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    The Hacker Spot短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 与 estad ã o (巴西最重要的报纸) 、广告服务器和其他门户网站合作, 我们用文本替换了 html 代码 -- 这是横幅的基础 -- 并将横幅变成广播点,为视力受损的人广播关于 Dorina Nowill 基金会的信息内容。所以,我们把这些简单阅读 html 代码的空间变成了广告,成为交流和包容的渠道。 战略 尽管巴西有 650万多名视力受损者,但并非所有类型的内容都可以访问。甚至没有在互联网上,这使得它的导航、社会包容,甚至消费更加困难。由于我们的困难是接触到这个非常具体的受众,我们做了一项分析,以确定具有内容生产结构和可访问性的大型网站。我们找到了 UOL 和 estad ã o,它们平均每天有 580万人。所以,我们修改了这些门户网站的网络横幅,没有使用的空间变得相关。总共有 8 个点: 关于 Dorina Nowill 基金会的新闻、导盲犬的使用、立法、眼睛健康、课程、志愿服务、激励内容和有声读物。 概要 Dorina Nowill 基金会是一个巴西非政府组织,致力于视障人士的社会包容。基金会认为,获得信息对他们至关重要,这样他们才能独立。由于智能手机和电脑上安装的辅助功能: 屏幕阅读器,全世界约有 2.85亿视力受损的人已经可以上网了。启用后,此功能会将每个页面项目读取给用户。然而,并不是所有的内容都可以访问: 当点击网页横幅或图像时,该功能只能读取其背后的源代码。为了让所有类型的内容都可以访问,有助于这些人的社会化和独立性,多莉娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会修改了几个广告商的网络横幅,并将它们变成了包容的空间。 结果 这一行动在该国最大的两个新闻门户网站上实施,横幅的第一次修改是在日产、活力、弗里博伊和 Cacau 展示广告中进行的。可访问的日产艺术品有超过 550,000 的影响和 219 视障人士的独特互动。通过分析这些网页上的访问量,我们发现在此期间,该行动达到了总浏览量的 22%。以前没有机会互动的人开始联系他们有用的内容。除了向这些受众提供具体信息之外,该项目还有助于改变行为,鼓励媒体车辆和品牌让视力受损的人能够访问他们的网络内容。 执行 带有信息内容的文本被插入到横幅原始代码上方的一层上。该层具有带有特定命令的代码,允许辅助功能读取横幅。结果,屏幕阅读器停止阅读一系列随机字母,并开始广播关于多丽娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会的信息。所有这些都没有改变广告商的原始横幅内容,也没有生产成本。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription In partnership with Estadão (the most important Brazilian newspaper), ad servers and other portals, we replaced the html codes – which are the basis of the banners – with texts and turned the banners into radio spots that broadcast informative content about Dorina Nowill Foundation for visually impaired people. So, we turned these spaces that simply read html codes and were uncomfortable for them to hear into ads that became a channel of communication and inclusion. Strategy Although there are more than 6.5 million people with visual impairment in Brazil, not all kinds of content are accessible to them. Not even on the internet, which makes its navigation, social inclusion, and even the consumption more difficult.Since our difficulty was to reach this very specific audience, we did an analysis to identify large websites that have content production structure with accessibility. And we found UOL and Estadão, which together have an average audience of 5.8 million people per day.So, we modified the web banners of these portals and the space that was not being used became relevant. There were 8 spots in total: news about the Dorina Nowill Foundation, use of guide dogs, legislation, eye health, courses, volunteering, motivational content and audiobooks. Synopsis The Dorina Nowill Foundation is a Brazilian NGO dedicated to the social inclusion of people with visual impairment. The foundation believes that access to information is essential for them so they can be independent. About 285 million visually impaired people all over the world can already surf the internet thanks to the accessibility feature that comes installed on smartphones and computers: the screen reader. When enabled, this feature reads each page item to the user. However, not all content is accessible: when clicking on a web banner or on an image, the feature is only able to read the source code behind it. For all types of content to be accessible, contributing to the socialization and independence of these people, the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind modified web banners from several advertisers and turned them into spaces of inclusion. Outcome The action was implemented in two of the country's largest news portals, and the first modifications in banners were done in Nissan, Vigor, Friboi and Cacau Show ads. The accessible Nissan artworks had more than 550,000 impacts and 219 unique interactions of visually impaired people.By analyzing the flow of visits on these web pages, we found out that the action reached 22% of total views during the period. People who previously had no opportunity to interact started to connect with useful content for them.On top of bringing specific information to this audience, the project contributes to a behavior change, encouraging media vehicles and brands to make their web content accessible to visually impaired people. Execution The texts with informative content were inserted on a layer above the original codes of the banners. This layer has codes with specific commands that allow the banner to be read by the accessibility feature. As a result, the screen reader stopped reading a series of random letters and started broadcasting messages about the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind. All without altering the advertisers' original banner content and without production costs.

