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    Survival Billboard短视频,户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 Xbox 把一个广告频道变成了一个娱乐频道,这样一来,游戏玩家就可以控制广告了。生存广告牌是伦敦市中心的一个广告牌,八名玩家站在上面测试劳拉 · 克罗夫特般的勇气、耐力和内心力量,以赢得一次受游戏启发的旅行。组成广告牌标题的参赛者面临暴风雪、倾盆大雨、大风和高温 -- 所有这些都由公众通过现场直播进行数字控制。 概要 大型视频游戏,就像大型电影一样,在户外有着巨大的影响力。它已经成为新游戏发布的战场。然而,大多数户外广告只浏览了 8 秒钟。那么,在历史上最繁忙的游戏发布期间,Xbox 如何让玩家参与到坚韧不拔的新古墓丽影重启的发布中呢? 执行 生存广告牌是一个触及世界的广告牌,因为它上发生的动作是在 Twitch (排名第一的游戏流媒体网站) 、 Xbox 仪表板、横幅广告上直播的, 数字户外和专用微型网站。公众为了观看广告牌,为了控制参与者忍受的天气,为了支持、讨论和猜测联盟和恋情,放弃了睡眠。获胜者持续了 22 个小时,然而在那一天,最古老的广告媒体被改造成一个扣人心弦的互动真人秀节目。 结果 8 分钟平均停留时间 (对普通广告牌来说是 8 秒) 每小时 1000 张天气票在赢得媒体 800万 11000 观众 22 小时 32000 观众 35 万次浏览评论 22 小时 战略 其目的是瞄准那些因即将推出预算更大的大型游戏而分心的玩家,如《辐射 4 》和《星球大战前线》。我们注意到,我们竞争对手的户外广告都是老式的被动海报 (尽管游戏是一种互动媒体)。所以我们的方法是创造一个单一的互动体验,利用玩家完全控制的心态,以提高参与度。本质上,战略方法是将游戏玩家的广告本身视为游戏。 相关性 生存广告牌是一个极具针对性的想法,具有诱人的 call-to-action.It 目标玩家,而不仅仅是通过使用 Twitch 和 IGN 等游戏频道, 但是通过创造一种互动体验,这种体验旨在吸引游戏的思维和反应方式。生存广告牌是,在 actuality,一个独特的现实世界的游戏,不可抗拒的游戏玩家行动: 你控制天气。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Xbox turned an advertising channel into an entertainment channel, and in so doing, put gamers in control of the ad. Survival Billboard was a billboard in central London on which eight gamers stood in a test of Lara Croft-like grit, endurance and inner strength, to win a trip inspired by the game. The contestants, who made up the billboard headline, faced blizzards, downpours, harsh wind and intense heat – all controlled digitally by the public via a live stream. Synopsis Big video games, like big movies, launch with a huge outdoor presence. It’s become the battleground for new game launches. Yet most outdoor ads are glanced at for just 8 seconds. So how could Xbox get gamers to engage with the launch of the gritty new Tomb Raider reboot during the busiest game launch period in history? Execution Survival Billboard was a single billboard that reached the world, as the action taking place on it was live streamed on Twitch (the number 1 game streaming site), the Xbox dashboard, banner ads, digital OOH and a dedicated microsite. The public gave up on sleep to watch the billboard, to control the weather that the participants were enduring, as well as to support, discuss and speculate about alliances and romances. The winner lasted 22 grueling hours, yet In that one day, the oldest advertising medium was reinvented as a gripping, interactive reality show. Outcome 8 minutes average dwell time (vs. 8 seconds for a regular billboard)1000 weather votes per hour£3.8 million in earned media 11000 viewers for 22 hours straight3.5 million views 32000 comments in 22 hours Strategy The aim was to target gamers who were otherwise distracted by the imminent launch of bigger games with bigger budgets, such as Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront. We noticed that the outdoor ads for our competitors were all old-fashioned passive posters (despite gaming being an interactive medium). So our approach was to create a single, interactive experience that tapped into the gamer mentality of total control in order to increase engagement levels. In essence, the strategic approach was to treat an ad for gamers as a game in itself. Relevancy Survival Billboard was a highly targeted idea with an tantalizing call-to-action.It targeted gamers not simply by using gaming channels such as Twitch and IGN, but by creating an interactive experience that was designed to appeal to a gaming way of thinking and responding.Survival Billboard was, in actuality, a real world game with a unique, irresistible call-to-action for gamers: you control the weather.

