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    案例简介:概要 我们的简介是推出M.J.Bale的新 “酷羊毛” 西装系列,并在春夏季节销售8000套装。我们面临着一个重大挑战: 澳大利亚的夏天越来越热。2017是一项全球记录,温度比工业化前的记录高1.2摄氏度。除此之外,82% 澳大利亚人认为羊毛是冬季面料,不适合夏季使用。目标: 通过证明羊毛是一种透气的面料,可以在夏天和冬天一样穿着,从而在春夏赛车季节之前推动新系列M.J. Bale Cool羊毛西装的销售。 战略 感知数据清楚地描绘了我们面临的挑战: 82% 的澳大利亚人认为羊毛是冬季面料,不适合夏季。那时我们的工作很明确-向澳大利亚人证明,无论天气多么炎热,羊毛西服都可以帮助您保持凉爽。我们的策略是通过表演一点柔道来解决这种看法,通过利用一个影响地球上每个人生活的简单事实,将我们的挑战转化为我们的利益-世界越来越热。最终寻求热量的酷刑测试,气象员将是我们的豚鼠,气象数据将提供我们的途径,我们将让衣服做其余的事情。在预算有限的情况下,我们的渠道策略至关重要-利用社交渠道讲故事,利用电影进行有针对性的覆盖范围以及我们的零售足迹,让男性自己感受到热量。 相关性 您如何说服澳大利亚的男人,羊毛西装可以使他们在炎热的夏季保持凉爽?这是澳大利亚男装品牌M.J Bale面临的挑战。使用摄制组,气象员,机票,社交媒体以及世界上第一个实时桑拿浴室-“世界上最热的更衣室”-这正是我们所做的。允许我们不同的接触点使澳大利亚消费者能够在地球上最热的地方体验M.J. Bale套装以及我们的旅行天气预报员,我们展示了 “凉爽的羊毛” 套装有多酷。 结果 甚至我们最大的怀疑论者也成了信徒。892% 活动期间所有销售的m.j.Bale西装搜索量的增长13.4% 都在新的 “酷羊毛” 范围内,而活动期间店内人流量的增长目标是与春季/夏季销售的西装11200 8% 57% 增长-我们实现了145% 的目标。交付了7:1公关和社交统计数据的投资回报: 一级媒体的报道-费尔法克斯,新闻集团,赫芬顿邮报,GQ,Mashable超过95条社论报道-实现了20,350,596个社交活动的覆盖范围,增加了500多个社交视频观看次数和8500与社交内容的互动。总社交范围为1.4米,是迄今为止任何竞选活动的成功,当然,还有一个稍微破碎的气象员-他从未失去冷静 执行 亚历克斯每天都通过Facebook Live和Instagram stories做天气报告,证明它没有上演。他会预测第二天世界上最热的地方。观众被邀请参与我们的内容,通过 “喜欢” 来奖励他很酷的款待,比如空调SUV,或者 “笑” 来折磨他,用辛辣的热食和艰苦的骆驼穿越沙漠。然后,我们向媒体,影响者和消费者提出挑战,要求他们测试自己的凉爽羊毛西装。我们在最高的客流量M.J Bale商店中安装了 “地球上最热的更衣室”,在那里实时设置温度 (在专门建造的桑拿更衣室中),以适应Alex在地球上最热的地方所面临的热量。这得到了高度针对性的电影院计划的支持,以推动规模和商店中的消费者体验。 CampaignDescription 我们的想法: 地球上最酷的西装我们为气象员穿上了终极热寻的任务: 在两周内预测、飞往地球上4个最热的地方并从那里报告,同时保持他穿着M.J. Bale西装的凉爽。回到澳大利亚的观众将通过Facebook Live与Alex互动,通过 “处理” 他或 “折磨” 他的冷热挑战,确定他如何结束直播。澳大利亚人甚至可以在 “地球上最热的更衣室” 中实时测试他所经历的实际温度-在m.j.Bale商店中设置的桑拿浴室,作为产品演示,公众可以在道路上测试凉爽的羊毛套装与alexs相同的条件。


