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    Save Christmas短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 阿拉丁盒子是一盒巧克力,在瑞典家庭中已经存在了 70 年。这是众所周知的,感激而变化很大的外观和内容,它已经失去了它的传统价值观和魔术。在圣诞节 2009,一种新的 praline 即将进入盒子,但是我们没有谈论新的巧克力,而是决定专注于为它腾出空间的 praline。我们把沟通变成了一个民主的问题,让人民的选票来决定必须去哪个地方。仅在四周内,这项运动就引起了全国的兴趣,获得了 400,000 张选票 (约占瑞典人口的 5%),媒体报道了 3300万张,是世界上增长第四快的 Facebook 应用程序, 15,000 活动的粉丝,300 篇博客文章等。销售额上升了 26,5%,阿拉丁 2,8 百分比和我们的市场份额增加了这一时期的收入增加了 44%。阿拉丁盒子是瑞典圣诞节 2009 最大的话题,所以是的 -- 人们确实加强了他们与巧克力盒子的关系! 描述客户的简报: 这样做的目的是吸引消费者的品牌和表明,阿拉丁阿拉丁是值得的地方的圣诞餐桌。阿拉丁还希望他们的目标群体,一个有年幼孩子的家庭,通过新的渠道,在他们不习惯的新环境中与品牌接触和互动。那么,我们如何让整个国家谈论一盒已经存在了 70 年的巧克力呢? 结果: 粉丝们对他们最喜欢的果仁真的很忠诚 -- 电影、海报、 Facebook 上的团体、粉丝页面、 t恤和专门针对特定果仁的博客都被创建了。在四个星期,这项运动在 380,000 票,超过 15,000 万人成为球迷的运动和 300 博客写它。超过 140,000 人在果仁糖测试在 Facebook 上的应用是名单上排名第四世界增长最快的应用。即使在光线的激烈竞争的新果仁的竞争者在商店,圣诞节期间销售额增加了与去年相比下降了 26.5%。这次活动的影响超过 3300万,阿拉丁的市场份额增加了 2.8%,在此期间我们的收入增加了 44%。事实证明,在 2009 届瑞典欧洲议会选举中,阿拉丁盒子里的 pralines 获得的选票超过了投票最多的政治家。民主的又一次胜利! 执行: 一个数字站上制作了一场现场,瑞典人有机会发表意见,四个星期前的圣诞节。瑞典最大的小报 Aftonbladet 提前收到了关于竞选和最后输家的信息。博客和恋人/仇敌的每个果仁糖也推出前联系,以便开始辩论。Facebook 上创建了一个粉丝页面,以动员粉丝并创建论坛进行讨论。为了加强巧克力爱好者和盒子里他们最喜欢的巧克力之间的联系,我们个性化了阿拉丁的每一件巧克力。通过使用 Facebook 上的应用程序,用户收到了基于他们最喜欢的 praline 的幽默个性分析。巧克力粉丝之间也发起了一场比赛,争夺那些为保存他们最喜欢的巧克力而跑得最好的人。公然材料是易于下载和竞争对手的增长我们出版活动的博客来激励他人。 情况: 在过去的 70 年里,阿拉丁巧克力盒一直是瑞典家庭的圣诞经典,每年销售 400万盒。阿拉丁不仅仅是一盒巧克力,整个想象中的世界围绕着产品,与之相关的许多规则和仪式。尽管该品牌众所周知并受到赞赏,但它在外观和内容上发生了巨大变化,以至于失去了传统价值和魔力。许多消费者认为阿拉丁过时了。因此,挑战是更新品牌,同时肯定并忠于其根源和传统价值观。 战略: 虽然许多人认为阿拉丁的品牌变化太大了,但我们很早就发现,盒子和果仁有许多强烈的仪式。这些仪式的关系,以及人们的巧克力,方案提供了基础。我们用爱和 hate' 人的巧克力和产生竞争。在圣诞节 2010,一个新的 praline 将被引入阿拉丁盒子。但是我们没有谈论新的 praline,而是决定以真正的电视真人秀风格,关注巧克力,这将为新的巧克力腾出空间。为了让热爱巧克力的瑞典人参与这项运动,我们决定给瑞典人机会捍卫和捍卫他们最喜欢的巧克力。通过竞选N “拯救圣诞节”,转换为交流成为民主的问题,让人民投票决定果仁糖会离开。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The Aladdin box is a box of chocolates that has been around for 70 years in Swedish homes. It is well known and appreciated but has changed so much in both appearance and content that it has lost its traditional values and magic. For Christmas 2009 a new praline was about to enter the box, but instead of talking about the new chocolate, we decided to focus on the praline that would have to leave to make room for it. We converted the communication into a question of democracy by letting the people’s votes decide which praline that would have to go. In only four weeks, the campaign caught nationwide interest resulting in 400,000 votes (approx 5% of the Swedish population), a media coverage of 33 Million, the fourth fastest growing Facebook application in the world, 15,000 fans of the campaign, 300 blog posts etc. Sales went up by 26,5 percent, Aladdin’s market share increased by 2,8 percent and we got an revenue increase of 44 percent during this period. The Aladdin box was the biggest topic around Christmas 2009 in Sweden, so yes - people did definitely strengthen their relation to the chocolate box! Describe the brief from the client: The objective was to engage consumers in Aladdin as a brand and make it known that Aladdin is worthy of a place on the Christmas table. Aladdin also wanted their target group, a family with younger children, to encounter and interact with the brand through new channels and in a new context that they were not used to. So how could we get an entire country to talk about a box of chocolate that has been around for 70 years? Results: The fans turned out to be truly loyal to their favorite pralines - films, posters, groups on Facebook, fan pages, T-shirts and blogs dedicated to specific pralines were created. In four weeks, the campaign resulted in over 380,000 votes, more than 15,000 people became fans of the campaign and 300 bloggers wrote about it. Over 140,000 people took the praline test on Facebook and the application was number four on the list of the fastest growing applications in the world. Even in the light of heavy competition from new praline competitors in store, during the Christmas period sales increased with 26.5 percent compared to last year. The campaign resulted in a reach of over 33 Million and Aladdin’s market share increased with 2.8% and we got a revenue increase with 44% during this period. As it turned out, the pralines in the Aladdin box received more votes than the most voted-for politician in the 2009 Swedish election for the European Parliament. Another win for democracy! Execution: A digital polling station was created on a campaign site, where Swedes got the chance to make their voice heard, four weeks prior to Christmas. The largest tabloid in Sweden, Aftonbladet, received information in advance about the campaign and the final loser. Bloggers and lovers/haters of each of the pralines were also contacted before the launch in order to start the debate. A fan page on Facebook was created in order to mobilize fans and create forums for discussion. To strengthen the bond between chocolate lovers and their favorite piece in the box, we personalized every praline in Aladdin. By using an application on Facebook, users received a humorous personality analysis based on their favorite praline. A competition was also initiated between chocolate fans for the one who ran best campaign to save their favorite. Open campaign material was easy to download and as the competition grew we published the best campaigns on a blog to inspire others. The Situation: For the last 70 years, the Aladdin chocolate box has been a Christmas classic in Swedish homes, and 4 million boxes are sold each year. Aladdin is not only a box of chocolates, a whole imaginary world surrounds the product with many rules and rituals linked to it. Even though the brand is well known and appreciated, it has changed so much in appearance and content that it has lost its traditional values and magic. Many consumers consider Aladdin as dated and out of fashion. So, the challenge was to refresh the brand and, at the same time, affirm and stay true to its roots and traditional values. The Strategy: While many think that the brand Aladdin has changed too much, we discovered early that there are many strong rituals connected to the box and the pralines. These rituals, and the relationship people have with the pralines, provided the foundation for the programme. We used the 'love and hate' people have for their pralines and created a competition. In Christmas 2010, a new praline will be introduced in the Aladdin box. But instead of talking about the new praline, we decided, in true reality TV-style, to focus on the chocolate that would have to leave to make room for the new. To engage and involve chocolate loving Swedes in the campaign, we decided to give the Swedish people the chance to defend and stand up for their favorite chocolate. Through the campaign “Save Christmas”, we converted the communication into a question of democracy by letting the people’s votes decide which praline would have to leave.

