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    案例简介:战略 高收入 (80 K +) 澳大利亚商人; 购买至少一套西装 (1 K +) a.; 无法表达品牌、风格、范围之外的差异。在有限的预算下,我们的目标是改变围绕旅行套装的对话,并拥有这种差异化的定位。因此,我们的媒体战略专注于商业和风格影响者和出版物,而我们的社交和自有资产 (店内、 eDM) 通过现场直播将这个想法付诸实践。我们制定了一个三管齐下的策略: 消费者研究、酷刑测试和产品试验。通过通过 Facebook 直播酷刑测试,我们将展示诉讼如何满足极端旅行的需求。媒体和影响者被鼓励在从过山车到足球比赛的所有东西上测试他们自己的 100% 美利奴羊毛旅行服。 结果 我们设定了一个目标,以实现 M.J.的销售增长。贝尔的 100% 美利奴旅行套装 10%。在前两个星期,我们看到一个提高 20% 的适应范围网络和跨 mj。贝尔的 38 家商店。该活动增加了对新客户的接触,非粉丝的接触达到 75%,而我们的基准是 47%。公关达到 2500万 -- 澳大利亚的每个眼球与 1000万的目标。社交媒体总量达到 119万。有机接触增加 10%。我们影响消费者询问了 100% 件美利奴羊毛套装,在社交媒体和有影响力的媒体上展开讨论,讨论羊毛中微米对耐用性的重要性。消费者以前很少看到不同品牌的西装之间的区别。由于 “uncrushable” 活动,大部分顾客要么坚持 100% 美利奴羊毛,要么至少就此提出问题。 概要 澳大利亚人比任何其他国家出差都更远。不断努力寻找和感受他们的最佳状态,跳下飞机,径直走进会议室。简介: 男性西装类别很难。拥有商务旅行的耐用性和性能是 M.J.的关键区别贝尔。他们的西装是 100% 澳大利亚美利奴羊毛。不管一个绅士穿的西装有多硬,不管是被压碎还是被拉伸,羊毛微子的 “记忆” 总是 “反弹” 到到完美的外观和合身。贝尔挑战我们让每个人重新谈论他们。目标: 1。教育商人了解 100% 澳大利亚美利奴羊毛及其在 suits2 的旅行耐久性。影响购买者坚持 100% 美利奴羊毛套装 3。确保高价值的媒体覆盖范围; 10m4 的目标。将搜索流量增加 10% 5。增加 M.J.打包套装销售额 10%; 在线销售渠道,38 家零售店。 活动描述 我们把 M.J.贝尔的 100% 美利奴羊毛旅行套装通过了最终产品试用和 “酷刑测试”,以证明它满足了澳大利亚商务旅行者的需求,他们的旅程比任何人都更长更远。超过 20,000千米人连续五天穿越 9 个国家,一个不知情的模特穿着西装在悉尼参加伦敦的时装拍摄。在这两者之间有一个艰苦的旅程,穿越新加坡、吉隆坡、曼谷、迪拜、阿布扎比、罗马、那不勒斯、阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹和和乘坐飞机、火车、嘟嘟车、自行车,甚至隔夜渡船穿越北海到英国。所有人都没有睡觉,也没有换他在悉尼穿的 100% 美利奴羊毛旅行套装。模特汤姆 · 布尔是一个破碎的人,但是西装是无可挑剔的,证明你可以粉碎这个人,但是你不能粉碎西装。 相关性 产品 “酷刑测试” 在许多平台上直播,包括 Facebook 和 Facebook live 、 Instagram 和 M.J贝尔拥有渠道和零售店。正是这些渠道的结合帮助讲述了这个故事,并让观众参与了这个想法。我们相信 Facebook Live 的使用特别强大,因为它向观众保证了旅程正在直播,而且没有以任何方式上演。真实性是这个想法可信度的关键。 执行 一个小型制作团队和模特汤姆·布尔从悉尼出发,连续五天穿越九个国家,在伦敦进行最后一次拍摄,没有睡觉也没有酒店房间。这次旅行是通过 Instagram 和 Facebook live 在社交渠道上直播的。在旅途中,汤姆 · 布尔通过 Facebook live 做了一份每日现场报道和问答,证明这是实时发生的,而不是上演的。成千上万的人跟随。最难忘的时刻变成了可共享的视频内容,跨越媒体和我们自己的社交渠道。穿越九个国家的旅程实时发生在 Facebook; Facebook Live; Instagram; 38 M.J.贝尔零售商店; M.J.贝尔的 EDMs; 和公关。时间表: 规划: 必要的拍摄和现场社交: 3月19日记者审判: 3月23日公关发布: 3月23日。规模: 到目前为止,该运动通过赢得的媒体和社交网络已经达到超过 2600万人。


    案例简介:Strategy High-income ($80K+) Australian businessmen; purchase at least one suit ($1K+) p.a.; unable to articulate differences beyond brand, style, ranging.With limited budget, our goal was to change the conversation around travel suits and own this differentiated positioning. As a result, our media strategy focused on business and style influencers and publications while our social and owned assets (in-store, eDM) brought the idea to life via a live broadcast.We developed a three-pronged strategy: consumer research, torture test, and product trials. By live broadcasting the torture test via Facebook we’d show how the suit could meet the demands of extreme travelling. Media and influencers were encouraged to test out their own 100% Merino wool travel suit on everything from rollercoasters to football matches. Outcome We were set an objective to achieve an increase of sales of M.J. Bale’s 100% Merino travel suits by 10%. In the first two weeks, we saw an uplift of 20% across the suiting range online and across M.J. Bale’s 38 stores.The campaign brought increased exposure to new customers with 75% of reach with non-fans versus our benchmark of 47%.PR reach was 25 million – every eyeball in Australia versus a 10 million target.Total social media reach 1.19 million.Organic reach increased by 10%.We influenced consumers to ask about 100% Merino wool suits, opening up discussions in social and influencer media about the importance of microns in the wool for durability purposes.Consumers previously