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    案例简介:结果 以零媒体美元,“欢迎来到我的邻居” 获得了 5000万多个来自 30 个不同媒体的印象。报道引起了大型公司的关注,如 Cerner 、 UnitedHealthcare 和儿童慈善医院。这些公司现在渴望帮助青年大使资助其项目。许多其他有社区意识的组织也利用这本书让市中心青年面临的问题与那些能够帮助真正变革的人更相关: 1。健康联合会动员行动促进有弹性的社区 2.学校的政府关系主任 3.堪萨斯城学区学生干预执行主任 4. 杰克逊县青少年拘留中心 5. 广场学院 (青少年的替代学校) 6. 没有暴力的堪萨斯城委员会 战略 吸引能够帮助被忽视的市中心青年改善生活的团体 (决策者、资助者和媒体) 的注意力, 我们必须创造每个人都能理解或同情的东西。通过使用一本儿童书籍 (我们都带着它成长) 来讲述现实生活中却可怕的故事,我们建立了这种联系。这本书本身的设计与儿童故事书的大小、插图风格和设计元素相同。乍一看,你认为这是一本童年的故事书,但一旦你打开它,这很快就会改变。 执行 《欢迎来到我的邻居》的设计与儿童故事书的大小、插图风格和设计元素相同。乍一看,你认为这是一本童年的故事书,但一旦你打开它,这很快就会改变。我们和我们的插画家一起开发了这本书的每个角色。许多角色直接来自市中心的住宅、家庭、犯罪现场和瘾君子的研究照片。一旦我们有了角色,我们就可以开始讲述这个故事了。这本书由三个插图化的睡前故事组成,每个都讲述了一个不同的孩子的故事 -- 一个是吸毒,一个是暴力,一个是饥饿。每一个可怕而真实的故事都是用孩子自己的话来实现的,但是被放入了一个每个人都可以理解的格式中。这是一本儿童写的书,但不适合儿童。 概要 市中心的青年生活在贫困的城市社区,在那里他们面临贫困、谋杀和吸毒,这是他们日常生活的一部分。这些问题很清楚 -- 但是大多数美国人忽略它们,因为它们无法联系。青年大使制定了教育和创造性方案,以应对这些社会和学术挑战,帮助青年发展。在零媒体预算的情况下,我们的目标是提高青年大使组织的认识,以及当今市中心青年面临的问题。从每个人童年开始的一本简单的书变成了变革的号召。它已经获得了超过 5000万的印象,被用作筹款活动, 并且已经成为许多其他有社区意识的组织用来帮助改变政策和围绕市中心青年每天面临的问题的观点的文学。 活动描述 许多美国人过着特权生活。他们无法理解市中心青年每天忍受的恐怖。为了帮助美国理解,我们利用市中心儿童在吸毒、暴力和饥饿方面的真实生活经历,从每个人的童年开始创作了一本儿童书籍。这本书《欢迎来到我的邻居》由三个插图化的睡前故事组成,每个故事讲述不同孩子的故事 -- 一个是吸毒,一个是暴力,一个是饥饿。每一个可怕而真实的故事都是用孩子自己的话来实现的,但是被放入了一个每个人都可以理解的格式中。这是一本儿童写的书,但不适合儿童。我们将这本书分发给了关键的决策者、资助者和媒体,要求他们捐赠时间、金钱和权力,以帮助结束这样的故事。


