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    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 在 Wendys [介绍中按住它] 嗯,是的,[合唱团] Wendy 已经按住它一分钟了,现在米奇 * Bleep * 正在尝试牛肉, 现在是结束的时候了,团队可以处理任何问题,这就是你现在得到的主要内容,鸡肉小屋,你装作真的很狂野,安静下来,温迪让他们都没有声音,这不是无忧无虑,我们在镇上跑了很多英里,这不是无忧无虑, 我们经营这个城镇很多英里 [诗歌 1] 现在,还有什么比推特牛肉更幼稚的呢?尤其是当你知道你真的不能竞争的时候,他们应该重新思考食谱中的任何东西,以及我所服务的一切,并把它踢得比特殊团队更多。我是苏格拉底,因为你所有的想法都来自我,他们爱温迪的 'cause 一切都是如此的质量不能没有国王,你的汉堡不是最好的东西,我不敢相信你的农民们有胆量,你以为那天你会来找我,“那牛肉是什么? “他们威胁,现在我真的看到他们威胁,现在我真的看到了,哈,他们威胁,现在我真的看到了 [合唱团]温迪已经坚持了一分钟了,现在米奇 * Bleep * 正在尝试牛肉,现在是时候结束了,团队可以处理任何问题了, 这就是主要的,你现在明白了,鸡肉小屋,你装着真的很狂野的安静下来,温迪让他们都没有声音我们跑了很多英里的城镇,是的,这不是没有 cakewalk,我们跑了很多英里的城镇 [诗歌 2] 现在,嗯,吉格是你想和我牛肉?然后真的,你运气很好,问题是你没有认出我,所以把它包起来,把这些鸡变成橡皮鸭和 BK, 不要以为你逃脱了,你复制了我的旧菜单并把它放在重播上,他们把它像回扣一样带回来,新鲜的食物在你的餐盘上,你杀了我,好吗?呃,我再说一遍,不要和我玩,这不安全, 不能总是这样,所以就像今天一样放弃它,我们就不会再这样了 [合唱团] 温迪已经坚持了一分钟了,现在米奇 * Bleep *, 你需要阻止它,孩子,你现在完成了,团队可以处理任何问题,这就是你现在得到的所有主要内容,鸡肉小屋,你装作 “真的很疯狂,安静下来,温迪把他们都放下一种声音,这不是 cakewalk,我们经营这个城镇很多英里,是的,哈,这不是 cakewalk,我们经营这个城镇很多英里温迪斯 EntrySummary 温迪的推特以其时髦的语气而闻名,抨击餐饮业的竞争对手,我们的许多推特互动出现在歌曲中。温迪的关键品牌股票,如 Baconator,甚至最近的竞选成功故事,如 # nuggsforcarter,也出现在歌词中。更进一步,我们包括说唱流行文化的参考资料,如杰伊-Z 的 “4: 44” 专辑,这恰好是温迪的价值餐的名字, 德雷克的 “扳机手指”,我们用 “推特手指” 来解释。” 简要解释 这个音频执行的曲目让温迪的社交声音栩栩如生,并为温迪提供了一个将最近的推特互动和说唱战带到嘻哈空间的场所。温迪的《感觉嘻哈》是表达他们声音的最佳流派 -- 新鲜牛肉无缝地翻译成说唱牛肉的世界是很自然的。通过将 @ Wendys 推特手柄变成录音艺术家,Wendy's 通过富有感染力的节拍和与该品牌许多核心股票的诙谐抒情联系,与我们的客户和追随者产生了新的关联。


