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    案例简介:写一份关于数字或环境执行或活动中发生的事情的简短摘要。 交通堵塞了。第一项服务仅在交通堵塞时提供,它使用实时数据来宣传巨无霸并在移动中交付。我们的动态媒体布局随着交通直播而改变,仅在高拥堵区域推广我们的服务。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们还调整了我们的数字广告牌的内容,显示了司机的剩余时间,以及个性化的交付进度更新。一旦司机进入送货热点,Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请司机使用我们的免提语音激活订购功能使用该服务。然后,使用最新的谷歌地图应用编程接口,我们指出了车辆的位置和速度,有史以来第一次向移动中的司机提供。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 墨西哥城拥有世界上最糟糕的交通 (根据TomTom的全球交通指数)。人们每天在车里浪费多达5个小时。尤其是在晚上高峰时间,这意味着给那些饥饿的司机带来前所未有的糟糕机会。交通堵塞使墨西哥城司机在交通中能够满足他们的饥饿。通过使用我们嵌入到BK应用程序中的简单,免提,语音激活订购功能 (一旦司机进入交付区就会激活),客户可以订购华勃,从我们的摩托车交付团队收到它,并在下订单后30分钟内开始进食。 解释工作如何创新性地使用户外介质。 来自交通和我们消费者的移动设备的实时数据使我们能够为他们部署实时动态OOH和移动消息体验,仅在高拥堵区域。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们每天实时调整广告牌的位置和内容。交付区域也改变了每日预测和跟踪实时流量。每天,当发现交通堵塞时,我们都会提供交通堵塞服务,交通堵塞服务总是在餐馆半径3千米的范围内。OOH消息显示了有关交通剩余时间的信息,以订购交通堵塞组合和个性化交付更新。Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请司机在进入我们的交付区域后立即获得Whopper。人们能够使用语音命令下订单并避免门票,符合当地交通法律。


    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the digital or ambient execution or campaign. The Traffic Jam Whopper. The first service ONLY available in TRAFFIC JAMS, that uses REAL-TIME DATA to promote Whoppers and deliver ON THE MOVE. Our dynamic media placement changed following the traffic live, promoting our service only in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we also adjusted our digital billboard’s content, displaying information about drivers’ remaining time in traffic to order, and personalized delivery progress updates. As soon as drivers entered a delivery hotspot, Waze banners ads and push notifications invited drivers to use the service with our hands-free Voice-activated ordering feature. Then, using the latest Google Maps API’s, we pinpointed vehicle location and speed to deliver-- for the first time ever-- to a driver on the move. Cultural/Context information for the jury Mexico City has the worst traffic in the world (according to TomTom’s Global Traffic Index). People waste up to 5 hours a day in their cars. Especially during evening rush hour, meaning a badass opportunity to deliver Whoppers to those hungry drivers like never before. The Traffic Jam Whopper enabled Mexico City drivers to satiate their hunger while in traffic. By using our simple, hands-free, voice-activated ordering feature embedded into the BK App (which is activated once drivers entered a delivery zone), customers could order a Whopper, receive it from our motorcycle delivery team, and start eating-- all within 30 minutes from the order being placed. Explain how the work innovatively used the outdoor medium. Real time data from traffic and our consumers’ mobile device allowed us to deploy live dynamic OOH and mobile messaging experience for them, EXCLUSIVELY in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we adjusted our billboard’s location and content EVERY DAY, live. The delivery zones also changed daily predicting and following the traffic live. Each day we made the traffic jam service available when a gridlock was identified, always within a 3 km radius of the restaurants.The OOH messages displayed information about the remaining time in traffic to order the traffic jam combo and personalized delivery updates. Waze banners ads and push notifications invited drivers to get a Whopper as soon as they entered our delivery zones. People were able to use voice commands to place the order and avoid tickets, conforming to local traffic laws.

