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    Trojan Piggy Bank短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 我们与哥伦比亚一些最大的养猪场工厂进行了谈判,通过在硬币被引入的洞口正下方安装存放袋来干预它们的制造过程。所以,随着时间的推移,存钱罐变得满了,人们打破了他们发现一个信息,激励他们开一个储蓄账户,告诉他们我们可以帮助他们增加储蓄。成千上万的陶瓷猪舍在全国各地的工艺品交易会、受欢迎的零售店、街头小贩和跳蚤市场上步履蹒跚。 结果 存钱罐分布在全国范围内,与去年相比,新账户的平均开户数增长了 19% (240,000 个新账户是由 piggybank 倡议提出的), 在人们的驱使下,到那时银行系统还没有。此外,我们已经通过社交媒体和公关获得了近 150万人的想法, 帮助他们了解我们银行的储蓄账户是看到储蓄增长并实现他们目标的更好方式。 活动描述 我们决定利用文化传统,在储蓄过程中最相关的时刻,将猪舍变成一个直接的渠道,让它们大吃一惊: 当猪舍满了..猪舍在不同的工厂被干预生产过程,在洞正下方附上一个打开的袋子,硬币被引入来收集它们。所以,随着时间的推移,存钱罐装满了,人们打破了他们,发现他们的储蓄已经打包在银行的一个存包里,上面写着一条信息,让我们通过开一个储蓄账户来帮助他们赚钱。 概要 Caja 社会银行是哥伦比亚最重要的银行之一,其主要目的是通过将低收入家庭纳入他们认为不适合他们的银行体系来帮助他们进步。根据苏拉资产管理公司和梅林研究公司 2016年的数据,每 10 个哥伦比亚人中就有 7 个是自己储蓄的,这是卡贾社会银行推广储蓄账户的最大机会。 相关性 哥伦比亚的低收入家庭认为银行系统不是为他们设计的,所以传统广告对他们不起作用,因为他们忽略了它。所以, 这是一个机会,将当天作为储蓄系统的文化图标变成了一个新的媒体渠道,让 Banco Caja Social 在正确的时间向他们发送信息保存过程: 就在此时,他们将使用那里的储蓄。 战略 尽管哥伦比亚低收入家庭对银行业极度不信任,但卡贾银行社会银行努力帮助他们实现目标,鼓励他们开设储蓄账户。我们决定利用低收入家庭使用的最受欢迎的储蓄设备: 手工艺品交易会、受欢迎的商店和跳蚤市场上的陶瓷猪舍。把他们变成一个直接的渠道,在储蓄过程中最相关的时刻让他们大吃一惊: 就在那个时刻。


    案例简介:Execution We negotiated with some of the biggest piggybanks factories in Colombia, intervening their manufacturing process by attaching deposit bags that were open just below the hole where coins are introduced to collect them as they fall in. So, as time passed by and piggy banks got full, people broke them finding a message that motivated them to open a savings account telling them that we could help them savings grow.Thousands of ceramic piggybanks where pace nationwide in handicraft fairs, popular retail stores, street vendors and flea markets. Outcome The piggy banks were distributed nationwide, and the average of new account openings grew by 19% compere to last year (240,000 new accounts by the piggybank initiative), driven by people that up to that moment were not in the banking system.Additionally, we have reached almost 1.5 million people through social media and PR gain for the idea, helping them understand that a savings account in our Bank is a better way to see there savings grow and to reach their goals. CampaignDescription We decided to take advantage of a cultural tradition, turning piggybanks into a direct channel to surprise them on the most relevant moment of the saving process: when the Piggybanks are full..Piggybanks were intervened at their manufacturing process in different factories, attaching an open bag just below the hole were coins are introduced to collect them as they fall in.So, as time passed by and piggy banks got full, people broke them finding their savings already package in a deposit bag from the bank with a message to let us help them make there money grow by opening a savings account. Synopsis Banco Caja Social is one of Colombia’s most important banks and its main purpose is to help low-income families progress by bringing them into a banking system that they think is not made for them. According to Sura Asset Management and Merlin Research in 2016, 7 of each 10 Colombians save by them self and this is the biggest opportunity that Banco Caja Social takes to promote the savings accounts. Relevancy Low-income families in Colombia think that banking system is not made for them so traditional advertising don't work for them because they ignore it .So, this was an opportunity of turning cultural icon that day use as saving system into a new media channel for Banco Caja Social to send them a message at the right timesurprising them on the most relevant moment of the saving process: right at the moment they are about to use there savings. Strategy Despite a deep mistrust of the Banking sector by low income families in Colombia, the Banco Caja Social works hard to help them reach their goals, encouraging them to open savings accounts. We decided to take advantage of the most popular savings device used by low income families: ceramic piggybanks available at handicraft fairs, popular stores and flea markets. Turning them into a direct channel to surprise them on the most relevant moment of the savings process: right at the moment there full.

