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    Decamerone Stockholm短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 2009年6月,世卫组织将所谓的猪流感升级为大流行。斯德哥尔摩县议会立即开始计划可能成为卫生部门最困难的挑战之一。流感不同于早期的流行病,对我们的年轻人打击最大。健康信息门户需要加强与年轻人的关系,很明显,这必须以新的方式进行,传统的权威渠道和色调是行不通的。显然,青少年不想来找我们,所以通过在线对话 -- 我们去找他们。通过在社交媒体上的长期努力,斯德哥尔摩县议会改变了权威机构的沟通方式,并突然变得对新观众感兴趣。从全新的角度来看,这不仅成为与该团体对话的机会,也是让媒体对遭受重创的年轻人的问题感兴趣的好方法。通过只使用社交媒体和公关,我们在第一周就达到了 1400万。该项目启动两个月后,88% 的 18 岁以下的人接种了疫苗,斯德哥尔摩是世界上接种疫苗最多的首都。 描述客户的简报: 斯德哥尔摩县议会有一个来自瑞典政府的使命; 为其居民提供免费疫苗注射。目标首先是指导斯德哥尔摩的居民纠正医疗保健情况,其次是做出明智的疫苗接种决定。定量目标是给 80% 的年轻 Stockholmers 接种疫苗。 结果: 通过博客和 Facebook 页面,v å rdguiden 接触了许多与医疗保健系统没有关系的人。为博客上的对话提供新的舞台,不仅带来了关于健康、幽默、音乐和广泛媒体报道的有趣想法,更重要的是,这是与年轻股票经纪人美好友谊的开始, 为瑞典官方当局的沟通开辟了一个全新的标准。Facebook 页面现在是城市健康信息门户的常规部分。除了 Facebook 上的 4,000 粉丝,仅在第一周,猪博客就获得了 14,000,000 的媒体访问量。瑞典卫生和社会事务部长选择该项目作为当局如何沟通的欧洲最佳实践案例。十美元项目开始两个月后,不少于 88% 的 18 岁以下的年轻人接种了疫苗,斯德哥尔摩是世界上接种疫苗最多的首都。 执行: 受《十日谈》一书的启发,我们让十名名人在一个名为 “猪博客” 的博客中告诉我们他们的想法、对健康、疫苗接种、猪流感和生活的看法。挑选作家是为了吸引年轻的股票经纪人。每篇文章都要在 28 天的时间里,每周在一个特殊的日子发表一篇文章。通过在 Facebook 上建立粉丝页面,健康信息门户以新的形式接触目标群体。新的信息通过状态行发布。股东提出的问题直接或直接答复了有关机构。制作了一个带有博客网址标识的特殊 alcogel 瓶子,并分发给媒体公司,与斯德哥尔摩大学的疫苗接种有关。该倡议是通过离线公关发起的,在不到 24 小时内,至少有 70 家报纸、互联网报纸和广播电台接受了这一交流。此外,该项目以各种社交媒体形式进行了大量讨论。 情况: 关于猪流感和疫苗接种的不同信息和观点流传开来,增加了困惑和恐惧。媒体有两个主要的故事要讲 -- 疾病的危险和疫苗的危险。流感也不同于以前的流行病 -- 它对我们原本最强的公民打击最大 -- 我们的年轻人。年轻的一部分是感觉不朽,事实证明,年轻人是最大的疫苗反对者,他们对卫生当局的信息也不是特别感兴趣。我们有个问题。 战略: 由于年轻人面临着受大流行影响最严重的风险,斯德哥尔摩县议会优先考虑与这个群体的沟通。然而,他们与这些年轻公民没有牢固的关系。我们如何引起他们的注意?我们在文学史上找到了答案。14世纪,当瘟疫席卷欧洲时,乔瓦尼 · 博卡西奥在经典著作《十日谈》中讲述了 10 名年轻灵魂如何逃离佛罗伦萨逃离瘟疫并讲述彼此的故事。在互联网时代,10 个人之间的对话可能会大得多。这可能是镇上的话题。通过使用与公民沟通的全新概念,斯德哥尔摩县议会决定让其医疗保健信息门户网站 f或者 Stockholmers,v å rdguiden,在网上遇见他们所在的年轻人。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In June 2009, the WHO upgraded the so called Swine Flu to a pandemic. Stockholm County Council immediately started planning for what was feared to become one of the most difficult challenges in the health sector. The flu differed from earlier epidemics by hitting our young ones the hardest. Vårdguiden (the health information portal) needed to strengthen the relationship with the young and it was clear that this had to be done in a new way, conventional authority channels and tonalities would not work. Apparently, the teens didn’t want to come to us, so by moving to conversation online - we went to them. Through long-term effort in social media, Stockholm County Council changed the manner of how an authority can communicate and suddenly become interesting for new audiences. It became not only an opening for dialogue with the group, but also a great way to get media interested in the problem with the hard-hit youths, from a totally new perspective. By using only social media and PR we reached 14 million the first week. Two months after the project was launched, 88 percent of people up to the age of 18 were vaccinated and Stockholm was overall the most vaccinated capital in the world. Describe the brief from the client: Stockholm County Council had a mission from the Swedish Government; to offer a free vaccine shot to its inhabitants. The objective was firstly to guide residents of Stockholm to correct healthcare instances and secondly to take an informed decision to get vaccinated. The quantitative objective was to vaccinate 80% of young Stockholmers. Results: Through its blog and Facebook-page, Vårdguiden reached out to many who