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    案例简介:在常识媒体的最新工作中,Camp + King 向父母保证: 我们去过那里 中心位置询问孩子们是否看对了电影 (旧金山-2013年5月29日) 在常识媒体受到好评的第一轮 PSA 广告之后, 创意精品营地 + 国王的最新作品为非营利组织提供了涉及儿童和媒体使用的相关情况,承诺与父母产生共鸣。 中心位置有一个引人注目的并置: 一个可爱的小女孩在她的卧室里,被一群毛绒动物包围。她张开嘴,目光和声音越来越强烈,引用了一部虚构的电影,模仿了歹徒之间的暴力场景,她的填充动物充当了她的同伙。现场以一个问题结束: “你的孩子看的是正确的电影吗?去 commonsense.org 看看。" 构成常识媒体新活动的其他三个点最近首次亮相,将在 2013 的网络和有线电视上 (全国 DIRECTV 、 NBC 和 NBCUniversal 的有线频道) 运行, 以及通过康卡斯特、考克斯和时代华纳有线电视),全国在线通过 Hulu 和电影院。他们传达了教孩子在线分享什么是合适的,以及与技术找到健康平衡的重要性。其中一个展示了一个家庭聚集在餐桌旁,一个男人在网上传递一张坐在他右边的十几岁男孩发来的不合适的照片。另一个特点是一个小男孩在厕所前蹦蹦跳跳,他的母亲尖锐地恳求她的伴侣给他们带一个设备 -- 因为他们的儿子 “没有平板电脑就不会去”。" 所有这些景点都传达了常识媒体理解今天的媒体和技术为家庭创造的困难和不确定性,通过提供有用的信息,可以帮助他们实现内心的平静。无论是通过帮助父母为他们的孩子找到合适的娱乐,帮助他们教他们的孩子如何正确使用新技术设备, 或者回答他们关于什么媒体和技术的使用是健康的,适合孩子、父母和教育工作者的年龄的问题,他们会发现 commonsensemedia.org 是一个信息丰富、公正、无党派的指南。 “这很有趣,因为这是真的 -- 这完全是为人父母的情况,” 坎普 + 金的执行创意总监罗杰 · 坎普说,他也是一名家长。 “'我们都在那里' 的运动很受欢迎: 它以一种解除武装和有趣的方式传递我们的信息,这样父母就可以看到我们站在他们一边,而不是感觉受到评判, 常识媒体营销和传播副总裁科尔比 · 津特尔说。“这大大提高了我们的品牌意识和网站流量,我们很高兴通过这个新的景点来扩大这项活动。他们提高了挑衅和滑稽的标准,我们预计他们会产生同样大的影响。" Camp + King 之前为常识媒体所做的工作包括从 2012年4月开始在电视、在线和电影院出现的六个景点,以及平面广告和广播景点。在一个报道很难实现的选举年,非营利组织保持了 PSA 媒体支持的大量捐赠,竞选获得了比预期更多的播出时间。 关于营地 + 国王 Camp + King 是一家位于旧金山的哈瓦斯联盟创意精品店,由罗杰 · 坎普和杰米 · 金于 2011年2月推出。客户包括 Capital One 、 Old Navy 和 Zoosk。更多细节在 www.camp-king.com。


