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    58 Soul Riders短视频广告营销案例



    58 灵魂骑士

    案例简介:活动描述 重现骑自行车的人在交通事故中丧生的最后一次骑自行车,提醒每个人每辆自行车都有生命。为了实现这一目标,受害者的家人给了我们他们最后一次骑行的全球定位系统数据,这样我们就可以在一个循环中重现它们。 相关性 在西班牙,关于交通事故的宣传运动以其粗鲁、极其猛烈的打击以及在某些情况下的暴力场景而闻名。这有利于短期意识,但从长期来看,它们会失去效力。这就是为什么我们需要做一些令人惊叹的、情绪化的,最重要的是,一些绝对新的事情。仅仅几个小时,“58 灵魂骑士运动” 就出现在西班牙媒体、在线报纸、博客和社交网络档案中,这些与道路安全无关。在没有展示原始暴力图像的情况下,我们设法吸引了媒体和停止倾听我们的人的注意力。 战略 去年,650 名骑自行车的人在西班牙的道路上受重伤,58 人死亡。我们注意到,尽管一半的西班牙人经常使用自行车,而且每天有十分之一的人使用自行车, 公共道路使用者之间不存在共存的社会和谐 (35.3% 的骑自行车者声称至少发生过一些事故)。在这种情况下,挑战是让习惯于我们客户通信 (DGT) 的人群大吃一惊,这引起了恐惧和事故的暴力和负面后果。西班牙人对这种运动已经不敏感了,我们需要改变这一点。所以我们决定把运动带到事故发生的地方: 街道。 执行 这一行动是在国际自行车日发起的。在运动正式启动前后的几天里,自行车在西班牙的道路上行驶着受害者的最后路线。此外,在发布的那一周,网站的内容得到了激励,人们被邀请加入该倡议: 在合作地图上报告和注册西班牙道路上骑自行车的所有危险的黑色点。该运动在全国范围内发起,对国家和地方媒体产生了影响。 概要 在西班牙,仍然没有尊重自行车和骑自行车的文化。公共自行车租赁服务的到来使每天骑自行车的人数增加到 380万人。这导致事故急剧增加。去年,58 名骑自行车的人死亡,652 人受重伤。 结果 第一级: 媒体输出该活动在全国范围内启动,获得主要的国家和地方媒体报道。它以主要电视新闻、报纸、广播节目、博客和在线媒体为特色,获得了超过 200 美元的媒体收入和超过 6700 万的有机影响。电视新闻节目在谈论竞选活动时平均投入 2 分钟,这些故事使用了情绪激动的语气,强调了这个想法的尊重性质。其中大多数包括整个视频,或者至少 1 分钟,以及竞选网站。第二层: 目标受众结果多亏了这项运动,西班牙媒体开始更频繁地报道自行车事故。每次发生新的事故,媒体和公众都会使用我们的标签和活动来提高对这个问题的认识。在活动发起几个小时后,它在推特和脸谱网上成为西班牙的头号热门话题。就在发射几天后,一名著名的意大利自行车手在路上死亡,竞选信息和标签被用于社交媒体哀悼帖子。第三层:商业成果 -- 仅在一周内就产生了超过 7 千万的有机影响。 -超过 800.000 美元的媒体收入-# Almasciclistas,推特和 Facebook 的一个热门话题-在网站上花费的平均时间: 01:44-我们为活动创建的标签, 每当一名新自行车手在路上发生事故时,人们都会在推特上使用它。

