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    案例简介:乐高基金会和乐高集团宣布他们支持一个开创性的项目,该项目将帮助盲人和视障儿童在玩特殊乐高时以有趣、引人入胜的方式学习盲文®为盲文定制的零件。这个项目叫做乐高®盲文砖,在法国巴黎举行的 “可持续品牌大会” 上展示。乐高背后的概念®盲文砖最早是由丹麦协会于 2011年向乐高基金会提出的,2017年又由巴西的 Dorina Nowill 盲人基金会提出。“面向所有人的盲文砖” 项目受到了国际关注,从而有可能达成生产该产品的协议。从那以后,丹麦、巴西、英国和挪威的协会密切合作,第一个砖块原型在上述国家流通,以进行概念验证。 philippe Chazal 说: “有成千上万的有声读物和计算机程序,学习盲文的孩子越来越少了。”欧洲盲人联盟的司库。“当我们知道盲文用户往往更独立、教育水平更高、就业机会更好时,这一点尤为重要。我们坚信乐高盲文积木有助于提高学习盲文的兴趣, 因此,我们很高兴乐高基金会能够推进这一概念,并将其带给世界各地的儿童。 ”乐高®盲文砖将以相同数量的凸起点数创建,用于表示盲文字母表中的不同字母和数字,并与乐高完全兼容®系统。为了保证这个工具是包容性的,并且允许没有视力障碍的教师、学生和家庭成员平等地使用这些作品,每一件作品都将有一个相应的印刷字母或字符。这种巧妙的组合是一种全新的有趣的方法,让盲人和视障儿童对学习盲文感兴趣, 让他们在当今充满活力的世界中发展所需的广泛技能。对于多莉娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会盲文砖委员会主席 Ika Fleury 来说,“盲文仍然是教视力受损儿童阅读的唯一方法。乐高®盲文砖是一种创新工具,有效地促进包容性学习,不仅涉及盲人和视障儿童,也涉及他们的非视障同学。这次发布对我们来说有非常特殊的意义,从今年开始,我们的创始人 Dorina Nowill 将会 100 岁。她的生日庆祝活动将以多莉娜 · 诺维尔基金会将向世界上所有视障儿童提供的这份伟大的礼物为标志: 有机会学习盲文系统,同时与其他孩子互动和玩耍。该项目也超越了儿童,将惠及教师、教育工作者和家长,他们也可以享受基金会开发的这种教育而有趣的工具。" 乐高高级艺术总监莫滕 · 邦德 (Morten Bonde) 是该项目的内部顾问,他患有遗传性眼病,这种疾病会慢慢导致他失明。行政人员决心不让混乱限制他。“看到学生和家长对乐高的反应®盲文砖非常鼓舞人心,提醒我,我将在生活中面临的唯一限制是我在自己的脑海中创造的。儿童对独立和融入社会的参与程度和兴趣非常明显。我很感动地看到,这种产品对盲人和视障儿童学习阅读时的学术信心和好奇心的发展产生了影响。" 该产品正在用丹麦语、挪威语、英语和葡萄牙语进行测试。德语、西班牙语和法语将于 2019年审查。该工具包的最终版本应在 2020年推出,并将免费分发给通过测试市场的主要合作伙伴选择的机构。该工具包将包括大约 250 个片段,涵盖完整的字母表、 0 到 9 的数字、精选的数学符号,以及教学和互动游戏的灵感。根据乐高基金会首席执行官约翰 · 古德温的说法,“盲人和视障儿童和所有其他儿童一样,对未来有梦想和渴望。他们有同样的愿望和需求去探索世界,通过玩耍与其他孩子交往,然而很多时候他们却面临着非自愿的孤立。在乐高基金会,我们相信孩子们通过玩耍学习得最好,玩耍帮助他们学习一系列技能,包括创造力、协作和交流。通过这个项目,我们正在为这个群体创造一种有趣和包容的学习盲文的方式。我们希望世界各地的孩子、父母、看护人、教师和专业人士都像我们一样被引用。我们迫不及待地想看到这个项目会带来的积极影响。“事实 -- 巴西: 巴西有 208 居民,其中 4560万生活在某种残疾中。换句话说,24% 的巴西人口生活在某种类型的残疾中。根据巴西地理和统计研究所 (IBGE) 的数据,巴西有 140,000 名视障儿童。其中 75,000 的孩子上公立学校。根据 IBGE,该国有 650万视障人士: 600万视障人士和 528,624 盲人。在巴西公立学校注册的 3950万名学生中,超过 75,000 有某种类型的视力障碍(完全失明或低视力) 巴西伙伴关系的时间表: 2016 年,为了寻求促进包容性教育的创造性解决方案,多丽娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会向创建第一个国家原型的机构 lewlara/TBWA 提出了这一挑战, 已经命名为盲文砖。同年,该机构发起了该产品的活动,在巴西和世界各地产生 141 可视化和 370万自发的用户互动。多丽娜基金会/lewlara/TBWA 为所有人举办的巴西运动盲文砖赢得了几个著名的奖项,包括戛纳电影节上的金狮奖。 2017 年,Dorina 基金会的团队与乐高和乐高基金会取得了联系。通过这些接触,建立了包括巴西在内的伙伴关系,在全球推出乐高®盲文砖块。在 2018 年,Dorina 基金会与保利斯塔州立大学合作,开始了一个包容性的教育乐高®针对圣保罗州贝纳德斯总统和佛朗哥 · 达罗查总统的公立学校的盲文砖块试点项目。对 82 名儿童 (包括盲人、视障和非视障学生) 进行测试获得的结果参与试点项目的教育工作者不仅为国家提供了参考,也为乐高基金会本身提供了参考, 将多丽娜基金会的倡议再次置于全纳教育全球对话的中心。 • 乐高在巴西和国际上正式推出后®盲文砖,Dorina Foundation 开始寻找支持者和投资者,以便能够在巴西七个州的公立学校免费培训教师和分发工具包 (最初)。 dorina 基金会计划开始进口和分销乐高®2020年下半年,盲文砖,将工具包与与联合国大学合作开发的包容性教学方法相结合,针对盲人、视障人士、 4-10 岁的非视障儿童,多丽娜基金会积极参与乐高积木的创作、开发和推出®盲文砖是该实体创始人、先驱杜丽娜 · 德 · 古瓦 · 诺维尔创造的遗产的结果,他将于今年 5 月满 100 岁。


    案例简介:the LEGO Foundation and the LEGO group announced their support of a pioneering project that will help blind and visually impaired children to learn Braille in a fun, engaging manner while playing with special LEGO® pieces that have been customized for Braille. The project, called LEGO® Braille Bricks, was presented during the “Sustainable Brands Conference” in Paris, France.The concept behind LEGO® Braille Bricks was first proposed by the Danish Association to the LEGO Foundation in 2011 and was again proposed in 2017 by the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind in Brazil. The project “Braille Bricks for All” has received international attention, making it possible for an agreement to produce the product to be reached. Since then, associations in Denmark, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Norway have closely collaborated and the first prototypes of the bricks have been circulated in the aforementioned countries for proof of concept testing.