    案例简介:In Newest Work for Common Sense Media, Camp + King Assures Parents: We’ve Been There Centerpiece Spot Asks Whether Kids Are Watching the Right Movies (San Francisco – May 29, 2013) Following a well-received inaugural round of PSA spots for Common Sense Media, creative boutique Camp + King’s newest work for the nonprofit features relatable situations involving children and media use that promise to resonate with parents. The centerpiece spot features a striking juxtaposition: an adorable little girl in her bedroom, surrounded by a menagerie of stuffed animals. Opening her mouth, her gaze and voice growing in intensity, she quotes a fictitious movie, mimicking a violent scene between gangsters, with her stuffed animals acting as her cohorts. The spot ends with a question: “Are your kids watching the right movies? Go to commonsense.org to find out." The other three spots constituting Common Sense Media’s new campaign debuted recently and will run throughout 2013 on network and cable TV (nationally on DIRECTV, NBC and NBCUniversal's cable channels, as well as through Comcast, Cox and Time Warner Cable), nationally online through Hulu and in movie theaters. They communicate the importance of teaching kids what’s appropriate to share online, as well as finding a healthy balance with technology. One showcases a family gathered around the dinner table – and a man passing around an inappropriate photo sent online by the teenage boy seated to his right. Another features a young boy bouncing in front of the toilet, his mother shrilly imploring her partner to bring them a device – because their son “won’t go without the tablet.” All of the spots convey that Common Sense Media understands the difficulties and uncertainties that today’s media and technology create for families and, by providing helpful information, can help them achieve peace of mind. Whether by helping parents find the right entertainment for their kids, helping them teach their kids how to use new tech devices appropriately, or answering their questions about what media and technology usage is healthy and age-appropriate for kids, parents and educators will find commonsensemedia.org to be an informative, unbiased, nonpartisan guide. “It’s funny because it’s true – this is completely the case with parenthood,” said Roger Camp, Camp + King’s Executive Creative Director, also a parent. “The ‘We’ve All Been There’ campaign has been a big hit: It delivers our message in a disarming and funny way, so parents can see that we’re on their side, rather than feeling judged,” said Colby Zintl, Common Sense Media’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “It has helped boost our brand awareness and site traffic significantly, and we’re delighted to expand the campaign with this new slate of spots. They raise the bar on being provocative and hilarious, and we expect them to have just as great an impact.” Camp + King’s prior work for Common Sense Media included six spots that appeared beginning in April 2012 on television, online and in movie theaters, as well as print ads and radio spots. In an election year when coverage can be hard to achieve, the nonprofit maintained substantial donations of PSA media support and the campaign received more airtime than expected. About Camp + King Camp + King is a Havas-aligned creative boutique located in San Francisco and launched by Roger Camp and Jamie King in February 2011. Clients include Capital One, Old Navy and Zoosk. More details are at www.camp-king.com.

    Priorities Security

    案例简介:在常识媒体的最新工作中,Camp + King 向父母保证: 我们去过那里 中心位置询问孩子们是否看对了电影 (旧金山-2013年5月29日) 在常识媒体受到好评的第一轮 PSA 广告之后, 创意精品营地 + 国王的最新作品为非营利组织提供了涉及儿童和媒体使用的相关情况,承诺与父母产生共鸣。 中心位置有一个引人注目的并置: 一个可爱的小女孩在她的卧室里,被一群毛绒动物包围。她张开嘴,目光和声音越来越强烈,引用了一部虚构的电影,模仿了歹徒之间的暴力场景,她的填充动物充当了她的同伙。现场以一个问题结束: “你的孩子看的是正确的电影吗?去 commonsense.org 看看。" 构成常识媒体新活动的其他三个点最近首次亮相,将在 2013 的网络和有线电视上 (全国 DIRECTV 、 NBC 和 NBCUniversal 的有线频道) 运行, 以及通过康卡斯特、考克斯和时代华纳有线电视),全国在线通过 Hulu 和电影院。他们传达了教孩子在线分享什么是合适的,以及与技术找到健康平衡的重要性。其中一个展示了一个家庭聚集在餐桌旁,一个男人在网上传递一张坐在他右边的十几岁男孩发来的不合适的照片。另一个特点是一个小男孩在厕所前蹦蹦跳跳,他的母亲尖锐地恳求她的伴侣给他们带一个设备 -- 因为他们的儿子 “没有平板电脑就不会去”。" 所有这些景点都传达了常识媒体理解今天的媒体和技术为家庭创造的困难和不确定性,通过提供有用的信息,可以帮助他们实现内心的平静。无论是通过帮助父母为他们的孩子找到合适的娱乐,帮助他们教他们的孩子如何正确使用新技术设备, 或者回答他们关于什么媒体和技术的使用是健康的,适合孩子、父母和教育工作者的年龄的问题,他们会发现 commonsensemedia.org 是一个信息丰富、公正、无党派的指南。 “这很有趣,因为这是真的 -- 这完全是为人父母的情况,” 坎普 + 金的执行创意总监罗杰 · 坎普说,他也是一名家长。 “'我们都在那里' 的运动很受欢迎: 它以一种解除武装和有趣的方式传递我们的信息,这样父母就可以看到我们站在他们一边,而不是感觉受到评判, 常识媒体营销和传播副总裁科尔比 · 津特尔说。“这大大提高了我们的品牌意识和网站流量,我们很高兴通过这个新的景点来扩大这项活动。他们提高了挑衅和滑稽的标准,我们预计他们会产生同样大的影响。" Camp + King 之前为常识媒体所做的工作包括从 2012年4月开始在电视、在线和电影院出现的六个景点,以及平面广告和广播景点。在一个报道很难实现的选举年,非营利组织保持了 PSA 媒体支持的大量捐赠,竞选获得了比预期更多的播出时间。 关于营地 + 国王 Camp + King 是一家位于旧金山的哈瓦斯联盟创意精品店,由罗杰 · 坎普和杰米 · 金于 2011年2月推出。客户包括 Capital One 、 Old Navy 和 Zoosk。更多细节在 www.camp-king.com。

