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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与创意数据相关? 如果没有使用交通和司机的实时数据,以及历史交通数据分析,这种新的食品配送服务的想法是不可能的。交通堵塞华勃使用实时数据来识别陷入交通堵塞的饥饿司机,为他们提供一个华勃,让他们快速订购,追踪他们的车,以便在移动中交付。通过实时数据,我们改善了那些饥饿的司机每天在墨西哥交通中停留长达 5 小时的生活。 背景 商业挑战是短暂的: 未来五年食品服务的 70% 增长将来自交付 (来源: Euromonitor)。为了让汉堡王继续成长,成为创新解决方案交付的领导者是当务之急。我们不得不超越其他快餐连锁店使用优步等第三方解决方案的能力。我们不得不以一种以前没有品牌做过的方式运送食物。但是在墨西哥城,交通是世界上最差的 (根据最新的TomTom全球交通指数)。人们每天通勤时间长达 5 个小时-这意味着他们不在自己的家中或办公室订购送货服务。对于汉堡王来说,这是一个糟糕的送货机会,因为有史以来第一次,堵车的人能够在他们移动的时候订购一个Whopper并得到它。 描述想法/数据解决方案 (20% 的选票) 交通堵塞了。我们使用实时数据来检测交通堵塞中的潜在买家,以便为他们提供一个巨款并在移动中交付。 我们使用了 100% 动态的、数据驱动的媒体来推广我们的服务,只是在高拥堵区域。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们调整了billboards的位置和内容,显示了关于剩余订购时间的交通信息,以及关于正在进行的交付的个性化更新。 一旦司机进入我们的交付区域,Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请他们使用我们的免提语音激活订购功能获得一个Whopper。然后,使用最新的谷歌地图应用编程接口,我们指出了车辆的位置和速度,以便有史以来第一次向移动中的司机提供。交通直播后,送货区域发生了变化,当发现餐馆半径 3千米米范围内出现交通堵塞时,我们的服务就可用了。 描述数据驱动策略 (30% 的选票) 首先,我们分析了来自墨西哥的历史Waze数据,如平均速度、行程长度、与主要街道的可能偏差以及与BK餐厅的距离,确定一天中理想的地点和时间,在这些地点和时间里,将车送到交通堵塞的汽车是可行的。为了在不到 30 分钟内完成交付,我们以参与餐厅 3 公里半径范围内的司机为目标,并使用实时交通数据来确定服务可激活或停用的区域,以适应日常交通变化。广告牌只放在高拥挤区。我们还将客户提供的数据纳入广告牌,以完成两件事: 1) 让人们意识到他们已经进入了交通堵塞,剩下的时间他们将会陷入交通堵塞,所以他们可以订购; 2) 为等待订单的客户提供实时更新。交通堵塞服务是新BK移动应用程序的一部分,允许我们使用客户手机上的位置数据。最后,使用最新的谷歌地图APIs,我们确定了车辆位置,以实时跟踪他们的路线,同时我们的工作人员在交通中匆忙找到他们并在移动中交付。 描述数据的创造性使用,或者数据如何增强创意输出 (30% 的选票) 数据的创造性使用允许BK第一次交付给移动目标。数据使得确定可行的交付区域、实时客户跟踪成为可能,以及通过新的BK移动应用程序的导航界面,让我们的送货员在消费者通过交通时跟踪和拦截他们。 来自交通和我们的消费者的实时数据允许我们为我们的消费者部署实时动态OOH和移动消息体验,仅在高拥堵区域。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们调整了广告牌的位置和内容。这些消息显示了有关要订购的流量剩余时间的信息,以及有关正在进行的交付的个性化更新。 Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请司机在进入我们的交付区域后立即获得Whopper。人们能够使用语音命令下订单并避免门票。在traffic live之后,交付区域发生了变化。当发现交通堵塞时,我们提供我们的服务,交通堵塞总是在餐馆半径 3千米的范围内。 列出数据驱动的结果 (20% 的选票) 在节目的第一周,参与的餐馆平均每天看到 63% 的i交货订单中的折痕。* 在不到 30 天的时间里,BK app下载量翻了一番,达到品牌的 2018,每日App下载量增加了 44 倍,成为 #1 快餐App,超越麦当劳,墨西哥的多米诺和星巴克。* * 高达 10% 的下载该应用的消费者注册了交通堵塞服务,提供电子邮件、汽车型号和牌照以及信用卡信息。* 我们为整个汉堡王系统设定了一个新的基准,平均交付时间为 11 分钟 -- 不到最初分配的 30 分钟交付时间的一半。* 促销活动的成功导致该品牌今年晚些时候在其他交通密度高的城市实施。即将来到圣保罗、洛杉矶和上海。 * 来源: BK内部数据 * * 来源: Firebase