“With thousands of audiobooks and computer programs available, fewer and fewer children are learning to read Braille,” said Philippe Chazal, Treasurer of the European Blind Union. “This is particularly critical when we know that Braille users often are more independent, have a higher level of education and better employment opportunities. We strongly believe LEGO Braille Bricks can help boost the level of interest in learning Braille, so we’re thrilled that the LEGO Foundation is making it possible to further this concept and bring it to children around the world.”The LEGO® Braille Bricks will be created with the same number of raised points used to represent different letters and numbers in the Braille alphabet and will be totally compatible with the LEGO® system. To guarantee that this tool is inclusive and to allow teachers, students, and family members without visual impairments to use the pieces equally, each piece will also have a corresponding printed letter or character. This ingenious combination is a totally new and fun approach to get blind and visually impaired children interested in learning Braille, allowing them to develop the wide range of skills they need to prosper in today’s dynamic world.For Ika Fleury President of the Braille Bricks Committee at the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind, “Braille is still the only way to teach a visually impaired child to read. LEGO® Braille Bricks is an innovative tool that effectively promotes inclusive learning that involves not only blind and visually impaired children, but also their non-visually impaired classmates. This launch has a very special meaning for us, since this year, our founder Dorina Nowill will turn 100 years old. Her birthday celebration will be marked by this great present that the Dorina Nowill Foundation will deliver to all the visually impaired children in the world: the opportunity to learn the Braille system while also interacting and having fun with other children. The program also goes beyond children and will reach teachers, educators, and parents who can also enjoy this educational yet fun instrument that the Foundation has developed.” LEGO Senior Art Director, Morten Bonde, who suffers from a genetic eye disorder that is slowly causing him to go blind, worked as an internal consultant for the project. The executive is determined not to let the disorder limit him.“Seeing students’ and parents’ reactions to LEGO® Braille Bricks was extremely inspiring and reminded me that the only limitations I will face in life are those I create in my own mind. The level of the children’s involvement and interest in being independent and included in society is very evident. I was moved to see the impact that this product has on the development of academic confidence and curiosity in blind and visually impaired children as they learn to read.” The product is being tested in Danish, Norwegian, English, and Portuguese. German, Spanish and French will be reviewed in the third quarter of 2019. The final version of the kit should be launched in 2020 and will be distributed for free to institutions selected through key partners in test markets. The kit will include approximately 250 pieces that cover the complete alphabet, numbers from 0 to 9, and select math symbols, as well as inspiration for teaching and for interactive games.According to John Goodwin, CEO of the Lego Foundation, “Blind and visually impaired children have dreams and aspirations for the future just like all other children. They have the