    Trojan Piggy Bank

    案例简介:执行 我们与哥伦比亚一些最大的养猪场工厂进行了谈判,通过在硬币被引入的洞口正下方安装存放袋来干预它们的制造过程。所以,随着时间的推移,存钱罐变得满了,人们打破了他们发现一个信息,激励他们开一个储蓄账户,告诉他们我们可以帮助他们增加储蓄。成千上万的陶瓷猪舍在全国各地的工艺品交易会、受欢迎的零售店、街头小贩和跳蚤市场上步履蹒跚。 结果 存钱罐分布在全国范围内,与去年相比,新账户的平均开户数增长了 19% (240,000 个新账户是由 piggybank 倡议提出的), 在人们的驱使下,到那时银行系统还没有。此外,我们已经通过社交媒体和公关获得了近 150万人的想法, 帮助他们了解我们银行的储蓄账户是看到储蓄增长并实现他们目标的更好方式。 活动描述 我们决定利用文化传统,在储蓄过程中最相关的时刻,将猪舍变成一个直接的渠道,让它们大吃一惊: 当猪舍满了..猪舍在不同的工厂被干预生产过程,在洞正下方附上一个打开的袋子,硬币被引入来收集它们。所以,随着时间的推移,存钱罐装满了,人们打破了他们,发现他们的储蓄已经打包在银行的一个存包里,上面写着一条信息,让我们通过开一个储蓄账户来帮助他们赚钱。 概要 Caja 社会银行是哥伦比亚最重要的银行之一,其主要目的是通过将低收入家庭纳入他们认为不适合他们的银行体系来帮助他们进步。根据苏拉资产管理公司和梅林研究公司 2016年的数据,每 10 个哥伦比亚人中就有 7 个是自己储蓄的,这是卡贾社会银行推广储蓄账户的最大机会。 相关性 哥伦比亚的低收入家庭认为银行系统不是为他们设计的,所以传统广告对他们不起作用,因为他们忽略了它。所以, 这是一个机会,将当天作为储蓄系统的文化图标变成了一个新的媒体渠道,让 Banco Caja Social 在正确的时间向他们发送信息保存过程: 就在此时,他们将使用那里的储蓄。 战略 尽管哥伦比亚低收入家庭对银行业极度不信任,但卡贾银行社会银行努力帮助他们实现目标,鼓励他们开设储蓄账户。我们决定利用低收入家庭使用的最受欢迎的储蓄设备: 手工艺品交易会、受欢迎的商店和跳蚤市场上的陶瓷猪舍。把他们变成一个直接的渠道,在储蓄过程中最相关的时刻让他们大吃一惊: 就在那个时刻。

    Trojan Piggy Bank

    案例简介:Execution We negotiated with some of the biggest piggybanks factories in Colombia, intervening their manufacturing process by attaching deposit bags that were open just below the hole where coins are introduced to collect them as they fall in. So, as time passed by and piggy banks got full, people broke them finding a message that motivated them to open a savings account telling them that we could help them savings grow.Thousands of ceramic piggybanks where pace nationwide in handicraft fairs, popular retail stores, street vendors and flea markets. Outcome The piggy banks were distributed nationwide, and the average of new account openings grew by 19% compere to last year (240,000 new accounts by the piggybank initiative), driven by people that up to that moment were not in the banking system.Additionally, we have reached almost 1.5 million people through social media and PR gain for the idea, helping them understand that a savings account in our Bank is a better way to see there savings grow and to reach their goals. CampaignDescription We decided to take advantage of a cultural tradition, turning piggybanks into a direct channel to surprise them on the most relevant moment of the saving process: when the Piggybanks are full..Piggybanks were intervened at their manufacturing process in different factories, attaching an open bag just below the hole were coins are introduced to collect them as they fall in.So, as time passed by and piggy banks got full, people broke them finding their savings already package in a deposit bag from the bank with a message to let us help them make there money grow by opening a savings account. Synopsis Banco Caja Social is one of Colombia’s most important banks and its main purpose is to help low-income families progress by bringing them into a banking system that they think is not made for them. According to Sura Asset Management and Merlin Research in 2016, 7 of each 10 Colombians save by them self and this is the biggest opportunity that Banco Caja Social takes to promote the savings accounts. Relevancy Low-income families in Colombia think that banking system is not made for them so traditional advertising don't work for them because they ignore it .So, this was an opportunity of turning cultural icon that day use as saving system into a new media channel for Banco Caja Social to send them a message at the right timesurprising them on the most relevant moment of the saving process: right at the moment they are about to use there savings. Strategy Despite a deep mistrust of the Banking sector by low income families in Colombia, the Banco Caja Social works hard to help them reach their goals, encouraging them to open savings accounts. We decided to take advantage of the most popular savings device used by low income families: ceramic piggybanks available at handicraft fairs, popular stores and flea markets. Turning them into a direct channel to surprise them on the most relevant moment of the savings process: right at the moment there full.



    Trojan Piggy Bank










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