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish HOLDING IT DOWN at Wendys [INTRO] Uh, yeah [CHORUS] Wendy’s been holdin’ it down for like a minute now Mickey *Bleep* was tryna to beef, it’s time to finish now The team can handle any problem, that’s all principal You get it now, chicken shack, you actin’ really wild Quiet that down, Wendy’s leave them all without a sound This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles [VERSE 1] Now, what’s more childish than Twitter beef? Especially when you know you really can’t compete They should rethink whatever is in that recipe And everything I serve and kick it more than special teams I’m Socrates ‘cause all your ideas just come from me They love Wendy’s ‘cause everything is so quality Can’t be no king, yo burgers ain’t the finest thing I can’t believe you peasants have the audacity You took a L the day you thought to come after me “So what’s the beef?” they threaten and now I really see They threaten and now I really see, hah They threaten and now I really see [CHORUS] Wendy’s been holdin’ it down for like a minute now Mickey *Bleep* was tryna to beef, it’s time to finish now The team can handle any problem, that’s all principal You get it now, chicken shack, you actin’ really wild Quiet that down, Wendy’s leave them all without a sound This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles, yeah This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles [VERSE 2] Now, um, the jig is up You wanna beef with me? Then really, you pressed your luck The problem is you didn’t recognize I give no clucks So wrap it up, turn these chickens to rubber ducks And BK, don’t think that you got away You copied my old menu and put it out on replay They bring it back like rebates, fresh food on your dinner plate You killin’ me smalls, okay? Uh, I’ma say it again Don’t play with me, it ain’t safe, can’t always have it yo way So give it up like today and we won’t have this again [CHORUS] Wendy’s been holdin’ it down for like a minute now Mickey *Bleep*, you need to stop it, boy, you finished now The team can handle any problem, that’s all principal You get it now, chicken shack, you actin’ really wild Quiet that down, Wendy’s leave them all without a sound This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles, yeah, hah This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles HOLDING IT DOWN at Wendys EntrySummary Wendy’s Twitter is known for its sassy tone, taking jabs at competitors within the restaurant industry, and many of our Twitter interactions appear in the songs. Wendy’s key brand equities such as the Baconator and even recent campaign success stories like #nuggsforcarter also appear in the song lyrics. Going a step further, we included rap pop culture references such as Jay-Z’s “4:44” album, which happens to be the name of a Wendy’s value meal, and Drake’s “Trigger Fingers,” which we riffed on with “Twitter Fingers.” BriefExplanation The tracks on this audio execution bring the Wendy's social voice to life and provide a venue for Wendy's to take recent Twitter interactions and rap battles to the hip-hop space. Wendy's felt hip-hop was the best genre to express their voice - it's only natural for fresh beef to translate seamlessly into the world of rap beef. By turning the @Wendys Twitter handle into a recording artist, Wendy's was newly relevant to our customers and followers through infectious beats and witty lyrical ties to many of the brand's core equities.

    Rest in Grease

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 在 Wendys [介绍中按住它] 嗯,是的,[合唱团] Wendy 已经按住它一分钟了,现在米奇 * Bleep * 正在尝试牛肉, 现在是结束的时候了,团队可以处理任何问题,这就是你现在得到的主要内容,鸡肉小屋,你装作真的很狂野,安静下来,温迪让他们都没有声音,这不是无忧无虑,我们在镇上跑了很多英里,这不是无忧无虑, 我们经营这个城镇很多英里 [诗歌 1] 现在,还有什么比推特牛肉更幼稚的呢?尤其是当你知道你真的不能竞争的时候,他们应该重新思考食谱中的任何东西,以及我所服务的一切,并把它踢得比特殊团队更多。我是苏格拉底,因为你所有的想法都来自我,他们爱温迪的 'cause 一切都是如此的质量不能没有国王,你的汉堡不是最好的东西,我不敢相信你的农民们有胆量,你以为那天你会来找我,“那牛肉是什么? “他们威胁,现在我真的看到他们威胁,现在我真的看到了,哈,他们威胁,现在我真的看到了 [合唱团]温迪已经坚持了一分钟了,现在米奇 * Bleep * 正在尝试牛肉,现在是时候结束了,团队可以处理任何问题了, 这就是主要的,你现在明白了,鸡肉小屋,你装着真的很狂野的安静下来,温迪让他们都没有声音我们跑了很多英里的城镇,是的,这不是没有 cakewalk,我们跑了很多英里的城镇 [诗歌 2] 现在,嗯,吉格是你想和我牛肉?然后真的,你运气很好,问题是你没有认出我,所以把它包起来,把这些鸡变成橡皮鸭和 BK, 不要以为你逃脱了,你复制了我的旧菜单并把它放在重播上,他们把它像回扣一样带回来,新鲜的食物在你的餐盘上,你杀了我,好吗?呃,我再说一遍,不要和我玩,这不安全, 不能总是这样,所以就像今天一样放弃它,我们就不会再这样了 [合唱团] 温迪已经坚持了一分钟了,现在米奇 * Bleep *, 你需要阻止它,孩子,你现在完成了,团队可以处理任何问题,这就是你现在得到的所有主要内容,鸡肉小屋,你装作 “真的很疯狂,安静下来,温迪把他们都放下一种声音,这不是 cakewalk,我们经营这个城镇很多英里,是的,哈,这不是 cakewalk,我们经营这个城镇很多英里温迪斯 EntrySummary 温迪的推特以其时髦的语气而闻名,抨击餐饮业的竞争对手,我们的许多推特互动出现在歌曲中。温迪的关键品牌股票,如 Baconator,甚至最近的竞选成功故事,如 # nuggsforcarter,也出现在歌词中。更进一步,我们包括说唱流行文化的参考资料,如杰伊-Z 的 “4: 44” 专辑,这恰好是温迪的价值餐的名字, 德雷克的 “扳机手指”,我们用 “推特手指” 来解释。” 简要解释 这个音频执行的曲目让温迪的社交声音栩栩如生,并为温迪提供了一个将最近的推特互动和说唱战带到嘻哈空间的场所。温迪的《感觉嘻哈》是表达他们声音的最佳流派 -- 新鲜牛肉无缝地翻译成说唱牛肉的世界是很自然的。通过将 @ Wendys 推特手柄变成录音艺术家,Wendy's 通过富有感染力的节拍和与该品牌许多核心股票的诙谐抒情联系,与我们的客户和追随者产生了新的关联。