same desire and need to explore the world and socialize with other children through play, yet many times they face involuntary isolation instead. At the LEGO Foundation, we believe that children learn best through play and that play helps them learn a range of skills including creativity, collaboration, and communication. With this project, we are creating a fun and inclusive way for this group to learn Braille. We hope that children, parents, caretakers, teachers, and professionals around the world are as excited as we are. We can hardly wait to see the positive impact this project will cause.”Facts - Brazil:• Brazil has 208 inhabitants, 45.6 million of which live with some type of handicap. In other words, 24% of the Brazilian population lives with some type of handicap.• According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are 140,000 visually impaired children in Brazil. 75,000 of these children attend public schools.• According to IBGE, there are more than 6.5 million visually impaired persons in the country: 6 million visually impaired and 528,624 blind persons.• Of the 39.5 million students enrolled in Brazilian public schools, more than 75,000 have some type of visual impairment (total blindness or low vision)Timeline for the partnership in Brazil: • In 2016, in search of a creative solution to promote inclusive education, the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind presented this challenge to the agency Lew’Lara/TBWA, which created the first national prototype, already named Braille Bricks.• That same year, the agency launched the product’s campaign, generating 141 visualizations and 3.7 million spontaneous user interactions in Brazil and around the world.• The Brazilian campaign Braille Bricks for All by the Dorina Foundation/Lew’Lara/TBWA won several prestigious awards, including a Gold Lion at the Cannes Festival.• In 2017, the team at the Dorina Foundation got in touch with LEGO and the LEGO Foundation. Through these contacts, a partnership was forged that included Brazil in the global launch of LEGO® Braille Bricks.• In 2018, the Dorina Foundation – in partnership with the Paulista State University (UNESP) – began an inclusive, educational LEGO® Braille Bricks pilot program that targeted public schools in Presidente Bernardes and Franco da Rocha, both in the state of São Paulo.• The results obtained from testing with the 82 children (including blind, visually impaired, and non-visually impaired students) and educators involved in the pilot project served as a reference not only for the country, but also for the LEGO Foundation itself, placing the Dorina Foundation’s initiative again at the center of the global conversation on inclusive education.• After the official launch – in Brazil and internationally – of LEGO® Braille Bricks, the Dorina Foundation began searching for supporters and investors to make it possible to train teachers and distribute the kits for free at public schools in seven Brazilian states (initially).• The Dorina Foundation plans to begin importing and distributing LEGO® Braille Bricks in the second half of 2020, combining the kits with an inclusive pedagogical methodology, developed in partnership with UNESP, for blind, visually impaired, and non-visually impaired children aged 4-10,• The Dorina Foundation’s active participation in the creation, development, and launch of LEGO® Braille Bricks is the result of the legacy created by the entity’s founder, the pioneering Dorina de Gouvêa Nowill, who will turn 100 years old this May.

