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    案例简介:活动描述 我们利用了女孩开始经历身体变化的阶段,很多问题浮现在她们的脑海中。那一刻是他们月经开始的时候,他们开始使用卫生巾。卫生巾一直在那里,但从来没有人把它们作为私人、精确和有效的媒介来传递帮助女孩预防怀孕的亲密信息。女孩第一次月经的平均年龄是 12 岁,平均 15 岁时,他们有第一次性关系。这是 3 年,允许 12 个卫生巾被交付给他们,这代表了 432 条关于性教育的信息。 战略 在第一阶段,接受了直接媒体 (广播、电视、报纸、互联网) 的采访,以加强拯救儿童运动: “学习期”。第一阶段的目标领域是社会责任、教育、一般新闻和营销。这些采访的目的是制造足够的噪音,这样其他媒体就可以免费复制新闻,这是从一开始就计划好的。令人惊讶的是,它已经超过了预期,在免费媒体上获得了超过 350,000 美元。 执行 这个想法的简单性使得它的实现非常简单、实用和快速。在这一发展举措的第一阶段,生产了 2,000 多个卫生巾,覆盖了 700 名女孩。这种垫子是在一个青少年怀孕人数较多的州的小学发放的。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 对媒体的限制不允许将性教育作为一个话题来讨论。墨西哥是一个保守和传统的国家,通常避免在公共场合或与家人进行这种对话。在这种情况下,女孩会因为缺乏而犯错误 结果 这个想法对媒体的影响让社会开始质疑女孩对更有效的性教育的权利。与此同时,家庭的重要性和女孩在这个阶段需要的关注也摆在了桌面上。此外,由于这个项目,捐款增加了 45%。拯救儿童网站的目标也被超越了,该网站的访问量为 300,000 次。由于每月预测到目前为止收到的捐款总额, 据预测,将在未来几个月内筹集必要的资金,将这一举措推广到该国每个州的每个社区。这个想法已经获得了免费报道,这要归功于它在媒体上的影响,到目前为止,它产生了超过 350,000 美元的免费媒体。 简要解释 概要 墨西哥是经合组织国家中青少年怀孕最多的国家。墨西哥是一个传统的保守主义者; 老师和父母不会和他们的孩子或学生谈论性教育。救助儿童会担心这种情况,需要创建或开发一个有助于预防和减少青少年怀孕的交流项目。目标是在青少年和拯救儿童之间建立可靠的联系,提供关于性教育的相关信息,帮助他们做出更好的决定。 相关性 这个想法对媒体的影响让社会开始质疑女孩对更有效的性教育的权利。与此同时,家庭的重要性和女孩在这个阶段需要的关注也摆在了桌面上。此外,由于这个项目,捐款增加了 45%。拯救儿童网站的目标也被超越了,该网站的访问量为 300,000 次。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription We took advantage of the stage where girls start going through physical changes and a lot of questions come to their minds. That moment is when their period begins and they start using sanitary pads. Sanitary pads have always been there, but nobody had ever used them as a private, precise and effective medium to deliver intimate messages that help girls prevent pregnancies. The average age when a girl has her first period is 12 years old, and, on average, at 15 they have their first sexual relation. That’s 3 years that allow for 12 sanitary pads to be delivered to them, which represent 432 messages with information about sex education. Strategy During a first stage, interviews were had with immediate media outlets (radio, TV, newspaper, internet) to strengthen Save the Children’s Campaign: “Learning Period”. The areas that were targeted during this first stage were social responsibility, education, general news and marketing. These interviews served the purpose of creating enough noise so other media would replicate the news without any cost, which is what was planned from the beginning. The amazing thing is that it has surpassed expectations, receiving more than $350,000 USD on free media. Execution The simplicity of this idea made it so that its implementation was very simple, practical and fast. During the first phase of this developing initiative, more than 2,000 sanitary pads were produced, to reach 700 girls. This pads were handed out in primary schools in one State with a high number of teen pregnancies. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes There’s a restriction on media that doesn’t allow for sex education as a subject to be talked about. Mexico is a conservative and traditionalist country, where having this conversation in public or with your family is usually avoided. In this case, girls learn by making mistakes due to the lack Outcome The impact this idea has had on the media got society to start questioning the rights girls have to a more effective sex education. At the same time the importance of family and the attention girls need during this stage were put on the table. Also, a 45% increase in donations was achieved as a consequence of this project. The goal for visits to Save the Children’s website, which was set at 300,000 visits, was also surpassed. Thanks to a monthly projection of the total amount of donations received until now, it is predicted that the necessary funding needed to spread this initiative to every community in every State of the country in the next will be raised in the next few months. The idea has obtained free coverage thanks to its repercussion in the media, generating more than $350,000 USD of free media up until now. BriefExplanation Synopsis Mexico tops the list of teen pregnancies in OECD countries. Mexico is a traditionalist and conservative; teachers and parents don’t talk about sex education with their children or students. Save the Children, worried about this situation, needed to create or develop a communication program that helps prevent and reduce teen pregnancies. The objective was to create a reliable bond between teenagers and Save the Children to deliver relevant information about sex education, that helps them make better decisions. Relevancy The impact this idea has had on the media got society to start questioning the rights girls have to a more effective sex education. At the same time the importance of family and the attention girls need during this stage were put on the table. Also, a 45% increase in donations was achieved as a consequence of this project. The goal for visits to Save the Children’s website, which was set at 300,000 visits, was also surpassed.