    Rest in Grease

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish HOLDING IT DOWN at Wendys [INTRO] Uh, yeah [CHORUS] Wendy’s been holdin’ it down for like a minute now Mickey *Bleep* was tryna to beef, it’s time to finish now The team can handle any problem, that’s all principal You get it now, chicken shack, you actin’ really wild Quiet that down, Wendy’s leave them all without a sound This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles [VERSE 1] Now, what’s more childish than Twitter beef? Especially when you know you really can’t compete They should rethink whatever is in that recipe And everything I serve and kick it more than special teams I’m Socrates ‘cause all your ideas just come from me They love Wendy’s ‘cause everything is so quality Can’t be no king, yo burgers ain’t the finest thing I can’t believe you peasants have the audacity You took a L the day you thought to come after me “So what’s the beef?” they threaten and now I really see They threaten and now I really see, hah They threaten and now I really see [CHORUS] Wendy’s been holdin’ it down for like a minute now Mickey *Bleep* was tryna to beef, it’s time to finish now The team can handle any problem, that’s all principal You get it now, chicken shack, you actin’ really wild Quiet that down, Wendy’s leave them all without a sound This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles, yeah This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles [VERSE 2] Now, um, the jig is up You wanna beef with me? Then really, you pressed your luck The problem is you didn’t recognize I give no clucks So wrap it up, turn these chickens to rubber ducks And BK, don’t think that you got away You copied my old menu and put it out on replay They bring it back like rebates, fresh food on your dinner plate You killin’ me smalls, okay? Uh, I’ma say it again Don’t play with me, it ain’t safe, can’t always have it yo way So give it up like today and we won’t have this again [CHORUS] Wendy’s been holdin’ it down for like a minute now Mickey *Bleep*, you need to stop it, boy, you finished now The team can handle any problem, that’s all principal You get it now, chicken shack, you actin’ really wild Quiet that down, Wendy’s leave them all without a sound This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles, yeah, hah This ain’t no cakewalk, we run the town for many miles HOLDING IT DOWN at Wendys EntrySummary Wendy’s Twitter is known for its sassy tone, taking jabs at competitors within the restaurant industry, and many of our Twitter interactions appear in the songs. Wendy’s key brand equities such as the Baconator and even recent campaign success stories like #nuggsforcarter also appear in the song lyrics. Going a step further, we included rap pop culture references such as Jay-Z’s “4:44” album, which happens to be the name of a Wendy’s value meal, and Drake’s “Trigger Fingers,” which we riffed on with “Twitter Fingers.” BriefExplanation The tracks on this audio execution bring the Wendy's social voice to life and provide a venue for Wendy's to take recent Twitter interactions and rap battles to the hip-hop space. Wendy's felt hip-hop was the best genre to express their voice - it's only natural for fresh beef to translate seamlessly into the world of rap beef. By turning the @Wendys Twitter handle into a recording artist, Wendy's was newly relevant to our customers and followers through infectious beats and witty lyrical ties to many of the brand's core equities.



    Rest in Grease






    广告公司: VML (美国 Kansas City) 制作公司: Six Course




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