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    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 在温德斯 · [介绍的油脂中休息] 你会得到工作 [诗歌] 红头和一些猪尾巴更好地检查分数,这些饭菜现在卖得更好,我太聪明了,我的酒吧很冷,最好抓住一件毛衣,你挡住了我的推特,不能压扁牛肉,现在检查我的饲料,你的眼睛闪着你有多喜欢它?这些直截了当的事实 Tryna 拿走了赃物,但是我们不想要回来,我是老板,所以他们讨厌那个男孩,我们尝了你的食物,味道在哪里?你 1 号?这是个笑话,为什么你的冰淇淋机器总是坏了?为什么你开车总是很慢?为什么创新不能增长?我是温迪女王,需要我说摩吗?那个 Baconator 疯了,那个辣鸡疯了,你可以吃个油煎,蘸上酱汁,它仍然很好吃,他们的推特没有把我分开,麦当劳太懒了,我知道你讨厌我的原因,因为我是快餐的第一夫人,这是温迪女王,你不能打败我们给他们上菜牛肉我要让你为卡特在油脂里休息, 转发男孩,你知道你不能在我们的比赛中竞争,男人看着我们看到它没有停止我 (flex) [OUTRO] 嗯,我的猪尾巴红头, 啊快餐的第一夫人,啊你不能扮演我 实施 Wendy's 成功的关键是保持嘻哈艺术家之旅的真实性,首先在流媒体档案上免费发布音乐,并简单地要求人们倾听。我们从未将音乐定位为品牌内容; 我们告诉我们的追随者专辑已经推出,其余的都是他们做的。广播电台播放这种音乐的唯一原因是因为顾客要求,电台经理觉得这种节拍和歌词与老牌嘻哈艺术家不相上下。 EntrySummary 温迪的推特以其时髦的语气而闻名,抨击餐饮业的竞争对手,我们的许多推特互动出现在歌曲中。温迪的关键品牌股票,如 Baconator,甚至最近的竞选成功故事,如 # nuggsforcarter,也出现在歌词中。更进一步,我们包括说唱流行文化的参考资料,如杰伊-Z 的 “4:44” 专辑,这恰好是温迪的价值餐的名字, 德雷克的 “扳机手指”,我们用 “推特手指” 来解释。" 简要解释 这个音频执行的曲目让温迪的社交声音栩栩如生,并为温迪提供了一个将最近的推特互动和说唱战带到嘻哈空间的场所。温迪的《感觉嘻哈》是表达他们声音的最佳流派 -- 新鲜牛肉无缝地翻译成说唱牛肉的世界是很自然的。通过将 @ Wendys 推特手柄变成录音艺术家,Wendy's 通过富有感染力的节拍和与该品牌许多核心股票的诙谐抒情联系,与我们的客户和追随者产生了新的关联。


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish REST IN GREASE at Wendys [INTRO] You gon’ get that work [VERSE] Red head with some pig tails Better check the score, these meals sell Now that’s better, I’m so clever My bars chilly better grab a sweater You blocked my tweets can’t squash the beef Now check my feed and yo’ eyes swellin’ How you love that? These straight facts Tryna take the swag but we don’t want it back I’ma boss chick so they hate that Boy, we tried your food, where the flavor at? You number 1? That’s a joke Why yo’ ice cream machine always broke? Why yo’ drive through always slow? Why yo’ innovation just can’t grow? It’s queen Wendy, need I say mo’? That Baconator go crazy, that spicy chicken go crazy You can take a fry and dip it in the sauce, it still be so tasty Them lil tweets don’t phase me, McDonalds be so lazy I know the reason you hatin’ me ‘cause I’m fast food’s First Lady It’s queen Wendy up in this thang You can’t beat us serving them thangs Y’all too chicken for this beef I’ma leave you resting in grease Nuggs for Carter, retweet Boy, you know you can’t compete On top of our game, man watch us See its no stoppin’ me (flex) [OUTRO] Uh, red head with my pig tails, ah Fast food’s first lady, ah You cannot play me Implementation The key to success for Wendy’s was staying authentic to the hip-hop artist journey by first launching the music for free on streaming profiles and simply asking people to listen. We never positioned the music as a piece of branded content; we told our followers the album had launched, and they did the rest. The only reason radio stations played the music is because customers requested it and station managers felt the beats and lyrics were on par with established hip-hop artists. EntrySummary Wendy's Twitter is known for its sassy tone, taking jabs at competitors within the restaurant industry, and many of our Twitter interactions appear in the songs. Wendy's key brand equities such as the Baconator and even recent campaign success stories like #nuggsforcarter also appear in the song lyrics. Going a step further, we included rap pop culture references such as Jay-Z's "4:44" album, which happens to be the name of a Wendy's value meal, and Drake's "Trigger Fingers," which we riffed on with "Twitter Fingers." BriefExplanation The tracks on this audio execution bring the Wendy's social voice to life and provide a venue for Wendy's to take recent Twitter interactions and rap battles to the hip-hop space. Wendy's felt hip-hop was the best genre to express their voice - it's only natural for fresh beef to translate seamlessly into the world of rap beef. By turning the @Wendys Twitter handle into a recording artist, Wendy's was newly relevant to our customers and followers through infectious beats and witty lyrical ties to many of the brand's core equities.