    Priorities Security

    案例简介:In Newest Work for Common Sense Media, Camp + King Assures Parents: We’ve Been There Centerpiece Spot Asks Whether Kids Are Watching the Right Movies (San Francisco – May 29, 2013) Following a well-received inaugural round of PSA spots for Common Sense Media, creative boutique Camp + King’s newest work for the nonprofit features relatable situations involving children and media use that promise to resonate with parents. The centerpiece spot features a striking juxtaposition: an adorable little girl in her bedroom, surrounded by a menagerie of stuffed animals. Opening her mouth, her gaze and voice growing in intensity, she quotes a fictitious movie, mimicking a violent scene between gangsters, with her stuffed animals acting as her cohorts. The spot ends with a question: “Are your kids watching the right movies? Go to commonsense.org to find out." The other three spots constituting Common Sense Media’s new campaign debuted recently and will run throughout 2013 on network and cable TV (nationally on DIRECTV, NBC and NBCUniversal's cable channels, as well as through Comcast, Cox and Time Warner Cable), nationally online through Hulu and in movie theaters. They communicate the importance of teaching kids what’s appropriate to share online, as well as finding a healthy balance with technology. One showcases a family gathered around the dinner table – and a man passing around an inappropriate photo sent online by the teenage boy seated to his right. Another features a young boy bouncing in front of the toilet, his mother shrilly imploring her partner to bring them a device – because their son “won’t go without the tablet.” All of the spots convey that Common Sense Media understands the difficulties and uncertainties that today’s media and technology create for families and, by providing helpful information, can help them achieve peace of mind. Whether by helping parents find the right entertainment for their kids, helping them teach their kids how to use new tech devices appropriately, or answering their questions about what media and technology usage is healthy and age-appropriate for kids, parents and educators will find commonsensemedia.org to be an informative, unbiased, nonpartisan guide. “It’s funny because it’s true – this is completely the case with parenthood,” said Roger Camp, Camp + King’s Executive Creative Director, also a parent. “The ‘We’ve All Been There’ campaign has been a big hit: It delivers our message in a disarming and funny way, so parents can see that we’re on their side, rather than feeling judged,” said Colby Zintl, Common Sense Media’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “It has helped boost our brand awareness and site traffic significantly, and we’re delighted to expand the campaign with this new slate of spots. They raise the bar on being provocative and hilarious, and we expect them to have just as great an impact.” Camp + King’s prior work for Common Sense Media included six spots that appeared beginning in April 2012 on television, online and in movie theaters, as well as print ads and radio spots. In an election year when coverage can be hard to achieve, the nonprofit maintained substantial donations of PSA media support and the campaign received more airtime than expected. About Camp + King Camp + King is a Havas-aligned creative boutique located in San Francisco and launched by Roger Camp and Jamie King in February 2011. Clients include Capital One, Old Navy and Zoosk. More details are at www.camp-king.com.



    Priorities Security






    广告公司: Camp + King (美国 旧金山) 制作公司: Go Films




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