    案例简介:Synopsis Our brief was to launch M.J.Bale’s new ‘Cool Wool’ suiting range, and to sell 8000 suits during the Spring/Summer season. We faced one major challenge: Summers in Australia are getting hotter. 2017 was a global record, with temps 1.2deg Celsius above pre-industrial records. On top of this 82% of Australians think that wool is a winter fabric, and not suitable for summer. Objectives: Drive sales of the new range of M.J. Bale Cool Wool suits in the lead up to the spring/summer racing season by demonstrating that wool is a breathable fabric that can be worn in summer just as it is in winter. Strategy Perception data painted a clear picture of the challenge we face: 82% of Australians believe wool is a winter fabric and not appropriate for summer. Our job was clear then – demonstrate to Aussies that a wool suit could help you keep your cool no matter how much the weather heated up. Our strategy was to address this perception by performing a bit of judo, turning our challenge into our benefit by tapping into a simple truth that impacts the lives on everyone on the planet – the world is getting hotter. The ultimate heat-seeking torture-test, a weatherman would be our guinea-pig, meteorological data would provide our pathway, and we’d let the clothes do the rest. With our limited budget our channel strategy was critical – utilizing social channels for story telling, cinema for targeted reach and our retail footprint to allow men to feel the heat themselves. Relevancy How do you convince the men of Australia that a wool suit can keep them cool in the harsh summer heat? This was the challenge faced by Australian menswear brand M.J Bale. Using a camera crew, a weatherman, plane tickets, social media, and the world’s first real-time in store sauna - ‘The hottest change room in the world’ – that is exactly what we did. Allowing our different touchpoints to enable Australian consumers experience an M.J. Bale suit in the hottest places on earth along with our travelling weatherman we showed just how cool a ‘Cool Wool’ suit can be. Outcome Even our biggest sceptics became believers…. 892% increase in search volume for M.J.Bale suits 13.4% of all sales during the campaign period were across the new ‘Cool Wool’ range against a target of 8% 57% increase in foot traffic in-store during the campaign period 11200 suits sold during Spring/Summer – 145% of our target achieved. Delivered a return on investment of 7:1 PR & Social Stats : Coverage in tier one media – Fairfax, News Corp, Huffington Post, GQ, Mashable Over 95 pieces of editorial coverage - achieving a reach of 20,350,596 Social engagements increased by 250% Over 500K social video views and 8500 engagements with social content. Total social reach was 1.4m, the successful of any campaign to date And of course, one slightly broken weatherman – who never lost his cool Execution Every day, Alex did a weather report via Facebook Live and Instagram stories, proving it wasn’t staged. He would predict where the hottest place in the world would be the following day. Viewers were invited to engage in our content by ‘liking’ to reward him with cool treats like an air con SUV or ‘laughing’ to torture him with spicy hot foods and gruelling camel journeys through the desert. We then challenged media, influencers and consumers to torture test their own Cool Wool suit. We installed the ‘Hottest Change Room on the Planet’ in the highest footfall M.J Bale stores where the temperature was set in real time (in a purpose built sauna change room) to the heat that Alex was facing in the hottest places on the planet. This was supported with a highly targeted Cinema plan to drive scale and consumers in store to the experience. CampaignDescription Our idea: The Coolest Suit on the Planet We dressed a weatherman for the ultimate heat-seeking mission: to forecast, fly to, and report from the 4 hottest places on earth over 2-weeks, all while keeping his cool in M.J. Bale suits. The audience back in Australia would interact with Alex through Facebook Live by ‘treating’ him or ‘torturing’ him with hot or cold challenges, determining how he’d conclude live broadcasts. Australians could even test the actual temperatures he was experiencing in real time at ‘Hottest Change Room on the Planet’ - saunas set up in M.J. Bale stores that served as product demonstrations where the public could road test the Cool Wool suits to the same conditions as Alex.