    Rest in Grease

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 在温德斯 · [介绍的油脂中休息] 你会得到工作 [诗歌] 红头和一些猪尾巴更好地检查分数,这些饭菜现在卖得更好,我太聪明了,我的酒吧很冷,最好抓住一件毛衣,你挡住了我的推特,不能压扁牛肉,现在检查我的饲料,你的眼睛闪着你有多喜欢它?这些直截了当的事实 Tryna 拿走了赃物,但是我们不想要回来,我是老板,所以他们讨厌那个男孩,我们尝了你的食物,味道在哪里?你 1 号?这是个笑话,为什么你的冰淇淋机器总是坏了?为什么你开车总是很慢?为什么创新不能增长?我是温迪女王,需要我说摩吗?那个 Baconator 疯了,那个辣鸡疯了,你可以吃个油煎,蘸上酱汁,它仍然很好吃,他们的推特没有把我分开,麦当劳太懒了,我知道你讨厌我的原因,因为我是快餐的第一夫人,这是温迪女王,你不能打败我们给他们上菜牛肉我要让你为卡特在油脂里休息, 转发男孩,你知道你不能在我们的比赛中竞争,男人看着我们看到它没有停止我 (flex) [OUTRO] 嗯,我的猪尾巴红头, 啊快餐的第一夫人,啊你不能扮演我 实施 Wendy's 成功的关键是保持嘻哈艺术家之旅的真实性,首先在流媒体档案上免费发布音乐,并简单地要求人们倾听。我们从未将音乐定位为品牌内容; 我们告诉我们的追随者专辑已经推出,其余的都是他们做的。广播电台播放这种音乐的唯一原因是因为顾客要求,电台经理觉得这种节拍和歌词与老牌嘻哈艺术家不相上下。 EntrySummary 温迪的推特以其时髦的语气而闻名,抨击餐饮业的竞争对手,我们的许多推特互动出现在歌曲中。温迪的关键品牌股票,如 Baconator,甚至最近的竞选成功故事,如 # nuggsforcarter,也出现在歌词中。更进一步,我们包括说唱流行文化的参考资料,如杰伊-Z 的 “4:44” 专辑,这恰好是温迪的价值餐的名字, 德雷克的 “扳机手指”,我们用 “推特手指” 来解释。" 简要解释 这个音频执行的曲目让温迪的社交声音栩栩如生,并为温迪提供了一个将最近的推特互动和说唱战带到嘻哈空间的场所。温迪的《感觉嘻哈》是表达他们声音的最佳流派 -- 新鲜牛肉无缝地翻译成说唱牛肉的世界是很自然的。通过将 @ Wendys 推特手柄变成录音艺术家,Wendy's 通过富有感染力的节拍和与该品牌许多核心股票的诙谐抒情联系,与我们的客户和追随者产生了新的关联。

    Rest in Grease

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish REST IN GREASE at Wendys [INTRO] You gon’ get that work [VERSE] Red head with some pig tails Better check the score, these meals sell Now that’s better, I’m so clever My bars chilly better grab a sweater You blocked my tweets can’t squash the beef Now check my feed and yo’ eyes swellin’ How you love that? These straight facts Tryna take the swag but we don’t want it back I’ma boss chick so they hate that Boy, we tried your food, where the flavor at? You number 1? That’s a joke Why yo’ ice cream machine always broke? Why yo’ drive through always slow? Why yo’ innovation just can’t grow? It’s queen Wendy, need I say mo’? That Baconator go crazy, that spicy chicken go crazy You can take a fry and dip it in the sauce, it still be so tasty Them lil tweets don’t phase me, McDonalds be so lazy I know the reason you hatin’ me ‘cause I’m fast food’s First Lady It’s queen Wendy up in this thang You can’t beat us serving them thangs Y’all too chicken for this beef I’ma leave you resting in grease Nuggs for Carter, retweet Boy, you know you can’t compete On top of our game, man watch us See its no stoppin’ me (flex) [OUTRO] Uh, red head with my pig tails, ah Fast food’s first lady, ah You cannot play me Implementation The key to success for Wendy’s was staying authentic to the hip-hop artist journey by first launching the music for free on streaming profiles and simply asking people to listen. We never positioned the music as a piece of branded content; we told our followers the album had launched, and they did the rest. The only reason radio stations played the music is because customers requested it and station managers felt the beats and lyrics were on par with established hip-hop artists. EntrySummary Wendy's Twitter is known for its sassy tone, taking jabs at competitors within the restaurant industry, and many of our Twitter interactions appear in the songs. Wendy's key brand equities such as the Baconator and even recent campaign success stories like #nuggsforcarter also appear in the song lyrics. Going a step further, we included rap pop culture references such as Jay-Z's "4:44" album, which happens to be the name of a Wendy's value meal, and Drake's "Trigger Fingers," which we riffed on with "Twitter Fingers." BriefExplanation The tracks on this audio execution bring the Wendy's social voice to life and provide a venue for Wendy's to take recent Twitter interactions and rap battles to the hip-hop space. Wendy's felt hip-hop was the best genre to express their voice - it's only natural for fresh beef to translate seamlessly into the world of rap beef. By turning the @Wendys Twitter handle into a recording artist, Wendy's was newly relevant to our customers and followers through infectious beats and witty lyrical ties to many of the brand's core equities.



    Rest in Grease






    广告公司: VML (美国 Kansas City) 制作公司: Six Course




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