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    Game of Thrones Season 7 Campaign短视频,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 状况: 首次在七个赛季,权力的游戏,从其正常 4月首映日期推迟,由于漫长的冬季拍摄计划, 让我们用更长的时间来填补在赛季开始之前。我们需要找到一种方法来告诉连贯的故事,让球迷参与很长,和通过的季节,而取悦我们的球迷带来了前所未有的曲折的营销。简介: 六个赛季后的积累,我们需要让球迷知道冬天终于到来了。我们需要做的是规模宏大的球迷的永不满足的期望。目标: • 传达的主要信息: 冬天来了-我们之间保持接触粉丝团的首映筹备期间和在反季 · 提供新的和令人兴奋的市场经验,我们的球迷 战略 我们知道,权力的游戏巨大的乐迷仍还积极参与演出,这使得他们的不可预测性。提供的现有的观众,我们知道需要它自己的营销--迷不能得到任何地方,从任何显示。18-36 个月的窗口从发行第一哦海报的结局,冬季所需的信息,这样。但是,进一步的粉丝团提供创新的营销策略激发我们实施大规模的脉冲。我们很高兴球迷首先对市场的激活与 Facebook 和 Twitter。我们使用普通的海报下降--一个标准的社会财富-挑逗暗挂掉落。我们和美国职棒大联盟提供持续冬夏季的消息。并支持这一运动,用哦,数字之间的伙伴关系,与整个社会的内容。 相关性 全触摸点生成数字,社会,噢,经验,和传统,我们找到了从未有过的方式让球迷知道冬天来了。同步和连续滴在多个媒体资产创造一个身临其境的多媒体体验的关键行动的时刻。 结果 季月特典-16.1 毫米观众-HBO 首发特典有史以来规模最大的季月完结篇-16.5 毫米的观众--总体权力的游戏 HBO 的大结局季月一期节目的观众收视-32.8 毫米-最受瞩目的 HBO 节目都挂月-61 毫米意见第一 24 小时-最看电视预告过夏至 # 月世界范围的推特 (Twitter) # 月视频在 YouTube 上 # 月视频 reddit 执行 为六个月,我们持续冬季主题信息辅以脉冲打造的嗡嗡声。首先,我们不再可怕哦在奥斯汀,然后逃跑的房间 SXSW 经验。同时,球迷参与一种全新的 Facebook 的现场活动,使得他们能够使用详解融化一个月,000lb 冰块,露出几季的日期。接下来,我们发布的一张海报夜之王含隐藏消息欺负一个惊喜的拖车。24 小时内,成为最受关注的电视预告过。在夏至未至,我们破坏了受到屈辱与 Twitter 的打造冬季防冻表情符号引擎,与媒体的冰冷的收购 Reddit 先市场合作, 并推出了下拖车。整个赛季,我们给了球迷的冬日 Snapchat 与 Facebook 的镜片,a Comic-Con 的经历一样,没有其他,并带来入冬美国最受欢迎的夏季运动的美国职棒大联盟的伙伴关系。 活动描述 分系列,球迷都装有火药概念,即将到来的冬天。事实上,第一集》系列是以 “冬天来了。 “六个赛季后,超过六年,6-10 小时的节目,我们终于要告诉我们 30 + 百万粉丝他们想听。冬天来了。冬季的到来成为骨干的所有媒体刊登的整个赛季。无论身在何处,我们销售,我们需要上下文相关性和无处不在--冬天的消息。我们是否有所下降严重,冰冷的哦,德州的 SXSW,或把我们的球迷冬季本身入戏的体现--夜之王-使用 Facebook 的镜头, 这个信息是明确的: 冬天到了,对权力的游戏爱好者。