    案例简介:Outcome With zero media dollars, “Welcome to My Neighborhood” garnered more than 50 million earned impressions from 30 different media outlets.The coverage caught the attention of large corporations such as Cerner, UnitedHealthcare and Children’s Mercy Hospital. These companies are now eager to help Youth Ambassadors fund its program.Many other community-minded organizations have also used the book to make the issues facing inner-city youth more relatable to those who can help with real change:1.Health Federation’s Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities2.The Director of Government Relations for the School District3.Executive Director of Student Intervention for the Kansas City School District 4.Jackson County Youth Detention Center 5.Plaza Academy (an alternative school for teenagers)6.Violence-Free Kansas City Committee Strategy To grab the attention of groups (policymakers, funders and the media) that can help better the lives of neglected inner-city youth, we had to create something every person could relate to or empathize with. By using a children’s book (something we all grew up with) to tell real-life yet horrific tales, we made that connection. The book itself is designed with the same size, illustration style and design elements of a children’s storybook. At first glance, you think it is a storybook from your childhood, but that quickly changes once you open it. Execution “Welcome to My Neighborhood” is designed with the same size, illustration style and design elements of a children’s storybook. At first glance, you think it is a storybook from your childhood, but that quickly changes once you open it. We worked with our illustrator to develop each of the book’s characters. Many characters came directly from research photos of inner-city homes, families, crime scenes and crackheads. Once we had our characters, we could start telling the story. The book consisted of three illustrated bedtime stories, each telling a different child’s story — one of drug abuse, one of violence and one of hunger. Each horrific yet true story came to life using the child’s own words, but was put into a format everyone could relate to. It was a book written by children, yet not suitable for children. Synopsis Inner-city youth live in underprivileged urban neighborhoods, where they face poverty, murder and drug abuse as part of their everyday lives. The issues are clear — but most Americans ignore them because they can't relate. Youth Ambassadors has established educational and creative programming that addresses these social and academic challenges to help with youth development. With zero media budget, our goal was to generate awareness for the Youth Ambassadors organization and the issues facing inner-city youth today. What started as a simple book from everyone’s childhood became a rallying cry for change. It has garnered more than 50 million earned impressions, has been used as a fundraiser, and has become literature many other community-minded organizations use to help change policy and views surrounding the issues inner-city youth face every day. CampaignDescription Many Americans live privileged lives. They can’t relate to the horrors inner-city youth endure daily. To help America empathize, we used inner-city children’s real-life experiences of drug abuse, violence and hunger to create a children’s book from everyone’s childhood. The book, “Welcome to My Neighborhood,” consisted of three illustrated bedtime stories, each telling a different child’s story — one of drug abuse, one of violence and one of hunger. Each horrific yet true story came to life using the child’s own words, but was put into a format everyone could relate to. It was a book written by children, yet not suitable for children. We distributed the book to key policymakers, funders and media outlets asking them to donate their time, money and power to help put an end to stories like these.

    Welcome to my Neighborhood

    案例简介:结果 以零媒体美元,“欢迎来到我的邻居” 获得了 5000万多个来自 30 个不同媒体的印象。报道引起了大型公司的关注,如 Cerner 、 UnitedHealthcare 和儿童慈善医院。这些公司现在渴望帮助青年大使资助其项目。许多其他有社区意识的组织也利用这本书让市中心青年面临的问题与那些能够帮助真正变革的人更相关: 1。健康联合会动员行动促进有弹性的社区 2.学校的政府关系主任 3.堪萨斯城学区学生干预执行主任 4. 杰克逊县青少年拘留中心 5. 广场学院 (青少年的替代学校) 6. 没有暴力的堪萨斯城委员会 战略 吸引能够帮助被忽视的市中心青年改善生活的团体 (决策者、资助者和媒体) 的注意力, 我们必须创造每个人都能理解或同情的东西。通过使用一本儿童书籍 (我们都带着它成长) 来讲述现实生活中却可怕的故事,我们建立了这种联系。这本书本身的设计与儿童故事书的大小、插图风格和设计元素相同。乍一看,你认为这是一本童年的故事书,但一旦你打开它,这很快就会改变。 执行 《欢迎来到我的邻居》的设计与儿童故事书的大小、插图风格和设计元素相同。乍一看,你认为这是一本童年的故事书,但一旦你打开它,这很快就会改变。我们和我们的插画家一起开发了这本书的每个角色。许多角色直接来自市中心的住宅、家庭、犯罪现场和瘾君子的研究照片。一旦我们有了角色,我们就可以开始讲述这个故事了。这本书由三个插图化的睡前故事组成,每个都讲述了一个不同的孩子的故事 -- 一个是吸毒,一个是暴力,一个是饥饿。每一个可怕而真实的故事都是用孩子自己的话来实现的,但是被放入了一个每个人都可以理解的格式中。这是一本儿童写的书,但不适合儿童。 概要 市中心的青年生活在贫困的城市社区,在那里他们面临贫困、谋杀和吸毒,这是他们日常生活的一部分。这些问题很清楚 -- 但是大多数美国人忽略它们,因为它们无法联系。青年大使制定了教育和创造性方案,以应对这些社会和学术挑战,帮助青年发展。在零媒体预算的情况下,我们的目标是提高青年大使组织的认识,以及当今市中心青年面临的问题。从每个人童年开始的一本简单的书变成了变革的号召。它已经获得了超过 5000万的印象,被用作筹款活动, 并且已经成为许多其他有社区意识的组织用来帮助改变政策和围绕市中心青年每天面临的问题的观点的文学。 活动描述 许多美国人过着特权生活。他们无法理解市中心青年每天忍受的恐怖。为了帮助美国理解,我们利用市中心儿童在吸毒、暴力和饥饿方面的真实生活经历,从每个人的童年开始创作了一本儿童书籍。这本书《欢迎来到我的邻居》由三个插图化的睡前故事组成,每个故事讲述不同孩子的故事 -- 一个是吸毒,一个是暴力,一个是饥饿。每一个可怕而真实的故事都是用孩子自己的话来实现的,但是被放入了一个每个人都可以理解的格式中。这是一本儿童写的书,但不适合儿童。我们将这本书分发给了关键的决策者、资助者和媒体,要求他们捐赠时间、金钱和权力,以帮助结束这样的故事。

