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    案例简介:战略 我们的策略是在一个小的季节窗口内实现最大的影响: 来临。专注于我们挑衅性的圣诞卡,作为我们的核心活动元素,围绕着印刷、广播、社交媒体和户外。我们的目标受众是国际、专业人士和退休人员,他们对人道主义问题感兴趣,以及媒体中第三部门支持者以外的中端市场和鼓励行动。但最重要的是,我们通过这一报道以及卡片本身,瞄准了政治家,在这个关键时刻施加压力。行动呼吁很简单: 购买卡片,通过这样做传播消息,并签署请愿书 -- 让阿勒颇危机脱颖而出。 结果 每张卡片都将 2016年的真实编辑战争图像与传统的耶稣诞生场景合并在一起。人们花了几个小时,浏览图书馆、新闻协会,并联系真正的耶稣诞生艺术家,以找到构图上适合方形格式的视觉效果。图像也被选择,这样每张卡片都有自己独特的故事,以上下文相关的方式重新想象关键的耶稣诞生故事。卡片需要感觉像圣诞节的同义词。所以社论,摄影图像需要精心制作,以确保从纹理上看,整体图像感觉像一个无缝的整体。带有温暖、谷物和经典卡片的丰富色彩。库存对于确保这一最终结果至关重要。所以当举行,他们觉得真实。副本也是专门编写和设计的,以确保它们不仅是一种信息和挑衅性的交流,而且还保留了真正的圣诞卡的感觉。 执行 每张卡片都将 2016年的真实编辑战争图像与传统的耶稣诞生场景合并在一起。人们花了几个小时,浏览图书馆、新闻协会,并联系真正的耶稣诞生艺术家,以找到构图上适合方形格式的视觉效果。图像也被选择,这样每张卡片都有自己独特的故事,以上下文相关的方式重新想象关键的耶稣诞生故事。卡片需要感觉像圣诞节的同义词。所以社论,摄影图像需要精心制作,以确保从纹理上看,整体图像感觉像一个无缝的整体。带有温暖、谷物和经典卡片的丰富色彩。库存对于确保这一最终结果至关重要。所以当举行,他们觉得真实。副本也是专门编写和设计的,以确保它们不仅是一种信息和挑衅性的交流,而且还保留了真正的圣诞卡的感觉。 活动描述 每年圣诞节,我们都会看到 “圣地” 的浪漫形象。一切看起来都很平静。然而今天,中东被战争蹂躏。对于世界上的慈善医生来说,我们用 # RealityXmas 突出了这一不方便的讽刺 -- 一套圣诞卡,旨在引发辩论、激起愤怒、获得请愿书签名和增加捐款。将传统的耶稣诞生场景 (节日的代名词) 与真正的 2016 编辑战争图像相结合,它们成为一套独特的、强大的视觉效果走向全球,获得了前所未有的回应。 概要 2016年中东的冲突及其许多影响,如难民危机,在节日期间呈现出黯淡的前景。当阿勒颇的灾难性事件发生时,人道主义慈善机构世界医生组织 (DOTW),其无畏的志愿者在整个地区提供重要的医疗援助, 需要以前所未有的全球受众为目标,在这个关键时刻提高认识和捐款。但最重要的是,对英国政府施加压力,要求建立医疗航空走廊。DOTW 以前没有重要的媒体形象,也没有大型医疗慈善机构的规模、网络、资源或声誉。但是我们的目标是利用这一点,用一个勇敢而新颖的创意来实现改变,以获得至少 2,000 个签名。


