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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 在一个交通事故受害者在过去四年中每年都在增加的国家,有必要提高对因事故而有罪的后果的认识。我们通过一种独特的体验做到了这一点,在这种体验中,品牌设定了一个不可避免的困境。在交通事故的前提下,你更愿意成为谁?活着的人还是死去的人?我们表明,所有的后果都是可怕的,有些甚至比死亡还要糟糕。 背景 我们建议进行对话,展开一场有助于将事故率列入时事议程的辩论。为了做到这一点,我们想通过一个非常棘手的问题让观众没有一条逃生路线。你更喜欢谁出车祸?活着的人还是死去的人?,在答案中让他们定位自己,以便发现交通事故没有好结果。通过迫使人们陷入这种境地,在某种程度上,我们帮助对抗 “它不会发生在我身上” 的防御机制,带着一个想法离开 “你不需要成为一个罪犯就能最终入狱,或者像疯子一样开车去死。回答一个 WhatsApp,嘿 presto。这些小行为的后果是可怕的,可以发生在任何人身上。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 在一个道路交通事故受害者每年都在增加,人们不会因为被告知可能会死亡而受到影响的国家,有必要提高对造成交通事故的犯罪后果的认识。 这项活动表明,通过一个独特的经验,品牌设置了一个不可避免的困境。 在交通事故的前提下,你更愿意成为谁?活着的人还是死去的人? 我们证明了所有的后果都是可怕的,并得出了一个可怕的结论: 在一场交通事故中,如果你犯了造成事故的罪,就无法逃脱,所有的选择都是糟糕的,有些甚至比死亡还要糟糕。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 整个人口。我们和司机、摩托车手、骑自行车的人或行人都住在同一条路上。 我们建议进行对话,展开一场有助于将事故率列入时事议程的辩论。为了做到这一点,我们想通过一个非常棘手的问题让观众没有一条逃生路线。你更喜欢谁出车祸?活着的人还是死去的人?,在答案中让他们定位自己,以便发现交通事故没有好结果。通过迫使人们陷入这种境地,在某种程度上,我们帮助对抗 “它不会发生在我身上” 的防御机制,带着一个想法离开 “你不需要成为一个罪犯就能最终入狱,或者像疯子一样开车去死。回答一个 WhatsApp,嘿 presto。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 几乎就像一个险恶的游戏,试图提出一个挑逗的问题,在一次交通事故中,你更喜欢成为谁?活着的人还是死去的人?一旦我们得到了他们的关注和他们对社交媒体的参与,我们就推出了解释每种选择可能产生的恶劣后果的长篇文章。 时间轴 该活动于今天于 10月29日开始,目的是提高司机对 11月1日下一个银行假日周末的认识,并将在年底前包括 3 波,与这一时期最繁忙的交通重合。 放置 “是死是活” 是一场多渠道的运动,将会出现在电视、电影、广播、家庭之外,新闻和数字与不同的长度和格式,以扩大其达到并最大限度地提高其效率。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 直到 2018年8月,事故率数字一直在上升,与过去 4 年的趋势保持一致,但在今年最后一个季度 (与我们的竞选活动相吻合),这是第一次下降。具体而言,从 9月至 12月,事故减少了 9% 起,死亡人数比 2017年同期减少了 40 人。 与前一年同期相比,全年下降了 1.5%。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? In a country where traffic accident victims have increased every year over the last four years, there was a need to raise awareness about the consequences of being guilty of causing an accident. And we did it through a unique experience where the brand sets an unavoidable dilemma. Under the premise of In a traffic accident who would you prefer to be? The one who lives or the one who dies? We showed that all the consequences are terrible, some are even worse than death. Background We suggested generating conversation and opening up a debate that contributed to putting the accident rate on the current affairs agenda. To do it we wanted to leave viewers without an escape route through a very tough question. Who would you prefer to be in a road accident? The one who lives or the one who dies?, and in the answer make them position themselves in order to discover that there is no good outcome in a road accident. By forcing people into this situation, in some way, we helped to fight against the defence mechanism of "it won't happen to me", leaving with a reflection "you don't have to be a delinquent to end up in jail, or drive like a mad person to die. Answer a WhatsApp , and hey presto. The consequences of these small acts are terrible and can happen to anyone. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) In a country where road traffic accident victims have increased every year and where people weren't affected by being told they could die, there was a need to raise awareness about the consequences of being guilty of causing a road accident. This campaign showed that through a unique experience where the brand sets a an unavoidable dilemma. Under the premise of In a road accident who would you prefer to be? The one who lives or the one who dies? We showed that all the consequences are terrible and showed a terrible conclusion: in a road accident if you are guilty of causing it, there is no escape, all the options are bad, some are even worse than death. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The whole population. We all live on the same same road as drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians. We suggested generating conversation and opening up a debate that contributed to putting the accident rate on the current affairs agenda. To do it we wanted to leave viewers without an escape route through a very tough question. Who would you prefer to be in a road accident? The one who lives or the one who dies?, and in the answer make them position themselves in order to discover that there is no good outcome in a road accident. By forcing people into this situation, in some way, we helped to fight against the defence mechanism of "it won't happen to me", leaving with a reflection "you don't have to be a delinquent to end up in jail, or drive like a mad person to die. Answer a WhatsApp , and hey presto. Describe the execution (30% of vote) Almost like a sinister game that tries to launch a a teaser question, In a road accident, who would you prefer to be? The one who lives or the one who dies? Once we had got their attention and their involvement on social media, we launched the long pieces explaining the possible harsh consequences of each of the options. Timeline The campaign launches today on 29 October with the aim of raising awareness among drivers in regards to the next bank holiday weekend on 1 November and will consist of 3 waves until the end of the year, coinciding with the heaviest traffic over the period. Placement "Dead or alive" is a multichannel campaign that will be present on television, cinema, radio, out of home, press and digital with different lengths and formats to amplify its reach and maximise its efficiency. List the results (30% of vote) Until August 2018 the accident rate figures were increasing in line with a tendency over the last 4 years, but in the last quarter of the year (coinciding with our campaign) they fell for the first time. Specifically from September to December there were 9% fewer accidents, 40 fewer deaths than the same period in 2017. In the whole year the fall was 1.5% compared to the same period of the previous year.

