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    Book Happy Meal短视频,APP广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 当越来越少的父母为孩子大声朗读时,瑞典麦当劳和一个名为阅读运动的组织决定扭转这一趋势。这个概念是把最好的作家和插画家的儿童书籍作为快乐餐的一部分。然而,所有的活动都需要以足够的销售数字来展示他们的价值,这次我们没有热门电影可以合作。孩子们喜欢故事,但是好故事很难讲。孩子们经常不得不听关于那天工作中发生的事情的奇怪故事。我们的策略是提高坏故事讲述者的意识,即在《快乐餐》一书中找到解决办法。这场运动的核心是一个在线童话生成器,家长们通过网络竞争撰写最疯狂的故事。除了瑞典女王在国家电视上宣传《快乐大餐》之外,公关活动的影响力超过 1000万 (超过瑞典人口!), 分发了 920,000 本书,这意味着瑞典儿童书籍的出版增加了 26%。图书快乐餐成为 2009年最畅销的快乐餐,未来将在许多国家使用。 描述客户的简报: 总的任务是通过向不经常去图书馆或书店的家庭提供书籍来增加儿童的阅读。就像麦当劳的所有项目一样,图书快乐餐需要以足够的销售数字来展示其价值。这一年里,图书快乐餐至少要和其他快乐餐节目一样出售。目标是在社交媒体上提高意识和承诺,并在各种媒体类型上产生至少 25 篇文章。 结果: 除了瑞典女王在国家电视上宣传《快乐大餐》之外,文化部长还将该项目描述为议会中的一个光辉榜样; 公关影响产生了超过 1000万的影响。这比瑞典的全部人口还要多。在线童话生成器每周接触超过 73,000 名游客,超过 2,000 名父母与他们的故事竞争。对博客的影响是巨大的,图书快乐餐和童话发生器至少在 120 个博客中被命名。有记录的 920,000 本儿童书籍被分发,这意味着瑞典儿童书籍的出版总量增加了 26%。销售数据清楚地显示了活动的结果,因为今年的《快乐餐》是 2009年全年销量最好的快乐餐节目。从现在起,瑞典的汉堡和书的概念将在许多国家使用。 执行: “你没有什么好故事吗?” 的概念通过一个包括在线和离线公关、广告以及麦当劳自己渠道的综合活动来表达。这场运动的核心是一个在线童话生成器,父母可以在其中填写一些单词,这些单词被生成到他们自己的怪异故事中。无论谁想要赢得儿童书籍的机会,都可以通过他们的社交网络传播他们的故事来与之竞争。皇家剧院的一位女演员大声朗读了这个获奖的故事。我们更新了媒体和家长,每周发布两个新的标题,作为对联合国儿童权利公约 20 周年的庆祝, 一本关于这个主题的新书通过《快乐餐》出版。瑞典第二大日报发表了一篇辩论文章,强调需要其他渠道分发儿童书籍。 情况: 为了扭转越来越少的父母大声朗读给孩子听的趋势,瑞典麦当劳推出了《快乐餐》这本书。作为世界上唯一这样做的国家,这个概念是在一个特定的时期,作为快乐餐的一部分,赠送专家精心挑选的儿童书籍。图像调查显示,父母喜欢收到儿童书籍,但是我们需要让家庭去餐馆,以便有所作为。对这个节目提出了具体的要求,因为它是针对具体国家的,没有流行的电影来帮助我们关注快乐餐。 战略: 传播策略是建立在瑞典有数百万坏说书人的洞察力之上的。所有的孩子都喜欢他们的父母给他们讲故事,但是一个好故事很难删除。它很容易分解成公主、鱼手指和那天工作中发生的事情的混搭。这是大多数父母都认识到的一个小而常见的日常问题。策略是提高父母的意识,让他们明白孩子们必须忍受很多糟糕的床上时间故事,并提醒所有这些糟糕的说书人,在《快乐餐》一书中找到解决方案。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: When it became clear that fewer and fewer parents read aloud to their children, Swedish McDonald’s and an organisation called The Reading Movement decided to reverse this trend. The concept was to give away children’s books from the best authors and illustrators as part of a Happy Meal. However, all campaigns need to demonstrate their worth in sufficient sales figures and this time we had no popular movie to cooperate with. Children love stories, but a good story is hard to tell. Kids often have to listen to weird stories about things that happened at work that day. Our strategy was to raise awareness among bad storytellers that the solution was to be found in Book Happy Meal. The heart of the campaign was an online fairytale generator where parents competed to compose the craziest story by spreading it through their networks. Aside from the Queen of Sweden promoting Book Happy Meal on national TV, the PR-campaign had a reach of over 10 million (more than th Swedish population!), 920,000 books were distributed, which meant a 26 percent increase in the publishing of children’s books in Sweden. Book Happy Meal became the most sold Happy Meal during 2009 and will be used in a number of countries in the future. Describe the brief from the client: The overall mission was to increase reading among children by making books available to families who don’t visit libraries or bookstores on a regular basis. Just like all programs at McDonald’s, Book Happy Meal needed to demonstrate its worth in sufficient sales figures. Book Happy Meal had to sell at least as well as other Happy Meal programs during the year. The objective was to create awareness and commitment in social media and generating at least 25 articles accross various media types. Results: Aside from the Swedish Queen promoting Book Happy Meal on national TV and the Minister for Culture profiling the project as a shining example in Parliament; the PR-impact generated a reach of over 10 million. This is more than Sweden’s entire population. The online fairytale generator was exposed to over 73,000 visitors per week and over 2,000 parents competed with their story. The impact on blogs was massive, Book Happy Meal and the fairytale generator was named in at least 120 blogs. A record of 920,000 children’s books were distributed, which meant a 26 percent increase in the publishing of children’s books in Sweden in total. The result of the campaign was clearly shown in sales figures, since this year’s Book Happy Meal was the best sold Happy Meal programme in all of 2009. The Swedish concept of a burger and a book will be used in a number of countries from now on. Execution: The concept of 'Don’t you have any good stories?' was expressed by an integrated campaign that included online and offline PR, ads and through McDonald’s own channels. The heart of the campaign was an online fairytale generator where parents could fill in a number of words which were generated into their own weird story. Whoever wanted the chance of winning children’s books could compete with their story by spreading it through their social networks. The winning story was read aloud by an actress from the Royal Theatre. We updated media and parents that two new titles were released every week and as a celebration to the 20 year anniversary of UN’s Convention of children’s right, a new book on the subject was launched through Book Happy Meal. A debate article was published in Sweden’s second largest daily newspaper, which highlighted the need for alternative channels for the distribution of children’s books. The Situation: To reverse the trend of fewer parents reading aloud to their children, Swedish McDonald’s introduced the Book Happy Meal. As the only country in the world doing this, the concept was to give away children’s books, carefully chosen by experts, during a specific period as part of a Happy Meal. Image surveys show that parents appreciate receiving children’s books, but we needed to get families to the restaurants in order to make a difference. Specific demands were being made on this programme as it was country specific and there were no popular films to help us bring attention to the Happy Meal. The Strategy: The communication strategy was built on an insight that Sweden has millions of bad storytellers. All children love when their parents tell them stories, but a good story is hard to ad-lib. It easily disintegrates into a mish-mash of princesses, fish fingers and things that happened at work that day. This is a small but common everyday problem recognised by most parents. The strategy was to raise awareness among parents that children have to put up with a lot of bad bed time stories and remind all these bad storytellers that a solution was to be found in Book Happy Meal.