    The Traffic Jam Whopper

    案例简介:写一份关于数字或环境执行或活动中发生的事情的简短摘要。 交通堵塞了。第一项服务仅在交通堵塞时提供,它使用实时数据来宣传巨无霸并在移动中交付。我们的动态媒体布局随着交通直播而改变,仅在高拥堵区域推广我们的服务。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们还调整了我们的数字广告牌的内容,显示了司机的剩余时间,以及个性化的交付进度更新。一旦司机进入送货热点,Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请司机使用我们的免提语音激活订购功能使用该服务。然后,使用最新的谷歌地图应用编程接口,我们指出了车辆的位置和速度,有史以来第一次向移动中的司机提供。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 墨西哥城拥有世界上最糟糕的交通 (根据TomTom的全球交通指数)。人们每天在车里浪费多达5个小时。尤其是在晚上高峰时间,这意味着给那些饥饿的司机带来前所未有的糟糕机会。交通堵塞使墨西哥城司机在交通中能够满足他们的饥饿。通过使用我们嵌入到BK应用程序中的简单,免提,语音激活订购功能 (一旦司机进入交付区就会激活),客户可以订购华勃,从我们的摩托车交付团队收到它,并在下订单后30分钟内开始进食。 解释工作如何创新性地使用户外介质。 来自交通和我们消费者的移动设备的实时数据使我们能够为他们部署实时动态OOH和移动消息体验,仅在高拥堵区域。通过利用交通和司机的实时数据,我们每天实时调整广告牌的位置和内容。交付区域也改变了每日预测和跟踪实时流量。每天,当发现交通堵塞时,我们都会提供交通堵塞服务,交通堵塞服务总是在餐馆半径3千米的范围内。OOH消息显示了有关交通剩余时间的信息,以订购交通堵塞组合和个性化交付更新。Waze横幅广告和推送通知邀请司机在进入我们的交付区域后立即获得Whopper。人们能够使用语音命令下订单并避免门票,符合当地交通法律。

    The Traffic Jam Whopper

    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the digital or ambient execution or campaign. The Traffic Jam Whopper. The first service ONLY available in TRAFFIC JAMS, that uses REAL-TIME DATA to promote Whoppers and deliver ON THE MOVE. Our dynamic media placement changed following the traffic live, promoting our service only in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we also adjusted our digital billboard’s content, displaying information about drivers’ remaining time in traffic to order, and personalized delivery progress updates. As soon as drivers entered a delivery hotspot, Waze banners ads and push notifications invited drivers to use the service with our hands-free Voice-activated ordering feature. Then, using the latest Google Maps API’s, we pinpointed vehicle location and speed to deliver-- for the first time ever-- to a driver on the move. Cultural/Context information for the jury Mexico City has the worst traffic in the world (according to TomTom’s Global Traffic Index). People waste up to 5 hours a day in their cars. Especially during evening rush hour, meaning a badass opportunity to deliver Whoppers to those hungry drivers like never before. The Traffic Jam Whopper enabled Mexico City drivers to satiate their hunger while in traffic. By using our simple, hands-free, voice-activated ordering feature embedded into the BK App (which is activated once drivers entered a delivery zone), customers could order a Whopper, receive it from our motorcycle delivery team, and start eating-- all within 30 minutes from the order being placed. Explain how the work innovatively used the outdoor medium. Real time data from traffic and our consumers’ mobile device allowed us to deploy live dynamic OOH and mobile messaging experience for them, EXCLUSIVELY in high congestion zones. By leveraging traffic and drivers’ real-time data, we adjusted our billboard’s location and content EVERY DAY, live. The delivery zones also changed daily predicting and following the traffic live. Each day we made the traffic jam service available when a gridlock was identified, always within a 3 km radius of the restaurants.The OOH messages displayed information about the remaining time in traffic to order the traffic jam combo and personalized delivery updates. Waze banners ads and push notifications invited drivers to get a Whopper as soon as they entered our delivery zones. People were able to use voice commands to place the order and avoid tickets, conforming to local traffic laws.



    The Traffic Jam Whopper










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