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    Tropical Showers短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:草药精华水果融合运动的挑战是激发人们对新系列的兴趣,并从整体上发展草药精华品牌。基于目标喜欢洗头的洞察力,他们希望这是一次愉快的经历,而不是一件苦差事,一种传达使用水果融合的乐趣的热带幻想被创造出来。结果令人印象深刻,草药精华在西欧实现了 29% 的同比增长,品牌价值显著增长,品牌资产显著增强。 上下文 活动目标 -西欧的品牌销量同比增长 19%。 -西欧的品牌价值增长 31%,达到 7500万美元。 -加强 Clairol 草药精华的品牌资产,特别是乐趣、快乐和香味的关键属性。 目标受众 核心目标是 16-35 岁的妇女。他们喜欢含有天然成分的产品,香味对他们来说很重要。他们通常对自己的头发很满意,他们认为自己没有需要纠正的特定问题。 活动期间 2003年5月至 2003年11月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 该运动挖掘了这些妇女喜欢洗头发的洞察力。他们希望这是一次愉快的经历,而不是一件苦差事,或者仅仅是达到目的的一种手段。该活动的目的是以有趣、有趣的方式交流新的令人兴奋的草药精华水果香味的体验。其目的是让女性从看广告中获得和洗头发中一样的快乐。 这场运动以热带幻想中的女性为特色,她们洗头发时达到了快乐的高度。广告的幽默之处是,“热带淋浴” 揭示了该品牌淘气但美好的性格,并表明与其他护发品牌不同,Clairol 草药精华并没有把自己看得太重。 其他传播方案 -店内活动: 水果融合被整体利用,使用许多可用的工具来让店内环境变得栩栩如生 (店内剧院,店内电视屏幕, 扬声器具有声音和香味测试仪的特性,以驱动试验)。 -公关: 在产品发布前三个月,对关键影响者和记者实施了播种战略。 媒体 -广播 -打印 营销支出总额 超过 2000 万。 媒体战略 利用电视、印刷、广播和公共关系实施了完全一体化的传播战略。这项运动是利用电视作为主要传播渠道来建立品牌意识和试验的。其次是印刷和无线电,以建立频率和加强异国情调的香味。 结果 -与去年同期相比,Clairol 草药精华在整个西欧增长了 29%。到 2004年1月,即财政年度结束前五个月,实现了 19% 的目标。 (宝洁 2004) -在财政年度 (2004年6月) 结束前实现西欧 7500万美元的价值目标方面,价值销售额为 100 美元。到 2004年4月已经实现了 400万。自水果融合推出以来,英国、德国、比利时、希腊和北欧国家的草药精华份额创下了历史新高。该运动还在所有其他宝洁地区 (北美和拉丁美洲、东欧和亚洲) 成功推广。 (宝洁 2004) -研究发现,相对于主要竞争对手,品牌属性发生了巨大变化,证明草药精华水果融合的推出加强了整体品牌资产。与 2002年的结果相比,与战略竞争对手相比,2004年更多的受访者发现草药精华水果融合是一种享受使用、芳香和乐趣的方式。 (资料来源: 宝洁 2004/股权扫描/谁: NFO)


