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    QQ Alert: Hope Never Dies短视频广告营销案例



    QQ 提醒: 希望永不消逝

    案例简介:活动描述 通过深度学习面部特征的转换模式,QQ 掌握了最新的人脸识别技术。该系统能够通过消除典型的面部转变来模拟一个人多年前从今天拍摄的照片中出现的样子。精度已经达到 99.8%。改变不再是一个无法解决的挑战。这意味着通过旧照片找到失踪亲属成为可能。先进的技术允许每秒处理 5000万张照片。立即检索匹配的结果。因此,团聚的机会大大增加。 执行 03/2016: 与中国最大的寻求儿童非政府组织合作寻找失踪儿童。 · 05/2016: 推出 “5.25 寻找失踪亲属日” 直播活动。 · 11/2016: 与中国公安部系统连接,实现了信息推送自动化。 · 11/2016: 利用跨时代人脸识别技术和深度学习,搭建 qq城市辅助 2.0 系统。 · 02/2017:· 03/2017: 与非政府组织国家稀有血型组织合作。 战略 流浪病例每天都在发生,但只有少数失踪的人康复了。由于时间积累造成的身体外观的巨大变化,人们很难通过旧照片找到他们失踪的亲属。QQ 将改变这一切。它配备了最先进的面部识别技术和 10 million 多个样本的数据库,已经进行了数十亿次试验。跨年龄人脸匹配精度高达 99.8%。不管孩子被绑架多久,一天还是几十年,只要他/她的家人上传孩子的照片, QQ Alert 将以每秒 5000万张的速度在海量图片库中启动大规模人脸检索。该系统将立即显示面部匹配结果,并帮助人们识别他们心爱的失踪人员。 结果 QQ 警报共发起 286 起案件,成功追回 176 人。2016年11月,我们与中国公安部系统联系,提高案件来源的真实性和权威性。技术给所有不完整的家庭带来了希望。我们不能阻止失去的孩子改变,但是我们能够用更好的技术让更多的团聚成为可能。 概要 中国每天都有儿童绑架案件发生,但只有少数被绑架的儿童能在短时间内康复。由于时间的累积,面部外观的巨大变化使得人们很难通过旧照片找到他们心爱的家人。这导致大多数被绑架的人在几年甚至几十年内无法与家人团聚。作为中国最大的社交平台之一,QQ 即时通讯拥有 8.6亿用户。QQ 启动了 “QQ 警报” 项目,帮助绝望的人们找到他们失踪的亲属。我们能够用更好的技术使更多的团聚成为可能。

    QQ 提醒: 希望永不消逝

    案例简介:CampaignDescription By deep-learning the transformation pattern of facial features, QQ has mastered the latest face recognition technology. The system is able to simulate a person’s appearances years ago from a photo taken today by eliminating the typical facial transformation through time. The accuracy has reached 99.8%. Change is no longer an unsolvable challenge. It means that finding missing kinsfolk through old photos becomes possible. The advanced technology allows for processing 50 million photos per second. The matching result is retrieved immediately. Thus, the chance for reunion is significantly increased. Execution ·03/2016: Cooperated with the largest child-seeking NGO in China to find missing children.·05/2016: Launched "5.25 Finding Missing Relatives Day” live event.·11/2016: Connected with the Chinese Ministry of Public security system, and has achieved information pushing automation.·11/2016: Set up QQ City-assisted 2.0 system, using the cross-age face recognition technology and Deep-learning.·02/2017: Cooperated with the Ministry of Civil Affairs.·03/2017: Cooperated with the NGO National Rare blood group. Strategy The stray cases occurs every day, but only a handful of lost people are recovered. Because of the great changes of physical appearance caused by time accumulation, it becomes very difficult for people to find their missing kinsfolk through old photos. QQ is going to change all this. Equipped with the state-of-art facial recognition technology, and a database of more than 10 millions samples, it has conducted billions of trials.The cross-age face match accuracy achieves up to 99.8%. No matter how long the child has been abducted, one day or decades, as long as his/her family uploads the child’s photo, QQ Alert will start the Large-Scale Face Retrieval in massive photo gallery at a rate of 50 million sheets per second. The system will present the face matching results instantly and help people recognize their beloved missing folks. Outcome QQ Alert has launched a total of 286 cases, and 176 people was successfully recovered. In November 2016, we connected with the Chinese Ministry of Public security system to improve the authenticity and authority of case sources.Technology is bringing hope to all incomplete families. We cannot stop lost children from changing, but we are able to make more reunions possible with better technology. Synopsis Children abduction cases occur in China every day, but only a few children who have been abducted can be recovered in a short time. Due to the cumulative time, the great changes of facial appearance has made it extremely difficult for people to find their beloved families by old photos. It has led to the majority of those who have been abducted cannot reunite with their families for several years or even decades. As one of the biggest social platforms in China, QQ Instant Messenger has more than 860 million users. QQ has Launched the “QQ Alert” project, which helps desperate people find their missing kinsfolk. We are able to make more reunions possible with better technology.