    Dead or Alive

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 在一个交通事故受害者在过去四年中每年都在增加的国家,有必要提高对因事故而有罪的后果的认识。我们通过一种独特的体验做到了这一点,在这种体验中,品牌设定了一个不可避免的困境。在交通事故的前提下,你更愿意成为谁?活着的人还是死去的人?我们表明,所有的后果都是可怕的,有些甚至比死亡还要糟糕。 背景 我们建议进行对话,展开一场有助于将事故率列入时事议程的辩论。为了做到这一点,我们想通过一个非常棘手的问题让观众没有一条逃生路线。你更喜欢谁出车祸?活着的人还是死去的人?,在答案中让他们定位自己,以便发现交通事故没有好结果。通过迫使人们陷入这种境地,在某种程度上,我们帮助对抗 “它不会发生在我身上” 的防御机制,带着一个想法离开 “你不需要成为一个罪犯就能最终入狱,或者像疯子一样开车去死。回答一个 WhatsApp,嘿 presto。这些小行为的后果是可怕的,可以发生在任何人身上。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 在一个道路交通事故受害者每年都在增加,人们不会因为被告知可能会死亡而受到影响的国家,有必要提高对造成交通事故的犯罪后果的认识。 这项活动表明,通过一个独特的经验,品牌设置了一个不可避免的困境。 在交通事故的前提下,你更愿意成为谁?活着的人还是死去的人? 我们证明了所有的后果都是可怕的,并得出了一个可怕的结论: 在一场交通事故中,如果你犯了造成事故的罪,就无法逃脱,所有的选择都是糟糕的,有些甚至比死亡还要糟糕。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 整个人口。我们和司机、摩托车手、骑自行车的人或行人都住在同一条路上。 我们建议进行对话,展开一场有助于将事故率列入时事议程的辩论。为了做到这一点,我们想通过一个非常棘手的问题让观众没有一条逃生路线。你更喜欢谁出车祸?活着的人还是死去的人?,在答案中让他们定位自己,以便发现交通事故没有好结果。通过迫使人们陷入这种境地,在某种程度上,我们帮助对抗 “它不会发生在我身上” 的防御机制,带着一个想法离开 “你不需要成为一个罪犯就能最终入狱,或者像疯子一样开车去死。回答一个 WhatsApp,嘿 presto。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 几乎就像一个险恶的游戏,试图提出一个挑逗的问题,在一次交通事故中,你更喜欢成为谁?活着的人还是死去的人?一旦我们得到了他们的关注和他们对社交媒体的参与,我们就推出了解释每种选择可能产生的恶劣后果的长篇文章。 时间轴 该活动于今天于 10月29日开始,目的是提高司机对 11月1日下一个银行假日周末的认识,并将在年底前包括 3 波,与这一时期最繁忙的交通重合。 放置 “是死是活” 是一场多渠道的运动,将会出现在电视、电影、广播、家庭之外,新闻和数字与不同的长度和格式,以扩大其达到并最大限度地提高其效率。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 直到 2018年8月,事故率数字一直在上升,与过去 4 年的趋势保持一致,但在今年最后一个季度 (与我们的竞选活动相吻合),这是第一次下降。具体而言,从 9月至 12月,事故减少了 9% 起,死亡人数比 2017年同期减少了 40 人。 与前一年同期相比,全年下降了 1.5%。

