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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 M.J.贝尔是一个相对较新的高端澳大利亚男装时尚品牌。我们的目标是提高对该品牌的认识,并赞助澳大利亚板球队作为该队的官方裁缝。作为团队最小的赞助商,他们不能参加团队的主流交流、制服甚至球场,对赞助和品牌的认识都很低。我们相对较小的赞助预算也意味着在发布时没有付费媒体。所有的公关都需要从这个想法的力量中产生。我们需要激发我们的目标 (热爱运动并希望看起来敏锐的澳大利亚男人) 和潜在的库存主义者 (国家百货连锁店)。为此,我们找到了澳大利亚板球队获胜最多的椭圆形,悉尼板球场 (SCG)。我们从那里取来草,在美利奴羊场重新种植,用羊毛和手工制作的西装喂养我们的绵羊,现在注入了胜利,为澳大利亚板球队服务。西装里的故事给了澳大利亚最知名的体育明星、评论员、板球球迷和任何穿着我们的 “greatness” 西装的人一个独特的公关故事。该小组和记者播下的内容得到了主流的全国报道。获得 8.5 媒体印象 (广播电视、新闻、社论、公关、社交媒体),价值 3.2 澳元。M.J.贝尔在竞选高峰期获得了最大份额的声音。让球队最大的 (也是最大的支出) 赞助商脱颖而出。 描述客户的简报 该运动的目标是提高对 M.J.的认识。贝尔品牌及其对澳大利亚板球队的赞助。我们知道我们有一系列高质量的男士套装,远远高于商店的平均顾客转化率。意识是我们获得新客户和更多零售商店的关键。当时的目标是放大 M.J.贝尔的声音的份额,与更大的支出赞助商,并建立意识和愿望。我们相对较小的赞助预算意味着在发布时没有付费媒体,公关必须从这个想法的力量中产生。 结果 公关活动非常成功,实现了所有目标。推出时没有付费媒体,但该运动实现了全国宣传媒体报道 (广播电视、新闻、社论、公关、社交媒体) 价值超过 3.2 澳元 (330万美元)。公关风潮促成了 M.J.贝尔将其全国分销业务扩展到澳大利亚最大、最负盛名的零售连锁店,在全国范围内新增 38 家门店。店内流量和销售额飙升至历史新高,定制西装订单增长 520%。惊人的 1,400% 投资回报。(每花 1 美元 14 美元)。不出所料,每天有超过 500,000 游客的澳大利亚板球网站宣传了这项运动。澳大利亚政府正式承认 M.J.贝尔的努力: 澳大利亚羊毛委员会承诺为进一步的羊毛创新提供资金。M.J.贝尔在竞选高峰期获得了最大份额的声音。都来自球队最小的赞助。 执行 在我们的西装中注入胜利创造了体育明星和他们的粉丝所渴望的产品。这是澳大利亚板球队的赞助商第一次改变产品来支持球队,澳大利亚媒体喜欢这种独特的方法。在一场国际板球测试赛中,我们推出了 “greatness” 电影。随着全国媒体对该队的充分关注,他们和其他著名的澳大利亚人开始了该队。羊毛制成的领带连同广播质量资产一起被发送给记者和意见领袖,为我们分享这场运动。在发布的第一天,这部电影出现在全国黄金时段的新闻中,持续了将近 2 分钟。西装中的故事意味着澳大利亚最受认可的体育明星; 评论员和任何穿着我们西装的人都成为我们的倡导者。不管他们是否付钱,他们都成了我们的公关。 形势 在澳大利亚,澳大利亚板球队的主要赞助商是全国最大的品牌,这意味着人们对 M.J.贝尔,团队最小的赞助商。此外,我们不能在球队制服、主流通信甚至球场上。作为团队的官方裁缝,M.J.贝尔的赞助对澳大利亚公众来说基本上是看不见的。我们需要一场公关活动来创造对品牌的认识和渴望: 这个想法抓住了国家的想象力,激发了库存主义者,并积极扩大了 M.J.贝尔的零售足迹。 战略 我们的竞选策略是利用澳大利亚板球队的最小赞助,即球队的官方裁缝,然后彻底改变我们的射程,为比赛注入澳大利亚的胜利。我们记录了整个过程,并制作了一部 3 分钟的电影《伟大的磨光》板球巨星和澳大利亚队副队长肖恩 · 沃森。肖恩 · 沃森和迈克尔 · 斯莱特 (板球评论员),两位广为人知的国家人物,被任命为官方发言人。这一任命促进并巩固了媒体、公众和板球爱好者的赞助。该视频是在团队媒体发布前播下的,以获得 “草根” 的意识。媒体、记者、意见领袖和团队本身也获得了为我们传播运动所需的广播质量资产。此外,这些西装里的故事意味着任何穿着我们西装的人都会成为我们的公关说书人。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry M.J. Bale is a relatively new, high-end Australian men’s fashion brand. We aimed to create awareness of the brand and for its sponsorship of the Australian Cricket Team, as the team’s Official Tailors. As the team’s smallest sponsor, who couldn’t be on the team’s mainstream communications, the uniforms or even the pitch, there was very low awareness of both the sponsorship, and the brand generally. Our relatively tiny sponsorship budget also meant there was no paid-for media at launch. All PR needed to be generated from the strength of the idea. We needed to excite both our target (Australian men who love sport and want to look sharp) and potential stockists (national department store chains). To do this, we found the oval where the Australian Cricket Team had its most victories, the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG). We took grass from there, replanted it on a Merino Sheep farm, fed it to our sheep and handcrafted suits from their wool, now infused with victory, for the Australian Cricket Team. The story within the suits gave Australia’s most recognised sports stars, commentators, cricket fans and anyone wearing our ‘Grazed on Greatness’ suits a unique PR story to tell. The content seeded by the team and journalists received mainstream national coverage. Earning 8.5m media impressions (broadcast TV, news, press, editorial, PR, social media) valued at AUS$3.2m. M.J. Bale achieved the largest share of voice at campaign peak. Out-shining the team’s biggest (and biggest spending) sponsors. Describe the brief from the client The campaign’s objective was to increase awareness of the M.J. Bale brand and its sponsorship of the Australian Cricket Team. We knew we had a high-quality range of men’s suits, with far above average customer conversion in store. Awareness was our key to new customers and getting stocked in more retail