    LEGO® Braille Bricks, 4

    案例简介:乐高基金会和乐高集团宣布他们支持一个开创性的项目,该项目将帮助盲人和视障儿童在玩特殊乐高时以有趣、引人入胜的方式学习盲文®为盲文定制的零件。这个项目叫做乐高®盲文砖,在法国巴黎举行的 “可持续品牌大会” 上展示。乐高背后的概念®盲文砖最早是由丹麦协会于 2011年向乐高基金会提出的,2017年又由巴西的 Dorina Nowill 盲人基金会提出。“面向所有人的盲文砖” 项目受到了国际关注,从而有可能达成生产该产品的协议。从那以后,丹麦、巴西、英国和挪威的协会密切合作,第一个砖块原型在上述国家流通,以进行概念验证。 philippe Chazal 说: “有成千上万的有声读物和计算机程序,学习盲文的孩子越来越少了。”欧洲盲人联盟的司库。“当我们知道盲文用户往往更独立、教育水平更高、就业机会更好时,这一点尤为重要。我们坚信乐高盲文积木有助于提高学习盲文的兴趣, 因此,我们很高兴乐高基金会能够推进这一概念,并将其带给世界各地的儿童。 ”乐高®盲文砖将以相同数量的凸起点数创建,用于表示盲文字母表中的不同字母和数字,并与乐高完全兼容®系统。为了保证这个工具是包容性的,并且允许没有视力障碍的教师、学生和家庭成员平等地使用这些作品,每一件作品都将有一个相应的印刷字母或字符。这种巧妙的组合是一种全新的有趣的方法,让盲人和视障儿童对学习盲文感兴趣, 让他们在当今充满活力的世界中发展所需的广泛技能。对于多莉娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会盲文砖委员会主席 Ika Fleury 来说,“盲文仍然是教视力受损儿童阅读的唯一方法。乐高®盲文砖是一种创新工具,有效地促进包容性学习,不仅涉及盲人和视障儿童,也涉及他们的非视障同学。这次发布对我们来说有非常特殊的意义,从今年开始,我们的创始人 Dorina Nowill 将会 100 岁。她的生日庆祝活动将以多莉娜 · 诺维尔基金会将向世界上所有视障儿童提供的这份伟大的礼物为标志: 有机会学习盲文系统,同时与其他孩子互动和玩耍。该项目也超越了儿童,将惠及教师、教育工作者和家长,他们也可以享受基金会开发的这种教育而有趣的工具。" 乐高高级艺术总监莫滕 · 邦德 (Morten Bonde) 是该项目的内部顾问,他患有遗传性眼病,这种疾病会慢慢导致他失明。行政人员决心不让混乱限制他。“看到学生和家长对乐高的反应®盲文砖非常鼓舞人心,提醒我,我将在生活中面临的唯一限制是我在自己的脑海中创造的。儿童对独立和融入社会的参与程度和兴趣非常明显。我很感动地看到,这种产品对盲人和视障儿童学习阅读时的学术信心和好奇心的发展产生了影响。" 该产品正在用丹麦语、挪威语、英语和葡萄牙语进行测试。德语、西班牙语和法语将于 2019年审查。该工具包的最终版本应在 2020年推出,并将免费分发给通过测试市场的主要合作伙伴选择的机构。该工具包将包括大约 250 个片段,涵盖完整的字母表、 0 到 9 的数字、精选的数学符号,以及教学和互动游戏的灵感。根据乐高基金会首席执行官约翰 · 古德温的说法,“盲人和视障儿童和所有其他儿童一样,对未来有梦想和渴望。他们有同样的愿望和需求去探索世界,通过玩耍与其他孩子交往,然而很多时候他们却面临着非自愿的孤立。在乐高基金会,我们相信孩子们通过玩耍学习得最好,玩耍帮助他们学习一系列技能,包括创造力、协作和交流。通过这个项目,我们正在为这个群体创造一种有趣和包容的学习盲文的方式。我们希望世界各地的孩子、父母、看护人、教师和专业人士都像我们一样被引用。我们迫不及待地想看到这个项目会带来的积极影响。“事实 -- 巴西: 巴西有 208 居民,其中 4560万生活在某种残疾中。换句话说,24% 的巴西人口生活在某种类型的残疾中。根据巴西地理和统计研究所 (IBGE) 的数据,巴西有 140,000 名视障儿童。其中 75,000 的孩子上公立学校。根据 IBGE,该国有 650万视障人士: 600万视障人士和 528,624 盲人。在巴西公立学校注册的 3950万名学生中,超过 75,000 有某种类型的视力障碍(完全失明或低视力) 巴西伙伴关系的时间表: 2016 年,为了寻求促进包容性教育的创造性解决方案,多丽娜 · 诺维尔盲人基金会向创建第一个国家原型的机构 lewlara/TBWA 提出了这一挑战, 已经命名为盲文砖。同年,该机构发起了该产品的活动,在巴西和世界各地产生 141 可视化和 370万自发的用户互动。多丽娜基金会/lewlara/TBWA 为所有人举办的巴西运动盲文砖赢得了几个著名的奖项,包括戛纳电影节上的金狮奖。 2017 年,Dorina 基金会的团队与乐高和乐高基金会取得了联系。通过这些接触,建立了包括巴西在内的伙伴关系,在全球推出乐高®盲文砖块。在 2018 年,Dorina 基金会与保利斯塔州立大学合作,开始了一个包容性的教育乐高®针对圣保罗州贝纳德斯总统和佛朗哥 · 达罗查总统的公立学校的盲文砖块试点项目。对 82 名儿童 (包括盲人、视障和非视障学生) 进行测试获得的结果参与试点项目的教育工作者不仅为国家提供了参考,也为乐高基金会本身提供了参考, 将多丽娜基金会的倡议再次置于全纳教育全球对话的中心。 • 乐高在巴西和国际上正式推出后®盲文砖,Dorina Foundation 开始寻找支持者和投资者,以便能够在巴西七个州的公立学校免费培训教师和分发工具包 (最初)。 dorina 基金会计划开始进口和分销乐高®2020年下半年,盲文砖,将工具包与与联合国大学合作开发的包容性教学方法相结合,针对盲人、视障人士、 4-10 岁的非视障儿童,多丽娜基金会积极参与乐高积木的创作、开发和推出®盲文砖是该实体创始人、先驱杜丽娜 · 德 · 古瓦 · 诺维尔创造的遗产的结果,他将于今年 5 月满 100 岁。

    LEGO® Braille Bricks, 4

    案例简介:the LEGO Foundation and the LEGO group announced their support of a pioneering project that will help blind and visually impaired children to learn Braille in a fun, engaging manner while playing with special LEGO® pieces that have been customized for Braille. The project, called LEGO® Braille Bricks, was presented during the “Sustainable Brands Conference” in Paris, France.The concept behind LEGO® Braille Bricks was first proposed by the Danish Association to the LEGO Foundation in 2011 and was again proposed in 2017 by the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind in Brazil. The project “Braille Bricks for All” has received international attention, making it possible for an agreement to produce the product to be reached. Since then, associations in Denmark, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Norway have closely collaborated and the first prototypes of the bricks have been circulated in the aforementioned countries for proof of concept testing.