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    Talking Numbers短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 通过在医疗中心预约验血,我们瞄准了一个目标: 等待验血的人。为了达到这些目标,我们将艾滋病毒信息转化为洞察统计数据,对不同的人进行相应的细分和个性化,以获得 200 多个与性别、年龄相关的艾滋病毒统计数据,地理位置。由于地理定位和人脸识别技术,我们将我们的受众分割开来,以相关的艾滋病毒统计数据作为信息。人们用来赴约的订票机和候诊室屏幕被转换成媒体,向每个人传递我们的信息。最后,带有新的分段和个性化数据信息的预约票引起了人们的共鸣,并为他们提供了艾滋病毒检测。 相关性 聊天号码激活实现了一种新的传递信息的方式,以鼓励人们采取行动。随着技术的使用, 医疗预约的门票和在医疗中心提供的机器第一次被用作强大的媒体来传达信息,在人们的亲密关系中触动他们,并将他们转化为接受测试。它采取了创新的变革,将医疗中心的机器转化为能够识别人口统计学和地理位置的技术设备,这样他们就可以向每个人提供个性化的统计数据。尖端技术和传统预约票的结合证明是非常成功的。 概要 今天,阿根廷有 120.000 多人艾滋病毒呈阳性。30% 的人不知道这件事,他们没有检查自己,认为这个问题与他们无关。然而,接受艾滋病毒检测是减缓和阻止病毒的最佳方式,因为如果结果是阳性的,早期诊断可以挽救人们的生命。这就是为什么鼓励人们接受测试是至关重要的。 huesped 基金会是一个阿根廷组织,自 1989年以来一直致力于抗击艾滋病毒和支持携带艾滋病毒的人。在 2016 年,随着基金的发展,我们开始增加早期诊断的数量,以确保更多的人接受艾滋病毒检测,并让每个人都知道艾滋病毒的问题。 结果 根本没有媒体预算: 我们增加了艾滋病毒检测的数量: 7,046 是在通过门票提供的 10,804 项检测中进行的。 65% 以上的人选择接受测试。完成的测试数量与测试数量相比增加了 270%通常由医疗中心每周进行的测试。22 名检测呈阳性的人已经在接受 Huesped 基金会的治疗。 12月1日,在倡议的头两个小时里,标签 # EsTuTurno (# 它的回合) 推翻了 2.200.000 个印象和在阿根廷流行,标签 # FrenaElVIH 超过了 1.200.000.该运动产生的价值为 12.993.479 美元,赢得了媒体的 6,达到 44.457.666 人。从他们等待检查健康的情况来看,人们采取了行动,并接受了艾滋病毒检测。简单但强大的统计数据让人们接受测试,他们通常甚至不会考虑。 活动描述 为了瞄准在医疗中心等待血常规测试的人,我们将阿根廷的艾滋病毒数据转换为分段和个性化的统计数据。然后,我们将分配预约门票的机器进行了改造: 我们没有提供通常预约号码的门票,而是将它们和门票变成了一个处理我们强大信息的媒体渠道:与与每个人相关的令人震惊的艾滋病毒统计数据相对应的数字。当医生打电话给他们验血时,候诊室的显示器上显示的是艾滋病毒的统计数据,供所有人看到,让他们反思并采取行动进行艾滋病毒检测。这是第一次在医疗中心门票预约和运送门票的机器被用作强大的媒体来传达见解和信息,这些见解和信息在人们的亲密关系中触及他们,并向他们传递相关的信息他们要接受测试。 执行 我们将阿根廷的艾滋病毒信息转化为洞察数据,对它们进行细分和个性化,以接触不同的人。从 11月25日到 12月1日,艾滋病周,在全国 70 个医疗中心,我们将诊所里分配预约票的机器改造成智能电脑。机器没有提供通常的预约号码,而是处理了一张与令人震惊的艾滋病毒统计数据相对应的号码,与每个人相关的机票。使用地理定位和人脸识别技术分析每个人的年龄和性别,我们个性化了艾滋病毒统计数据,以便与人联系。轮到他们被医生叫进来的时候,显示屏上显示的是他们的票的艾滋病毒统计数据, 让他们反思并行动于接受艾滋病毒检测的重要性。 fou 上播放的激活视频Ndation 网站和社交媒体渠道,使该倡议有机地广为人知。


