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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 吉尔吉斯斯坦使用的婚礼面纱koshogo成为一种新媒体,帮助我们表达了自己的观点。我们将这个符号与严酷的现实相结合的方式在人们的思想中产生了休克。koshogos出现在绑架发生的地方,这一事实增加了竞选的力量。 背景 在吉尔吉斯斯坦,即使在今天,年轻妇女也有被绑架然后被迫结婚的危险。这被称为ala kachuu,一种传统,说一些,但实际上是一种犯罪。 2018年,吉尔吉斯斯坦有15 000名新娘被绑架,但只有28起案件提交法院。警察通常出于对古老传统的尊重,拒绝提交受害者的报告。总的来说,这个话题是禁忌。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 2018年5月28日,马尔斯·博多舍夫绑架了布鲁莱·图尔达利-基齐。他被抓住并与受害者一起带到警察局,他设法潜入年轻女孩坐着的房间,刺死了她。 在Bodoshev审判期间,在线新闻门户网站KLOOP决定通过Koshogo竞选活动打破沉默。 koshogo是绑架者家人挂在他房子里的白色窗帘。根据传统,对于新娘来说,在koshogo下过关意味着同意结婚。如果她反抗,她会经常被强奸。 我们收集了被警察拒绝的ala kachuu受害者的报告,并将其打印在koshogos上。这些白色床单,其中数百张,出现在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克的绑架地点。 描述策略 (投票20%) 这一主题是吉尔吉斯斯坦大多数人口和媒体的禁忌。只有克洛普有勇气说出真相,谴责这一传统和支持这一传统的人。 我们将koshogo (传统婚姻的有力象征和以白色为象征的处女纯真) 与暴力侵害妇女甚至强奸的故事结合在一起,这些故事取自阿拉卡丘 (ala kachuu) 受害者的报告,被警方拒绝。 描述执行 (投票20%) 我们收集了被警察拒绝的ala kachuu受害者的报告,并将其打印在koshogos上。这些白色床单,其中数百张,出现在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克的绑架地点。 与此同时,这些年轻女孩在被绑架的地方录制的被拒绝的报道出现在互联网上。我们建立了一个网站,可以在线提交被拒绝的报告。 列出结果 (投票30%) 这场运动简直就是休克。禁忌被打破,人们开始交谈后,在吉尔吉斯斯坦和其他国家,媒体加入了对话。许多商业团体都支持这项运动,但也支持现代艺术博物馆,电影院等。 随着越来越多的故事出现,社交网络充斥着愤慨的言论,引发了一波抗议浪潮,最终迫使吉尔吉斯斯坦总理要求对阿拉·卡丘 (ala kachuu) 采取严厉措施。 9 000 000 + 视图 • 23% 更多来自警方登记的ala kachuu受害者的报告 曾经被拒绝的报告现在被提交 • 26名支持ala kachuu的警察被解除职务或受到严惩。 • 联合国妇女2019年将运动扩展到中东 运动将普遍注意力集中在博多舍夫案上,该案至少部分导致绑架者及其同伙受到极其严厉的处罚。 请告诉我们激发您竞选活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 在吉尔吉斯斯坦,即使在今天,年轻妇女也有被绑架然后被迫结婚的危险。这被称为ala kachuu,一种传统,说一些,但实际上是一种犯罪。 2018年,吉尔吉斯斯坦有15 000名新娘被绑架,但只有28起案件提交法院。警察通常出于对古老传统的尊重,拒绝提交受害者的报告。总的来说,这个话题是禁忌。 我们将koshogo (传统婚姻的有力象征和以白色为象征的处女纯真) 与暴力侵害妇女甚至强奸的故事结合在一起,这些故事取自阿拉卡丘 (ala kachuu) 受害者的报告,被警方拒绝。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The koshogo, a nuptial veil in use in Kyrgyzstan, became a new media that helped us make our point. The way we combined this symbol with accounts of harsh reality created a shock in people's’ minds. The fact that the koshogos appeared in the places where kidnappings took place added to the power of the campaign. Background In Kyrgyzstan even nowadays young women risk being kidnapped and then, forcibly married. This is called ala kachuu, a tradition, say some, but in fact, a crime. In 2018, 15 000 brides were kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan, but only 28 cases made it to the court. Police officers, often out of respect for a venerable tradition, refuse to file victims’ reports. And in general, the subject is taboo. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) On May 28 2018, Mars Bodoshev abducted Burulai Turdaly-kyzy. Caught and brought to the police station with his victim, he managed to sneak into the room where the young girl was sitting and stabbed her to death. During Bodoshev trial, KLOOP, an online news portal, decided to break the silence with the Koshogo campaign. A koshogo is a white curtain that the kidnappers’ family hang in his house. According to tradition, for the bride, passing under the koshogo means giving her consent to marriage. If she resists, she will often be raped. We collected the reports of the ala kachuu victims, that were rejected by police, and printed them on koshogos. These white sheets, hundreds of them, appeared in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek in the exact spots where the abductions took place. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) This subject is taboo for the majority of the population and media of Kyrgyzstan. Only KLOOP had the courage to speak the truth and to condemn this tradition and those who support it. We combined the koshogo - a powerful symbol of the traditional marriage and virginal innocence symbolized by its white color - with stories of violence against women, even rape, taken from the ala kachuu victims’ reports rejected by the police. