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    Braille Bricks短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 在巴西,盲童教育专用材料的选择不多。大多数需要父母和老师来适应。此外,这些材料不鼓励纳入这些学生。学校不准备同时对待盲人和非盲人学生,这最终会在课堂活动中造成教学方法的差异。从皮亚杰关于认知学习的论文到赫尔辛基大学的现代 “有趣的学习中心”,现在,关于游戏和游戏对学习和儿童发展的重要性,科学和学术上已经达成共识。多莉娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会的工作旨在融入社会,该基金会寻求一种创新资源,帮助实现这一目标,并改善视力受损者和他们周围的人的生活, 以真正的方式。 活动描述 我们意识到经典的 6 针 (3x2) 建筑砖与盲文字母具有相同的图案。然后我们简单地对别针做了一些小的修改,瞧: 我们已经构建了一个完整的盲文字母。这一切都没有失去玩具的特点。积木仍在积木。但是现在,由于作为一封信的特殊性,他们让学习变得有趣、简单和有趣。盲文砖是如何产生的。一个识字和包容盲童的玩具,因为它允许他们与其他孩子正常玩耍,学习和教授盲文。我们和 Dorina Nowill 基金会的孩子们一起测试了它,现在这个工具已经被证明是有效的和潜在的,我们想说服玩具制造商接受这个想法,大规模生产盲文砖,这样它就可以帮助世界各地的儿童。我们指望来自全体的帮助 执行 我们使用任何玩具店发现的 6 针 (3x2) 建筑砖。然后,由于盲文字母遵循相同的别针模式,我们删除了一些片段来获得字母。砖是一个接一个地制作的,以保持玩具的特点: 合身、颜色和功能。你看着其中的一个,仍然会看到建筑砖的经典、明确无误的设计。我们所做的是添加一个新元素: 字母表。这些砖块除了刺激想象力和包容性之外,还有助于触觉和运动发育,这对失明的孩子来说非常重要。今天,大约有 2,000 块砖块,分发到学习工具包中,帮助多丽娜 · 诺维尔基金会和几十个其他机构的大约 300 名儿童。 结果 我们的目标是提高人们对盲文砖项目的认识,让尽可能多的人了解。因此,在短短几月几日达到 18.8 毫米有机 Twitter 和 Facebook 的影响。 战略 Dorina Nowill 基金会是巴西支持视觉障碍患者的最重要的非政府组织,盲文砖作为一个有趣的教育项目被提出,不仅能够提高对该机构原因的认识,同时也为学习和社会融合提供了工具。盲文砖的变革潜力使它成为所有处理视力障碍儿童的机构、学校和家庭的广泛产品。为此,该产品已通过知识共享许可证免费提供,供任何玩具制造商开发。视频是分享这场运动的主要元素,它得到了在线工具的支持,这些工具可以将头像改为支持者姓名首字母的图像,还可以用盲文砖创建个性化的信息。所有这些都集中在一个专门开发的网站上,以汇总这些要素并向公众解释这场运动。