    Survival Billboard

    案例简介:活动描述 Xbox 把一个广告频道变成了一个娱乐频道,这样一来,游戏玩家就可以控制广告了。生存广告牌是伦敦市中心的一个广告牌,八名玩家站在上面测试劳拉 · 克罗夫特般的勇气、耐力和内心力量,以赢得一次受游戏启发的旅行。组成广告牌标题的参赛者面临暴风雪、倾盆大雨、大风和高温 -- 所有这些都由公众通过现场直播进行数字控制。 概要 大型视频游戏,就像大型电影一样,在户外有着巨大的影响力。它已经成为新游戏发布的战场。然而,大多数户外广告只浏览了 8 秒钟。那么,在历史上最繁忙的游戏发布期间,Xbox 如何让玩家参与到坚韧不拔的新古墓丽影重启的发布中呢? 执行 生存广告牌是一个触及世界的广告牌,因为它上发生的动作是在 Twitch (排名第一的游戏流媒体网站) 、 Xbox 仪表板、横幅广告上直播的, 数字户外和专用微型网站。公众为了观看广告牌,为了控制参与者忍受的天气,为了支持、讨论和猜测联盟和恋情,放弃了睡眠。获胜者持续了 22 个小时,然而在那一天,最古老的广告媒体被改造成一个扣人心弦的互动真人秀节目。 结果 8 分钟平均停留时间 (对普通广告牌来说是 8 秒) 每小时 1000 张天气票在赢得媒体 800万 11000 观众 22 小时 32000 观众 35 万次浏览评论 22 小时 战略 其目的是瞄准那些因即将推出预算更大的大型游戏而分心的玩家,如《辐射 4 》和《星球大战前线》。我们注意到,我们竞争对手的户外广告都是老式的被动海报 (尽管游戏是一种互动媒体)。所以我们的方法是创造一个单一的互动体验,利用玩家完全控制的心态,以提高参与度。本质上,战略方法是将游戏玩家的广告本身视为游戏。 相关性 生存广告牌是一个极具针对性的想法,具有诱人的 call-to-action.It 目标玩家,而不仅仅是通过使用 Twitch 和 IGN 等游戏频道, 但是通过创造一种互动体验,这种体验旨在吸引游戏的思维和反应方式。生存广告牌是,在 actuality,一个独特的现实世界的游戏,不可抗拒的游戏玩家行动: 你控制天气。

    Survival Billboard

    案例简介:Campaign Description Xbox turned an advertising channel into an entertainment channel, and in so doing, put gamers in control of the ad. Survival Billboard was a billboard in central London on which eight gamers stood in a test of Lara Croft-like grit, endurance and inner strength, to win a trip inspired by the game. The contestants, who made up the billboard headline, faced blizzards, downpours, harsh wind and intense heat – all controlled digitally by the public via a live stream. Synopsis Big video games, like big movies, launch with a huge outdoor presence. It’s become the battleground for new game launches. Yet most outdoor ads are glanced at for just 8 seconds. So how could Xbox get gamers to engage with the launch of the gritty new Tomb Raider reboot during the busiest game launch period in history? Execution Survival Billboard was a single billboard that reached the world, as the action taking place on it was live streamed on Twitch (the number 1 game streaming site), the Xbox dashboard, banner ads, digital OOH and a dedicated microsite. The public gave up on sleep to watch the billboard, to control the weather that the participants were enduring, as well as to support, discuss and speculate about alliances and romances. The winner lasted 22 grueling hours, yet In that one day, the oldest advertising medium was reinvented as a gripping, interactive reality show. Outcome 8 minutes average dwell time (vs. 8 seconds for a regular billboard)1000 weather votes per hour£3.8 million in earned media 11000 viewers for 22 hours straight3.5 million views 32000 comments in 22 hours Strategy The aim was to target gamers who were otherwise distracted by the imminent launch of bigger games with bigger budgets, such as Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront. We noticed that the outdoor ads for our competitors were all old-fashioned passive posters (despite gaming being an interactive medium). So our approach was to create a single, interactive experience that tapped into the gamer mentality of total control in order to increase engagement levels. In essence, the strategic approach was to treat an ad for gamers as a game in itself. Relevancy Survival Billboard was a highly targeted idea with an tantalizing call-to-action.It targeted gamers not simply by using gaming channels such as Twitch and IGN, but by creating an interactive experience that was designed to appeal to a gaming way of thinking and responding.Survival Billboard was, in actuality, a real world game with a unique, irresistible call-to-action for gamers: you control the weather.



    Survival Billboard










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