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation: For the first time in seven seasons, Game of Thrones was delayed from its usual April premiere date due to a prolonged winter shoot schedule, leaving us with a longer lead time to fill before the Season began. We needed to find a way to tell a cohesive story to keep fans engaged during the long lead, and through the season, while delighting our fans with unexpected twists within the marketing. Brief: After six seasons of build-up, we needed to let fans know that Winter has finally arrived. And we needed to do it on a grand scale to match fans’ insatiable anticipation. Objectives: • Convey the key message: Winter is Here • Sustain engagement among our fanbase through the lead up to the premiere and in-season • Deliver new and exciting marketing experiences for our fans Strategy We know that Game of Thrones enormous fanbase remains so deeply engaged with the show because they love the unpredictability. To deliver for this existing audience, we knew the marketing needed its own twists – something fans can’t get anywhere else, from any other show. With a 6-month window from the release of the first OOH poster through the finale, we needed to sustain the Winter messaging to stay relevant. But to push further – and deliver innovative marketing tactics to excite the fanbase – we implemented large-scale pulses. We delighted fans with first-to-market activations with Facebook and Twitter. We used a normal poster drop – a standard social asset – to tease a secret trailer drop. We partnered with Major League Baseball to deliver sustained winter messaging throughout the Summer. And supported the campaign with OOH, digital partnerships, and social content throughout. Relevancy Across touchpoints spanning digital, social, OOH, experiential, and traditional, we found never-before seen ways to let fans know that Winter had arrived. Synchronized and sequential asset drops in multiple media types created an immersive media experience in key campaign moments. Outcome Season 7 Premiere – 16.1 MM viewers – HBO's biggest premiere episode ever Season 7 Finale – 16.5 MM viewers – HBO's biggest finale ever Overall Game of Thrones Season 7 viewership – 32.8 MM viewers per episode – Most watched HBO program ever Trailer 1 – 61 MM views in the first 24 hrs – Most viewed TV trailer ever Summer Solstice #1 trend worldwide on Twitter #1 video on YouTube #2 video on Reddit Execution For six months, we sustained Winter-themed messaging complemented by pulses to build buzz. First, we dropped ominous OOH in Austin, followed by an Escape-the-Room experience at SXSW. Simultaneously, fans participated in a first-of-its-kind Facebook Live event that allowed them to use comments to melt a 4,000lb block of ice, revealing the Season premiere date. Next, we released a poster of the Night King containing a hidden message that teased a surprise trailer. Within 24 hours, it became the most watched TV trailer ever. On the Summer Solstice, we subverted the cultural zeitgeist by partnering with Twitter to create a winterized Emoji Engine, aligned with media outlets for icy takeovers and a first-to-market partnership with Reddit, and released our next trailer. Throughout the season, we gave fans wintery Snapchat and Facebook lenses, a Comic-Con experience like no other, and brought winter to America’s favorite summer sport with an MLB partnership. CampaignDescription Since the beginning of the series, fans have been primed with the notion of the impending arrival of Winter. In fact, the first episode of the series was named “Winter is Coming.” After six seasons, over six years, through 50+ hours of programming, we were finally ready to tell our 30+ million fans what they wanted to hear. Winter is Here. The arrival of winter served as the backbone for all media placements throughout the season. No matter where we were marketing, we needed contextual relevancy – and ubiquity – for our winter message. Whether we were dropping ominous, icy OOH in the middle of Texas for SXSW, or turning our fans into the show’s embodiment of Winter itself – the Night King – using a Facebook lens, the message was clear: Winter has arrived for Game of Thrones fans.

    Game of Thrones Season 7 Campaign

    案例简介:概要 状况: 首次在七个赛季,权力的游戏,从其正常 4月首映日期推迟,由于漫长的冬季拍摄计划, 让我们用更长的时间来填补在赛季开始之前。我们需要找到一种方法来告诉连贯的故事,让球迷参与很长,和通过的季节,而取悦我们的球迷带来了前所未有的曲折的营销。简介: 六个赛季后的积累,我们需要让球迷知道冬天终于到来了。我们需要做的是规模宏大的球迷的永不满足的期望。目标: • 传达的主要信息: 冬天来了-我们之间保持接触粉丝团的首映筹备期间和在反季 · 提供新的和令人兴奋的市场经验,我们的球迷 战略 我们知道,权力的游戏巨大的乐迷仍还积极参与演出,这使得他们的不可预测性。提供的现有的观众,我们知道需要它自己的营销--迷不能得到任何地方,从任何显示。18-36 个月的窗口从发行第一哦海报的结局,冬季所需的信息,这样。但是,进一步的粉丝团提供创新的营销策略激发我们实施大规模的脉冲。我们很高兴球迷首先对市场的激活与 Facebook 和 Twitter。我们使用普通的海报下降--一个标准的社会财富-挑逗暗挂掉落。我们和美国职棒大联盟提供持续冬夏季的消息。并支持这一运动,用哦,数字之间的伙伴关系,与整个社会的内容。 相关性 全触摸点生成数字,社会,噢,经验,和传统,我们找到了从未有过的方式让球迷知道冬天来了。同步和连续滴在多个媒体资产创造一个身临其境的多媒体体验的关键行动的时刻。 结果 季月特典-16.1 毫米观众-HBO 首发特典有史以来规模最大的季月完结篇-16.5 毫米的观众--总体权力的游戏 HBO 的大结局季月一期节目的观众收视-32.8 毫米-最受瞩目的 HBO 节目都挂月-61 毫米意见第一 24 小时-最看电视预告过夏至 # 月世界范围的推特 (Twitter) # 月视频在 YouTube 上 # 月视频 reddit 执行 为六个月,我们持续冬季主题信息辅以脉冲打造的嗡嗡声。首先,我们不再可怕哦在奥斯汀,然后逃跑的房间 SXSW 经验。同时,球迷参与一种全新的 Facebook 的现场活动,使得他们能够使用详解融化一个月,000lb 冰块,露出几季的日期。接下来,我们发布的一张海报夜之王含隐藏消息欺负一个惊喜的拖车。24 小时内,成为最受关注的电视预告过。在夏至未至,我们破坏了受到屈辱与 Twitter 的打造冬季防冻表情符号引擎,与媒体的冰冷的收购 Reddit 先市场合作, 并推出了下拖车。整个赛季,我们给了球迷的冬日 Snapchat 与 Facebook 的镜片,a Comic-Con 的经历一样,没有其他,并带来入冬美国最受欢迎的夏季运动的美国职棒大联盟的伙伴关系。 活动描述 分系列,球迷都装有火药概念,即将到来的冬天。事实上,第一集》系列是以 “冬天来了。 “六个赛季后,超过六年,6-10 小时的节目,我们终于要告诉我们 30 + 百万粉丝他们想听。冬天来了。冬季的到来成为骨干的所有媒体刊登的整个赛季。无论身在何处,我们销售,我们需要上下文相关性和无处不在--冬天的消息。我们是否有所下降严重,冰冷的哦,德州的 SXSW,或把我们的球迷冬季本身入戏的体现--夜之王-使用 Facebook 的镜头, 这个信息是明确的: 冬天到了,对权力的游戏爱好者。