    Coolest Suit on the Planet

    案例简介:概要 我们的简介是推出M.J.Bale的新 “酷羊毛” 西装系列,并在春夏季节销售8000套装。我们面临着一个重大挑战: 澳大利亚的夏天越来越热。2017是一项全球记录,温度比工业化前的记录高1.2摄氏度。除此之外,82% 澳大利亚人认为羊毛是冬季面料,不适合夏季使用。目标: 通过证明羊毛是一种透气的面料,可以在夏天和冬天一样穿着,从而在春夏赛车季节之前推动新系列M.J. Bale Cool羊毛西装的销售。 战略 感知数据清楚地描绘了我们面临的挑战: 82% 的澳大利亚人认为羊毛是冬季面料,不适合夏季。那时我们的工作很明确-向澳大利亚人证明,无论天气多么炎热,羊毛西服都可以帮助您保持凉爽。我们的策略是通过表演一点柔道来解决这种看法,通过利用一个影响地球上每个人生活的简单事实,将我们的挑战转化为我们的利益-世界越来越热。最终寻求热量的酷刑测试,气象员将是我们的豚鼠,气象数据将提供我们的途径,我们将让衣服做其余的事情。在预算有限的情况下,我们的渠道策略至关重要-利用社交渠道讲故事,利用电影进行有针对性的覆盖范围以及我们的零售足迹,让男性自己感受到热量。 相关性 您如何说服澳大利亚的男人,羊毛西装可以使他们在炎热的夏季保持凉爽?这是澳大利亚男装品牌M.J Bale面临的挑战。使用摄制组,气象员,机票,社交媒体以及世界上第一个实时桑拿浴室-“世界上最热的更衣室”-这正是我们所做的。允许我们不同的接触点使澳大利亚消费者能够在地球上最热的地方体验M.J. Bale套装以及我们的旅行天气预报员,我们展示了 “凉爽的羊毛” 套装有多酷。 结果 甚至我们最大的怀疑论者也成了信徒。892% 活动期间所有销售的m.j.Bale西装搜索量的增长13.4% 都在新的 “酷羊毛” 范围内,而活动期间店内人流量的增长目标是与春季/夏季销售的西装11200 8% 57% 增长-我们实现了145% 的目标。交付了7:1公关和社交统计数据的投资回报: 一级媒体的报道-费尔法克斯,新闻集团,赫芬顿邮报,GQ,Mashable超过95条社论报道-实现了20,350,596个社交活动的覆盖范围,增加了500多个社交视频观看次数和8500与社交内容的互动。总社交范围为1.4米,是迄今为止任何竞选活动的成功,当然,还有一个稍微破碎的气象员-他从未失去冷静 执行 亚历克斯每天都通过Facebook Live和Instagram stories做天气报告,证明它没有上演。他会预测第二天世界上最热的地方。观众被邀请参与我们的内容,通过 “喜欢” 来奖励他很酷的款待,比如空调SUV,或者 “笑” 来折磨他,用辛辣的热食和艰苦的骆驼穿越沙漠。然后,我们向媒体,影响者和消费者提出挑战,要求他们测试自己的凉爽羊毛西装。我们在最高的客流量M.J Bale商店中安装了 “地球上最热的更衣室”,在那里实时设置温度 (在专门建造的桑拿更衣室中),以适应Alex在地球上最热的地方所面临的热量。这得到了高度针对性的电影院计划的支持,以推动规模和商店中的消费者体验。 CampaignDescription 我们的想法: 地球上最酷的西装我们为气象员穿上了终极热寻的任务: 在两周内预测、飞往地球上4个最热的地方并从那里报告,同时保持他穿着M.J. Bale西装的凉爽。回到澳大利亚的观众将通过Facebook Live与Alex互动,通过 “处理” 他或 “折磨” 他的冷热挑战,确定他如何结束直播。澳大利亚人甚至可以在 “地球上最热的更衣室” 中实时测试他所经历的实际温度-在m.j.Bale商店中设置的桑拿浴室,作为产品演示,公众可以在道路上测试凉爽的羊毛套装与alexs相同的条件。