    Learning Period

    案例简介:活动描述 我们利用了女孩开始经历身体变化的阶段,很多问题浮现在她们的脑海中。那一刻是他们月经开始的时候,他们开始使用卫生巾。卫生巾一直在那里,但从来没有人把它们作为私人、精确和有效的媒介来传递帮助女孩预防怀孕的亲密信息。女孩第一次月经的平均年龄是 12 岁,平均 15 岁时,他们有第一次性关系。这是 3 年,允许 12 个卫生巾被交付给他们,这代表了 432 条关于性教育的信息。 战略 在第一阶段,接受了直接媒体 (广播、电视、报纸、互联网) 的采访,以加强拯救儿童运动: “学习期”。第一阶段的目标领域是社会责任、教育、一般新闻和营销。这些采访的目的是制造足够的噪音,这样其他媒体就可以免费复制新闻,这是从一开始就计划好的。令人惊讶的是,它已经超过了预期,在免费媒体上获得了超过 350,000 美元。 执行 这个想法的简单性使得它的实现非常简单、实用和快速。在这一发展举措的第一阶段,生产了 2,000 多个卫生巾,覆盖了 700 名女孩。这种垫子是在一个青少年怀孕人数较多的州的小学发放的。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 对媒体的限制不允许将性教育作为一个话题来讨论。墨西哥是一个保守和传统的国家,通常避免在公共场合或与家人进行这种对话。在这种情况下,女孩会因为缺乏而犯错误 结果 这个想法对媒体的影响让社会开始质疑女孩对更有效的性教育的权利。与此同时,家庭的重要性和女孩在这个阶段需要的关注也摆在了桌面上。此外,由于这个项目,捐款增加了 45%。拯救儿童网站的目标也被超越了,该网站的访问量为 300,000 次。由于每月预测到目前为止收到的捐款总额, 据预测,将在未来几个月内筹集必要的资金,将这一举措推广到该国每个州的每个社区。这个想法已经获得了免费报道,这要归功于它在媒体上的影响,到目前为止,它产生了超过 350,000 美元的免费媒体。 简要解释 概要 墨西哥是经合组织国家中青少年怀孕最多的国家。墨西哥是一个传统的保守主义者; 老师和父母不会和他们的孩子或学生谈论性教育。救助儿童会担心这种情况,需要创建或开发一个有助于预防和减少青少年怀孕的交流项目。目标是在青少年和拯救儿童之间建立可靠的联系,提供关于性教育的相关信息,帮助他们做出更好的决定。 相关性 这个想法对媒体的影响让社会开始质疑女孩对更有效的性教育的权利。与此同时,家庭的重要性和女孩在这个阶段需要的关注也摆在了桌面上。此外,由于这个项目,捐款增加了 45%。拯救儿童网站的目标也被超越了,该网站的访问量为 300,000 次。

    Learning Period

    案例简介:CampaignDescription We took advantage of the stage where girls start going through physical changes and a lot of questions come to their minds. That moment is when their period begins and they start using sanitary pads. Sanitary pads have always been there, but nobody had ever used them as a private, precise and effective medium to deliver intimate messages that help girls prevent pregnancies. The average age when a girl has her first period is 12 years old, and, on average, at 15 they have their first sexual relation. That’s 3 years that allow for 12 sanitary pads to be delivered to them, which represent 432 messages with information about sex education. Strategy During a first stage, interviews were had with immediate media outlets (radio, TV, newspaper, internet) to strengthen Save the Children’s Campaign: “Learning Period”. The areas that were targeted during this first stage were social responsibility, education, general news and marketing. These interviews served the purpose of creating enough noise so other media would replicate the news without any cost, which is what was planned from the beginning. The amazing thing is that it has surpassed expectations, receiving more than $350,000 USD on free media. Execution The simplicity of this idea made it so that its implementation was very simple, practical and fast. During the first phase of this developing initiative, more than 2,000 sanitary pads were produced, to reach 700 girls. This pads were handed out in primary schools in one State with a high number of teen pregnancies. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes There’s a restriction on media that doesn’t allow for sex education as a subject to be talked about. Mexico is a conservative and traditionalist country, where having this conversation in public or with your family is usually avoided. In this case, girls learn by making mistakes due to the lack Outcome The impact this idea has had on the media got society to start questioning the rights girls have to a more effective sex education. At the same time the importance of family and the attention girls need during this stage were put on the table. Also, a 45% increase in donations was achieved as a consequence of this project. The goal for visits to Save the Children’s website, which was set at 300,000 visits, was also surpassed. Thanks to a monthly projection of the total amount of donations received until now, it is predicted that the necessary funding needed to spread this initiative to every community in every State of the country in the next will be raised in the next few months. The idea has obtained free coverage thanks to its repercussion in the media, generating more than $350,000 USD of free media up until now. BriefExplanation Synopsis Mexico tops the list of teen pregnancies in OECD countries. Mexico is a traditionalist and conservative; teachers and parents don’t talk about sex education with their children or students. Save the Children, worried about this situation, needed to create or develop a communication program that helps prevent and reduce teen pregnancies. The objective was to create a reliable bond between teenagers and Save the Children to deliver relevant information about sex education, that helps them make better decisions. Relevancy The impact this idea has had on the media got society to start questioning the rights girls have to a more effective sex education. At the same time the importance of family and the attention girls need during this stage were put on the table. Also, a 45% increase in donations was achieved as a consequence of this project. The goal for visits to Save the Children’s website, which was set at 300,000 visits, was also surpassed.



    Learning Period










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