outlets. The goal was then to magnify M.J. Bale’s share of voice, in relation to bigger spending sponsors, and establish awareness and desire. Our relatively tiny sponsorship budget meant there was no paid media at launch, PR had to be generated from the strength of the idea. Results The PR Campaign was hugely successful, achieving all its objectives. There was no paid for media at launch, yet the campaign achieved national awareness earning media coverage (broadcast TV, news, press, editorial, PR, social media) valued at over AUS$3.2m (US$3.3 Million). The PR groundswell facilitated M.J. Bale to expanded its national distribution into Australia’s largest and most prestigious retail chain, with 38 additional new outlets, nationwide. In-store traffic and sales spiked to an all-time high and there was a 520% increase in tailored suit orders. A phenomenal 1,400% return on investment. ($14 for every $1 spent). Unprompted, the Cricket Australia website, with over 500,000 visitors daily, promoted the campaign. The Australian Government formally recognised M.J. Bale’s efforts: the Australian Wool Board committed funding for further wool innovation. M.J. Bale had achieved the largest share of voice at the campaign’s peak. All from the team’s smallest sponsorship. Execution Infusing our suits with victory had created a product desired by sports stars and their fans. It was the first time a sponsor of the Australian Cricket Team had ever changed its product to support the team, and the Australian media loved this unique approach. During an International Cricket Test Match, we launched the ‘Grazed on Greatness’ film. With the nation’s full media attention already on the team, they and other prominent Australians seeded it. Ties made from the wool were sent to journalists and opinion leaders along with broadcast quality assets, to share the campaign for us. On day one of the launch, the film appeared on national, prime time news in a segment running for almost 2 minutes. The story within the suits meant Australia’s most recognised sports stars; commentators and anyone wearing our suits became our advocates. Whether they were paid or not, they became our PR. The Situation In Australia, the major sponsors of the Australian Cricket Team are the nation’s biggest brands, meaning there was very low awareness for M.J. Bale, the team’s smallest sponsor. Additionally, we couldn’t be on the team’s uniforms, mainstream communications or even the pitch. As the Official Tailors to the team, M.J. Bale’s sponsorship was essentially invisible to the Australian public. We needed a PR generating campaign to create awareness and desire for the brand: an idea that captured the nation’s imagination, excited stockists and actively expanded M.J. Bale’s retail footprint. The Strategy Our campaign strategy was to leverage the smallest sponsorship of Australian cricket team, the Official Tailors to the team, and then revolutionise how we make our range, infusing the suits with Australian victory. We documented the entire process and created a 3-minute film ‘Grazed on Greatness,’ starring cricket superstar and Australian Team Vice Captain, Shane Watson. Shane Watson and Michael Slater (cricket commentator), 2 highly publicized national figures, were appointed as official spokespeople. This appointment promoted and cemented the sponsorship in the minds of the media, the public and the cricketing fans. The video was seeded prior to the media launch by the team to gain ‘grassroots’ awareness. Media outlets, journalists, opinion leaders and the team themselves were also provided with broadcast quality assets needed to spread the campaign for us. Additionally, the story within these suits meant that anyone wearing our suits became our PR storytellers.