    Book Happy Meal

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 当越来越少的父母为孩子大声朗读时,瑞典麦当劳和一个名为阅读运动的组织决定扭转这一趋势。这个概念是把最好的作家和插画家的儿童书籍作为快乐餐的一部分。然而,所有的活动都需要以足够的销售数字来展示他们的价值,这次我们没有热门电影可以合作。孩子们喜欢故事,但是好故事很难讲。孩子们经常不得不听关于那天工作中发生的事情的奇怪故事。我们的策略是提高坏故事讲述者的意识,即在《快乐餐》一书中找到解决办法。这场运动的核心是一个在线童话生成器,家长们通过网络竞争撰写最疯狂的故事。除了瑞典女王在国家电视上宣传《快乐大餐》之外,公关活动的影响力超过 1000万 (超过瑞典人口!), 分发了 920,000 本书,这意味着瑞典儿童书籍的出版增加了 26%。图书快乐餐成为 2009年最畅销的快乐餐,未来将在许多国家使用。 描述客户的简报: 总的任务是通过向不经常去图书馆或书店的家庭提供书籍来增加儿童的阅读。就像麦当劳的所有项目一样,图书快乐餐需要以足够的销售数字来展示其价值。这一年里,图书快乐餐至少要和其他快乐餐节目一样出售。目标是在社交媒体上提高意识和承诺,并在各种媒体类型上产生至少 25 篇文章。 结果: 除了瑞典女王在国家电视上宣传《快乐大餐》之外,文化部长还将该项目描述为议会中的一个光辉榜样; 公关影响产生了超过 1000万的影响。这比瑞典的全部人口还要多。在线童话生成器每周接触超过 73,000 名游客,超过 2,000 名父母与他们的故事竞争。对博客的影响是巨大的,图书快乐餐和童话发生器至少在 120 个博客中被命名。有记录的 920,000 本儿童书籍被分发,这意味着瑞典儿童书籍的出版总量增加了 26%。销售数据清楚地显示了活动的结果,因为今年的《快乐餐》是 2009年全年销量最好的快乐餐节目。从现在起,瑞典的汉堡和书的概念将在许多国家使用。 执行: “你没有什么好故事吗?” 的概念通过一个包括在线和离线公关、广告以及麦当劳自己渠道的综合活动来表达。这场运动的核心是一个在线童话生成器,父母可以在其中填写一些单词,这些单词被生成到他们自己的怪异故事中。无论谁想要赢得儿童书籍的机会,都可以通过他们的社交网络传播他们的故事来与之竞争。皇家剧院的一位女演员大声朗读了这个获奖的故事。我们更新了媒体和家长,每周发布两个新的标题,作为对联合国儿童权利公约 20 周年的庆祝, 一本关于这个主题的新书通过《快乐餐》出版。瑞典第二大日报发表了一篇辩论文章,强调需要其他渠道分发儿童书籍。 情况: 为了扭转越来越少的父母大声朗读给孩子听的趋势,瑞典麦当劳推出了《快乐餐》这本书。作为世界上唯一这样做的国家,这个概念是在一个特定的时期,作为快乐餐的一部分,赠送专家精心挑选的儿童书籍。图像调查显示,父母喜欢收到儿童书籍,但是我们需要让家庭去餐馆,以便有所作为。对这个节目提出了具体的要求,因为它是针对具体国家的,没有流行的电影来帮助我们关注快乐餐。 战略: 传播策略是建立在瑞典有数百万坏说书人的洞察力之上的。所有的孩子都喜欢他们的父母给他们讲故事,但是一个好故事很难删除。它很容易分解成公主、鱼手指和那天工作中发生的事情的混搭。这是大多数父母都认识到的一个小而常见的日常问题。策略是提高父母的意识,让他们明白孩子们必须忍受很多糟糕的床上时间故事,并提醒所有这些糟糕的说书人,在《快乐餐》一书中找到解决方案。