had no relation with the health care system. Offering new arenas for dialogue on the blog resulted not only in interesting thoughts on health, humour, music and extensive media coverage but more importantly, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship with young Stockholmers, opening up a completely new standard for communication by official authorities in Sweden. The Facebook page is now a regular part of the city health information portal. Apart from the 4,000 fans on Facebook, the Swine blog was visited generated a media reach of 14,000,000, in the first week alone. The Swedish Minister for Health and Social Affairs selected the project as a European best practice case for how authorities should communicate. Two months after project Decamerone started, no less than 88 percent of young people up to the age of 18 were vaccinated and Stockholm was overall the most vaccinated capital in the world. Execution: Inspired by the book Decamerone, we let ten celebrities tell us their thoughts, ideas, views on health, vaccination, Swine Flu and life in a blog called The Swine Blog. The selection of writers were carefully made to attract young Stockholmers. Each one was to publish one text on a special day every week throughout a period of 28 days. By establishing a fan page on Facebook, the health information portal approached the target group in new form. New information was brought out through the status line. Questions by Stockholmers were responded to directly or directed to the appropriate institution. A special alcogel bottle with the blog URL logotype was produced and distributed to media houses and in connection with vaccination at e.g Stockholm University. The initiative was launched via off line PR and within less than 24 hours, the communication was taken up by no less than 70 newspapers, Internet papers and broadcasting stations. In addition, the project was much discussed in various social media formats. The Situation: Diverging information and views on Swine Flu and vaccination circulated and added to the confusion and fear. The media had two major stories to tell – the danger of the disease, and the danger of the vaccine. The flu also differed from previous epidemics – it hit our otherwise strongest citizens the hardest – our youth. Part of being young is feeling immortal, and as it turned out, young people were the biggest vaccine opponents and they were not particularly interested in the health authorities' information either. We had a problem. The Strategy: As young people risked being hit the hardest by the pandemic, communication with this group was prioritised by Stockholm County Council. However, they didn’t have a strong relationship with these young citizens. How could we get their attention? We found the answer in the history of literature. In the 14th century, when the plague swept across Europe, Giovanni Boccaccio told the story in the classic book Decamerone how 10 young souls fled Florence to escape the plague and to tell each other stories. What then was a conversation between 10 people could in the age of the Internet be much bigger. It could be the talk of the town. By using a completely new concept of communicating with its citizens, Stockholm County Council decided to let its healthcare information portal for Stockholmers, Vårdguiden, meet the youth where they are – online.

