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    Data Auction短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:大纲 在澳大利亚,使用后付费手机计划的人会在每个月底被大型电信公司收回他们未使用的数据。这是他们已经支付的数据,但不要使用。平均来说,每位顾客每月高达 4.5gb,相当于播放八集《权力的游戏》。只有维珍移动不同,为其客户提供数据展期,给他们第二次使用它的机会。维珍移动在 2015 年推出了数据展期,但它仍然是与竞争对手的一个重要区别。我们面临的挑战是找到一种新的方式来谈论它,让澳大利亚看到数据盗窃的不公正,为了证明只有一家电信公司真正重视客户支付的数据 -- 维珍移动。 市场活动描述 为了做到这一点,我们创建了维珍移动数据拍卖: 世界上第一个拍卖,人们未使用的数据被接受为货币,以竞标真实的大件物品和体验。拍卖只在Facebook上进行,我们在 30 天内拍卖了 30 个拍品。这确保了每个人都有机会投标,因为每月计划在不同的日子完成。拍卖品包括从新手机、无人驾驶飞机和气垫板到压轴戏的所有东西 -- 在斐济的一个私人岛屿上一周,价值 40,000 美元。我们也对特殊的日子做出了具体的反应,比如在国际星球大战日 (5 月 4 日) 拍卖冲锋队的盔甲,以及新闻报道,同一天,竞争对手澳大利亚电信在狂欢节上提供了一个席位,收回了对婚姻平等的支持。 执行 数据拍卖于 2016 年 4 月 15 日至 5 月 15 日在Facebook上独家启动并运行。它得到了维珍移动其他社交渠道的每日Instagram帖子和推文的支持,这些帖子和推文将流量驱动到进行竞价的维珍移动页面。一件物品连续 30 天每天现场拍卖,招标在AEST时间下午7点至下午8点之间公开。我们独特的每日拍卖视频帖子在竞标时间前几小时出现在新闻提要中,以在拍卖开始后激发兴趣和参与。 策略 我们的数据拍卖专门针对其他电信公司的客户,每月都有数据被盗。就像任何拍卖一样,最高出价总是获胜,所以随着每一批拍卖,我们将其他电信公司最大的数据输家变成维珍移动最大的赢家。通过在脸书上运行拍卖,投标简单而即时 -- 人们所要做的就是在我们的每日拍卖帖子上发表评论,证明他们没有使用的数据。这样,我们提请他们注意每个月底他们个人丢失了多少数据。这也意味着我们能够同时向每个投标人发送关于维珍移动数据展期服务好处的个性化上下文信息。 结果 维珍移动数据拍卖大受欢迎,平均中标 6.1GB的未使用数据。每一次每日拍卖都让我们的观众注意到每月有多少数据被其他电信公司窃取。新闻、娱乐和科技媒体都报道了拍卖,让我们免费向更广泛的受众推广。同样重要的是,每一则新闻故事和文章也传播了对澳大利亚大型电信公司数据盗窃问题的认识,以及维珍移动与数据展期的不同之处。• 维珍手机Facebook页面的流量增加 258% • 维珍手机内容的参与度增加 160% • 1,624,418 的印象 • 483,345 的视频总浏览量