    Book Happy Meal

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: When it became clear that fewer and fewer parents read aloud to their children, Swedish McDonald’s and an organisation called The Reading Movement decided to reverse this trend. The concept was to give away children’s books from the best authors and illustrators as part of a Happy Meal. However, all campaigns need to demonstrate their worth in sufficient sales figures and this time we had no popular movie to cooperate with. Children love stories, but a good story is hard to tell. Kids often have to listen to weird stories about things that happened at work that day. Our strategy was to raise awareness among bad storytellers that the solution was to be found in Book Happy Meal. The heart of the campaign was an online fairytale generator where parents competed to compose the craziest story by spreading it through their networks. Aside from the Queen of Sweden promoting Book Happy Meal on national TV, the PR-campaign had a reach of over 10 million (more than th Swedish population!), 920,000 books were distributed, which meant a 26 percent increase in the publishing of children’s books in Sweden. Book Happy Meal became the most sold Happy Meal during 2009 and will be used in a number of countries in the future. Describe the brief from the client: The overall mission was to increase reading among children by making books available to families who don’t visit libraries or bookstores on a regular basis. Just like all programs at McDonald’s, Book Happy Meal needed to demonstrate its worth in sufficient sales figures. Book Happy Meal had to sell at least as well as other Happy Meal programs during the year. The objective was to create awareness and commitment in social media and generating at least 25 articles accross various media types. Results: Aside from the Swedish Queen promoting Book Happy Meal on national TV and the Minister for Culture profiling the project as a shining example in Parliament; the PR-impact generated a reach of over 10 million. This is more than Sweden’s entire population. The online fairytale generator was exposed to over 73,000 visitors per week and over 2,000 parents competed with their story. The impact on blogs was massive, Book Happy Meal and the fairytale generator was named in at least 120 blogs. A record of 920,000 children’s books were distributed, which meant a 26 percent increase in the publishing of children’s books in Sweden in total. The result of the campaign was clearly shown in sales figures, since this year’s Book Happy Meal was the best sold Happy Meal programme in all of 2009. The Swedish concept of a burger and a book will be used in a number of countries from now on. Execution: The concept of 'Don’t you have any good stories?' was expressed by an integrated campaign that included online and offline PR, ads and through McDonald’s own channels. The heart of the campaign was an online fairytale generator where parents could fill in a number of words which were generated into their own weird story. Whoever wanted the chance of winning children’s books could compete with their story by spreading it through their social networks. The winning story was read aloud by an actress from the Royal Theatre. We updated media and parents that two new titles were released every week and as a celebration to the 20 year anniversary of UN’s Convention of children’s right, a new book on the subject was launched through Book Happy Meal. A debate article was published in Sweden’s second largest daily newspaper, which highlighted the need for alternative channels for the distribution of children’s books. The Situation: To reverse the trend of fewer parents reading aloud to their children, Swedish McDonald’s introduced the Book Happy Meal. As the only country in the world doing this, the concept was to give away children’s books, carefully chosen by experts, during a specific period as part of a Happy Meal. Image surveys show that parents appreciate receiving children’s books, but we needed to get families to the restaurants in order to make a difference. Specific demands were being made on this programme as it was country specific and there were no popular films to help us bring attention to the Happy Meal. The Strategy: The communication strategy was built on an insight that Sweden has millions of bad storytellers. All children love when their parents tell them stories, but a good story is hard to ad-lib. It easily disintegrates into a mish-mash of princesses, fish fingers and things that happened at work that day. This is a small but common everyday problem recognised by most parents. The strategy was to raise awareness among parents that children have to put up with a lot of bad bed time stories and remind all these bad storytellers that a solution was to be found in Book Happy Meal.



    Book Happy Meal










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