    58 灵魂骑士

    案例简介:CampaignDescription To recreate the last ride of cyclists who lost their lives in traffic accidents with self-driven bikes, reminding everyone that there is a life on every bicycle.To achieve this, victims’ families gave us access to the GPS data of their last rides, so we could reproduce them on a loop. Relevancy In Spain, awareness campaigns about traffic accidents are known for their crudeness, their extremely hard-hitting and, in some cases, violent scenes. This has favored short-term awareness but in the long term they lose effectiveness. That’s why we needed to do something amazing, emotional and, above all, something absolutely new. In just a few hours, the ‘58 Soul Riders campaign’ appeared in Spanish media, online newspapers, blogs and social network profiles that have no connection with road safety. Without showing raw and violent images, we managed to get the attention of media and people who had stopped listening to us. Strategy Last year, 650 cyclists were seriously injured and 58 died on Spanish roads.We have noticed that although half of Spaniards use a bicycle frequently, and 1 in 10 does daily, there is no social harmony for coexistence between public roads users (35.3% of cyclists claim to have had at least some accident).With this scenario, the challenge was to surprise a population used to our client's communications (DGT), which appealed to fear and the violent, negative consequences of accidents. Spaniards had been desensitized to this type of campaign and we needed to change that. So we decided to take the campaign to the place where accidents happen: the streets. Execution The action was launched on International Bicycle Day. Bicycles traveled the last routes of victims on the roads of Spain during the days before and after the official launch of the campaign. Additionally, during the week of the launch, the contents of the website were energized and people were invited to join the initiative: reporting and registering on a collaborative map all those dangerous black points for cyclists on Spanish roads. The campaign was launched nationwide, having impact in both national and local media. Synopsis In Spain, there is still no culture of respect for bicycles and cyclists. The arrival of public bicycle rental services has increased the number of daily cyclists to 3.8 million. This has led to a dramatic increase in accidents. In the last year, 58 cyclists died and 652 were seriously injured. Outcome Tier 1: Media outputs The campaign was launched nationwide, getting major national and local media coverage. It featured in main, primetime TV news, newspapers, radio programs, blogs and online media, achieving more than $200K earned media and more than 67M organic impacts. TV news shows dedicated on average 2 minutes when they talked about the campaign, and the stories used an emotive tone and highlighted the respectful nature of the idea. Most of them included the whole video or, at least 1 minute, as well as the campaign website.Tier 2: Target Audience Outcomes Thanks to the campaign, the Spanish media has started to cover cyclist accidents more frequently. Every time a new accident happens, the media and the public use our hashtag and campaign to raise awareness about this problem. After a few hours of the campaign being launched, it became #1Trending topic in Spain both on Twitter and Facebook.Just a few days after the launch, a famous Italian cyclist died on the road and the campaign message and hashtag were used in social media mourning posts.Tier 3: Business Outcomes -More than 70M organic impacts in just one week.-More than $ 800.000 earned media-#Almasciclistas, 1 Trending Topic both Twitter and Facebook-Average Time Spent on Site : 01:44-The hashtag we created for the campaign, is being used by people on Twitter everytime a new cyclist have an accident on the road.

    58 Soul Riders

    案例简介:活动描述 重现骑自行车的人在交通事故中丧生的最后一次骑自行车,提醒每个人每辆自行车都有生命。为了实现这一目标,受害者的家人给了我们他们最后一次骑行的全球定位系统数据,这样我们就可以在一个循环中重现它们。 相关性 在西班牙,关于交通事故的宣传运动以其粗鲁、极其猛烈的打击以及在某些情况下的暴力场景而闻名。这有利于短期意识,但从长期来看,它们会失去效力。这就是为什么我们需要做一些令人惊叹的、情绪化的,最重要的是,一些绝对新的事情。仅仅几个小时,“58 灵魂骑士运动” 就出现在西班牙媒体、在线报纸、博客和社交网络档案中,这些与道路安全无关。在没有展示原始暴力图像的情况下,我们设法吸引了媒体和停止倾听我们的人的注意力。 战略 去年,650 名骑自行车的人在西班牙的道路上受重伤,58 人死亡。我们注意到,尽管一半的西班牙人经常使用自行车,而且每天有十分之一的人使用自行车, 公共道路使用者之间不存在共存的社会和谐 (35.3% 的骑自行车者声称至少发生过一些事故)。在这种情况下,挑战是让习惯于我们客户通信 (DGT) 的人群大吃一惊,这引起了恐惧和事故的暴力和负面后果。西班牙人对这种运动已经不敏感了,我们需要改变这一点。所以我们决定把运动带到事故发生的地方: 街道。 执行 这一行动是在国际自行车日发起的。在运动正式启动前后的几天里,自行车在西班牙的道路上行驶着受害者的最后路线。此外,在发布的那一周,网站的内容得到了激励,人们被邀请加入该倡议: 在合作地图上报告和注册西班牙道路上骑自行车的所有危险的黑色点。该运动在全国范围内发起,对国家和地方媒体产生了影响。 概要 在西班牙,仍然没有尊重自行车和骑自行车的文化。公共自行车租赁服务的到来使每天骑自行车的人数增加到 380万人。这导致事故急剧增加。去年,58 名骑自行车的人死亡,652 人受重伤。 结果 第一级: 媒体输出该活动在全国范围内启动,获得主要的国家和地方媒体报道。它以主要电视新闻、报纸、广播节目、博客和在线媒体为特色,获得了超过 200 美元的媒体收入和超过 6700 万的有机影响。电视新闻节目在谈论竞选活动时平均投入 2 分钟,这些故事使用了情绪激动的语气,强调了这个想法的尊重性质。其中大多数包括整个视频,或者至少 1 分钟,以及竞选网站。第二层: 目标受众结果多亏了这项运动,西班牙媒体开始更频繁地报道自行车事故。每次发生新的事故,媒体和公众都会使用我们的标签和活动来提高对这个问题的认识。在活动发起几个小时后,它在推特和脸谱网上成为西班牙的头号热门话题。就在发射几天后,一名著名的意大利自行车手在路上死亡,竞选信息和标签被用于社交媒体哀悼帖子。第三层:商业成果 -- 仅在一周内就产生了超过 7 千万的有机影响。 -超过 800.000 美元的媒体收入-# Almasciclistas,推特和 Facebook 的一个热门话题-在网站上花费的平均时间: 01:44-我们为活动创建的标签, 每当一名新自行车手在路上发生事故时,人们都会在推特上使用它。

