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    案例简介:概要 阿根廷是世界上森林砍伐最多的国家之一。据估计,超过 70% 的本地生态系统已经消失,每年有 300,000 公顷的森林被砍伐,成千上万的物种的生命处于危险之中。博斯克银行是一个非营利组织,试图阻止这个问题继续下去,从而打击这个问题。为了实现这一目标,它筹集了资金来帮助一英亩地恢复森林。虽然有一小群人意识到了这些问题, 我们必须提高对保护全体人口环境必要性的认识,并鼓励他们成为解决方案的一部分,而不需要他们付出大量努力。 执行 我们决定做点什么,成为那些艺术家的一部分。为了做到这一点,我们深入研究了三个濒临灭绝的阿根廷生态系统: Selva Misionera 、坚不可摧的 chaque ñ o 和 Bosque Andino patagonico。两个月来,我们使用战略性放置的麦克风捕捉了数百种来自大自然的声音。然后,我们有专门的声音技术人员混合收集的音频,并创建 9 首独特的曲目,这些曲目构成了 EcoAlarm 专辑的一部分。此外,除了 Leader 音乐唱片公司,这张专辑还在 Spotify 注册并首次亮相。这样,博斯克银行肯定会像艺术家一样,在每次演奏一首歌时筹集资金。我们创建了一个移动闹钟,通过 Spotify 播放濒危森林的声音,允许用户每天早上为本地濒危地区筹集资金,而不用起床或花一分钱。 战略 我们在国际森林日推出了生态警报,在这一天,人们更加意识到保护环境的必要性。EcoAlarm 是一个闹钟应用程序,它通过 Spotify 播放来自大自然的声音,并产生资金来帮助保护濒危森林和动物。我们向世界讲述了我们在不花钱的情况下捐钱的新想法,并且能够让来自墨西哥、意大利、日本等国家的人俄罗斯要真正认同这一事业,每天帮助拯救阿根廷森林。此外,我们增加了用户体验,使用户能够实时看到他们帮助保护的生态系统,以及所有这些。我们开发了一个具有低多边形美学的交互式 3D 网络,易于查看和共享,并通过现代 HTML5 、 WebGL (加上 ThreeJS) 、和网络音频 API 技术。 活动描述 通过 Spotify 的黑客攻击,我们找到了一种不用花一分钱就能捐钱的方法。我们创建了生态警报,一个从 Spotify 播放的用受保护森林的声音唤醒你的应用程序,同时帮助收集资金来拯救处于危险中的生态系统, 没有为用户产生成本或努力。每次播放一首歌,都会产生版税,所以 Spotify 向博克斯银行支付的方式与向音乐艺术家支付的方式相同。我们还创建了一个网站,在这个网站上,你可以实时看到世界各地的编程警报、恢复的平方米以及我们一直在拯救的生态系统。我们用低多边形美学展示了所有这些,平均用户交互时间为 6 分钟。 结果 在一周内,4,950 名用户下载了该应用程序,保证保护 776 种高危物种。在社交媒体上达到 2,850,000。该应用程序吸引了世界各地的兴趣,截至今天,已在 45 个国家下载。我们做到了,所以与网站上的用户的互动平均超过 6 分钟。最重要的是,多亏了 Spotify,我们现在在世界各地有 10000万名潜在的活动家。


    案例简介:Synopsis Argentina is one of the most deforested countries in the world. It’s estimated that over 70% of the native ecosystem has been lost and that 300,000 hectares of forest is felled annually, putting the lives of thousands of species at risk. Banco de Bosques is a non-profit organization that fights against this issue by trying to stop it from continuing. In order to achieve that, it raises funds to help recover the forests, acre by acre. Although there are small groups of people that are aware of these issues, we must create awareness about the need to preserve the environment in the entire population and encourage them to be part of the solution without the need to have them put in a lot of effort. Execution We decided to do something and become part of those artists. In order to do so, we delved into three endangered Argentina ecosystems: the Selva Misionera, the Impenetrable Chaqueño, and the Bosque Andino Patagónico. For two months, we captured hundreds of sounds from nature using strategically-placed microphones. Then, we had specialized sound technicians mix the collected audio and create 9 unique tracks which form part of the EcoAlarm album. Additionally, along with the Leader Music record label, the album was registered and debuted on Spotify. This way, Banco de Bosques is sure to raise money each time a song is played, just as an artist would. We created a mobile alarm that plays sounds from endangered forests through Spotify, allowing users to raise money for native endangered territories each morning, without getting out of bed or spending a dime. Strategy We launched EcoAlarm on International Forest Day, a day in which people are more aware of the need to take care of the environment. EcoAlarm is an alarm clock app which plays sounds from nature via Spotify and generates money to help protect endangered forests and animals. We told the world about our new idea for donating money without actually spending a dime, and were able to make people from countries