“With thousands of audiobooks and computer programs available, fewer and fewer children are learning to read Braille,” said Philippe Chazal, Treasurer of the European Blind Union. “This is particularly critical when we know that Braille users often are more independent, have a higher level of education and better employment opportunities. We strongly believe LEGO Braille Bricks can help boost the level of interest in learning Braille, so we’re thrilled that the LEGO Foundation is making it possible to further this concept and bring it to children around the world.”The LEGO® Braille Bricks will be created with the same number of raised points used to represent different letters and numbers in the Braille alphabet and will be totally compatible with the LEGO® system. To guarantee that this tool is inclusive and to allow teachers, students, and family members without visual impairments to use the pieces equally, each piece will also have a corresponding printed letter or character. This ingenious combination is a totally new and fun approach to get blind and visually impaired children interested in learning Braille, allowing them to develop the wide range of skills they need to prosper in today’s dynamic world.For Ika Fleury President of the Braille Bricks Committee at the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind, “Braille is still the only way to teach a visually impaired child to read. LEGO® Braille Bricks is an innovative tool that effectively promotes inclusive learning that involves not only blind and visually impaired children, but also their non-visually impaired classmates. This launch has a very special meaning for us, since this year, our founder Dorina Nowill will turn 100 years old. Her birthday celebration will be marked by this great present that the Dorina Nowill Foundation will deliver to all the visually impaired children in the world: the opportunity to learn the Braille system while also interacting and having fun with other children. The program also goes beyond children and will reach teachers, educators, and parents who can also enjoy this educational yet fun instrument that the Foundation has developed.” LEGO Senior Art Director, Morten Bonde, who suffers from a genetic eye disorder that is slowly causing him to go blind, worked as an internal consultant for the project. The executive is determined not to let the disorder limit him.“Seeing students’ and parents’ reactions to LEGO® Braille Bricks was extremely inspiring and reminded me that the only limitations I will face in life are those I create in my own mind. The level of the children’s involvement and interest in being independent and included in society is very evident. I was moved to see the impact that this product has on the development of academic confidence and curiosity in blind and visually impaired children as they learn to read.” The product is being tested in Danish, Norwegian, English, and Portuguese. German, Spanish and French will be reviewed in the third quarter of 2019. The final version of the kit should be launched in 2020 and will be distributed for free to institutions selected through key partners in test markets. The kit will include approximately 250 pieces that cover the complete alphabet, numbers from 0 to 9, and select math symbols, as well as inspiration for teaching and for interactive games.According to John Goodwin, CEO of the Lego Foundation, “Blind and visually impaired children have dreams and aspirations for the future just like all other children. They have the same desire and need to explore the world and