    案例简介:Strategy Through blood test appointment in medical centers, we targeted a captive target: people waiting to get their blood test. To reach them we converted HIV information into insight-statistics, segmenting and personalizing them relevantly for different people to arrive to more than 200 statistics about HIV linked to gender, age, geographic location.Thanks to geolocation and face recognition technology we segmented our audience to address people with relevant HIV statistics as messages.The ticket appointment machines and the waiting room screens people used to get to their appointment were transformed into media that deliver our message to each person. Finally, the appointment ticket with the new segmented and personalized data message resonated with people and offering them to get tested for HIV. Relevancy The Talking Numbers activation achieved a new way of delivering messages to encourage people to take action. With the use of technology, for the first time tickets for medical appointments and the machines that deliver them in medical centers were used as powerful media to convey messages that touch people in their intimacy and convert them to get tested.It took innovative transformation to convert medical centers machines into technological devices that recognized demographics and location, so that they deliver personalized statistics to each person. The combination of cutting-edge technology and traditional appointment ticket proved very successful. Synopsis Today in Argentina more than 120.000 persons are HIV positive. 30% of these people do not know about it and they’re not getting themselves checked, thinking this problem doesn’t concern them. However, being tested for HIV is the best way to slow down and stop the virus because in case of a positive result, an early diagnosis can save people’s lives.That’s why it’s crucial to encourage people to get tested.Fundación Huesped is an Argentine organization with a regional reach that dedicates itself to fight against HIV and support the persons who carry the virus, ever since 1989. In 2016, with Fundación Huesped, we took upon ourselves to increase the number of early diagnostics, to make sure more people get tested for HIV and make everybody aware of the problem of HIV. Outcome With no media budget at all:We increased the numbers of HIV tests done:They were 7,046 tests done on 10,804 tests offered through the tickets.More than 65% of people chose to get tested.The number of tests done increased by 270% compared to the number of tests normally done by medical center per week.22 persons who tested positive are already in treatment with Fundación Huesped.On 1st of December, during the first 2 hours of the initiative, the hashtag #EsTuTurno (#itsyourturn) overpassed 2.200.000 impressions and was trending in Argentina and the hashtag #FrenaElVIH overpassed 1.200.000.The campaign generated a value of $12.993.479,6 of earned media and reached 44.457.666 of people.From a situation where they were waiting to check on their health, people acted and got tested for HIV. Simple but powerful statistics made people get tested, which they usually wouldn’t even consider. CampaignDescription To target people waiting for their routine blood test in medical centers, we converted Argentina’s HIV data into segmented and personalized statistics.We then transformed the machines that assign appointments tickets: instead of delivering tickets with a usual appointment number, we turned them and the tickets, into a media channel that handled our powerful message: a number corresponding to a shocking HIV statistic relevant to each person.When being called by the doctor for their blood test, it’s the HIV statistic that was shown on the waiting room’s displays, for all people to see, making them reflect and act on getting tested for HIV.It was the first time tickets appointments and the machines that deliver them in medical centers were used as powerful media to convey insights and messages that touch people in their intimacy to deliver them a relevant message that convert them to get tested. Execution We converted Argentina’s HIV information into insight-statistics, segmenting and personalizing them to reach different people.In 70 medical centers across the country, from November 25th to December 1st, AIDS week, we transformed the machines that assign appointments tickets in clinics into intelligent computers. Instead of providing the ticket with a usual appointment number, the machine handled a ticket with a number corresponding to a shocking HIV statistic, relevant to each person. Using geolocation and face recognition technology analyzing each person’s age and gender, we personalized the HIV statistics to connect with people. When it was their turn to be called in by the doctor, it’s their ticket’s HIV statistic that was shown on the displays, making them reflect and act on the importance of getting tested for HIV.A video of the activation put on the Foundation website and social media channels, allowing the initiative to be well-known, organically.

