Our strategy was to partner with the largest real estate websites in Bogotá to use them as showcase for our dogs. Not as advertising, but rather like part of the content that shows off each apartment or house. No number of Bogotá’s Environmental Agency or logos where placed. Each dog was assigned depending on the characteristics of the home, e.g. depending on space you would get a small, medium or large dog to match. Synopsis The Bogotá Environmental Agency is an institution that picks up stray dogs from the streets every day, giving them shelter and health assistance. But they can't hold the dogs for very long because of the limited space. So they have to find homes for the dogs as quickly as possible. Our objective was to increase the adoptions of these animals and put them in real homes, but the Environmental Agency didn’t have a budget for a large adoption campaign. Execution We partnered with major real estate websites with a monthly traffic of thousands of people looking for a new place to live, and took the usual photos that showcase the properties, but then took more photos of them with dogs in the same spaces. People who went in looking for new homes found apartments with dogs that could come with the property for free.But we didn't want to look like advertising for a brand or NGO, we wanted to look like the dog was part of the content that could come with the home. No phone number of Bogotá’s Environmental Agency or logos where placed. Each dog was assigned depending on the characteristics of the home, e.g. depending on space you would get a small, medium or large dog to match. CampaignDescription The idea was a simple one: to demonstrate how any home can look a lot cozier with a dog in it. So we partnered with the city's major real estate websites and instead of flooding the sites with banners and ads, we used the same language they use to advertise properties: photos. We took the usual photos showcasing the properties. And then we took the same photos again, but this time with a dog waiting to be adopted occupying the otherwise empty spaces. Next to the dog we placed a sign that said: "I can come with this home for free". People could get the apartment with a dog for free. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Bogotá’s Environmental Agency rescues dogs in poor conditions from the streets, helping them recover with proper medical attention. Our objective was to drive adoptions of dogs in their care so that others could be rescued and cared for.There are no restrictions regarding communications for adoption of pets in Colombia.

    Find A Home Get A Dog

    案例简介:结果 -公寓里有 100% 的狗被收养,该机构饲养的 50% 以上的狗没有在活动中出现,也找到了一个家。-波哥大环境机构动物的长期平台已经建立。-超过 370万次浏览。-在社交媒体上超过 2000万次印象。-超过 100.000 次互动。-波哥大环境机构的网站粉丝增加了 392%,互动增加了 372%。 简要解释 战略 通过研究,我们发现当人们得到一个新家时,他们更有可能考虑得到一只宠物。所以我们的目标是波哥大每天寻找新家的成千上万的人。我们的策略是与波哥大最大的房地产网站合作,将它们作为我们狗的展示。不是广告,而是展示每个公寓或房子的部分内容。没有多少波哥大的环境机构或标志放在哪里。每只狗都根据家庭的特点被分配,例如,根据空间,你会得到一只小型、中型或大型的狗来匹配。 概要 波哥大环境机构是一个每天从街上捡起流浪狗的机构,为它们提供庇护所和健康援助。但是由于空间有限,他们不能把狗抱很长时间。所以他们必须尽快为狗找到家。我们的目标是增加对这些动物的收养,并把它们放在真正的家里,但是环境机构没有大规模收养活动的预算。 执行 我们与主要的房地产网站合作,每月有成千上万的人在寻找新的居住地,并拍摄了展示这些房产的通常照片, 但后来拍了更多他们和狗在同一个空间的照片。去寻找新房子的人找到了带狗的公寓,可以免费提供。但是我们不想看起来像一个品牌或非政府组织的广告,我们想看起来像狗是家庭内容的一部分。没有波哥大环境机构的电话号码或放置的标志。每只狗都根据家庭的特点被分配,例如,根据空间,你会得到一只小型、中型或大型的狗来匹配。 活动描述 这个想法很简单: 展示任何一个有狗的家看起来都更舒适。因此,我们与该市的主要房地产网站合作,而不是在网站上充斥横幅和广告,而是使用他们用来宣传房产的语言: 照片。我们拍了展示这些房产的通常照片。然后我们又拍了同样的照片,但是这次有一只狗在等着被收养,占据了原本空白的空间。我们在狗旁边放了一个牌子,上面写着: “我可以免费带着这个家来”。人们可以免费得到带狗的公寓。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 波哥大的环境机构从街上营救条件恶劣的狗,帮助它们通过适当的医疗护理恢复。我们的目标是推动收养他们照顾的狗,以便拯救和照顾其他人。哥伦比亚对收养宠物的通信没有限制。

    Find A Home Get A Dog

    案例简介:Outcome - 100% of the dogs featured in the apartments were adopted, over 50% of the dogs kept by the Agency not featured in the campaign also found a home. - A long-term platform for the animals of Bogotá’s Environmental Agency was established.- Over 3.7 million views.- Over 20 million impressions on Social Media.- Over 100.000 interactions. - Bogotá's Environmental Agency's website grew its fan base by 392%, and interactions grew by 372%. BriefExplanation Strategy Through research we found that when people get a new home, they are more likely to consider getting a pet as well. So we targeted the thousands of people in Bogotá who look for new homes every day. Our strategy was to partner with the largest real estate websites in Bogotá to use them as showcase for our dogs. Not as advertising, but rather like part of the content that shows off each apartment or house. No number of Bogotá’s Environmental Agency or logos where placed. Each dog was assigned depending on the characteristics of the home, e.g. depending on space you would get a small, medium or large dog to match. Synopsis The Bogotá Environmental Agency is an institution that picks up stray dogs from the streets every day, giving them shelter and health assistance. But they can't hold the dogs for very long because of the limited space. So they have to find homes for the dogs as quickly as possible. Our objective was to increase the adoptions of these animals and put them in real homes, but the Environmental Agency didn’t have a budget for a large adoption campaign. Execution We partnered with major real estate websites with a monthly traffic of thousands of people looking for a new place to live, and took the usual photos that showcase the properties, but then took more photos of them with dogs in the same spaces. People who went in looking for new homes found apartments with dogs that could come with the property for free.But we didn't want to look like advertising for a brand or NGO, we wanted to look like the dog was part of the content that could come with the home. No phone number of Bogotá’s Environmental Agency or logos where placed. Each dog was assigned depending on the characteristics of the home, e.g. depending on space you would get a small, medium or large dog to match. CampaignDescription The idea was a simple one: to demonstrate how any home can look a lot cozier with a dog in it. So we partnered with the city's major real estate websites and instead of flooding the sites with banners and ads, we used the same language they use to advertise properties: photos. We took the usual photos showcasing the properties. And then we took the same photos again, but this time with a dog waiting to be adopted occupying the otherwise empty spaces. Next to the dog we placed a sign that said: "I can come with this home for free". People could get the apartment with a dog for free. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Bogotá’s Environmental Agency rescues dogs in poor conditions from the streets, helping them recover with proper medical attention. Our objective was to drive adoptions of dogs in their care so that others could be rescued and cared for.There are no restrictions regarding communications for adoption of pets in Colombia.



    Find A Home Get A Dog










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