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    Paper Glasses短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 顾名思义,纸眼镜是由 150gr 制成的。纸和 2毫米。针孔与 2毫米的分离。为了将它们附加到 Santillana 的学校指南中,他们有一张额外的 5厘米的纸作为另一张纸粘在指南上,而不使用任何额外的材料。在前一页,有一个针对学生的解释。我们确保用所有孩子都能理解的大字母创建一个足够简单的文本; 这样的文本指示他们通知他们的老师,如果纸质眼镜能让他们更好地关注物体,或者有助于他们更好地阅读。在老师的指导下,我们包括关于 Stenopeic 效应的信息,以及关于如何使用纸质眼镜作为第一次视觉测试的更详细的说明。 概要 据估计,墨西哥有 75% 的辍学病例与视力障碍有关; 但是,让所有学校逐个学生进行眼科检查是一个真正的挑战,尤其是在孤立的社区。 结果 在 “拯救儿童” 运动之前,墨西哥只有 31% 的儿童意识,纸眼镜的意识提高到 43%。 70% 召回拯救儿童会的人不知道他们为教育权利所做的工作,纸眼镜的数量降低了 34%。活动结束后,通过网站的捐款平均每月增加 9%。 28% 提高了对拯救儿童网页的访问,41% 提高了对 facebook 的参与,26% 提高了 Santillana 作为与儿童教育有关的 conmpany 的认识。在纸眼镜之后,有兴趣接受 Santillana 学校指南的学校数量增加了 12%。在 2016-2017 学期 (从 8月开始),我们将有 460万名小学儿童。感谢拯救儿童组织,到 2017-2018,我们将在他们存在的 120 个国家之一开始。 活动描述 这个想法是为了帮助孩子们自己意识到他们看得不够清楚。为此,我们给学生一副纸做的眼镜。纸质眼镜没有刻度镜片,而是有针孔,使用狭窄效应来提高视力。狭窄效应是一种物理光学效应,可以增加景深。当只允许非常窄的光束进入眼睛时,没有收敛,在任何距离都可以实现清晰的视觉。纸质眼镜是一种简单的视觉测试,可以让孩子们留在学校。 战略 为了接触数百万学生,包括农村社区的学生,拯救儿童会与领先的教育出版商桑蒂拉纳联手。纸眼镜附在孩子们每学期收到的每一份桑蒂拉娜学校指南上。为了告诉每个人这个想法,我们推出了一个由影响者支持的网络视频,一个印刷活动,以及拯救儿童和桑蒂拉娜拥有的媒体。我们还使用了针对专业媒体的直接邮寄策略。所有的努力都会导致我们的 YouTube 频道,在那里,人们可以跟踪第一批收到纸质眼镜的学生的经历。很快,媒体就报道了这个故事,正好赶上新学期。 相关性 拯救儿童组织帮助 120 个国家的儿童,为健康、教育、保护、救灾等提供支持。为了提高人们对其教育承诺的认识,拯救儿童会与领先的教育出版商桑蒂拉纳联手,创建了一个学生可以自己参加的视觉测试。


    案例简介:Execution As its name suggests, Paper Glasses are made of 150gr. paper and 2mm. pinholes with a 2mm separation. To attach them into Santillana's School Guide, they have an extra 5cm piece of paper to be adhered to the guide as another sheet without using any extra materials.On the previous page, there is an explanation directed to the student. We made sure to create a simple enough text with big letters that all children could understand; such text instructs them to inform their teacher if Paper Glasses gives them better focus on objects or if it helps them read better.In the Teacher’s guide, we include information about the Stenopeic Effect and more detailed instructions about how to use Paper Glasses as a first visual test. Synopsis An estimate of 75% of school dropout cases in Mexico are related to visual impairment; but it’s a real challenge to reach all schools to apply eye examinations student by student, especially in isolated communities. Outcome Before the campaign Save The Children had only 31% of awareness in Mexico, with Paper Glasses it increased to 43%.70% of the people that recalled Save The Children didn’t know of their work for educational rights, with paper Glasses that number were lowered by 34%. After the campaign, donations via website were raised by 9% average per month.Visits to the Save The Children webpage were raised by 28% and engagement in facebook raised to 41%Awarness of Santillana as a conmpany concerned for the education of the children were raised by 26%.After Paper Glasses, the number of schools interested in receiving the Santillana School guide were raised by 12%.In 2016-2017 School term (starting this August), we will reach 4.6 million kids in elementary school. By 2017-2018 we will start, thanks to Save The Children, in one of the 120 countries where they have presence. Campaign Description The idea is to help children realize by themselves they are not seeing as clear as they could. To do so, we gave students a pair of glasses made of paper. Instead of graduated lenses, Paper Glasses have pinholes that use the stenopeic effect to improve visual acuity.The Stenopeic Effect is a physical optics effect that increases the depth of field. When allowing only a very narrow beam of light to enter the eye, there is no convergence, achieving clear vision at any distance.Paper Glasses works as a simple vision test to keep children in school. Strategy To reach millions of students, including those in rural communities, Save The Children joined forces with Santillana, leading educational publisher. Paper Glasses come attached with each copy of Santillana's school guide that children receive every term.To tell everyone about the idea, we launched a WebVideo supported by influencers, a print campaign, and Save The Children and Santillana's owned media.We also used a direct mailing strategy targeted to specialized media.All efforts lead to our YouTube Channel, where people could follow the experience of the first students that received Paper Glasses.Quickly, the media picked up the story, just in time for the new school term. Relevancy Save The Children to help children in 120 countries, providing support for health, education, protection, disaster relief and so much more.To raise awareness about its commitment with education, Save The Children joined forces with Santillana - leading educational publisher - to create a vision test students could take by themselves.

