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    Game of Thrones: Season 7 Digital Campaign海报/平面,活动,图文广告营销案例



    权力的游戏: 第 7 季数字运动

    案例简介:大纲 在过去的六季《权力的游戏》中,全球粉丝社区被告知 “冬天来了” 为了宣传第七季并预示夜王即将降临维斯特洛的威胁,HBO庆祝了漫长等待的结束,并让粉丝们知道 “冬天就在这里”,这些时髦的活动跨越了该节目庞大的数字生态系统。 策略 第七季的主题是 “冬天来了” HBO追求一个多平台战略,在任何地方都有一个统一的信息,这让粉丝们兴奋不已,因为 -- 最终 -- 第一季以来的承诺终于实现了。 结果 当冬天终于在首映日到来时,这真是一个值得纪念的季节。《权力的游戏》的社交追随者在脸书、推特和Instagram上增长到 3200 多万人。第七季是有史以来收视率最高的首映式和HBO节目。它也主导了社交热点,是尼尔森 2017 年最社会化的电视剧。 执行 HBO在第 7 季推出了一款新的冬季主题预告片,宣布了 # WinterIsHere。《权力的游戏》激活了一个推特表情引擎,让粉丝们有机会通过使用 # WinterIsHere + [表情符号的巧妙组合来解锁所有 12 个第 7 季的角色海报。其他综合活动激活包括红迪网上为 100万多名《权力的游戏》订阅者提供的第一个品牌礼物交换、《权力的游戏》谷歌搜索结果页面中的实时帖子和更新,和HBO 2 的 # WinterIsHere黄金时段马拉松。首映式那天,HBO在Snapchat上买了一个赞助镜头,让粉丝们把自己变成一个会呼吸冰的白色步行者。在终曲中,粉丝们成为了拥有脸书摄像头效果的夜王,他们继续深入研究这个系列,七部分游戏揭示了纪录片从本季的每一集都切入了最精彩的时刻。 活动描述 在过去的六季《权力的游戏》中,全球庞大的粉丝社区被告知 “冬天来了”。在进入第七季之前,HBO证实了长期预测的理论,并宣布第七季的冬天就在这里,对数字平台上的激活和内容进行了巧妙的 “过冬” 闪电战。

    权力的游戏: 第 7 季数字运动

    案例简介:Synopsis For the past six seasons of Game of Thrones, the worldwide fan community has been told that “Winter Is Coming.” To promote Season 7 and foreshadow the imminent threat of the Night King descending on Westeros, HBO celebrated the end of a long wait and let fans know the “Winter Is Here” with buzzworthy activations that spanned across the show’s vast digital ecosystem. Strategy With the Season 7 overarching theme of “Winter is Here,” HBO pursued a multi-platform strategy with a unified message everywhere that excited fans because—finally—what had been promised since Season 1 was coming to fruition at last. Outcome When winter finally came on premiere day it was truly a season to remember. Game of Thrones’ social following grew to over 32M across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Season 7 was the most watched premiere and HBO program ever. It also dominated social buzz and was Nielsen's most social TV series of 2017. Execution HBO kicked off the Summer Solstice with a new, winter-themed trailer for Season 7, announcing #WinterIsHere. Game of Thrones activated a Twitter Emoji Engine, that gave fans the chance to unlock all 12 Season 7 character posters through use of clever combinations of #WinterIsHere + [an emoji] tweeted @GameOfThrones. Other integrated campaign activations included a first-ever branded gift exchange for the over one million Game of Thrones subscribers on Reddit, real-time posts and updates in Game of Thrones Google search results page, and a #WinterIsHere primetime marathon on HBO 2. On premiere day, HBO bought a sponsored lens on Snapchat that let fans turn themselves into an ice-breathing White Walker. On finale, fans became the Night King with a Facebook camera effect and post-finale they continued to delve into the series with the seven-part Game Revealed docuseries diving into the juiciest moments from every episode of the season. CampaignDescription For the past six seasons of Game of Thrones, the massive global fan community has been told that “Winter Is Coming”. Leading into Season 7, HBO confirmed the long-predicted theory and declared that Winter Is Here in Season 7, with a clever “winterizing” blitz of activations and content across digital platforms.