    Dead or Alive

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? In a country where traffic accident victims have increased every year over the last four years, there was a need to raise awareness about the consequences of being guilty of causing an accident. And we did it through a unique experience where the brand sets an unavoidable dilemma. Under the premise of In a traffic accident who would you prefer to be? The one who lives or the one who dies? We showed that all the consequences are terrible, some are even worse than death. Background We suggested generating conversation and opening up a debate that contributed to putting the accident rate on the current affairs agenda. To do it we wanted to leave viewers without an escape route through a very tough question. Who would you prefer to be in a road accident? The one who lives or the one who dies?, and in the answer make them position themselves in order to discover that there is no good outcome in a road accident. By forcing people into this situation, in some way, we helped to fight against the defence mechanism of "it won't happen to me", leaving with a reflection "you don't have to be a delinquent to end up in jail, or drive like a mad person to die. Answer a WhatsApp , and hey presto. The consequences of these small acts are terrible and can happen to anyone. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) In a country where road traffic accident victims have increased every year and where people weren't affected by being told they could die, there was a need to raise awareness about the consequences of being guilty of causing a road accident. This campaign showed that through a unique experience where the brand sets a an unavoidable dilemma. Under the premise of In a road accident who would you prefer to be? The one who lives or the one who dies? We showed that all the consequences are terrible and showed a terrible conclusion: in a road accident if you are guilty of causing it, there is no escape, all the options are bad, some are even worse than death. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The whole population. We all live on the same same road as drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians. We suggested generating conversation and opening up a debate that contributed to putting the accident rate on the current affairs agenda. To do it we wanted to leave viewers without an escape route through a very tough question. Who would you prefer to be in a road accident? The one who lives or the one who dies?, and in the answer make them position themselves in order to discover that there is no good outcome in a road accident. By forcing people into this situation, in some way, we helped to fight against the defence mechanism of "it won't happen to me", leaving with a reflection "you don't have to be a delinquent to end up in jail, or drive like a mad person to die. Answer a WhatsApp , and hey presto. Describe the execution (30% of vote) Almost like a sinister game that tries to launch a a teaser question, In a road accident, who would you prefer to be? The one who lives or the one who dies? Once we had got their attention and their involvement on social media, we launched the long pieces explaining the possible harsh consequences of each of the options. Timeline The campaign launches today on 29 October with the aim of raising awareness among drivers in regards to the next bank holiday weekend on 1 November and will consist of 3 waves until the end of the year, coinciding with the heaviest traffic over the period. Placement "Dead or alive" is a multichannel campaign that will be present on television, cinema, radio, out of home, press and digital with different lengths and formats to amplify its reach and maximise its efficiency. List the results (30% of vote) Until August 2018 the accident rate figures were increasing in line with a tendency over the last 4 years, but in the last quarter of the year (coinciding with our campaign) they fell for the first time. Specifically from September to December there were 9% fewer accidents, 40 fewer deaths than the same period in 2017. In the whole year the fall was 1.5% compared to the same period of the previous year.



    Dead or Alive










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