    58 Soul Riders

    案例简介:CampaignDescription To recreate the last ride of cyclists who lost their lives in traffic accidents with self-driven bikes, reminding everyone that there is a life on every bicycle.To achieve this, victims’ families gave us access to the GPS data of their last rides, so we could reproduce them on a loop. Relevancy In Spain, awareness campaigns about traffic accidents are known for their crudeness, their extremely hard-hitting and, in some cases, violent scenes. This has favored short-term awareness but in the long term they lose effectiveness. That’s why we needed to do something amazing, emotional and, above all, something absolutely new. In just a few hours, the ‘58 Soul Riders campaign’ appeared in Spanish media, online newspapers, blogs and social network profiles that have no connection with road safety. Without showing raw and violent images, we managed to get the attention of media and people who had stopped listening to us. Strategy Last year, 650 cyclists were seriously injured and 58 died on Spanish roads.We have noticed that although half of Spaniards use a bicycle frequently, and 1 in 10 does daily, there is no social harmony for coexistence between public roads users (35.3% of cyclists claim to have had at least some accident).With this scenario, the challenge was to surprise a population used to our client's communications (DGT), which appealed to fear and the violent, negative consequences of accidents. Spaniards had been desensitized to this type of campaign and we needed to change that. So we decided to take the campaign to the place where accidents happen: the streets. Execution The action was launched on International Bicycle Day. Bicycles traveled the last routes of victims on the roads of Spain during the days before and after the official launch of the campaign. Additionally, during the week of the launch, the contents of the website were energized and people were invited to join the initiative: reporting and registering on a collaborative map all those dangerous black points for cyclists on Spanish roads. The campaign was launched nationwide, having impact in both national and local media. Synopsis In Spain, there is still no culture of respect for bicycles and cyclists. The arrival of public bicycle rental services has increased the number of daily cyclists to 3.8 million. This has led to a dramatic increase in accidents. In the last year, 58 cyclists died and 652 were seriously injured. Outcome Tier 1: Media outputs The campaign was launched nationwide, getting major national and local media coverage. It featured in main, primetime TV news, newspapers, radio programs, blogs and online media, achieving more than $200K earned media and more than 67M organic impacts. TV news shows dedicated on average 2 minutes when they talked about the campaign, and the stories used an emotive tone and highlighted the respectful nature of the idea. Most of them included the whole video or, at least 1 minute, as well as the campaign website.Tier 2: Target Audience Outcomes Thanks to the campaign, the Spanish media has started to cover cyclist accidents more frequently. Every time a new accident happens, the media and the public use our hashtag and campaign to raise awareness about this problem. After a few hours of the campaign being launched, it became #1Trending topic in Spain both on Twitter and Facebook.Just a few days after the launch, a famous Italian cyclist died on the road and the campaign message and hashtag were used in social media mourning posts.Tier 3: Business Outcomes -More than 70M organic impacts in just one week.-More than $ 800.000 earned media-#Almasciclistas, 1 Trending Topic both Twitter and Facebook-Average Time Spent on Site : 01:44-The hashtag we created for the campaign, is being used by people on Twitter everytime a new cyclist have an accident on the road.

    58 灵魂骑士


    58 Soul Riders






    广告公司: 麦肯 (西班牙 马德里) 制作公司: Garage Films




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