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 M.J.贝尔是一个相对较新的高端澳大利亚男装时尚品牌。我们的目标是提高对该品牌的认识,并赞助澳大利亚板球队作为该队的官方裁缝。作为团队最小的赞助商,他们不能参加团队的主流交流、制服甚至球场,对赞助和品牌的认识都很低。我们相对较小的赞助预算也意味着在发布时没有付费媒体。所有的公关都需要从这个想法的力量中产生。我们需要激发我们的目标 (热爱运动并希望看起来敏锐的澳大利亚男人) 和潜在的库存主义者 (国家百货连锁店)。为此,我们找到了澳大利亚板球队获胜最多的椭圆形,悉尼板球场 (SCG)。我们从那里取来草,在美利奴羊场重新种植,用羊毛和手工制作的西装喂养我们的绵羊,现在注入了胜利,为澳大利亚板球队服务。西装里的故事给了澳大利亚最知名的体育明星、评论员、板球球迷和任何穿着我们的 “greatness” 西装的人一个独特的公关故事。该小组和记者播下的内容得到了主流的全国报道。获得 8.5 媒体印象 (广播电视、新闻、社论、公关、社交媒体),价值 3.2 澳元。M.J.贝尔在竞选高峰期获得了最大份额的声音。让球队最大的 (也是最大的支出) 赞助商脱颖而出。 描述客户的简报 该运动的目标是提高对 M.J.的认识。贝尔品牌及其对澳大利亚板球队的赞助。我们知道我们有一系列高质量的男士套装,远远高于商店的平均顾客转化率。意识是我们获得新客户和更多零售商店的关键。当时的目标是放大 M.J.贝尔的声音的份额,与更大的支出赞助商,并建立意识和愿望。我们相对较小的赞助预算意味着在发布时没有付费媒体,公关必须从这个想法的力量中产生。 结果 公关活动非常成功,实现了所有目标。推出时没有付费媒体,但该运动实现了全国宣传媒体报道 (广播电视、新闻、社论、公关、社交媒体) 价值超过 3.2 澳元 (330万美元)。公关风潮促成了 M.J.贝尔将其全国分销业务扩展到澳大利亚最大、最负盛名的零售连锁店,在全国范围内新增 38 家门店。店内流量和销售额飙升至历史新高,定制西装订单增长 520%。惊人的 1,400% 投资回报。(每花 1 美元 14 美元)。不出所料,每天有超过 500,000 游客的澳大利亚板球网站宣传了这项运动。澳大利亚政府正式承认 M.J.贝尔的努力: 澳大利亚羊毛委员会承诺为进一步的羊毛创新提供资金。M.J.贝尔在竞选高峰期获得了最大份额的声音。都来自球队最小的赞助。 执行 在我们的西装中注入胜利创造了体育明星和他们的粉丝所渴望的产品。这是澳大利亚板球队的赞助商第一次改变产品来支持球队,澳大利亚媒体喜欢这种独特的方法。在一场国际板球测试赛中,我们推出了 “greatness” 电影。随着全国媒体对该队的充分关注,他们和其他著名的澳大利亚人开始了该队。羊毛制成的领带连同广播质量资产一起被发送给记者和意见领袖,为我们分享这场运动。在发布的第一天,这部电影出现在全国黄金时段的新闻中,持续了将近 2 分钟。西装中的故事意味着澳大利亚最受认可的体育明星; 评论员和任何穿着我们西装的人都成为我们的倡导者。不管他们是否付钱,他们都成了我们的公关。 形势 在澳大利亚,澳大利亚板球队的主要赞助商是全国最大的品牌,这意味着人们对 M.J.贝尔,团队最小的赞助商。此外,我们不能在球队制服、主流通信甚至球场上。作为团队的官方裁缝,M.J.贝尔的赞助对澳大利亚公众来说基本上是看不见的。我们需要一场公关活动来创造对品牌的认识和渴望: 这个想法抓住了国家的想象力,激发了库存主义者,并积极扩大了 M.J.贝尔的零售足迹。 战略 我们的竞选策略是利用澳大利亚板球队的最小赞助,即球队的官方裁缝,然后彻底改变我们的射程,为比赛注入澳大利亚的胜利。我们记录了整个过程,并制作了一部 3 分钟的电影《伟大的磨光》板球巨星和澳大利亚队副队长肖恩 · 沃森。肖恩 · 沃森和迈克尔 · 斯莱特 (板球评论员),两位广为人知的国家人物,被任命为官方发言人。这一任命促进并巩固了媒体、公众和板球爱好者的赞助。该视频是在团队媒体发布前播下的,以获得 “草根” 的意识。媒体、记者、意见领袖和团队本身也获得了为我们传播运动所需的广播质量资产。此外,这些西装里的故事意味着任何穿着我们西装的人都会成为我们的公关说书人。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry M.J. Bale is a relatively new, high-end Australian men’s fashion brand. We aimed to create awareness of the brand and for its sponsorship of the Australian Cricket Team, as the team’s Official Tailors. As the team’s smallest sponsor, who couldn’t be on the team’s mainstream communications, the uniforms or even the pitch, there was very low awareness of both the sponsorship, and the brand generally. Our relatively tiny sponsorship budget also meant there was no paid-for media at launch. All PR needed to be generated from the strength of the idea. We needed to excite both our target (Australian men who love sport and want to look sharp) and potential stockists (national department store chains). To do this, we found the oval where the Australian Cricket Team had its most victories, the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG). We took grass from there, replanted it on a Merino Sheep farm, fed it to our sheep and handcrafted suits from their wool, now infused with victory, for the Australian Cricket Team. The story within the suits gave Australia’s most recognised sports stars, commentators, cricket fans and anyone wearing our ‘Grazed on Greatness’ suits a unique PR story to tell. The content seeded by the team and journalists received mainstream national coverage. Earning 8.5m media impressions (broadcast TV, news, press, editorial, PR, social media) valued at AUS$3.2m. M.J. Bale achieved the largest share of voice at campaign peak. Out-shining the team’s biggest (and biggest spending) sponsors. Describe the brief from the client The campaign’s objective was to increase awareness of the M.J. Bale brand and its sponsorship of the Australian Cricket Team. We knew we had a high-quality range of men’s suits, with far above average customer conversion in store. Awareness was our key to new customers and getting stocked in more retail outlets. The goal was then to magnify M.J. Bale’s share