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We collected the reports of the ala kachuu victims, that were rejected by police, and printed them on koshogos. These white sheets, hundreds of them, appeared in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek in the exact spots where the abductions took place. At the same time the rejected reports, recorded by these young girls on video in the very places where they’ve been abducted, appeared on the internet. And we put in place a site where rejected reports could be filed online. List the results (30% of vote) The campaign was nothing short of a shock. After the taboo was broken and people started talking, in Kyrgyzstan and other countries, the media joined the conversation. Many business communities gave their support to the campaign, but also museums of modern art, cinemas etc. As more and more stories emerged, social networks were flooded with indignant comments, giving rise to a wave of protest that ultimately forced the Kyrgyz Prime Minister to demand drastic measures against ala kachuu. •9 000 000+ views •23% more reports from ala kachuu victims registered by the police •The reports that were once rejected are now filed •26 police officers supportive of ala kachuu discharged from duty or severely punished. •Campaign to be extended to Middle East by UN Women in 2019 •The campaign focused general attention on Bodoshev case which resulted, at least partly, in extremely severe penalties the kidnapper and his accomplices received. Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign In Kyrgyzstan even nowadays young women risk being kidnapped and then, forcibly married. This is called ala kachuu, a tradition, say some, but in fact, a crime. In 2018, 15 000 brides were kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan, but only 28 cases made it to the court. Police officers, often out of respect for a venerable tradition, refuse to file victims’ reports. And in general, the subject is taboo. We combined the koshogo - a powerful symbol of the traditional marriage and virginal innocence symbolized by its white color - with stories of violence against women, even rape, taken from the ala kachuu victims’ reports rejected by the police.


    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 吉尔吉斯斯坦使用的婚礼面纱koshogo成为一种新媒体,帮助我们表达了自己的观点。我们将这个符号与严酷的现实相结合的方式在人们的思想中产生了休克。koshogos出现在绑架发生的地方,这一事实增加了竞选的力量。 背景 在吉尔吉斯斯坦,即使在今天,年轻妇女也有被绑架然后被迫结婚的危险。这被称为ala kachuu,一种传统,说一些,但实际上是一种犯罪。 2018年,吉尔吉斯斯坦有15 000名新娘被绑架,但只有28起案件提交法院。警察通常出于对古老传统的尊重,拒绝提交受害者的报告。总的来说,这个话题是禁忌。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 2018年5月28日,马尔斯·博多舍夫绑架了布鲁莱·图尔达利-基齐。他被抓住并与受害者一起带到警察局,他设法潜入年轻女孩坐着的房间,刺死了她。 在Bodoshev审判期间,在线新闻门户网站KLOOP决定通过Koshogo竞选活动打破沉默。 koshogo是绑架者家人挂在他房子里的白色窗帘。根据传统,对于新娘来说,在koshogo下过关意味着同意结婚。如果她反抗,她会经常被强奸。 我们收集了被警察拒绝的ala kachuu受害者的报告,并将其打印在koshogos上。这些白色床单,其中数百张,出现在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克的绑架地点。 描述策略 (投票20%) 这一主题是吉尔吉斯斯坦大多数人口和媒体的禁忌。只有克洛普有勇气说出真相,谴责这一传统和支持这一传统的人。 我们将koshogo (传统婚姻的有力象征和以白色为象征的处女纯真) 与暴力侵害妇女甚至强奸的故事结合在一起,这些故事取自阿拉卡丘 (ala kachuu) 受害者的报告,被警方拒绝。 描述执行 (投票20%) 我们收集了被警察拒绝的ala kachuu受害者的报告,并将其打印在koshogos上。这些白色床单,其中数百张,出现在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克的绑架地点。 与此同时,这些年轻女孩在被绑架的地方录制的被拒绝的报道出现在互联网上。我们建立了一个网站,可以在线提交被拒绝的报告。 列出结果 (投票30%) 这场运动简直就是休克。禁忌被打破,人们开始交谈后,在吉尔吉斯斯坦和其他国家,媒体加入了对话。许多商业团体都支持这项运动,但也支持现代艺术博物馆,电影院等。 随着越来越多的故事出现,社交网络充斥着愤慨的言论,引发了一波抗议浪潮,最终迫使吉尔吉斯斯坦总理要求对阿拉·卡丘 (ala kachuu) 采取严厉措施。 9 000 000 + 视图 • 23% 更多来自警方登记的ala kachuu受害者的报告 曾经被拒绝的报告现在被提交 • 26名支持ala kachuu的警察被解除职务或受到严惩。 • 联合国妇女2019年将运动扩展到中东 运动将普遍注意力集中在博多舍夫案上,该案至少部分导致绑架者及其同伙受到极其严厉的处罚。 请告诉我们激发您竞选活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 在吉尔吉斯斯坦,即使在今天,年轻妇女也有被绑架然后被迫结婚的危险。这被称为ala kachuu,一种传统,说一些,但实际上是一种犯罪。 2018年,吉尔吉斯斯坦有15 000名新娘被绑架,但只有28起案件提交法院。警察通常出于对古老传统的尊重,拒绝提交受害者的报告。总的来说,这个话题是禁忌。 我们将koshogo (传统婚姻的有力象征和以白色为象征的处女纯真) 与暴力侵害妇女甚至强奸的故事结合在一起,这些故事取自阿拉卡丘 (ala kachuu) 受害者的报告,被警方拒绝。