    案例简介:Synopsis In Brazil, there are not many options for special materials for education of blind children. The majority needs to be adapted by parents and teachers. In addition, these materials do not encourage the inclusion of these students. Schools are not prepared to tend to blind and non-blind students at the same time, which ends up creating a difference in teaching method during the activities in the classroom.From the Piaget treatises on cognitive learning to the modern 'Playful Learning Center' of the University of Helsinki, there is now scientific and academic consensus on the importance of games and playfulness for learning and child development.The Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind, whose work is aimed at inclusion, sought an innovative resource that would help toward this goal and improve life for the visually impaired and those around them, in a real way. Campaign Description We realized that classic 6-pin (3x2) building bricks have the same pattern as the braille alphabet. Then we simply made small modifications to the pins, and voilà: We’ve built an entire braille alphabet. All this without losing the characteristics of the toy. The building bricks are still building bricks. But now, with the peculiarity of being a letter, they make learning playful, simple, and fun. how Braille Bricks came about. A toy for literacy and inclusion of blind children, since it allows them to play normally with other children, learning and teaching braille.We tested it with the children at the Dorina Nowill Foundation, and now that the tool has proven effective and potential, we want to convince a toy manufacturer to embrace the idea and produce Braille Bricks on a large scale, so that it can help children around the world. We are counting on the help from the whole Execution We used 6-pin (3x2) building bricks found at any toy store. Then, since the braille alphabet follows the same pattern of pins, we removed some of the pieces to obtain the letters. The bricks were crafted one by one in order to maintain the characteristics of the toy: Fit, colors, and functionality. You look at one of them and still see the classic, unmistakable design of the building bricks. What we did was to add a new element: the alphabet. The bricks, besides stimulating the imagination and inclusion, assist in tactile and motor development, which are extremely important for a blind child. Today, there are around 2,000 bricks, distributed into learning kits, which help around 300 children at the Dorina Nowill Foundation and dozens of other institutions. Outcome Our goal was to raise awareness around the Braille Bricks project, reaching as many people as possible. As a result, in just 3 days we achieved 18.8MM organic impacts on Twitter and Facebook. Strategy The Dorina Nowill Foundation is the foremost Brazilian NGO for support to people with visual impairments, and Braille Bricks is presented as a playful educational project capable of not only increase awareness of the institution's causes, but also of providing a tool for learning and social integration.The transformative potential of Braille Bricks make it a product with a wide reach, for all the institutions, schools, and families that deal with children with visual impairments. To that end, the product has been made available through the Creative Commons license, free of charge, for development by any toy manufacturer.The video is the main element for sharing the campaign, supported by online tools for changing avatars to images of the supporters' initials and for creating personalized messages, both with Braille Bricks. All of this is brought together on a website specially developed to aggregate the elements and explain the campaign to the public.

    Braille Bricks

    案例简介:概要 在巴西,盲童教育专用材料的选择不多。大多数需要父母和老师来适应。此外,这些材料不鼓励纳入这些学生。学校不准备同时对待盲人和非盲人学生,这最终会在课堂活动中造成教学方法的差异。从皮亚杰关于认知学习的论文到赫尔辛基大学的现代 “有趣的学习中心”,现在,关于游戏和游戏对学习和儿童发展的重要性,科学和学术上已经达成共识。多莉娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会的工作旨在融入社会,该基金会寻求一种创新资源,帮助实现这一目标,并改善视力受损者和他们周围的人的生活, 以真正的方式。 活动描述 我们意识到经典的 6 针 (3x2) 建筑砖与盲文字母具有相同的图案。然后我们简单地对别针做了一些小的修改,瞧: 我们已经构建了一个完整的盲文字母。这一切都没有失去玩具的特点。积木仍在积木。但是现在,由于作为一封信的特殊性,他们让学习变得有趣、简单和有趣。盲文砖是如何产生的。一个识字和包容盲童的玩具,因为它允许他们与其他孩子正常玩耍,学习和教授盲文。我们和 Dorina Nowill 基金会的孩子们一起测试了它,现在这个工具已经被证明是有效的和潜在的,我们想说服玩具制造商接受这个想法,大规模生产盲文砖,这样它就可以帮助世界各地的儿童。我们指望来自全体的帮助 执行 我们使用任何玩具店发现的 6 针 (3x2) 建筑砖。然后,由于盲文字母遵循相同的别针模式,我们删除了一些片段来获得字母。砖是一个接一个地制作的,以保持玩具的特点: 合身、颜色和功能。你看着其中的一个,仍然会看到建筑砖的经典、明确无误的设计。我们所做的是添加一个新元素: 字母表。这些砖块除了刺激想象力和包容性之外,还有助于触觉和运动发育,这对失明的孩子来说非常重要。今天,大约有 2,000 块砖块,分发到学习工具包中,帮助多丽娜 · 诺维尔基金会和几十个其他机构的大约 300 名儿童。 结果 我们的目标是提高人们对盲文砖项目的认识,让尽可能多的人了解。因此,在短短几月几日达到 18.8 毫米有机 Twitter 和 Facebook 的影响。 战略 Dorina Nowill 基金会是巴西支持视觉障碍患者的最重要的非政府组织,盲文砖作为一个有趣的教育项目被提出,不仅能够提高对该机构原因的认识,同时也为学习和社会融合提供了工具。盲文砖的变革潜力使它成为所有处理视力障碍儿童的机构、学校和家庭的广泛产品。为此,该产品已通过知识共享许可证免费提供,供任何玩具制造商开发。视频是分享这场运动的主要元素,它得到了在线工具的支持,这些工具可以将头像改为支持者姓名首字母的图像,还可以用盲文砖创建个性化的信息。所有这些都集中在一个专门开发的网站上,以汇总这些要素并向公众解释这场运动。