    Paper Glasses

    案例简介:执行 顾名思义,纸眼镜是由 150gr 制成的。纸和 2毫米。针孔与 2毫米的分离。为了将它们附加到 Santillana 的学校指南中,他们有一张额外的 5厘米的纸作为另一张纸粘在指南上,而不使用任何额外的材料。在前一页,有一个针对学生的解释。我们确保用所有孩子都能理解的大字母创建一个足够简单的文本; 这样的文本指示他们通知他们的老师,如果纸质眼镜能让他们更好地关注物体,或者有助于他们更好地阅读。在老师的指导下,我们包括关于 Stenopeic 效应的信息,以及关于如何使用纸质眼镜作为第一次视觉测试的更详细的说明。 概要 据估计,墨西哥有 75% 的辍学病例与视力障碍有关; 但是,让所有学校逐个学生进行眼科检查是一个真正的挑战,尤其是在孤立的社区。 结果 在 “拯救儿童” 运动之前,墨西哥只有 31% 的儿童意识,纸眼镜的意识提高到 43%。 70% 召回拯救儿童会的人不知道他们为教育权利所做的工作,纸眼镜的数量降低了 34%。活动结束后,通过网站的捐款平均每月增加 9%。 28% 提高了对拯救儿童网页的访问,41% 提高了对 facebook 的参与,26% 提高了 Santillana 作为与儿童教育有关的 conmpany 的认识。在纸眼镜之后,有兴趣接受 Santillana 学校指南的学校数量增加了 12%。在 2016-2017 学期 (从 8月开始),我们将有 460万名小学儿童。感谢拯救儿童组织,到 2017-2018,我们将在他们存在的 120 个国家之一开始。 活动描述 这个想法是为了帮助孩子们自己意识到他们看得不够清楚。为此,我们给学生一副纸做的眼镜。纸质眼镜没有刻度镜片,而是有针孔,使用狭窄效应来提高视力。狭窄效应是一种物理光学效应,可以增加景深。当只允许非常窄的光束进入眼睛时,没有收敛,在任何距离都可以实现清晰的视觉。纸质眼镜是一种简单的视觉测试,可以让孩子们留在学校。 战略 为了接触数百万学生,包括农村社区的学生,拯救儿童会与领先的教育出版商桑蒂拉纳联手。纸眼镜附在孩子们每学期收到的每一份桑蒂拉娜学校指南上。为了告诉每个人这个想法,我们推出了一个由影响者支持的网络视频,一个印刷活动,以及拯救儿童和桑蒂拉娜拥有的媒体。我们还使用了针对专业媒体的直接邮寄策略。所有的努力都会导致我们的 YouTube 频道,在那里,人们可以跟踪第一批收到纸质眼镜的学生的经历。很快,媒体就报道了这个故事,正好赶上新学期。 相关性 拯救儿童组织帮助 120 个国家的儿童,为健康、教育、保护、救灾等提供支持。为了提高人们对其教育承诺的认识,拯救儿童会与领先的教育出版商桑蒂拉纳联手,创建了一个学生可以自己参加的视觉测试。

    Paper Glasses

    案例简介:Execution As its name suggests, Paper Glasses are made of 150gr. paper and 2mm. pinholes with a 2mm separation. To attach them into Santillana's School Guide, they have an extra 5cm piece of paper to be adhered to the guide as another sheet without using any extra materials.On the previous page, there is an explanation directed to the student. We made sure to create a simple enough text with big letters that all children could understand; such text instructs them to inform their teacher if Paper Glasses gives them better focus on objects or if it helps them read better.In the Teacher’s guide, we include information about the Stenopeic Effect and more detailed instructions about how to use Paper Glasses as a first visual test. Synopsis An estimate of 75% of school dropout cases in Mexico are related to visual impairment; but it’s a real challenge to reach all schools to apply eye examinations student by student, especially in isolated communities. Outcome Before the campaign Save The Children had only 31% of awareness in Mexico, with Paper Glasses it increased to 43%.70% of the people that recalled Save The Children didn’t know of their work for educational rights, with paper Glasses that number were lowered by 34%. After the campaign, donations via website were raised by 9% average per month.Visits to the Save The Children webpage were raised by 28% and engagement in facebook raised to 41%Awarness of Santillana as a conmpany concerned for the education of the children were raised by 26%.After Paper Glasses, the number of schools interested in receiving the Santillana School guide were raised by 12%.In 2016-2017 School term (starting this August), we will reach 4.6 million kids in elementary school. By 2017-2018 we will start, thanks to Save The Children, in one of the 120 countries where they have presence. Campaign Description The idea is to help children realize by themselves they are not seeing as clear as they could. To do so, we gave students a pair of glasses made of paper. Instead of graduated lenses, Paper Glasses have pinholes that use the stenopeic effect to improve visual acuity.The Stenopeic Effect is a physical optics effect that increases the depth of field. When allowing only a very narrow beam of light to enter the eye, there is no convergence, achieving clear vision at any distance.Paper Glasses works as a simple vision test to keep children in school. Strategy To reach millions of students, including those in rural communities, Save The Children joined forces with Santillana, leading educational publisher. Paper Glasses come attached with each copy of Santillana's school guide that children receive every term.To tell everyone about the idea, we launched a WebVideo supported by influencers, a print campaign, and Save The Children and Santillana's owned media.We also used a direct mailing strategy targeted to specialized media.All efforts lead to our YouTube Channel, where people could follow the experience of the first students that received Paper Glasses.Quickly, the media picked up the story, just in time for the new school term. Relevancy Save The Children to help children in 120 countries, providing support for health, education, protection, disaster relief and so much more.To raise awareness about its commitment with education, Save The Children joined forces with Santillana - leading educational publisher - to create a vision test students could take by themselves.



    Paper Glasses










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