saw little differentiation between different makes of suits. As a result of the ‘Uncrushable’ campaign, large proportions of customers either insist on 100% Merino wool or at least ask questions about it. Synopsis Australians travel farther for business than any other nation. A constant struggle to look and feel their best, hopping off the plane and going straight into the boardroom.BRIEF:The male suiting category is tough. Owning durability and performance for business travel is a key differentiation for M.J. Bale. Their suits are 100% Australian Merino wool. No matter how hard a gent wears their suit, whether it is crushed or stretched, the wool microns’ ‘memory’ always ‘bounces back’ to a perfect look and fit.M.J. Bale challenged us to get everyone talking about them afresh. OBJECTIVES:1. Educate businessmen about 100% Australian Merino wool and its travel durability in suits2. Influence purchasers to insist on 100% Merino wool suits3. Secure high-value earned media reach; target of 10m4. Increase search traffic by 10%5. Increase M.J. Bale suit sales by 10%; online sales channels, 38 retail stores. Campaign Description We put M.J. Bale’s 100% Merino wool travel suit through the ultimate product trial and ‘torture test’ to prove that it meets the demands of Australian business travellers, who journey longer and farther than anyone else.Travelling more than 20,000km through nine countries over five days non-stop, an unsuspecting model was dressed in a suit in Sydney for a fashion shoot that took place in London. In between was a gruelling journey across Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Rome, Naples, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Harwich on planes, trains, tuk-tuks, bikes and even an overnight ferry across the North Sea to the UK. All without sleep and without changing the one, 100% Merino wool travel suit he donned in Sydney.Model Tom Bull was a broken man but the suit was impeccable, proving that you can crush the man, but you can’t crush the suit. Relevancy The product ‘torture test’ was played out live over a number of platforms including Facebook and Facebook Live, Instagram, and M.J. Bale owned channels and retail stores. It was the combination of these channels that helped to tell the story and involve the audience in the idea. We believe the utilisation of Facebook Live was particularly powerful as it assured the audience that the journey was happening live, and it wasn’t staged in any way. Authenticity was key for the credibility of the idea. Execution A small production crew and model Tom Bull travelled from Sydney through nine countries non-stop for five days to the final shoot in London, without sleep or hotel rooms.The journey was captured live on social channels via Instagram and Facebook Live. Along the journey, Tom Bull did a daily live report and Q&A via Facebook Live, proving it was happening in real time, not staged. Thousands tuned in to follow. The most memorable moments became shareable video content, across media and our own social channels.The journey across nine countries happened in real time across Facebook; Facebook Live; Instagram; 38 M.J. Bale retail stores; M.J. Bale’s EDMs; and in PR.TIMELINE:Planning: FebruaryFilming and live social: 15-19 March Journalist trials: 15-23 March PR launch: 23 March.SCALE:The campaign has so far achieved a reach of over 26 million people through earned media and social.