    Decamerone Stockholm

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 2009年6月,世卫组织将所谓的猪流感升级为大流行。斯德哥尔摩县议会立即开始计划可能成为卫生部门最困难的挑战之一。流感不同于早期的流行病,对我们的年轻人打击最大。健康信息门户需要加强与年轻人的关系,很明显,这必须以新的方式进行,传统的权威渠道和色调是行不通的。显然,青少年不想来找我们,所以通过在线对话 -- 我们去找他们。通过在社交媒体上的长期努力,斯德哥尔摩县议会改变了权威机构的沟通方式,并突然变得对新观众感兴趣。从全新的角度来看,这不仅成为与该团体对话的机会,也是让媒体对遭受重创的年轻人的问题感兴趣的好方法。通过只使用社交媒体和公关,我们在第一周就达到了 1400万。该项目启动两个月后,88% 的 18 岁以下的人接种了疫苗,斯德哥尔摩是世界上接种疫苗最多的首都。 描述客户的简报: 斯德哥尔摩县议会有一个来自瑞典政府的使命; 为其居民提供免费疫苗注射。目标首先是指导斯德哥尔摩的居民纠正医疗保健情况,其次是做出明智的疫苗接种决定。定量目标是给 80% 的年轻 Stockholmers 接种疫苗。 结果: 通过博客和 Facebook 页面,v å rdguiden 接触了许多与医疗保健系统没有关系的人。为博客上的对话提供新的舞台,不仅带来了关于健康、幽默、音乐和广泛媒体报道的有趣想法,更重要的是,这是与年轻股票经纪人美好友谊的开始, 为瑞典官方当局的沟通开辟了一个全新的标准。Facebook 页面现在是城市健康信息门户的常规部分。除了 Facebook 上的 4,000 粉丝,仅在第一周,猪博客就获得了 14,000,000 的媒体访问量。瑞典卫生和社会事务部长选择该项目作为当局如何沟通的欧洲最佳实践案例。十美元项目开始两个月后,不少于 88% 的 18 岁以下的年轻人接种了疫苗,斯德哥尔摩是世界上接种疫苗最多的首都。 执行: 受《十日谈》一书的启发,我们让十名名人在一个名为 “猪博客” 的博客中告诉我们他们的想法、对健康、疫苗接种、猪流感和生活的看法。挑选作家是为了吸引年轻的股票经纪人。每篇文章都要在 28 天的时间里,每周在一个特殊的日子发表一篇文章。通过在 Facebook 上建立粉丝页面,健康信息门户以新的形式接触目标群体。新的信息通过状态行发布。股东提出的问题直接或直接答复了有关机构。制作了一个带有博客网址标识的特殊 alcogel 瓶子,并分发给媒体公司,与斯德哥尔摩大学的疫苗接种有关。该倡议是通过离线公关发起的,在不到 24 小时内,至少有 70 家报纸、互联网报纸和广播电台接受了这一交流。此外,该项目以各种社交媒体形式进行了大量讨论。 情况: 关于猪流感和疫苗接种的不同信息和观点流传开来,增加了困惑和恐惧。媒体有两个主要的故事要讲 -- 疾病的危险和疫苗的危险。流感也不同于以前的流行病 -- 它对我们原本最强的公民打击最大 -- 我们的年轻人。年轻的一部分是感觉不朽,事实证明,年轻人是最大的疫苗反对者,他们对卫生当局的信息也不是特别感兴趣。我们有个问题。 战略: 由于年轻人面临着受大流行影响最严重的风险,斯德哥尔摩县议会优先考虑与这个群体的沟通。然而,他们与这些年轻公民没有牢固的关系。我们如何引起他们的注意?我们在文学史上找到了答案。14世纪,当瘟疫席卷欧洲时,乔瓦尼 · 博卡西奥在经典著作《十日谈》中讲述了 10 名年轻灵魂如何逃离佛罗伦萨逃离瘟疫并讲述彼此的故事。在互联网时代,10 个人之间的对话可能会大得多。这可能是镇上的话题。通过使用与公民沟通的全新概念,斯德哥尔摩县议会决定让其医疗保健信息门户网站 f或者 Stockholmers,v å rdguiden,在网上遇见他们所在的年轻人。

    Decamerone Stockholm

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: In June 2009, the WHO upgraded the so called Swine Flu to a pandemic. Stockholm County Council immediately started planning for what was feared to become one of the most difficult challenges in the health sector. The flu differed from earlier epidemics by hitting our young ones the hardest. Vårdguiden (the health information portal) needed to strengthen the relationship with the young and it was clear that this had to be done in a new way, conventional authority channels and tonalities would not work. Apparently, the teens didn’t want to come to us, so by moving to conversation online - we went to them. Through long-term effort in social media, Stockholm County Council changed the manner of how an authority can communicate and suddenly become interesting for new audiences. It became not only an opening for dialogue with the group, but also a great way to get media interested in the problem with the hard-hit youths, from a totally new perspective. By using only social media and PR we reached 14 million the first week. Two months after the project was launched, 88 percent of people up to the age of 18 were vaccinated and Stockholm was overall the most vaccinated capital in the world. Describe the brief from the client: Stockholm County Council had a mission from the Swedish Government; to offer a free vaccine shot to its inhabitants. The objective was firstly to guide residents of Stockholm to correct healthcare instances and secondly to take an informed decision to get vaccinated. The quantitative objective was to vaccinate 80% of young Stockholmers. Results: Through its blog and Facebook-page, Vårdguiden reached out to many who had no relation with the health care system. Offering