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The koshogo, a nuptial veil in use in Kyrgyzstan, became a new media that helped us make our point. The way we combined this symbol with accounts of harsh reality created a shock in people's’ minds. The fact that the koshogos appeared in the places where kidnappings took place added to the power of the campaign. Background In Kyrgyzstan even nowadays young women risk being kidnapped and then, forcibly married. This is called ala kachuu, a tradition, say some, but in fact, a crime. In 2018, 15 000 brides were kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan, but only 28 cases made it to the court. Police officers, often out of respect for a venerable tradition, refuse to file victims’ reports. And in general, the subject is taboo. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) On May 28 2018, Mars Bodoshev abducted Burulai Turdaly-kyzy. Caught and brought to the police station with his victim, he managed to sneak into the room where the young girl was sitting and stabbed her to death. During Bodoshev trial, KLOOP, an online news portal, decided to break the silence with the Koshogo campaign. A koshogo is a white curtain that the kidnappers’ family hang in his house. According to tradition, for the bride, passing under the koshogo means giving her consent to marriage. If she resists, she will often be raped. We collected the reports of the ala kachuu victims, that were rejected by police, and printed them on koshogos. These white sheets, hundreds of them, appeared in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek in the exact spots where the abductions took place. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) This subject is taboo for the majority of the population and media of Kyrgyzstan. Only KLOOP had the courage to speak the truth and to condemn this tradition and those who support it. We combined the koshogo - a powerful symbol of the traditional marriage and virginal innocence symbolized by its white color - with stories of violence against women, even rape, taken from the ala kachuu victims’ reports rejected by the police. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We collected the reports of the ala kachuu victims, that were rejected by police, and printed them on koshogos. These white sheets, hundreds of them, appeared in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek in the exact spots where the abductions took place. At the same time the rejected reports, recorded by these young girls on video in the very places where they’ve been abducted, appeared on the internet. And we put in place a site where rejected reports could be filed online. List the results (30% of vote) The campaign was nothing short of a shock. After the taboo was broken and people started talking, in Kyrgyzstan and other countries, the media joined the conversation. Many business communities gave their support to the campaign, but also museums of modern art, cinemas etc. As more and more stories emerged, social networks were flooded with indignant comments, giving rise to a wave of protest that ultimately forced the Kyrgyz Prime Minister to demand drastic measures against ala kachuu. •9 000 000+ views •23% more reports from ala kachuu victims registered by the police •The reports that were once rejected are now filed •26 police officers supportive of ala kachuu discharged from duty or severely punished. •Campaign to be extended to Middle East by UN Women in 2019 •The campaign focused general attention on Bodoshev case which resulted, at least partly, in extremely severe penalties the kidnapper and his accomplices received. Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign In Kyrgyzstan even nowadays young women risk being kidnapped and then, forcibly married. This is called ala kachuu, a tradition, say some, but in fact, a crime. In 2018, 15 000 brides were kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan, but only 28 cases made it to the court. Police officers, often out of respect for a venerable tradition, refuse to file victims’ reports. And in general, the subject is taboo. We combined the koshogo - a powerful symbol of the traditional marriage and virginal innocence symbolized by its white color - with stories of violence against women, even rape, taken from the ala kachuu victims’ reports rejected by the police.













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