    案例简介:战略 高收入 (80 K +) 澳大利亚商人; 购买至少一套西装 (1 K +) a.; 无法表达品牌、风格、范围之外的差异。在有限的预算下,我们的目标是改变围绕旅行套装的对话,并拥有这种差异化的定位。因此,我们的媒体战略专注于商业和风格影响者和出版物,而我们的社交和自有资产 (店内、 eDM) 通过现场直播将这个想法付诸实践。我们制定了一个三管齐下的策略: 消费者研究、酷刑测试和产品试验。通过通过 Facebook 直播酷刑测试,我们将展示诉讼如何满足极端旅行的需求。媒体和影响者被鼓励在从过山车到足球比赛的所有东西上测试他们自己的 100% 美利奴羊毛旅行服。 结果 我们设定了一个目标,以实现 M.J.的销售增长。贝尔的 100% 美利奴旅行套装 10%。在前两个星期,我们看到一个提高 20% 的适应范围网络和跨 mj。贝尔的 38 家商店。该活动增加了对新客户的接触,非粉丝的接触达到 75%,而我们的基准是 47%。公关达到 2500万 -- 澳大利亚的每个眼球与 1000万的目标。社交媒体总量达到 119万。有机接触增加 10%。我们影响消费者询问了 100% 件美利奴羊毛套装,在社交媒体和有影响力的媒体上展开讨论,讨论羊毛中微米对耐用性的重要性。消费者以前很少看到不同品牌的西装之间的区别。由于 “uncrushable” 活动,大部分顾客要么坚持 100% 美利奴羊毛,要么至少就此提出问题。 概要 澳大利亚人比任何其他国家出差都更远。不断努力寻找和感受他们的最佳状态,跳下飞机,径直走进会议室。简介: 男性西装类别很难。拥有商务旅行的耐用性和性能是 M.J.的关键区别贝尔。他们的西装是 100% 澳大利亚美利奴羊毛。不管一个绅士穿的西装有多硬,不管是被压碎还是被拉伸,羊毛微子的 “记忆” 总是 “反弹” 到到完美的外观和合身。贝尔挑战我们让每个人重新谈论他们。目标: 1。教育商人了解 100% 澳大利亚美利奴羊毛及其在 suits2 的旅行耐久性。影响购买者坚持 100% 美利奴羊毛套装 3。确保高价值的媒体覆盖范围; 10m4 的目标。将搜索流量增加 10% 5。增加 M.J.打包套装销售额 10%; 在线销售渠道,38 家零售店。 活动描述 我们把 M.J.贝尔的 100% 美利奴羊毛旅行套装通过了最终产品试用和 “酷刑测试”,以证明它满足了澳大利亚商务旅行者的需求,他们的旅程比任何人都更长更远。超过 20,000千米人连续五天穿越 9 个国家,一个不知情的模特穿着西装在悉尼参加伦敦的时装拍摄。在这两者之间有一个艰苦的旅程,穿越新加坡、吉隆坡、曼谷、迪拜、阿布扎比、罗马、那不勒斯、阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹和和乘坐飞机、火车、嘟嘟车、自行车,甚至隔夜渡船穿越北海到英国。所有人都没有睡觉,也没有换他在悉尼穿的 100% 美利奴羊毛旅行套装。模特汤姆 · 布尔是一个破碎的人,但是西装是无可挑剔的,证明你可以粉碎这个人,但是你不能粉碎西装。 相关性 产品 “酷刑测试” 在许多平台上直播,包括 Facebook 和 Facebook live 、 Instagram 和 M.J贝尔拥有渠道和零售店。正是这些渠道的结合帮助讲述了这个故事,并让观众参与了这个想法。我们相信 Facebook Live 的使用特别强大,因为它向观众保证了旅程正在直播,而且没有以任何方式上演。真实性是这个想法可信度的关键。 执行 一个小型制作团队和模特汤姆·布尔从悉尼出发,连续五天穿越九个国家,在伦敦进行最后一次拍摄,没有睡觉也没有酒店房间。这次旅行是通过 Instagram 和 Facebook live 在社交渠道上直播的。在旅途中,汤姆 · 布尔通过 Facebook live 做了一份每日现场报道和问答,证明这是实时发生的,而不是上演的。成千上万的人跟随。最难忘的时刻变成了可共享的视频内容,跨越媒体和我们自己的社交渠道。穿越九个国家的旅程实时发生在 Facebook; Facebook Live; Instagram; 38 M.J.贝尔零售商店; M.J.贝尔的 EDMs; 和公关。时间表: 规划: 必要的拍摄和现场社交: 3月19日记者审判: 3月23日公关发布: 3月23日。规模: 到目前为止,该运动通过赢得的媒体和社交网络已经达到超过 2600万人。


    案例简介:Strategy High-income ($80K+) Australian businessmen; purchase at least one suit ($1K+) p.a.; unable to articulate differences beyond brand, style, ranging.With limited budget, our goal was to change the conversation around travel suits and own this differentiated positioning. As a result, our media strategy focused on business and style influencers and publications while our social and owned assets (in-store, eDM) brought the idea to life via a live broadcast.We developed a three-pronged strategy: consumer research, torture test, and product trials. By live broadcasting the torture test via Facebook we’d show how the suit could meet the demands of extreme travelling. Media and influencers were encouraged to test out their own 100% Merino wool travel suit on everything from rollercoasters to football matches. Outcome We were set an objective to achieve an increase of sales of M.J. Bale’s 100% Merino travel suits by 10%. In the first two weeks, we saw an uplift of 20% across the suiting range online and across M.J. Bale’s 38 stores.The campaign brought increased exposure to new customers with 75% of reach with non-fans versus our benchmark of 47%.PR reach was 25 million – every eyeball in Australia versus a 10 million target.Total social media reach 1.19 million.Organic reach increased by 10%.We influenced consumers to ask about 100% Merino wool suits, opening up discussions in social and influencer media about the importance of microns in the wool for durability purposes.Consumers previously saw little differentiation between different makes of