    Game of Thrones Season 7 Campaign

    案例简介:Synopsis Situation: For the first time in seven seasons, Game of Thrones was delayed from its usual April premiere date due to a prolonged winter shoot schedule, leaving us with a longer lead time to fill before the Season began. We needed to find a way to tell a cohesive story to keep fans engaged during the long lead, and through the season, while delighting our fans with unexpected twists within the marketing. Brief: After six seasons of build-up, we needed to let fans know that Winter has finally arrived. And we needed to do it on a grand scale to match fans’ insatiable anticipation. Objectives: • Convey the key message: Winter is Here • Sustain engagement among our fanbase through the lead up to the premiere and in-season • Deliver new and exciting marketing experiences for our fans Strategy We know that Game of Thrones enormous fanbase remains so deeply engaged with the show because they love the unpredictability. To deliver for this existing audience, we knew the marketing needed its own twists – something fans can’t get anywhere else, from any other show. With a 6-month window from the release of the first OOH poster through the finale, we needed to sustain the Winter messaging to stay relevant. But to push further – and deliver innovative marketing tactics to excite the fanbase – we implemented large-scale pulses. We delighted fans with first-to-market activations with Facebook and Twitter. We used a normal poster drop – a standard social asset – to tease a secret trailer drop. We partnered with Major League Baseball to deliver sustained winter messaging throughout the Summer. And supported the campaign with OOH, digital partnerships, and social content throughout. Relevancy Across touchpoints spanning digital, social, OOH, experiential, and traditional, we found never-before seen ways to let fans know that Winter had arrived. Synchronized and sequential asset drops in multiple media types created an immersive media experience in key campaign moments. Outcome Season 7 Premiere – 16.1 MM viewers – HBO's biggest premiere episode ever Season 7 Finale – 16.5 MM viewers – HBO's biggest finale ever Overall Game of Thrones Season 7 viewership – 32.8 MM viewers per episode – Most watched HBO program ever Trailer 1 – 61 MM views in the first 24 hrs – Most viewed TV trailer ever Summer Solstice #1 trend worldwide on Twitter #1 video on YouTube #2 video on Reddit Execution For six months, we sustained Winter-themed messaging complemented by pulses to build buzz. First, we dropped ominous OOH in Austin, followed by an Escape-the-Room experience at SXSW. Simultaneously, fans participated in a first-of-its-kind Facebook Live event that allowed them to use comments to melt a 4,000lb block of ice, revealing the Season premiere date. Next, we released a poster of the Night King containing a hidden message that teased a surprise trailer. Within 24 hours, it became the most watched TV trailer ever. On the Summer Solstice, we subverted the cultural zeitgeist by partnering with Twitter to create a winterized Emoji Engine, aligned with media outlets for icy takeovers and a first-to-market partnership with Reddit, and released our next trailer. Throughout the season, we gave fans wintery Snapchat and Facebook lenses, a Comic-Con experience like no other, and brought winter to America’s favorite summer sport with an MLB partnership. CampaignDescription Since the beginning of the series, fans have been primed with the notion of the impending arrival of Winter. In fact, the first episode of the series was named “Winter is Coming.” After six seasons, over six years, through 50+ hours of programming, we were finally ready to tell our 30+ million fans what they wanted to hear. Winter is Here. The arrival of winter served as the backbone for all media placements throughout the season. No matter where we were marketing, we needed contextual relevancy – and ubiquity – for our winter message. Whether we were dropping ominous, icy OOH in the middle of Texas for SXSW, or turning our fans into the show’s embodiment of Winter itself – the Night King – using a Facebook lens, the message was clear: Winter has arrived for Game of Thrones fans.



    Game of Thrones Season 7 Campaign






    广告公司: HBO (美国 纽约)




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