of voice, in relation to bigger spending sponsors, and establish awareness and desire. Our relatively tiny sponsorship budget meant there was no paid media at launch, PR had to be generated from the strength of the idea. Results The PR Campaign was hugely successful, achieving all its objectives. There was no paid for media at launch, yet the campaign achieved national awareness earning media coverage (broadcast TV, news, press, editorial, PR, social media) valued at over AUS$3.2m (US$3.3 Million). The PR groundswell facilitated M.J. Bale to expanded its national distribution into Australia’s largest and most prestigious retail chain, with 38 additional new outlets, nationwide. In-store traffic and sales spiked to an all-time high and there was a 520% increase in tailored suit orders. A phenomenal 1,400% return on investment. ($14 for every $1 spent). Unprompted, the Cricket Australia website, with over 500,000 visitors daily, promoted the campaign. The Australian Government formally recognised M.J. Bale’s efforts: the Australian Wool Board committed funding for further wool innovation. M.J. Bale had achieved the largest share of voice at the campaign’s peak. All from the team’s smallest sponsorship. Execution Infusing our suits with victory had created a product desired by sports stars and their fans. It was the first time a sponsor of the Australian Cricket Team had ever changed its product to support the team, and the Australian media loved this unique approach. During an International Cricket Test Match, we launched the ‘Grazed on Greatness’ film. With the nation’s full media attention already on the team, they and other prominent Australians seeded it. Ties made from the wool were sent to journalists and opinion leaders along with broadcast quality assets, to share the campaign for us. On day one of the launch, the film appeared on national, prime time news in a segment running for almost 2 minutes. The story within the suits meant Australia’s most recognised sports stars; commentators and anyone wearing our suits became our advocates. Whether they were paid or not, they became our PR. The Situation In Australia, the major sponsors of the Australian Cricket Team are the nation’s biggest brands, meaning there was very low awareness for M.J. Bale, the team’s smallest sponsor. Additionally, we couldn’t be on the team’s uniforms, mainstream communications or even the pitch. As the Official Tailors to the team, M.J. Bale’s sponsorship was essentially invisible to the Australian public. We needed a PR generating campaign to create awareness and desire for the brand: an idea that captured the nation’s imagination, excited stockists and actively expanded M.J. Bale’s retail footprint. The Strategy Our campaign strategy was to leverage the smallest sponsorship of Australian cricket team, the Official Tailors to the team, and then revolutionise how we make our range, infusing the suits with Australian victory. We documented the entire process and created a 3-minute film ‘Grazed on Greatness,’ starring cricket superstar and Australian Team Vice Captain, Shane Watson. Shane Watson and Michael Slater (cricket commentator), 2 highly publicized national figures, were appointed as official spokespeople. This appointment promoted and cemented the sponsorship in the minds of the media, the public and the cricketing fans. The video was seeded prior to the media launch by the team to gain ‘grassroots’ awareness. Media outlets, journalists, opinion leaders and the team themselves were also provided with broadcast quality assets needed to spread the campaign for us. Additionally, the story within these suits meant that anyone wearing our suits became our PR storytellers.








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