    案例简介:Synopsis In Australia, people on postpaid mobile phone plans have their unused data taken back by the big telco companies at the end of every month. This is data they’ve paid for, but don’t get to use. On average it adds up to 4.5GB per customer per month, equivalent to streaming eight episodes of Game of Thrones. Only Virgin Mobile is different, offering Data Rollover to its customers, giving them a second chance to use it. Virgin Mobile launched Data Rollover in 2015, yet it remains a strong point of difference against its competitors. Our challenge was to find a new way to talk about it and make Australia see the injustice of data theft, to prove that only one telco company truly values the data customers have paid for – Virgin Mobile. Campaign Description To do this, we created the Virgin Mobile Data Auction: the world’s first auction where people’s unused data was accepted as currency to bid for real, big-ticket items and experiences. The auction ran exclusively on Facebook, where we auctioned off 30 lots over 30 days. This ensured everyone had a chance to bid, as monthly plans finish on different days.Auction lots included everything from new phones, drones and hoverboards to the grand finale item – a week on a private island in Fiji, worth $40,000. We also reacted contextually to special days, like auctioning off Stormtrooper armour on International Star Wars Day (May the 4th), and news stories, offering a spot on a Mardi Gras float on the same day Telstra, a rival, backtracked on its support for marriage equality. Execution The Data Auction launched and ran exclusively on Facebook from 15 April to 15 May 2016. It was supported by daily Instagram posts and Tweets from Virgin Mobile’s other social channels, which drove traffic to the Virgin Mobile page where bidding took place. One item was auctioned off live every day for 30 days, with bidding open between 7pm and 8pm AEST. Our unique daily auction video posts appeared in News Feeds hours before the bidding time to drive interest and engagement once the auction started. Strategy Our Data Auction specifically targeted other telco companies’ customers on monthly contract plans, the very people having their data stolen every month. As with any auction the highest bid always won, so with every lot auctioned off we were turning the biggest data losers with the other telco companies into the biggest winners with Virgin Mobile.By running the auction on Facebook, bidding was simple and instant – all people had to do was comment on our daily auction post with proof of their unused data. This way, we drew their attention to exactly how much data they personally were losing at the end of each month. It also meant that we were able to send a personalised, contextual message to every bidder about the benefits of Virgin Mobile’s Data Rollover service at the same time. Outcome The Virgin Mobile Data Auction was a hit, with a huge average winning bid of 6.1GB of unused data. Every daily auction drew our audience’s attention to just how much data is stolen by the other telco companies every month. News, entertainment and tech media outlets all covered the auction, giving us free promotion to a much wider audience. Just as importantly, every news story and article also spread awareness of the issue of data theft by Australia’s big telco companies and Virgin Mobile’s point of difference with Data Rollover. •258% increase in traffic to Virgin Mobile Facebook page•160% increase in engagement with Virgin Mobile content•1,624,418 impressions• 483,345 total video views

    Data Auction

    案例简介:大纲 在澳大利亚,使用后付费手机计划的人会在每个月底被大型电信公司收回他们未使用的数据。这是他们已经支付的数据,但不要使用。平均来说,每位顾客每月高达 4.5gb,相当于播放八集《权力的游戏》。只有维珍移动不同,为其客户提供数据展期,给他们第二次使用它的机会。维珍移动在 2015 年推出了数据展期,但它仍然是与竞争对手的一个重要区别。我们面临的挑战是找到一种新的方式来谈论它,让澳大利亚看到数据盗窃的不公正,为了证明只有一家电信公司真正重视客户支付的数据 -- 维珍移动。 市场活动描述 为了做到这一点,我们创建了维珍移动数据拍卖: 世界上第一个拍卖,人们未使用的数据被接受为货币,以竞标真实的大件物品和体验。拍卖只在Facebook上进行,我们在 30 天内拍卖了 30 个拍品。这确保了每个人都有机会投标,因为每月计划在不同的日子完成。拍卖品包括从新手机、无人驾驶飞机和气垫板到压轴戏的所有东西 -- 在斐济的一个私人岛屿上一周,价值 40,000 美元。我们也对特殊的日子做出了具体的反应,比如在国际星球大战日 (5 月 4 日) 拍卖冲锋队的盔甲,以及新闻报道,同一天,竞争对手澳大利亚电信在狂欢节上提供了一个席位,收回了对婚姻平等的支持。 执行 数据拍卖于 2016 年 4 月 15 日至 5 月 15 日在Facebook上独家启动并运行。它得到了维珍移动其他社交渠道的每日Instagram帖子和推文的支持,这些帖子和推文将流量驱动到进行竞价的维珍移动页面。一件物品连续 30 天每天现场拍卖,招标在AEST时间下午7点至下午8点之间公开。我们独特的每日拍卖视频帖子在竞标时间前几小时出现在新闻提要中,以在拍卖开始后激发兴趣和参与。 策略 我们的数据拍卖专门针对其他电信公司的客户,每月都有数据被盗。就像任何拍卖一样,最高出价总是获胜,所以随着每一批拍卖,我们将其他电信公司最大的数据输家变成维珍移动最大的赢家。通过在脸书上运行拍卖,投标简单而即时 -- 人们所要做的就是在我们的每日拍卖帖子上发表评论,证明他们没有使用的数据。这样,我们提请他们注意每个月底他们个人丢失了多少数据。这也意味着我们能够同时向每个投标人发送关于维珍移动数据展期服务好处的个性化上下文信息。 结果 维珍移动数据拍卖大受欢迎,平均中标 6.1GB的未使用数据。每一次每日拍卖都让我们的观众注意到每月有多少数据被其他电信公司窃取。新闻、娱乐和科技媒体都报道了拍卖,让我们免费向更广泛的受众推广。同样重要的是,每一则新闻故事和文章也传播了对澳大利亚大型电信公司数据盗窃问题的认识,以及维珍移动与数据展期的不同之处。• 维珍手机Facebook页面的流量增加 258% • 维珍手机内容的参与度增加 160% • 1,624,418 的印象 • 483,345 的视频总浏览量