    Coolest Suit on the Planet

    案例简介:Synopsis Our brief was to launch M.J.Bale’s new ‘Cool Wool’ suiting range, and to sell 8000 suits during the Spring/Summer season. We faced one major challenge: Summers in Australia are getting hotter. 2017 was a global record, with temps 1.2deg Celsius above pre-industrial records. On top of this 82% of Australians think that wool is a winter fabric, and not suitable for summer. Objectives: Drive sales of the new range of M.J. Bale Cool Wool suits in the lead up to the spring/summer racing season by demonstrating that wool is a breathable fabric that can be worn in summer just as it is in winter. Strategy Perception data painted a clear picture of the challenge we face: 82% of Australians believe wool is a winter fabric and not appropriate for summer. Our job was clear then – demonstrate to Aussies that a wool suit could help you keep your cool no matter how much the weather heated up. Our strategy was to address this perception by performing a bit of judo, turning our challenge into our benefit by tapping into a simple truth that impacts the lives on everyone on the planet – the world is getting hotter. The ultimate heat-seeking torture-test, a weatherman would be our guinea-pig, meteorological data would provide our pathway, and we’d let the clothes do the rest. With our limited budget our channel strategy was critical – utilizing social channels for story telling, cinema for targeted reach and our retail footprint to allow men to feel the heat themselves. Relevancy How do you convince the men of Australia that a wool suit can keep them cool in the harsh summer heat? This was the challenge faced by Australian menswear brand M.J Bale. Using a camera crew, a weatherman, plane tickets, social media, and the world’s first real-time in store sauna - ‘The hottest change room in the world’ – that is exactly what we did. Allowing our different touchpoints to enable Australian consumers experience an M.J. Bale suit in the hottest places on earth along with our travelling weatherman we showed just how cool a ‘Cool Wool’ suit can be. Outcome Even our biggest sceptics became believers…. 892% increase in search volume for M.J.Bale suits 13.4% of all sales during the campaign period were across the new ‘Cool Wool’ range against a target of 8% 57% increase in foot traffic in-store during the campaign period 11200 suits sold during Spring/Summer – 145% of our target achieved. Delivered a return on investment of 7:1 PR & Social Stats : Coverage in tier one media – Fairfax, News Corp, Huffington Post, GQ, Mashable Over 95 pieces of editorial coverage - achieving a reach of 20,350,596 Social engagements increased by 250% Over 500K social video views and 8500 engagements with social content. Total social reach was 1.4m, the successful of any campaign to date And of course, one slightly broken weatherman – who never lost his cool Execution Every day, Alex did a weather report via Facebook Live and Instagram stories, proving it wasn’t staged. He would predict where the hottest place in the world would be the following day. Viewers were invited to engage in our content by ‘liking’ to reward him with cool treats like an air con SUV or ‘laughing’ to torture him with spicy hot foods and gruelling camel journeys through the desert. We then challenged media, influencers and consumers to torture test their own Cool Wool suit. We installed the ‘Hottest Change Room on the Planet’ in the highest footfall M.J Bale stores where the temperature was set in real time (in a purpose built sauna change room) to the heat that Alex was facing in the hottest places on the planet. This was supported with a highly targeted Cinema plan to drive scale and consumers in store to the experience. CampaignDescription Our idea: The Coolest Suit on the Planet We dressed a weatherman for the ultimate heat-seeking mission: to forecast, fly to, and report from the 4 hottest places on earth over 2-weeks, all while keeping his cool in M.J. Bale suits. The audience back in Australia would interact with Alex through Facebook Live by ‘treating’ him or ‘torturing’ him with hot or cold challenges, determining how he’d conclude live broadcasts. Australians could even test the actual temperatures he was experiencing in real time at ‘Hottest Change Room on the Planet’ - saunas set up in M.J. Bale stores that served as product demonstrations where the public could road test the Cool Wool suits to the same conditions as Alex.



    Coolest Suit on the Planet










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