    案例简介:The challenge for the Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions campaign was to generate interest in the launch of the new collection and to grow the Herbal Essences brand as a whole. Based on the insight that the target enjoyed washing their hair and they wanted it to be a pleasurable experience rather than a chore, a tropical fantasy to convey the pleasure of using Fruit Fusions was created. Results were impressive, with Herbal Essences achieving a 29% growth year on year in Western Europe, a significant growth in brand value and considerably strengthened brand equity. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Grow brand volumes by 19% year on year across Western Europe. - Grow brand value by 31%, to $75 million in Western Europe. - Strengthen the brand equity of Clairol Herbal Essences, in particular the key attributes of fun, pleasure and fragrance. TARGET AUDIENCE The core target was defined as women, aged 16-35 years old. They liked the idea of products containing natural ingredients and fragrance was important to them. They were generally happy with their hair – they did not perceive themselves to have a particular problem which needed correction. CAMPAIGN PERIOD May 2003 to November 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY The campaign tapped into the insight that these women enjoyed washing their hair. They wanted it to be a pleasurable experience rather than a chore or simply a means to an end. The campaign aim was to communicate the experience of the new exhilarating Herbal Essence fruit fragrance in a fun, playful manner. The intention was that women would derive the same pleasure from watching the ads as they got from washing their hair. The campaign featured women in a tropical fantasy, reaching the heights of pleasure as they washed their hair. A humorous twist to the ad, ‘Tropical Shower’ revealed the ‘naughty but nice’ character of the brand and showed that unlike other hair care brands, Clairol Herbal Essences did not take itself too seriously. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES - In-store activity: Fruit Fusions was exploited holistically using many available tools to bring the in-store environment to life (in-store theatre with demonstrations, television screens in-store, speakers with the characteristic ‘Herbal’ sound and fragrance testers to drive trial). - PR: A seeding strategy was put in place three months prior to the product launch, with key influencers and journalists. MEDIA - Broadcast - Print TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Over €20 million. MEDIA STRATEGY A fully integrated communications strategy was implemented using television, print, radio and PR. The campaign was launched using television as the main communications channel to build brand awareness and trial. This was followed by print and radio to build frequency and to reinforce the exotic fragrance benefit. Results - Year on year, Clairol Herbal Essences has grown 29% across Western Europe. The target of 19% was achieved by January 2004, five months before the end of the financial year. (Procter & Gamble 2004) - In terms of achieving the value target of $75 million in Western Europe by the end of the financial year (June 2004), value sales of $100. 4 million was already achieved by April 2004. Since the launch of Fruit Fusions, there have been record value shares for Herbal Essences in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Greece and the Nordic countries. The campaign has also been successfully rolled out in all other P&G regions (North and Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia). (Procter & Gamble 2004) - Research found there had been a dramatic shift in brand attributes relative to key competitors, proving that the launch of Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions has strengthened the overall brand equity. Compared to 2002 results and compared to its strategic competitors, a significantly higher number of respondents in 2004 found Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions to be a pleasure to use, fragrant and fun. (Source: Procter & Gamble 2004/Equity Scan/WHO : NFO)

    Tropical Showers

    案例简介:草药精华水果融合运动的挑战是激发人们对新系列的兴趣,并从整体上发展草药精华品牌。基于目标喜欢洗头的洞察力,他们希望这是一次愉快的经历,而不是一件苦差事,一种传达使用水果融合的乐趣的热带幻想被创造出来。结果令人印象深刻,草药精华在西欧实现了 29% 的同比增长,品牌价值显著增长,品牌资产显著增强。 上下文 活动目标 -西欧的品牌销量同比增长 19%。 -西欧的品牌价值增长 31%,达到 7500万美元。 -加强 Clairol 草药精华的品牌资产,特别是乐趣、快乐和香味的关键属性。 目标受众 核心目标是 16-35 岁的妇女。他们喜欢含有天然成分的产品,香味对他们来说很重要。他们通常对自己的头发很满意,他们认为自己没有需要纠正的特定问题。 活动期间 2003年5月至 2003年11月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 该运动挖掘了这些妇女喜欢洗头发的洞察力。他们希望这是一次愉快的经历,而不是一件苦差事,或者仅仅是达到目的的一种手段。该活动的目的是以有趣、有趣的方式交流新的令人兴奋的草药精华水果香味的体验。其目的是让女性从看广告中获得和洗头发中一样的快乐。 这场运动以热带幻想中的女性为特色,她们洗头发时达到了快乐的高度。广告的幽默之处是,“热带淋浴” 揭示了该品牌淘气但美好的性格,并表明与其他护发品牌不同,Clairol 草药精华并没有把自己看得太重。 其他传播方案 -店内活动: 水果融合被整体利用,使用许多可用的工具来让店内环境变得栩栩如生 (店内剧院,店内电视屏幕, 扬声器具有声音和香味测试仪的特性,以驱动试验)。 -公关: 在产品发布前三个月,对关键影响者和记者实施了播种战略。 媒体 -广播 -打印 营销支出总额 超过 2000 万。 媒体战略 利用电视、印刷、广播和公共关系实施了完全一体化的传播战略。这项运动是利用电视作为主要传播渠道来建立品牌意识和试验的。其次是印刷和无线电,以建立频率和加强异国情调的香味。 结果 -与去年同期相比,Clairol 草药精华在整个西欧增长了 29%。到 2004年1月,即财政年度结束前五个月,实现了 19% 的目标。 (宝洁 2004) -在财政年度 (2004年6月) 结束前实现西欧 7500万美元的价值目标方面,价值销售额为 100 美元。到 2004年4月已经实现了 400万。自水果融合推出以来,英国、德国、比利时、希腊和北欧国家的草药精华份额创下了历史新高。该运动还在所有其他宝洁地区 (北美和拉丁美洲、东欧和亚洲) 成功推广。 (宝洁 2004) -研究发现,相对于主要竞争对手,品牌属性发生了巨大变化,证明草药精华水果融合的推出加强了整体品牌资产。与 2002年的结果相比,与战略竞争对手相比,2004年更多的受访者发现草药精华水果融合是一种享受使用、芳香和乐趣的方式。 (资料来源: 宝洁 2004/股权扫描/谁: NFO)