    Talking Numbers

    案例简介:战略 通过在医疗中心预约验血,我们瞄准了一个目标: 等待验血的人。为了达到这些目标,我们将艾滋病毒信息转化为洞察统计数据,对不同的人进行相应的细分和个性化,以获得 200 多个与性别、年龄相关的艾滋病毒统计数据,地理位置。由于地理定位和人脸识别技术,我们将我们的受众分割开来,以相关的艾滋病毒统计数据作为信息。人们用来赴约的订票机和候诊室屏幕被转换成媒体,向每个人传递我们的信息。最后,带有新的分段和个性化数据信息的预约票引起了人们的共鸣,并为他们提供了艾滋病毒检测。 相关性 聊天号码激活实现了一种新的传递信息的方式,以鼓励人们采取行动。随着技术的使用, 医疗预约的门票和在医疗中心提供的机器第一次被用作强大的媒体来传达信息,在人们的亲密关系中触动他们,并将他们转化为接受测试。它采取了创新的变革,将医疗中心的机器转化为能够识别人口统计学和地理位置的技术设备,这样他们就可以向每个人提供个性化的统计数据。尖端技术和传统预约票的结合证明是非常成功的。 概要 今天,阿根廷有 120.000 多人艾滋病毒呈阳性。30% 的人不知道这件事,他们没有检查自己,认为这个问题与他们无关。然而,接受艾滋病毒检测是减缓和阻止病毒的最佳方式,因为如果结果是阳性的,早期诊断可以挽救人们的生命。这就是为什么鼓励人们接受测试是至关重要的。 huesped 基金会是一个阿根廷组织,自 1989年以来一直致力于抗击艾滋病毒和支持携带艾滋病毒的人。在 2016 年,随着基金的发展,我们开始增加早期诊断的数量,以确保更多的人接受艾滋病毒检测,并让每个人都知道艾滋病毒的问题。 结果 根本没有媒体预算: 我们增加了艾滋病毒检测的数量: 7,046 是在通过门票提供的 10,804 项检测中进行的。 65% 以上的人选择接受测试。完成的测试数量与测试数量相比增加了 270%通常由医疗中心每周进行的测试。22 名检测呈阳性的人已经在接受 Huesped 基金会的治疗。 12月1日,在倡议的头两个小时里,标签 # EsTuTurno (# 它的回合) 推翻了 2.200.000 个印象和在阿根廷流行,标签 # FrenaElVIH 超过了 1.200.000.该运动产生的价值为 12.993.479 美元,赢得了媒体的 6,达到 44.457.666 人。从他们等待检查健康的情况来看,人们采取了行动,并接受了艾滋病毒检测。简单但强大的统计数据让人们接受测试,他们通常甚至不会考虑。 活动描述 为了瞄准在医疗中心等待血常规测试的人,我们将阿根廷的艾滋病毒数据转换为分段和个性化的统计数据。然后,我们将分配预约门票的机器进行了改造: 我们没有提供通常预约号码的门票,而是将它们和门票变成了一个处理我们强大信息的媒体渠道:与与每个人相关的令人震惊的艾滋病毒统计数据相对应的数字。当医生打电话给他们验血时,候诊室的显示器上显示的是艾滋病毒的统计数据,供所有人看到,让他们反思并采取行动进行艾滋病毒检测。这是第一次在医疗中心门票预约和运送门票的机器被用作强大的媒体来传达见解和信息,这些见解和信息在人们的亲密关系中触及他们,并向他们传递相关的信息他们要接受测试。 执行 我们将阿根廷的艾滋病毒信息转化为洞察数据,对它们进行细分和个性化,以接触不同的人。从 11月25日到 12月1日,艾滋病周,在全国 70 个医疗中心,我们将诊所里分配预约票的机器改造成智能电脑。机器没有提供通常的预约号码,而是处理了一张与令人震惊的艾滋病毒统计数据相对应的号码,与每个人相关的机票。使用地理定位和人脸识别技术分析每个人的年龄和性别,我们个性化了艾滋病毒统计数据,以便与人联系。轮到他们被医生叫进来的时候,显示屏上显示的是他们的票的艾滋病毒统计数据, 让他们反思并行动于接受艾滋病毒检测的重要性。 fou 上播放的激活视频Ndation 网站和社交媒体渠道,使该倡议有机地广为人知。