    Game of Thrones: Season 7 Digital Campaign

    案例简介:大纲 在过去的六季《权力的游戏》中,全球粉丝社区被告知 “冬天来了” 为了宣传第七季并预示夜王即将降临维斯特洛的威胁,HBO庆祝了漫长等待的结束,并让粉丝们知道 “冬天就在这里”,这些时髦的活动跨越了该节目庞大的数字生态系统。 策略 第七季的主题是 “冬天来了” HBO追求一个多平台战略,在任何地方都有一个统一的信息,这让粉丝们兴奋不已,因为 -- 最终 -- 第一季以来的承诺终于实现了。 结果 当冬天终于在首映日到来时,这真是一个值得纪念的季节。《权力的游戏》的社交追随者在脸书、推特和Instagram上增长到 3200 多万人。第七季是有史以来收视率最高的首映式和HBO节目。它也主导了社交热点,是尼尔森 2017 年最社会化的电视剧。 执行 HBO在第 7 季推出了一款新的冬季主题预告片,宣布了 # WinterIsHere。《权力的游戏》激活了一个推特表情引擎,让粉丝们有机会通过使用 # WinterIsHere + [表情符号的巧妙组合来解锁所有 12 个第 7 季的角色海报。其他综合活动激活包括红迪网上为 100万多名《权力的游戏》订阅者提供的第一个品牌礼物交换、《权力的游戏》谷歌搜索结果页面中的实时帖子和更新,和HBO 2 的 # WinterIsHere黄金时段马拉松。首映式那天,HBO在Snapchat上买了一个赞助镜头,让粉丝们把自己变成一个会呼吸冰的白色步行者。在终曲中,粉丝们成为了拥有脸书摄像头效果的夜王,他们继续深入研究这个系列,七部分游戏揭示了纪录片从本季的每一集都切入了最精彩的时刻。 活动描述 在过去的六季《权力的游戏》中,全球庞大的粉丝社区被告知 “冬天来了”。在进入第七季之前,HBO证实了长期预测的理论,并宣布第七季的冬天就在这里,对数字平台上的激活和内容进行了巧妙的 “过冬” 闪电战。

    Game of Thrones: Season 7 Digital Campaign

    案例简介:Synopsis For the past six seasons of Game of Thrones, the worldwide fan community has been told that “Winter Is Coming.” To promote Season 7 and foreshadow the imminent threat of the Night King descending on Westeros, HBO celebrated the end of a long wait and let fans know the “Winter Is Here” with buzzworthy activations that spanned across the show’s vast digital ecosystem. Strategy With the Season 7 overarching theme of “Winter is Here,” HBO pursued a multi-platform strategy with a unified message everywhere that excited fans because—finally—what had been promised since Season 1 was coming to fruition at last. Outcome When winter finally came on premiere day it was truly a season to remember. Game of Thrones’ social following grew to over 32M across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Season 7 was the most watched premiere and HBO program ever. It also dominated social buzz and was Nielsen's most social TV series of 2017. Execution HBO kicked off the Summer Solstice with a new, winter-themed trailer for Season 7, announcing #WinterIsHere. Game of Thrones activated a Twitter Emoji Engine, that gave fans the chance to unlock all 12 Season 7 character posters through use of clever combinations of #WinterIsHere + [an emoji] tweeted @GameOfThrones. Other integrated campaign activations included a first-ever branded gift exchange for the over one million Game of Thrones subscribers on Reddit, real-time posts and updates in Game of Thrones Google search results page, and a #WinterIsHere primetime marathon on HBO 2. On premiere day, HBO bought a sponsored lens on Snapchat that let fans turn themselves into an ice-breathing White Walker. On finale, fans became the Night King with a Facebook camera effect and post-finale they continued to delve into the series with the seven-part Game Revealed docuseries diving into the juiciest moments from every episode of the season. CampaignDescription For the past six seasons of Game of Thrones, the massive global fan community has been told that “Winter Is Coming”. Leading into Season 7, HBO confirmed the long-predicted theory and declared that Winter Is Here in Season 7, with a clever “winterizing” blitz of activations and content across digital platforms.

    权力的游戏: 第 7 季数字运动


    Game of Thrones: Season 7 Digital Campaign






    广告公司: HBO (美国 纽约) 制作公司: HBO




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