suits. As a result of the ‘Uncrushable’ campaign, large proportions of customers either insist on 100% Merino wool or at least ask questions about it. Synopsis Australians travel farther for business than any other nation. A constant struggle to look and feel their best, hopping off the plane and going straight into the boardroom.BRIEF:The male suiting category is tough. Owning durability and performance for business travel is a key differentiation for M.J. Bale. Their suits are 100% Australian Merino wool. No matter how hard a gent wears their suit, whether it is crushed or stretched, the wool microns’ ‘memory’ always ‘bounces back’ to a perfect look and fit.M.J. Bale challenged us to get everyone talking about them afresh. OBJECTIVES:1. Educate businessmen about 100% Australian Merino wool and its travel durability in suits2. Influence purchasers to insist on 100% Merino wool suits3. Secure high-value earned media reach; target of 10m4. Increase search traffic by 10%5. Increase M.J. Bale suit sales by 10%; online sales channels, 38 retail stores. Campaign Description We put M.J. Bale’s 100% Merino wool travel suit through the ultimate product trial and ‘torture test’ to prove that it meets the demands of Australian business travellers, who journey longer and farther than anyone else.Travelling more than 20,000km through nine countries over five days non-stop, an unsuspecting model was dressed in a suit in Sydney for a fashion shoot that took place in London. In between was a gruelling journey across Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Rome, Naples, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Harwich on planes, trains, tuk-tuks, bikes and even an overnight ferry across the North Sea to the UK. All without sleep and without changing the one, 100% Merino wool travel suit he donned in Sydney.Model Tom Bull was a broken man but the suit was impeccable, proving that you can crush the man, but you can’t crush the suit. Relevancy The product ‘torture test’ was played out live over a number of platforms including Facebook and Facebook Live, Instagram, and M.J. Bale owned channels and retail stores. It was the combination of these channels that helped to tell the story and involve the audience in the idea. We believe the utilisation of Facebook Live was particularly powerful as it assured the audience that the journey was happening live, and it wasn’t staged in any way. Authenticity was key for the credibility of the idea. Execution A small production crew and model Tom Bull travelled from Sydney through nine countries non-stop for five days to the final shoot in London, without sleep or hotel rooms.The journey was captured live on social channels via Instagram and Facebook Live. Along the journey, Tom Bull did a daily live report and Q&A via Facebook Live, proving it was happening in real time, not staged. Thousands tuned in to follow. The most memorable moments became shareable video content, across media and our own social channels.The journey across nine countries happened in real time across Facebook; Facebook Live; Instagram; 38 M.J. Bale retail stores; M.J. Bale’s EDMs; and in PR.TIMELINE:Planning: FebruaryFilming and live social: 15-19 March Journalist trials: 15-23 March PR launch: 23 March.SCALE:The campaign has so far achieved a reach of over 26 million people through earned media and social.













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