    Welcome to my Neighborhood

    案例简介:Outcome With zero media dollars, “Welcome to My Neighborhood” garnered more than 50 million earned impressions from 30 different media outlets.The coverage caught the attention of large corporations such as Cerner, UnitedHealthcare and Children’s Mercy Hospital. These companies are now eager to help Youth Ambassadors fund its program.Many other community-minded organizations have also used the book to make the issues facing inner-city youth more relatable to those who can help with real change:1.Health Federation’s Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities2.The Director of Government Relations for the School District3.Executive Director of Student Intervention for the Kansas City School District 4.Jackson County Youth Detention Center 5.Plaza Academy (an alternative school for teenagers)6.Violence-Free Kansas City Committee Strategy To grab the attention of groups (policymakers, funders and the media) that can help better the lives of neglected inner-city youth, we had to create something every person could relate to or empathize with. By using a children’s book (something we all grew up with) to tell real-life yet horrific tales, we made that connection. The book itself is designed with the same size, illustration style and design elements of a children’s storybook. At first glance, you think it is a storybook from your childhood, but that quickly changes once you open it. Execution “Welcome to My Neighborhood” is designed with the same size, illustration style and design elements of a children’s storybook. At first glance, you think it is a storybook from your childhood, but that quickly changes once you open it. We worked with our illustrator to develop each of the book’s characters. Many characters came directly from research photos of inner-city homes, families, crime scenes and crackheads. Once we had our characters, we could start telling the story. The book consisted of three illustrated bedtime stories, each telling a different child’s story — one of drug abuse, one of violence and one of hunger. Each horrific yet true story came to life using the child’s own words, but was put into a format everyone could relate to. It was a book written by children, yet not suitable for children. Synopsis Inner-city youth live in underprivileged urban neighborhoods, where they face poverty, murder and drug abuse as part of their everyday lives. The issues are clear — but most Americans ignore them because they can't relate. Youth Ambassadors has established educational and creative programming that addresses these social and academic challenges to help with youth development. With zero media budget, our goal was to generate awareness for the Youth Ambassadors organization and the issues facing inner-city youth today. What started as a simple book from everyone’s childhood became a rallying cry for change. It has garnered more than 50 million earned impressions, has been used as a fundraiser, and has become literature many other community-minded organizations use to help change policy and views surrounding the issues inner-city youth face every day. CampaignDescription Many Americans live privileged lives. They can’t relate to the horrors inner-city youth endure daily. To help America empathize, we used inner-city children’s real-life experiences of drug abuse, violence and hunger to create a children’s book from everyone’s childhood. The book, “Welcome to My Neighborhood,” consisted of three illustrated bedtime stories, each telling a different child’s story — one of drug abuse, one of violence and one of hunger. Each horrific yet true story came to life using the child’s own words, but was put into a format everyone could relate to. It was a book written by children, yet not suitable for children. We distributed the book to key policymakers, funders and media outlets asking them to donate their time, money and power to help put an end to stories like these.



    Welcome to my Neighborhood






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