    案例简介:Strategy Our strategy was to achieve maximum impact within a small seasonal window: advent. Focusing on our provocative Christmas Cards as our core campaign element, surrounded by print, radio, social media and OOH.Our target audience – to ensure the message spread, and people signed the petition – were international, professionals and retirees, those interested in humanitarian issues, as well as the mid-market and encouraging action from beyond the usual third sector supporters in media. But most significantly, we targeted politicians through this coverage, and the cards themselves, to apply pressure at this critical time.The call to action was simple: purchase the cards and by doing so spread the word, and sign the petition – to bring the Aleppo crises to the fore. Outcome Each card merged real, editorial war images from 2016 with traditional nativity scenes. Hours upon hours were spent, scouring libraries, the Press Association and contacting authentic nativity artists, to find visuals that compositionally would fit together in a square format. Images were also chosen so that each card had its own unique story, that re-imagined key nativity stories in contextually relevant ways. The cards needed to feel like those synonymous with Christmas. And so the editorial, photographic images needed to be meticulously crafted, to ensure that texturally, the overall image felt like one seamless whole. With warmth, grain, and the rich colours of classic cards. Stock was critical in ensuring this end result. And so when held, they felt authentic. Copy was also written and designed specifically to ensure they worked not only as a piece of informative and provocative communication, but also retained the feeling of genuine Christmas cards. Execution Each card merged real, editorial war images from 2016 with traditional nativity scenes. Hours upon hours were spent, scouring libraries, the Press Association and contacting authentic nativity artists, to find visuals that compositionally would fit together in a square format. Images were also chosen so that each card had its own unique story, that re-imagined key nativity stories in contextually relevant ways. The cards needed to feel like those synonymous with Christmas. And so the editorial, photographic images needed to be meticulously crafted, to ensure that texturally, the overall image felt like one seamless whole. With warmth, grain, and the rich colours of classic cards. Stock was critical in ensuring this end result. And so when held, they felt authentic. Copy was also written and designed specifically to ensure they worked not only as a piece of informative and provocative communication, but also retained the feeling of genuine Christmas cards. CampaignDescription Every Christmas, we see romanticised images of the ‘Holy Land’. Everything looks calm and peaceful. Yet today, the Middle East is ravaged by war. For charity Doctors of the World, we brought this inconvenient irony to the fore with #RealityXmas - a set of Christmas cards designed to spark debate, provoke outrage, get petition signatures and increase donations. Combining traditional nativity scenes, synonymous with the festive season, with genuine 2016 editorial war images, they become a set of unique, and powerful visuals went global, gaining an unprecedented response. Synopsis Conflict across the Middle East in 2016, and its many repercussions such as the refugee crises, had presented a bleak outlook going into the festive period. And, when the disastrous events of Aleppo unfolded, Humanitarian charity Doctors of The World (DOTW), whose fearless volunteers provide vital medical aid across the region, needed to target a global audience like never before, to raise awareness and donations at this critical time. But most importantly, apply pressure on the UK government to establish a medical air corridor. DOTW didn’t previously have a significant media profile, or the scale, network, resource or reputation of bigger medical charities. But we aimed to use this to our advantage, and bring about a change with a brave and novel creative idea to gain at least 2,000 signatures.

    Reality Xmas

    案例简介:战略 我们的策略是在一个小的季节窗口内实现最大的影响: 来临。专注于我们挑衅性的圣诞卡,作为我们的核心活动元素,围绕着印刷、广播、社交媒体和户外。我们的目标受众是国际、专业人士和退休人员,他们对人道主义问题感兴趣,以及媒体中第三部门支持者以外的中端市场和鼓励行动。但最重要的是,我们通过这一报道以及卡片本身,瞄准了政治家,在这个关键时刻施加压力。行动呼吁很简单: 购买卡片,通过这样做传播消息,并签署请愿书 -- 让阿勒颇危机脱颖而出。 结果 每张卡片都将 2016年的真实编辑战争图像与传统的耶稣诞生场景合并在一起。人们花了几个小时,浏览图书馆、新闻协会,并联系真正的耶稣诞生艺术家,以找到构图上适合方形格式的视觉效果。图像也被选择,这样每张卡片都有自己独特的故事,以上下文相关的方式重新想象关键的耶稣诞生故事。卡片需要感觉像圣诞节的同义词。所以社论,摄影图像需要精心制作,以确保从纹理上看,整体图像感觉像一个无缝的整体。带有温暖、谷物和经典卡片的丰富色彩。库存对于确保这一最终结果至关重要。所以当举行,他们觉得真实。副本也是专门编写和设计的,以确保它们不仅是一种信息和挑衅性的交流,而且还保留了真正的圣诞卡的感觉。 执行 每张卡片都将 2016年的真实编辑战争图像与传统的耶稣诞生场景合并在一起。人们花了几个小时,浏览图书馆、新闻协会,并联系真正的耶稣诞生艺术家,以找到构图上适合方形格式的视觉效果。图像也被选择,这样每张卡片都有自己独特的故事,以上下文相关的方式重新想象关键的耶稣诞生故事。卡片需要感觉像圣诞节的同义词。所以社论,摄影图像需要精心制作,以确保从纹理上看,整体图像感觉像一个无缝的整体。带有温暖、谷物和经典卡片的丰富色彩。库存对于确保这一最终结果至关重要。所以当举行,他们觉得真实。副本也是专门编写和设计的,以确保它们不仅是一种信息和挑衅性的交流,而且还保留了真正的圣诞卡的感觉。 活动描述 每年圣诞节,我们都会看到 “圣地” 的浪漫形象。一切看起来都很平静。然而今天,中东被战争蹂躏。对于世界上的慈善医生来说,我们用 # RealityXmas 突出了这一不方便的讽刺 -- 一套圣诞卡,旨在引发辩论、激起愤怒、获得请愿书签名和增加捐款。将传统的耶稣诞生场景 (节日的代名词) 与真正的 2016 编辑战争图像相结合,它们成为一套独特的、强大的视觉效果走向全球,获得了前所未有的回应。 概要 2016年中东的冲突及其许多影响,如难民危机,在节日期间呈现出黯淡的前景。当阿勒颇的灾难性事件发生时,人道主义慈善机构世界医生组织 (DOTW),其无畏的志愿者在整个地区提供重要的医疗援助, 需要以前所未有的全球受众为目标,在这个关键时刻提高认识和捐款。但最重要的是,对英国政府施加压力,要求建立医疗航空走廊。DOTW 以前没有重要的媒体形象,也没有大型医疗慈善机构的规模、网络、资源或声誉。但是我们的目标是利用这一点,用一个勇敢而新颖的创意来实现改变,以获得至少 2,000 个签名。