    Braille Bricks

    案例简介:Synopsis In Brazil, there are not many options for special materials for education of blind children. The majority needs to be adapted by parents and teachers. In addition, these materials do not encourage the inclusion of these students. Schools are not prepared to tend to blind and non-blind students at the same time, which ends up creating a difference in teaching method during the activities in the classroom.From the Piaget treatises on cognitive learning to the modern 'Playful Learning Center' of the University of Helsinki, there is now scientific and academic consensus on the importance of games and playfulness for learning and child development.The Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind, whose work is aimed at inclusion, sought an innovative resource that would help toward this goal and improve life for the visually impaired and those around them, in a real way. Campaign Description We realized that classic 6-pin (3x2) building bricks have the same pattern as the braille alphabet. Then we simply made small modifications to the pins, and voilà: We’ve built an entire braille alphabet. All this without losing the characteristics of the toy. The building bricks are still building bricks. But now, with the peculiarity of being a letter, they make learning playful, simple, and fun. how Braille Bricks came about. A toy for literacy and inclusion of blind children, since it allows them to play normally with other children, learning and teaching braille.We tested it with the children at the Dorina Nowill Foundation, and now that the tool has proven effective and potential, we want to convince a toy manufacturer to embrace the idea and produce Braille Bricks on a large scale, so that it can help children around the world. We are counting on the help from the whole Execution We used 6-pin (3x2) building bricks found at any toy store. Then, since the braille alphabet follows the same pattern of pins, we removed some of the pieces to obtain the letters. The bricks were crafted one by one in order to maintain the characteristics of the toy: Fit, colors, and functionality. You look at one of them and still see the classic, unmistakable design of the building bricks. What we did was to add a new element: the alphabet. The bricks, besides stimulating the imagination and inclusion, assist in tactile and motor development, which are extremely important for a blind child. Today, there are around 2,000 bricks, distributed into learning kits, which help around 300 children at the Dorina Nowill Foundation and dozens of other institutions. Outcome Our goal was to raise awareness around the Braille Bricks project, reaching as many people as possible. As a result, in just 3 days we achieved 18.8MM organic impacts on Twitter and Facebook. Strategy The Dorina Nowill Foundation is the foremost Brazilian NGO for support to people with visual impairments, and Braille Bricks is presented as a playful educational project capable of not only increase awareness of the institution's causes, but also of providing a tool for learning and social integration.The transformative potential of Braille Bricks make it a product with a wide reach, for all the institutions, schools, and families that deal with children with visual impairments. To that end, the product has been made available through the Creative Commons license, free of charge, for development by any toy manufacturer.The video is the main element for sharing the campaign, supported by online tools for changing avatars to images of the supporters' initials and for creating personalized messages, both with Braille Bricks. All of this is brought together on a website specially developed to aggregate the elements and explain the campaign to the public.



    Braille Bricks










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