    Data Auction

    案例简介:Synopsis In Australia, people on postpaid mobile phone plans have their unused data taken back by the big telco companies at the end of every month. This is data they’ve paid for, but don’t get to use. On average it adds up to 4.5GB per customer per month, equivalent to streaming eight episodes of Game of Thrones. Only Virgin Mobile is different, offering Data Rollover to its customers, giving them a second chance to use it. Virgin Mobile launched Data Rollover in 2015, yet it remains a strong point of difference against its competitors. Our challenge was to find a new way to talk about it and make Australia see the injustice of data theft, to prove that only one telco company truly values the data customers have paid for – Virgin Mobile. Campaign Description To do this, we created the Virgin Mobile Data Auction: the world’s first auction where people’s unused data was accepted as currency to bid for real, big-ticket items and experiences. The auction ran exclusively on Facebook, where we auctioned off 30 lots over 30 days. This ensured everyone had a chance to bid, as monthly plans finish on different days.Auction lots included everything from new phones, drones and hoverboards to the grand finale item – a week on a private island in Fiji, worth $40,000. We also reacted contextually to special days, like auctioning off Stormtrooper armour on International Star Wars Day (May the 4th), and news stories, offering a spot on a Mardi Gras float on the same day Telstra, a rival, backtracked on its support for marriage equality. Execution The Data Auction launched and ran exclusively on Facebook from 15 April to 15 May 2016. It was supported by daily Instagram posts and Tweets from Virgin Mobile’s other social channels, which drove traffic to the Virgin Mobile page where bidding took place. One item was auctioned off live every day for 30 days, with bidding open between 7pm and 8pm AEST. Our unique daily auction video posts appeared in News Feeds hours before the bidding time to drive interest and engagement once the auction started. Strategy Our Data Auction specifically targeted other telco companies’ customers on monthly contract plans, the very people having their data stolen every month. As with any auction the highest bid always won, so with every lot auctioned off we were turning the biggest data losers with the other telco companies into the biggest winners with Virgin Mobile.By running the auction on Facebook, bidding was simple and instant – all people had to do was comment on our daily auction post with proof of their unused data. This way, we drew their attention to exactly how much data they personally were losing at the end of each month. It also meant that we were able to send a personalised, contextual message to every bidder about the benefits of Virgin Mobile’s Data Rollover service at the same time. Outcome The Virgin Mobile Data Auction was a hit, with a huge average winning bid of 6.1GB of unused data. Every daily auction drew our audience’s attention to just how much data is stolen by the other telco companies every month. News, entertainment and tech media outlets all covered the auction, giving us free promotion to a much wider audience. Just as importantly, every news story and article also spread awareness of the issue of data theft by Australia’s big telco companies and Virgin Mobile’s point of difference with Data Rollover. •258% increase in traffic to Virgin Mobile Facebook page•160% increase in engagement with Virgin Mobile content•1,624,418 impressions• 483,345 total video views



    Data Auction










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