    Reality Xmas

    案例简介:Strategy Our strategy was to achieve maximum impact within a small seasonal window: advent. Focusing on our provocative Christmas Cards as our core campaign element, surrounded by print, radio, social media and OOH.Our target audience – to ensure the message spread, and people signed the petition – were international, professionals and retirees, those interested in humanitarian issues, as well as the mid-market and encouraging action from beyond the usual third sector supporters in media. But most significantly, we targeted politicians through this coverage, and the cards themselves, to apply pressure at this critical time.The call to action was simple: purchase the cards and by doing so spread the word, and sign the petition – to bring the Aleppo crises to the fore. Outcome Each card merged real, editorial war images from 2016 with traditional nativity scenes. Hours upon hours were spent, scouring libraries, the Press Association and contacting authentic nativity artists, to find visuals that compositionally would fit together in a square format. Images were also chosen so that each card had its own unique story, that re-imagined key nativity stories in contextually relevant ways. The cards needed to feel like those synonymous with Christmas. And so the editorial, photographic images needed to be meticulously crafted, to ensure that texturally, the overall image felt like one seamless whole. With warmth, grain, and the rich colours of classic cards. Stock was critical in ensuring this end result. And so when held, they felt authentic. Copy was also written and designed specifically to ensure they worked not only as a piece of informative and provocative communication, but also retained the feeling of genuine Christmas cards. Execution Each card merged real, editorial war images from 2016 with traditional nativity scenes. Hours upon hours were spent, scouring libraries, the Press Association and contacting authentic nativity artists, to find visuals that compositionally would fit together in a square format. Images were also chosen so that each card had its own unique story, that re-imagined key nativity stories in contextually relevant ways. The cards needed to feel like those synonymous with Christmas. And so the editorial, photographic images needed to be meticulously crafted, to ensure that texturally, the overall image felt like one seamless whole. With warmth, grain, and the rich colours of classic cards. Stock was critical in ensuring this end result. And so when held, they felt authentic. Copy was also written and designed specifically to ensure they worked not only as a piece of informative and provocative communication, but also retained the feeling of genuine Christmas cards. CampaignDescription Every Christmas, we see romanticised images of the ‘Holy Land’. Everything looks calm and peaceful. Yet today, the Middle East is ravaged by war. For charity Doctors of the World, we brought this inconvenient irony to the fore with #RealityXmas - a set of Christmas cards designed to spark debate, provoke outrage, get petition signatures and increase donations. Combining traditional nativity scenes, synonymous with the festive season, with genuine 2016 editorial war images, they become a set of unique, and powerful visuals went global, gaining an unprecedented response. Synopsis Conflict across the Middle East in 2016, and its many repercussions such as the refugee crises, had presented a bleak outlook going into the festive period. And, when the disastrous events of Aleppo unfolded, Humanitarian charity Doctors of The World (DOTW), whose fearless volunteers provide vital medical aid across the region, needed to target a global audience like never before, to raise awareness and donations at this critical time. But most importantly, apply pressure on the UK government to establish a medical air corridor. DOTW didn’t previously have a significant media profile, or the scale, network, resource or reputation of bigger medical charities. But we aimed to use this to our advantage, and bring about a change with a brave and novel creative idea to gain at least 2,000 signatures.



    Reality Xmas






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