    The Hacker Spot

    案例简介:活动描述 与 estad ã o (巴西最重要的报纸) 、广告服务器和其他门户网站合作, 我们用文本替换了 html 代码 -- 这是横幅的基础 -- 并将横幅变成广播点,为视力受损的人广播关于 Dorina Nowill 基金会的信息内容。所以,我们把这些简单阅读 html 代码的空间变成了广告,成为交流和包容的渠道。 战略 尽管巴西有 650万多名视力受损者,但并非所有类型的内容都可以访问。甚至没有在互联网上,这使得它的导航、社会包容,甚至消费更加困难。由于我们的困难是接触到这个非常具体的受众,我们做了一项分析,以确定具有内容生产结构和可访问性的大型网站。我们找到了 UOL 和 estad ã o,它们平均每天有 580万人。所以,我们修改了这些门户网站的网络横幅,没有使用的空间变得相关。总共有 8 个点: 关于 Dorina Nowill 基金会的新闻、导盲犬的使用、立法、眼睛健康、课程、志愿服务、激励内容和有声读物。 概要 Dorina Nowill 基金会是一个巴西非政府组织,致力于视障人士的社会包容。基金会认为,获得信息对他们至关重要,这样他们才能独立。由于智能手机和电脑上安装的辅助功能: 屏幕阅读器,全世界约有 2.85亿视力受损的人已经可以上网了。启用后,此功能会将每个页面项目读取给用户。然而,并不是所有的内容都可以访问: 当点击网页横幅或图像时,该功能只能读取其背后的源代码。为了让所有类型的内容都可以访问,有助于这些人的社会化和独立性,多莉娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会修改了几个广告商的网络横幅,并将它们变成了包容的空间。 结果 这一行动在该国最大的两个新闻门户网站上实施,横幅的第一次修改是在日产、活力、弗里博伊和 Cacau 展示广告中进行的。可访问的日产艺术品有超过 550,000 的影响和 219 视障人士的独特互动。通过分析这些网页上的访问量,我们发现在此期间,该行动达到了总浏览量的 22%。以前没有机会互动的人开始联系他们有用的内容。除了向这些受众提供具体信息之外,该项目还有助于改变行为,鼓励媒体车辆和品牌让视力受损的人能够访问他们的网络内容。 执行 带有信息内容的文本被插入到横幅原始代码上方的一层上。该层具有带有特定命令的代码,允许辅助功能读取横幅。结果,屏幕阅读器停止阅读一系列随机字母,并开始广播关于多丽娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会的信息。所有这些都没有改变广告商的原始横幅内容,也没有生产成本。

    The Hacker Spot

    案例简介:CampaignDescription In partnership with Estadão (the most important Brazilian newspaper), ad servers and other portals, we replaced the html codes – which are the basis of the banners – with texts and turned the banners into radio spots that broadcast informative content about Dorina Nowill Foundation for visually impaired people. So, we turned these spaces that simply read html codes and were uncomfortable for them to hear into ads that became a channel of communication and inclusion. Strategy Although there are more than 6.5 million people with visual impairment in Brazil, not all kinds of content are accessible to them. Not even on the internet, which makes its navigation, social inclusion, and even the consumption more difficult.Since our difficulty was to reach this very specific audience, we did an analysis to identify large websites that have content production structure with accessibility. And we found UOL and Estadão, which together have an average audience of 5.8 million people per day.So, we modified the web banners of these portals and the space that was not being used became relevant. There were 8 spots in total: news about the Dorina Nowill Foundation, use of guide dogs, legislation, eye health, courses, volunteering, motivational content and audiobooks. Synopsis The Dorina Nowill Foundation is a Brazilian NGO dedicated to the social inclusion of people with visual impairment. The foundation believes that access to information is essential for them so they can be independent. About 285 million visually impaired people all over the world can already surf the internet thanks to the accessibility feature that comes installed on smartphones and computers: the screen reader. When enabled, this feature reads each page item to the user. However, not all content is accessible: when clicking on a web banner or on an image, the feature is only able to read the source code behind it. For all types of content to be accessible, contributing to the socialization and independence of these people, the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind modified web banners from several advertisers and turned them into spaces of inclusion. Outcome The action was implemented in two of the country's largest news portals, and the first modifications in banners were done in Nissan, Vigor, Friboi and Cacau Show ads. The accessible Nissan artworks had more than 550,000 impacts and 219 unique interactions of visually impaired people.By analyzing the flow of visits on these web pages, we found out that the action reached 22% of total views during the period. People who previously had no opportunity to interact started to connect with useful content for them.On top of bringing specific information to this audience, the project contributes to a behavior change, encouraging media vehicles and brands to make their web content accessible to visually impaired people. Execution The texts with informative content were inserted on a layer above the original codes of the banners. This layer has codes with specific commands that allow the banner to be read by the accessibility feature. As a result, the screen reader stopped reading a series of random letters and started broadcasting messages about the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind. All without altering the advertisers' original banner content and without production costs.



    The Hacker Spot










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