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Creative Data? Without the use of traffic and drivers’ real-time data, as well historical traffic data analysis, this whole idea of a new food delivery service would have never been possible. The Traffic Jam Whopper uses real-time data to identify our hungry drivers stuck in a traffic jam, to offer them a Whopper, allow them to order quickly, and track their car to deliver on the move. Through real-time data, we enhanced the lives of those hungry drivers spending up to 5 hours a day stuck in Mexico’s traffic. Background The business challenge was the brief: 70% of the growth in Food Service in the next five years will come from delivery (Source: Euromonitor). For Burger King to continue to grow, becoming a leader in delivery with innovative solutions is a top priority. We had to go beyond what other fast-food chains can do using third-party solutions such as UberEats. We had to deliver food in a way no brand has done before. But in Mexico City, the traffic is the worst in the world (according to the latest TomTom Global Traffic index). People spend up to 5 hours in their daily commute-- meaning they are not in their houses or offices to order delivery. This was a badass delivery opportunity for Burger King because for the first time ever, people stuck in traffic were able to order a Whopper and get it while they were on the move. Describe the idea/data solution (20% of vote) The Traffic Jam Whopper. We used real-time data to detect our potential buyers in a traffic jam in order to offer them a Whopper and deliver on the move. We used 100% dynamic, data-driven media to promote our service, only in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we adjusted our billboards’ location and content, displaying information about the remaining time in traffic to order, and personalized updates about deliveries in progress. As soon as drivers entered our delivery zones, Waze banners ads and push notifications invited them to get a Whopper with our hands-free Voice-activated ordering feature. Then, using the latest Google Maps API’s, we pinpointed vehicle location and speed in order to deliver-- for the first time ever-- to a driver on the move. The delivery zones changed following the traffic live, making our service available when a gridlock was identified within a 3 km radius from the restaurants. Describe the data driven strategy (30% of vote) First, we analyzed historical Waze data from Mexico, such as average speed, journey length, possible deviations from main streets and distance from BK restaurants, to identify ideal locations and times of the day where delivery to cars stuck in traffic was doable. To fulfill deliveries in less than 30 minutes, we targeted drivers within a 3-kilometer radius of participating restaurants and used real-time traffic data to determine zones where the service would be available to activate or deactivate, adapting live to daily traffic variation. The billboards were placed only in high congestion zones. We also incorporated customer-provided data into the billboards to accomplish two things: 1) Make people aware that they had entered a traffic jam and of the remaining time they would be stuck in traffic, so they could order; and 2) Give real-time updates to customers waiting for their order. The Traffic Jam service was part of the new BK mobile app, allowing us to use customer’s location data from their mobile phones. Finally, using the latest google maps APIs, we pinpointed the vehicle location to track their routes in real-time while our staff scrambled through traffic to find them and deliver on the move. Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output (30% of vote) The creative use of data allowed BK to deliver for the first time to a moving target. Data made it possible to determine viable delivery areas, real-time customer tracking, and a navigation interface through the new BK mobile app for our delivery guys to follow and intercept our consumer as they moved through traffic. Real time data from traffic and our consumer allowed us to deploy live dynamic OOH and mobile messaging experience for our consumers, only in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we adjusted our billboard’s location and content. The messages displayed information about the remaining time in traffic to order and personalized updates about deliveries in progress. Waze banners ads and push notifications invited drivers to get a Whopper as soon as they entered our delivery zones. People were able to use voice commands to place the order and avoid tickets. The delivery zones changed following the traffic live. We made our service available when a gridlock was identified, always within a 3 km radius of the restaurants. List the data driven results (20% of vote) In the program’s first week, participating restaurants saw a 63% average daily increase in delivery orders.* In fewer than 30 days, BK app downloads DOUBLED the brand’s 2018 total, and daily App downloads increased 44 times, becoming the #1 Fast Food App, surpassing McDonalds, Domino’s & Starbucks in Mexico.** A whopping 10% of consumers who downloaded the app registered for the Traffic Jam service, providing email, car model and license plates, AND credit card information.* We set a new benchmark for the Burger King system as a whole with an average delivery time of 11 minutes-- less than half of the 30 minutes originally allotted delivery time.* The promo success led the brand to implement it in other cities with high traffic density later this year. Coming soon to Sao Paulo, Los Angeles and Shanghai. *Source: BK Internal Data **Source: Firebase