    Save Christmas

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 阿拉丁盒子是一盒巧克力,在瑞典家庭中已经存在了 70 年。这是众所周知的,感激而变化很大的外观和内容,它已经失去了它的传统价值观和魔术。在圣诞节 2009,一种新的 praline 即将进入盒子,但是我们没有谈论新的巧克力,而是决定专注于为它腾出空间的 praline。我们把沟通变成了一个民主的问题,让人民的选票来决定必须去哪个地方。仅在四周内,这项运动就引起了全国的兴趣,获得了 400,000 张选票 (约占瑞典人口的 5%),媒体报道了 3300万张,是世界上增长第四快的 Facebook 应用程序, 15,000 活动的粉丝,300 篇博客文章等。销售额上升了 26,5%,阿拉丁 2,8 百分比和我们的市场份额增加了这一时期的收入增加了 44%。阿拉丁盒子是瑞典圣诞节 2009 最大的话题,所以是的 -- 人们确实加强了他们与巧克力盒子的关系! 描述客户的简报: 这样做的目的是吸引消费者的品牌和表明,阿拉丁阿拉丁是值得的地方的圣诞餐桌。阿拉丁还希望他们的目标群体,一个有年幼孩子的家庭,通过新的渠道,在他们不习惯的新环境中与品牌接触和互动。那么,我们如何让整个国家谈论一盒已经存在了 70 年的巧克力呢? 结果: 粉丝们对他们最喜欢的果仁真的很忠诚 -- 电影、海报、 Facebook 上的团体、粉丝页面、 t恤和专门针对特定果仁的博客都被创建了。在四个星期,这项运动在 380,000 票,超过 15,000 万人成为球迷的运动和 300 博客写它。超过 140,000 人在果仁糖测试在 Facebook 上的应用是名单上排名第四世界增长最快的应用。即使在光线的激烈竞争的新果仁的竞争者在商店,圣诞节期间销售额增加了与去年相比下降了 26.5%。这次活动的影响超过 3300万,阿拉丁的市场份额增加了 2.8%,在此期间我们的收入增加了 44%。事实证明,在 2009 届瑞典欧洲议会选举中,阿拉丁盒子里的 pralines 获得的选票超过了投票最多的政治家。民主的又一次胜利! 执行: 一个数字站上制作了一场现场,瑞典人有机会发表意见,四个星期前的圣诞节。瑞典最大的小报 Aftonbladet 提前收到了关于竞选和最后输家的信息。博客和恋人/仇敌的每个果仁糖也推出前联系,以便开始辩论。Facebook 上创建了一个粉丝页面,以动员粉丝并创建论坛进行讨论。为了加强巧克力爱好者和盒子里他们最喜欢的巧克力之间的联系,我们个性化了阿拉丁的每一件巧克力。通过使用 Facebook 上的应用程序,用户收到了基于他们最喜欢的 praline 的幽默个性分析。巧克力粉丝之间也发起了一场比赛,争夺那些为保存他们最喜欢的巧克力而跑得最好的人。公然材料是易于下载和竞争对手的增长我们出版活动的博客来激励他人。 情况: 在过去的 70 年里,阿拉丁巧克力盒一直是瑞典家庭的圣诞经典,每年销售 400万盒。阿拉丁不仅仅是一盒巧克力,整个想象中的世界围绕着产品,与之相关的许多规则和仪式。尽管该品牌众所周知并受到赞赏,但它在外观和内容上发生了巨大变化,以至于失去了传统价值和魔力。许多消费者认为阿拉丁过时了。因此,挑战是更新品牌,同时肯定并忠于其根源和传统价值观。 战略: 虽然许多人认为阿拉丁的品牌变化太大了,但我们很早就发现,盒子和果仁有许多强烈的仪式。这些仪式的关系,以及人们的巧克力,方案提供了基础。我们用爱和 hate' 人的巧克力和产生竞争。在圣诞节 2010,一个新的 praline 将被引入阿拉丁盒子。但是我们没有谈论新的 praline,而是决定以真正的电视真人秀风格,关注巧克力,这将为新的巧克力腾出空间。为了让热爱巧克力的瑞典人参与这项运动,我们决定给瑞典人机会捍卫和捍卫他们最喜欢的巧克力。通过竞选N “拯救圣诞节”,转换为交流成为民主的问题,让人民投票决定果仁糖会离开。

    Save Christmas

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: The Aladdin box is a box of chocolates that has been around for 70 years in Swedish homes. It is well known and appreciated but has changed so much in both appearance and content that it has lost its traditional values and magic. For Christmas 2009 a new praline was about to enter the box, but instead of talking about the new chocolate, we decided to focus on the praline that would have to leave to make room for it. We converted the communication into a question of democracy by letting the people’s votes decide which praline that would have to go. In only four weeks, the campaign caught nationwide interest resulting in 400,000 votes (approx 5% of the Swedish population), a media coverage of 33 Million, the fourth fastest growing Facebook application in the world, 15,000 fans of the campaign, 300 blog posts etc. Sales went up by 26,5 percent, Aladdin’s market share increased by 2,8 percent and we got an revenue increase of 44 percent during this period. The Aladdin box was the biggest topic around Christmas 2009 in Sweden, so yes - people did definitely strengthen their relation to the chocolate box! Describe the brief from the client: The objective was to engage consumers in Aladdin as a brand and make it known that Aladdin is worthy of a place on the Christmas table. Aladdin also wanted their target group, a family with younger children, to encounter and interact with the brand through new channels and in a new context that they were not used to. So how could we get an entire country to talk about a box of chocolate that has been around for 70 years? Results: The fans turned out to be truly loyal to their favorite pralines - films, posters, groups on Facebook, fan pages, T-shirts and