such as Mexico, Italy, Japan, and Russia to really identify with the cause and help save Argentine forests daily. Also, we increased the user experience and made it possible for users to see which ecosystems they were helping to protect, and all of this in real time. We developed an interactive 3D web with a Low-Poly aesthetic, which is easy to look at and share, and did so through modern HTML5, WebGL (plus ThreeJS), and Web Audio API technologies. CampaignDescription Through a Spotify hack, we found a way to donate money without having to spend a dime. We created EcoAlarm, an application that wakes you up with the sounds of protected forests, played from Spotify, which at the same time helps to collect funds to save ecosystems that are in danger, without generating cost or effort for the user. Each time a song is played, royalties are generated, so Spotify pays Banco the Bosques in the same way that they pay music artists. We also created a site in which you can see, in real time, the programmed alarms across the world, the square meters recovered and the ecosystems that we have been saving. We show all this with a Low-Poly aesthetic that has taken the average user interaction time to six minutes. Outcome In one week, 4,950 users downloaded the application guaranteeing the conservation of 776 at-risk species. A reach of 2,850,000 on social media.The application attracted interest around the world and has been downloaded in 45 countries as of today.We made it so that the interaction with the users on the site was on average more than 6 minutes. And most importantly, thanks to Spotify, we now have 100 million potential activists around the world.


    案例简介:概要 阿根廷是世界上森林砍伐最多的国家之一。据估计,超过 70% 的本地生态系统已经消失,每年有 300,000 公顷的森林被砍伐,成千上万的物种的生命处于危险之中。博斯克银行是一个非营利组织,试图阻止这个问题继续下去,从而打击这个问题。为了实现这一目标,它筹集了资金来帮助一英亩地恢复森林。虽然有一小群人意识到了这些问题, 我们必须提高对保护全体人口环境必要性的认识,并鼓励他们成为解决方案的一部分,而不需要他们付出大量努力。 执行 我们决定做点什么,成为那些艺术家的一部分。为了做到这一点,我们深入研究了三个濒临灭绝的阿根廷生态系统: Selva Misionera 、坚不可摧的 chaque ñ o 和 Bosque Andino patagonico。两个月来,我们使用战略性放置的麦克风捕捉了数百种来自大自然的声音。然后,我们有专门的声音技术人员混合收集的音频,并创建 9 首独特的曲目,这些曲目构成了 EcoAlarm 专辑的一部分。此外,除了 Leader 音乐唱片公司,这张专辑还在 Spotify 注册并首次亮相。这样,博斯克银行肯定会像艺术家一样,在每次演奏一首歌时筹集资金。我们创建了一个移动闹钟,通过 Spotify 播放濒危森林的声音,允许用户每天早上为本地濒危地区筹集资金,而不用起床或花一分钱。 战略 我们在国际森林日推出了生态警报,在这一天,人们更加意识到保护环境的必要性。EcoAlarm 是一个闹钟应用程序,它通过 Spotify 播放来自大自然的声音,并产生资金来帮助保护濒危森林和动物。我们向世界讲述了我们在不花钱的情况下捐钱的新想法,并且能够让来自墨西哥、意大利、日本等国家的人俄罗斯要真正认同这一事业,每天帮助拯救阿根廷森林。此外,我们增加了用户体验,使用户能够实时看到他们帮助保护的生态系统,以及所有这些。我们开发了一个具有低多边形美学的交互式 3D 网络,易于查看和共享,并通过现代 HTML5 、 WebGL (加上 ThreeJS) 、和网络音频 API 技术。 活动描述 通过 Spotify 的黑客攻击,我们找到了一种不用花一分钱就能捐钱的方法。我们创建了生态警报,一个从 Spotify 播放的用受保护森林的声音唤醒你的应用程序,同时帮助收集资金来拯救处于危险中的生态系统, 没有为用户产生成本或努力。每次播放一首歌,都会产生版税,所以 Spotify 向博克斯银行支付的方式与向音乐艺术家支付的方式相同。我们还创建了一个网站,在这个网站上,你可以实时看到世界各地的编程警报、恢复的平方米以及我们一直在拯救的生态系统。我们用低多边形美学展示了所有这些,平均用户交互时间为 6 分钟。 结果 在一周内,4,950 名用户下载了该应用程序,保证保护 776 种高危物种。在社交媒体上达到 2,850,000。该应用程序吸引了世界各地的兴趣,截至今天,已在 45 个国家下载。我们做到了,所以与网站上的用户的互动平均超过 6 分钟。最重要的是,多亏了 Spotify,我们现在在世界各地有 10000万名潜在的活动家。