    The Traffic Jam Whopper

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与创意数据相关? 如果没有使用交通和司机的实时数据,以及历史交通数据分析,这种新的食品配送服务的想法是不可能的。交通堵塞华勃使用实时数据来识别陷入交通堵塞的饥饿司机,为他们提供一个华勃,让他们快速订购,追踪他们的车,以便在移动中交付。通过实时数据,我们改善了那些饥饿的司机每天在墨西哥交通中停留长达 5 小时的生活。 背景 商业挑战是短暂的: 未来五年食品服务的 70% 增长将来自交付 (来源: Euromonitor)。为了让汉堡王继续成长,成为创新解决方案交付的领导者是当务之急。我们不得不超越其他快餐连锁店使用优步等第三方解决方案的能力。我们不得不以一种以前没有品牌做过的方式运送食物。但是在墨西哥城,交通是世界上最差的 (根据最新的TomTom全球交通指数)。人们每天通勤时间长达 5 个小时-这意味着他们不在自己的家中或办公室订购送货服务。对于汉堡王来说,这是一个糟糕的送货机会,因为有史以来第一次,堵车的人能够在他们移动的时候订购一个Whopper并得到它。 描述想法/数据解决方案 (20% 的选票) 交通堵塞了。我们使用实时数据来检测交通堵塞中的潜在买家,以便为他们提供一个巨款并在移动中交付。 我们使用了 100% 动态的、数据驱动的媒体来推广我们的服务,只是在高拥堵区域。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们调整了billboards的位置和内容,显示了关于剩余订购时间的交通信息,以及关于正在进行的交付的个性化更新。 一旦司机进入我们的交付区域,Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请他们使用我们的免提语音激活订购功能获得一个Whopper。然后,使用最新的谷歌地图应用编程接口,我们指出了车辆的位置和速度,以便有史以来第一次向移动中的司机提供。交通直播后,送货区域发生了变化,当发现餐馆半径 3千米米范围内出现交通堵塞时,我们的服务就可用了。 描述数据驱动策略 (30% 的选票) 首先,我们分析了来自墨西哥的历史Waze数据,如平均速度、行程长度、与主要街道的可能偏差以及与BK餐厅的距离,确定一天中理想的地点和时间,在这些地点和时间里,将车送到交通堵塞的汽车是可行的。为了在不到 30 分钟内完成交付,我们以参与餐厅 3 公里半径范围内的司机为目标,并使用实时交通数据来确定服务可激活或停用的区域,以适应日常交通变化。广告牌只放在高拥挤区。我们还将客户提供的数据纳入广告牌,以完成两件事: 1) 让人们意识到他们已经进入了交通堵塞,剩下的时间他们将会陷入交通堵塞,所以他们可以订购; 2) 为等待订单的客户提供实时更新。交通堵塞服务是新BK移动应用程序的一部分,允许我们使用客户手机上的位置数据。最后,使用最新的谷歌地图APIs,我们确定了车辆位置,以实时跟踪他们的路线,同时我们的工作人员在交通中匆忙找到他们并在移动中交付。 描述数据的创造性使用,或者数据如何增强创意输出 (30% 的选票) 数据的创造性使用允许BK第一次交付给移动目标。数据使得确定可行的交付区域、实时客户跟踪成为可能,以及通过新的BK移动应用程序的导航界面,让我们的送货员在消费者通过交通时跟踪和拦截他们。 来自交通和我们的消费者的实时数据允许我们为我们的消费者部署实时动态OOH和移动消息体验,仅在高拥堵区域。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们调整了广告牌的位置和内容。这些消息显示了有关要订购的流量剩余时间的信息,以及有关正在进行的交付的个性化更新。 Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请司机在进入我们的交付区域后立即获得Whopper。人们能够使用语音命令下订单并避免门票。在traffic live之后,交付区域发生了变化。当发现交通堵塞时,我们提供我们的服务,交通堵塞总是在餐馆半径 3千米的范围内。 列出数据驱动的结果 (20% 的选票) 在节目的第一周,参与的餐馆平均每天看到 63% 的i交货订单中的折痕。* 在不到 30 天的时间里,BK app下载量翻了一番,达到品牌的 2018,每日App下载量增加了 44 倍,成为 #1 快餐App,超越麦当劳,墨西哥的多米诺和星巴克。* * 高达 10% 的下载该应用的消费者注册了交通堵塞服务,提供电子邮件、汽车型号和牌照以及信用卡信息。* 我们为整个汉堡王系统设定了一个新的基准,平均交付时间为 11 分钟 -- 不到最初分配的 30 分钟交付时间的一半。* 促销活动的成功导致该品牌今年晚些时候在其他交通密度高的城市实施。即将来到圣保罗、洛杉矶和上海。 * 来源: BK内部数据 * * 来源: Firebase