blogs dedicated to specific pralines were created. In four weeks, the campaign resulted in over 380,000 votes, more than 15,000 people became fans of the campaign and 300 bloggers wrote about it. Over 140,000 people took the praline test on Facebook and the application was number four on the list of the fastest growing applications in the world. Even in the light of heavy competition from new praline competitors in store, during the Christmas period sales increased with 26.5 percent compared to last year. The campaign resulted in a reach of over 33 Million and Aladdin’s market share increased with 2.8% and we got a revenue increase with 44% during this period. As it turned out, the pralines in the Aladdin box received more votes than the most voted-for politician in the 2009 Swedish election for the European Parliament. Another win for democracy! Execution: A digital polling station was created on a campaign site, where Swedes got the chance to make their voice heard, four weeks prior to Christmas. The largest tabloid in Sweden, Aftonbladet, received information in advance about the campaign and the final loser. Bloggers and lovers/haters of each of the pralines were also contacted before the launch in order to start the debate. A fan page on Facebook was created in order to mobilize fans and create forums for discussion. To strengthen the bond between chocolate lovers and their favorite piece in the box, we personalized every praline in Aladdin. By using an application on Facebook, users received a humorous personality analysis based on their favorite praline. A competition was also initiated between chocolate fans for the one who ran best campaign to save their favorite. Open campaign material was easy to download and as the competition grew we published the best campaigns on a blog to inspire others. The Situation: For the last 70 years, the Aladdin chocolate box has been a Christmas classic in Swedish homes, and 4 million boxes are sold each year. Aladdin is not only a box of chocolates, a whole imaginary world surrounds the product with many rules and rituals linked to it. Even though the brand is well known and appreciated, it has changed so much in appearance and content that it has lost its traditional values and magic. Many consumers consider Aladdin as dated and out of fashion. So, the challenge was to refresh the brand and, at the same time, affirm and stay true to its roots and traditional values. The Strategy: While many think that the brand Aladdin has changed too much, we discovered early that there are many strong rituals connected to the box and the pralines. These rituals, and the relationship people have with the pralines, provided the foundation for the programme. We used the 'love and hate' people have for their pralines and created a competition. In Christmas 2010, a new praline will be introduced in the Aladdin box. But instead of talking about the new praline, we decided, in true reality TV-style, to focus on the chocolate that would have to leave to make room for the new. To engage and involve chocolate loving Swedes in the campaign, we decided to give the Swedish people the chance to defend and stand up for their favorite chocolate. Through the campaign “Save Christmas”, we converted the communication into a question of democracy by letting the people’s votes decide which praline would have to leave.



    Save Christmas










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