    Tropical Showers

    案例简介:The challenge for the Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions campaign was to generate interest in the launch of the new collection and to grow the Herbal Essences brand as a whole. Based on the insight that the target enjoyed washing their hair and they wanted it to be a pleasurable experience rather than a chore, a tropical fantasy to convey the pleasure of using Fruit Fusions was created. Results were impressive, with Herbal Essences achieving a 29% growth year on year in Western Europe, a significant growth in brand value and considerably strengthened brand equity. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Grow brand volumes by 19% year on year across Western Europe. - Grow brand value by 31%, to $75 million in Western Europe. - Strengthen the brand equity of Clairol Herbal Essences, in particular the key attributes of fun, pleasure and fragrance. TARGET AUDIENCE The core target was defined as women, aged 16-35 years old. They liked the idea of products containing natural ingredients and fragrance was important to them. They were generally happy with their hair – they did not perceive themselves to have a particular problem which needed correction. CAMPAIGN PERIOD May 2003 to November 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY The campaign tapped into the insight that these women enjoyed washing their hair. They wanted it to be a pleasurable experience rather than a chore or simply a means to an end. The campaign aim was to communicate the experience of the new exhilarating Herbal Essence fruit fragrance in a fun, playful manner. The intention was that women would derive the same pleasure from watching the ads as they got from washing their hair. The campaign featured women in a tropical fantasy, reaching the heights of pleasure as they washed their hair. A humorous twist to the ad, ‘Tropical Shower’ revealed the ‘naughty but nice’ character of the brand and showed that unlike other hair care brands, Clairol Herbal Essences did not take itself too seriously. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES - In-store activity: Fruit Fusions was exploited holistically using many available tools to bring the in-store environment to life (in-store theatre with demonstrations, television screens in-store, speakers with the characteristic ‘Herbal’ sound and fragrance testers to drive trial). - PR: A seeding strategy was put in place three months prior to the product launch, with key influencers and journalists. MEDIA - Broadcast - Print TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Over €20 million. MEDIA STRATEGY A fully integrated communications strategy was implemented using television, print, radio and PR. The campaign was launched using television as the main communications channel to build brand awareness and trial. This was followed by print and radio to build frequency and to reinforce the exotic fragrance benefit. Results - Year on year, Clairol Herbal Essences has grown 29% across Western Europe. The target of 19% was achieved by January 2004, five months before the end of the financial year. (Procter & Gamble 2004) - In terms of achieving the value target of $75 million in Western Europe by the end of the financial year (June 2004), value sales of $100. 4 million was already achieved by April 2004. Since the launch of Fruit Fusions, there have been record value shares for Herbal Essences in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Greece and the Nordic countries. The campaign has also been successfully rolled out in all other P&G regions (North and Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia). (Procter & Gamble 2004) - Research found there had been a dramatic shift in brand attributes relative to key competitors, proving that the launch of Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions has strengthened the overall brand equity. Compared to 2002 results and compared to its strategic competitors, a significantly higher number of respondents in 2004 found Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions to be a pleasure to use, fragrant and fun. (Source: Procter & Gamble 2004/Equity Scan/WHO : NFO)



    Tropical Showers








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