    Talking Numbers

    案例简介:Strategy Through blood test appointment in medical centers, we targeted a captive target: people waiting to get their blood test. To reach them we converted HIV information into insight-statistics, segmenting and personalizing them relevantly for different people to arrive to more than 200 statistics about HIV linked to gender, age, geographic location.Thanks to geolocation and face recognition technology we segmented our audience to address people with relevant HIV statistics as messages.The ticket appointment machines and the waiting room screens people used to get to their appointment were transformed into media that deliver our message to each person. Finally, the appointment ticket with the new segmented and personalized data message resonated with people and offering them to get tested for HIV. Relevancy The Talking Numbers activation achieved a new way of delivering messages to encourage people to take action. With the use of technology, for the first time tickets for medical appointments and the machines that deliver them in medical centers were used as powerful media to convey messages that touch people in their intimacy and convert them to get tested.It took innovative transformation to convert medical centers machines into technological devices that recognized demographics and location, so that they deliver personalized statistics to each person. The combination of cutting-edge technology and traditional appointment ticket proved very successful. Synopsis Today in Argentina more than 120.000 persons are HIV positive. 30% of these people do not know about it and they’re not getting themselves checked, thinking this problem doesn’t concern them. However, being tested for HIV is the best way to slow down and stop the virus because in case of a positive result, an early diagnosis can save people’s lives.That’s why it’s crucial to encourage people to get tested.Fundación Huesped is an Argentine organization with a regional reach that dedicates itself to fight against HIV and support the persons who carry the virus, ever since 1989. In 2016, with Fundación Huesped, we took upon ourselves to increase the number of early diagnostics, to make sure more people get tested for HIV and make everybody aware of the problem of HIV. Outcome With no media budget at all:We increased the numbers of HIV tests done:They were 7,046 tests done on 10,804 tests offered through the tickets.More than 65% of people chose to get tested.The number of tests done increased by 270% compared to the number of tests normally done by medical center per week.22 persons who tested positive are already in treatment with Fundación Huesped.On 1st of December, during the first 2 hours of the initiative, the hashtag #EsTuTurno (#itsyourturn) overpassed 2.200.000 impressions and was trending in Argentina and the hashtag #FrenaElVIH overpassed 1.200.000.The campaign generated a value of $12.993.479,6 of earned media and reached 44.457.666 of people.From a situation where they were waiting to check on their health, people acted and got tested for HIV. Simple but powerful statistics made people get tested, which they usually wouldn’t even consider. CampaignDescription To target people waiting for their routine blood test in medical centers, we converted Argentina’s HIV data into segmented and personalized statistics.We then transformed the machines that assign appointments tickets: instead of delivering tickets with a usual appointment number, we turned them and the tickets, into a media channel that handled our powerful message: a number corresponding to a shocking HIV statistic relevant to each person.When being called by the doctor for their blood test, it’s the HIV statistic that was shown on the waiting room’s displays, for all people to see, making them reflect and act on getting tested for HIV.It was the first time tickets appointments and the machines that deliver them in medical centers were used as powerful media to convey insights and messages that touch people in their intimacy to deliver them a relevant message that convert them to get tested. Execution We converted Argentina’s HIV information into insight-statistics, segmenting and personalizing them to reach different people.In 70 medical centers across the country, from November 25th to December 1st, AIDS week, we transformed the machines that assign appointments tickets in clinics into intelligent computers. Instead of providing the ticket with a usual appointment number, the machine handled a ticket with a number corresponding to a shocking HIV statistic, relevant to each person. Using geolocation and face recognition technology analyzing each person’s age and gender, we personalized the HIV statistics to connect with people. When it was their turn to be called in by the doctor, it’s their ticket’s HIV statistic that was shown on the displays, making them reflect and act on the importance of getting tested for HIV.A video of the activation put on the Foundation website and social media channels, allowing the initiative to be well-known, organically.



    Talking Numbers










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