    QQ Alert: Hope Never Dies

    案例简介:活动描述 通过深度学习面部特征的转换模式,QQ 掌握了最新的人脸识别技术。该系统能够通过消除典型的面部转变来模拟一个人多年前从今天拍摄的照片中出现的样子。精度已经达到 99.8%。改变不再是一个无法解决的挑战。这意味着通过旧照片找到失踪亲属成为可能。先进的技术允许每秒处理 5000万张照片。立即检索匹配的结果。因此,团聚的机会大大增加。 执行 03/2016: 与中国最大的寻求儿童非政府组织合作寻找失踪儿童。 · 05/2016: 推出 “5.25 寻找失踪亲属日” 直播活动。 · 11/2016: 与中国公安部系统连接,实现了信息推送自动化。 · 11/2016: 利用跨时代人脸识别技术和深度学习,搭建 qq城市辅助 2.0 系统。 · 02/2017:· 03/2017: 与非政府组织国家稀有血型组织合作。 战略 流浪病例每天都在发生,但只有少数失踪的人康复了。由于时间积累造成的身体外观的巨大变化,人们很难通过旧照片找到他们失踪的亲属。QQ 将改变这一切。它配备了最先进的面部识别技术和 10 million 多个样本的数据库,已经进行了数十亿次试验。跨年龄人脸匹配精度高达 99.8%。不管孩子被绑架多久,一天还是几十年,只要他/她的家人上传孩子的照片, QQ Alert 将以每秒 5000万张的速度在海量图片库中启动大规模人脸检索。该系统将立即显示面部匹配结果,并帮助人们识别他们心爱的失踪人员。 结果 QQ 警报共发起 286 起案件,成功追回 176 人。2016年11月,我们与中国公安部系统联系,提高案件来源的真实性和权威性。技术给所有不完整的家庭带来了希望。我们不能阻止失去的孩子改变,但是我们能够用更好的技术让更多的团聚成为可能。 概要 中国每天都有儿童绑架案件发生,但只有少数被绑架的儿童能在短时间内康复。由于时间的累积,面部外观的巨大变化使得人们很难通过旧照片找到他们心爱的家人。这导致大多数被绑架的人在几年甚至几十年内无法与家人团聚。作为中国最大的社交平台之一,QQ 即时通讯拥有 8.6亿用户。QQ 启动了 “QQ 警报” 项目,帮助绝望的人们找到他们失踪的亲属。我们能够用更好的技术使更多的团聚成为可能。

    QQ Alert: Hope Never Dies

    案例简介:CampaignDescription By deep-learning the transformation pattern of facial features, QQ has mastered the latest face recognition technology. The system is able to simulate a person’s appearances years ago from a photo taken today by eliminating the typical facial transformation through time. The accuracy has reached 99.8%. Change is no longer an unsolvable challenge. It means that finding missing kinsfolk through old photos becomes possible. The advanced technology allows for processing 50 million photos per second. The matching result is retrieved immediately. Thus, the chance for reunion is significantly increased. Execution ·03/2016: Cooperated with the largest child-seeking NGO in China to find missing children.·05/2016: Launched "5.25 Finding Missing Relatives Day” live event.·11/2016: Connected with the Chinese Ministry of Public security system, and has achieved information pushing automation.·11/2016: Set up QQ City-assisted 2.0 system, using the cross-age face recognition technology and Deep-learning.·02/2017: Cooperated with the Ministry of Civil Affairs.·03/2017: Cooperated with the NGO National Rare blood group. Strategy The stray cases occurs every day, but only a handful of lost people are recovered. Because of the great changes of physical appearance caused by time accumulation, it becomes very difficult for people to find their missing kinsfolk through old photos. QQ is going to change all this. Equipped with the state-of-art facial recognition technology, and a database of more than 10 millions samples, it has conducted billions of trials.The cross-age face match accuracy achieves up to 99.8%. No matter how long the child has been abducted, one day or decades, as long as his/her family uploads the child’s photo, QQ Alert will start the Large-Scale Face Retrieval in massive photo gallery at a rate of 50 million sheets per second. The system will present the face matching results instantly and help people recognize their beloved missing folks. Outcome QQ Alert has launched a total of 286 cases, and 176 people was successfully recovered. In November 2016, we connected with the Chinese Ministry of Public security system to improve the authenticity and authority of case sources.Technology is bringing hope to all incomplete families. We cannot stop lost children from changing, but we are able to make more reunions possible with better technology. Synopsis Children abduction cases occur in China every day, but only a few children who have been abducted can be recovered in a short time. Due to the cumulative time, the great changes of facial appearance has made it extremely difficult for people to find their beloved families by old photos. It has led to the majority of those who have been abducted cannot reunite with their families for several years or even decades. As one of the biggest social platforms in China, QQ Instant Messenger has more than 860 million users. QQ has Launched the “QQ Alert” project, which helps desperate people find their missing kinsfolk. We are able to make more reunions possible with better technology.

    QQ 提醒: 希望永不消逝


    QQ Alert: Hope Never Dies






    广告公司: 腾讯 (中国 深圳) 制作公司: 腾讯




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