    The Traffic Jam Whopper

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Creative Data? Without the use of traffic and drivers’ real-time data, as well historical traffic data analysis, this whole idea of a new food delivery service would have never been possible. The Traffic Jam Whopper uses real-time data to identify our hungry drivers stuck in a traffic jam, to offer them a Whopper, allow them to order quickly, and track their car to deliver on the move. Through real-time data, we enhanced the lives of those hungry drivers spending up to 5 hours a day stuck in Mexico’s traffic. Background The business challenge was the brief: 70% of the growth in Food Service in the next five years will come from delivery (Source: Euromonitor). For Burger King to continue to grow, becoming a leader in delivery with innovative solutions is a top priority. We had to go beyond what other fast-food chains can do using third-party solutions such as UberEats. We had to deliver food in a way no brand has done before. But in Mexico City, the traffic is the worst in the world (according to the latest TomTom Global Traffic index). People spend up to 5 hours in their daily commute-- meaning they are not in their houses or offices to order delivery. This was a badass delivery opportunity for Burger King because for the first time ever, people stuck in traffic were able to order a Whopper and get it while they were on the move. Describe the idea/data solution (20% of vote) The Traffic Jam Whopper. We used real-time data to detect our potential buyers in a traffic jam in order to offer them a Whopper and deliver on the move. We used 100% dynamic, data-driven media to promote our service, only in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we adjusted our billboards’ location and content, displaying information about the remaining time in traffic to order, and personalized updates about deliveries in progress. As soon as drivers entered our delivery zones, Waze banners ads and push notifications invited them to get a Whopper with our hands-free Voice-activated ordering feature. Then, using the latest Google Maps API’s, we pinpointed vehicle location and speed in order to deliver-- for the first time ever-- to a driver on the move. The delivery zones changed following the traffic live, making our service available when a gridlock was identified within a 3 km radius from the restaurants. Describe the data driven strategy (30% of vote) First, we analyzed historical Waze data from Mexico, such as average speed, journey length, possible deviations from main streets and distance from BK restaurants, to identify ideal locations and times of the day where delivery to cars stuck in traffic was doable. To fulfill deliveries in less than 30 minutes, we targeted drivers within a 3-kilometer radius of participating restaurants and used real-time traffic data to determine zones where the service would be available to activate or deactivate, adapting live to daily traffic variation. The billboards were placed only in high congestion zones. We also incorporated customer-provided data into the billboards to accomplish two things: 1) Make people aware that they had entered a traffic jam and of the remaining time they would be stuck in traffic, so they could order; and 2) Give real-time updates to customers waiting for their order. The Traffic Jam service was part of the new BK mobile app, allowing us to use customer’s location data from their mobile phones. Finally, using the latest google maps APIs, we pinpointed the vehicle location to track their routes in real-time while our staff scrambled through traffic to find them and deliver on the move. Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output (30% of vote) The creative use of data allowed BK to deliver for the first time to a moving target. Data made it possible to determine viable delivery areas, real-time customer tracking, and a navigation interface through the new BK mobile app for our delivery guys to follow and intercept our consumer as they moved through traffic. Real time data from traffic and our consumer allowed us to deploy live dynamic OOH and mobile messaging experience for our consumers, only in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we adjusted our billboard’s location and content. The messages displayed information about the remaining time in traffic to order and personalized updates about deliveries in progress. Waze banners ads and push notifications invited drivers to get a Whopper as soon as they entered our delivery zones. People were able to use voice commands to place the order and avoid tickets. The delivery zones changed following the traffic live. We made our service available when a gridlock was identified, always within a 3 km radius of the restaurants. List the data driven results (20% of vote) In the program’s first week, participating restaurants saw a 63% average daily increase in delivery orders.* In fewer than 30 days, BK app downloads DOUBLED the brand’s 2018 total, and daily App downloads increased 44 times, becoming the #1 Fast Food App, surpassing McDonalds, Domino’s & Starbucks in Mexico.** A whopping 10% of consumers who downloaded the app registered for the Traffic Jam service, providing email, car model and license plates, AND credit card information.* We set a new benchmark for the Burger King system as a whole with an average delivery time of 11 minutes-- less than half of the 30 minutes originally allotted delivery time.* The promo success led the brand to implement it in other cities with high traffic density later this year. Coming soon to Sao Paulo, Los Angeles and Shanghai. *Source: BK Internal Data **Source: Firebase



    The Traffic Jam Whopper










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