new arenas for dialogue on the blog resulted not only in interesting thoughts on health, humour, music and extensive media coverage but more importantly, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship with young Stockholmers, opening up a completely new standard for communication by official authorities in Sweden. The Facebook page is now a regular part of the city health information portal. Apart from the 4,000 fans on Facebook, the Swine blog was visited generated a media reach of 14,000,000, in the first week alone. The Swedish Minister for Health and Social Affairs selected the project as a European best practice case for how authorities should communicate. Two months after project Decamerone started, no less than 88 percent of young people up to the age of 18 were vaccinated and Stockholm was overall the most vaccinated capital in the world. Execution: Inspired by the book Decamerone, we let ten celebrities tell us their thoughts, ideas, views on health, vaccination, Swine Flu and life in a blog called The Swine Blog. The selection of writers were carefully made to attract young Stockholmers. Each one was to publish one text on a special day every week throughout a period of 28 days. By establishing a fan page on Facebook, the health information portal approached the target group in new form. New information was brought out through the status line. Questions by Stockholmers were responded to directly or directed to the appropriate institution. A special alcogel bottle with the blog URL logotype was produced and distributed to media houses and in connection with vaccination at e.g Stockholm University. The initiative was launched via off line PR and within less than 24 hours, the communication was taken up by no less than 70 newspapers, Internet papers and broadcasting stations. In addition, the project was much discussed in various social media formats. The Situation: Diverging information and views on Swine Flu and vaccination circulated and added to the confusion and fear. The media had two major stories to tell – the danger of the disease, and the danger of the vaccine. The flu also differed from previous epidemics – it hit our otherwise strongest citizens the hardest – our youth. Part of being young is feeling immortal, and as it turned out, young people were the biggest vaccine opponents and they were not particularly interested in the health authorities' information either. We had a problem. The Strategy: As young people risked being hit the hardest by the pandemic, communication with this group was prioritised by Stockholm County Council. However, they didn’t have a strong relationship with these young citizens. How could we get their attention? We found the answer in the history of literature. In the 14th century, when the plague swept across Europe, Giovanni Boccaccio told the story in the classic book Decamerone how 10 young souls fled Florence to escape the plague and to tell each other stories. What then was a conversation between 10 people could in the age of the Internet be much bigger. It could be the talk of the town. By using a completely new concept of communicating with its citizens, Stockholm County Council decided to let its healthcare information portal for Stockholmers, Vårdguiden, meet the youth where they are – online.



    Decamerone Stockholm










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