    案例简介:Synopsis Argentina is one of the most deforested countries in the world. It’s estimated that over 70% of the native ecosystem has been lost and that 300,000 hectares of forest is felled annually, putting the lives of thousands of species at risk. Banco de Bosques is a non-profit organization that fights against this issue by trying to stop it from continuing. In order to achieve that, it raises funds to help recover the forests, acre by acre. Although there are small groups of people that are aware of these issues, we must create awareness about the need to preserve the environment in the entire population and encourage them to be part of the solution without the need to have them put in a lot of effort. Execution We decided to do something and become part of those artists. In order to do so, we delved into three endangered Argentina ecosystems: the Selva Misionera, the Impenetrable Chaqueño, and the Bosque Andino Patagónico. For two months, we captured hundreds of sounds from nature using strategically-placed microphones. Then, we had specialized sound technicians mix the collected audio and create 9 unique tracks which form part of the EcoAlarm album. Additionally, along with the Leader Music record label, the album was registered and debuted on Spotify. This way, Banco de Bosques is sure to raise money each time a song is played, just as an artist would. We created a mobile alarm that plays sounds from endangered forests through Spotify, allowing users to raise money for native endangered territories each morning, without getting out of bed or spending a dime. Strategy We launched EcoAlarm on International Forest Day, a day in which people are more aware of the need to take care of the environment. EcoAlarm is an alarm clock app which plays sounds from nature via Spotify and generates money to help protect endangered forests and animals. We told the world about our new idea for donating money without actually spending a dime, and were able to make people from countries such as Mexico, Italy, Japan, and Russia to really identify with the cause and help save Argentine forests daily. Also, we increased the user experience and made it possible for users to see which ecosystems they were helping to protect, and all of this in real time. We developed an interactive 3D web with a Low-Poly aesthetic, which is easy to look at and share, and did so through modern HTML5, WebGL (plus ThreeJS), and Web Audio API technologies. CampaignDescription Through a Spotify hack, we found a way to donate money without having to spend a dime. We created EcoAlarm, an application that wakes you up with the sounds of protected forests, played from Spotify, which at the same time helps to collect funds to save ecosystems that are in danger, without generating cost or effort for the user. Each time a song is played, royalties are generated, so Spotify pays Banco the Bosques in the same way that they pay music artists. We also created a site in which you can see, in real time, the programmed alarms across the world, the square meters recovered and the ecosystems that we have been saving. We show all this with a Low-Poly aesthetic that has taken the average user interaction time to six minutes. Outcome In one week, 4,950 users downloaded the application guaranteeing the conservation of 776 at-risk species. A reach of 2,850,000 on social media.The application attracted interest around the world and has been downloaded in 45 countries as of today.We made it so that the interaction with the users on the site was on average more than 6 minutes. And most importantly, thanks to Spotify, we now have 100 million potential activists around the world.













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