socialize with other children through play, yet many times they face involuntary isolation instead. At the LEGO Foundation, we believe that children learn best through play and that play helps them learn a range of skills including creativity, collaboration, and communication. With this project, we are creating a fun and inclusive way for this group to learn Braille. We hope that children, parents, caretakers, teachers, and professionals around the world are as excited as we are. We can hardly wait to see the positive impact this project will cause.”Facts - Brazil:• Brazil has 208 inhabitants, 45.6 million of which live with some type of handicap. In other words, 24% of the Brazilian population lives with some type of handicap.• According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are 140,000 visually impaired children in Brazil. 75,000 of these children attend public schools.• According to IBGE, there are more than 6.5 million visually impaired persons in the country: 6 million visually impaired and 528,624 blind persons.• Of the 39.5 million students enrolled in Brazilian public schools, more than 75,000 have some type of visual impairment (total blindness or low vision)Timeline for the partnership in Brazil: • In 2016, in search of a creative solution to promote inclusive education, the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind presented this challenge to the agency Lew’Lara/TBWA, which created the first national prototype, already named Braille Bricks.• That same year, the agency launched the product’s campaign, generating 141 visualizations and 3.7 million spontaneous user interactions in Brazil and around the world.• The Brazilian campaign Braille Bricks for All by the Dorina Foundation/Lew’Lara/TBWA won several prestigious awards, including a Gold Lion at the Cannes Festival.• In 2017, the team at the Dorina Foundation got in touch with LEGO and the LEGO Foundation. Through these contacts, a partnership was forged that included Brazil in the global launch of LEGO® Braille Bricks.• In 2018, the Dorina Foundation – in partnership with the Paulista State University (UNESP) – began an inclusive, educational LEGO® Braille Bricks pilot program that targeted public schools in Presidente Bernardes and Franco da Rocha, both in the state of São Paulo.• The results obtained from testing with the 82 children (including blind, visually impaired, and non-visually impaired students) and educators involved in the pilot project served as a reference not only for the country, but also for the LEGO Foundation itself, placing the Dorina Foundation’s initiative again at the center of the global conversation on inclusive education.• After the official launch – in Brazil and internationally – of LEGO® Braille Bricks, the Dorina Foundation began searching for supporters and investors to make it possible to train teachers and distribute the kits for free at public schools in seven Brazilian states (initially).• The Dorina Foundation plans to begin importing and distributing LEGO® Braille Bricks in the second half of 2020, combining the kits with an inclusive pedagogical methodology, developed in partnership with UNESP, for blind, visually impaired, and non-visually impaired children aged 4-10,• The Dorina Foundation’s active participation in the creation, development, and launch of LEGO® Braille Bricks is the result of the legacy created by the entity’s founder, the pioneering Dorina de Gouvêa Nowill, who will turn 100 years old this May.



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