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    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 你如何说服国家通讯社写你的竞选五次,让诺贝尔奖评审团参与你的竞选,或者让竞争对手的粉丝称赞你?好吧,如果你的奥迪,把 100 年的同一年,汽车工业正面临着死亡和达尔文的应该在 200,启动 Carwinism。在 2010 届日内瓦车展上,奥迪斯全球首席执行官宣布了瑞典运动 Carwinism,他们在世界上最好的公关项目。尽管媒体专注于民族品牌萨博和沃尔沃的生存斗争,但卡文主义已经成功地达到了数百万瑞典人。达尔文生日那天,奥迪推出了 carwinism.se。在这里,著名的专家 -- 从诺贝尔物理学奖评审团成员到嘻哈专栏作家 -- 从他们的角度调查并解释了汽车进化 -- 卡文主义。就像任何物种一样,影响汽车进化的因素是无限的,潜在的媒体宣传也是如此。以至于甚至世界上最大的萨博粉丝网站 Saabsunited.com 也引用了 carwinism.se。 描述客户的简报: 目标是通过 100 周年纪念和奥迪作为技术和创新领导者的信息,优化奥迪目标群体的覆盖范围。因为奥迪目标 audicence 不一定阅读汽车页面,要做到这一点,我们需要超越汽车媒体。成功的标准是在一个人口为 500万的国家产生 900万或更多的影响。 结果: 不偏不倚的国家通讯社感到有必要至少五次报道这场运动。在一次活动中,奥迪在不同的媒体上得到了深入的报道,如 Elle 杂志、哲学博客、科学社区、记者博客,甚至是世界上最大的萨博粉丝网站。这同时确保了传统汽车、普通和商业媒体的宣传。距离: 1500万 (目标 500万) 70 篇--其中 40% 外电机媒介 p.联系人: 0,01 欧元 (0.11 亿瑞典克朗) 入选年度公关项目奥迪全球。世界上最大的萨博粉丝网站引用了 Carwinism。 执行: 达尔文生日那天,奥迪推出了 carwinism.se。在这里,著名的专家 -- 从诺贝尔物理学奖评审团成员到嘻哈专栏作家 -- 从他们的角度调查并解释了汽车的演变。就像任何物种一样,影响汽车进化的因素是无限的,潜在的媒体宣传也是如此。媒体在 Carwinsim 上发布了一系列帖子。例如: 当 “汽车和家用电器的平行进化” 吸引了设计师媒体的眼球时,关于音乐制作如何在开车时听音乐的故事成为了受欢迎的音乐媒体。扭转了竞选网站的逻辑 -- carwinism.se 作为促进奥迪技术和创新的新闻室和平台。我们没有最大化我们博客的流量,而是最大化了它之外的流量、宣传和参与。Carwinism 的这种编辑方法使得进入每日新闻流成为可能。 情况: 当奥迪瑞典公司在公司 100 周年庆典上发布简报时,三大挑战是: 1) 所有媒体的注意力都集中在萨博和沃尔沃身上, 两者都处于灭绝的边缘,吹嘘不是一种选择,即使奥迪是唯一一家表现良好的汽车公司,典型的奥迪消费者也不会阅读汽车页面,因此渴望在汽车页面之外得到媒体 战略: 这个想法是将奥迪和达尔文的周年纪念与历史上最严重的汽车行业危机结合起来,并引入一种新的进化理论 -- 卡文主义。这一理论是由来自不同行业的专家撰写的,因此与所有不同类型的媒体相关。应对挑战的策略可以概括为五点: 1) 通过利用 2009年最受欢迎的两个背景 -- 汽车行业的危机, 达尔文的进化论。2) 通过第三方验证的可信度。3) 通过提供适合每个利基的内容,与许多不同的目标媒体相关。4) 在汽车运动中避免传统的自吹自擂,并表现出同理心。5) 在百年前建立期望,专注于庆祝活动的倒计时。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: How do you persuade the national news agency to write about your campaign FIVE times, get the Nobel Prize jury involved in your campaign, or get fans of competitors to speak well of you? Well, if you are Audi and turn 100 years the same year that the car industry is facing death and Darwin should have turned 200, you launch Carwinism. During the 2010 Geneva motor show, Audis Global CEO announced the Swedish campaign, Carwinism, their best PR project in the world. Carwinism had managed to reach millons of Swedes despite the fact that media was preoccupied with national brands SAAB and Volvo’s survival struggle. On Darwin’s birthday, Audi launched carwinism.se. Here, prominent experts – from a Nobel Prize jury member in Physics to a hip hop columnist, investigated and explained the car evolution – carwinism – from their perspective. Just like any species, the factors influencing car evolution are infinite, and so are the potential media pitches. So much that even Saabsunited.com, the world’s largest SAAB-fansite, quoted carwinism.se. Describe the brief from the client: The goal was to optimise coverage for the Audi target group with the message of the 100 year anniversary and Audi as the leader in technology and innovation. Becuase the Audi target audicence do not necessarily read the motor pages, to do this, we needed to reach beyond the motoring media. The criteria for success was to generate a reach of five million or more in a country with a population of nine million. Results: The unbiased national news agency felt obliged to report on the campaign no less than five times. In one single campaign Audi got in-depth coverage in diverse media like Elle Magazine, philosophy blogs, science communities, journalist blogs and even the world’s biggest SAAB-fansite. This while securing publicity in traditional motor, general and business media. Reach: 15 million (objective 5 million) Over 70 articles – out of which 40 % outside motor media Cost p. contact: 0,01 Euro (SEK 0.11) Selected PR project of the year by Audi Global. Carwinism quoted by the world’s largest SAAB-fan site. Execution: On Darwin’s birthday, Audi launched carwinism.se. Here, prominent experts – from a Nobel Prize-jury member in Physics to a hip hop columnist, investigated and explained the evolution of the car from their perspective. Just like any species, the factors having influenced car evolution are infinite, and so are the potential media pitches. A series of postings on Carwinsim were picked up by media. For example: while 'the parallel evolution of cars and home appliances' caught the eye of designer media, the story on how music production evolved as listening to music while driving became popular intrigued music press. Reversing the logic of campaign sites - carwinism.se acted as a news room and platform for promoting Audi technology and innovation. Instead of maximising traffic to our blog, we maximised traffic, publicity and involvement outside it. This editorial approach of Carwinism made it possible to tap into the daily news flow. The Situation: When Audi Sweden was given the brief to create publicity around the company’s 100 year celebration, the three main challenges were: 1) all the media attention was on SAAB and Volvo, both on the brink of extinction 2) boasting was not an option, even if Audi was the only car company doing well 3) the typical Audi-consumers do not read the motor pages therefore it was desireable to get press outside the motor pages The Strategy: The idea was to combine Audi’s and Darwin’s anniversaries together with the worst car industry crisis in history and introduce a new evolution theory – Carwinism. That theory was being written by experts from all different trades, and therefore relevant for all different types of media. The strategy for meeting the challenges can be summarised in five points: 1) News value through exploiting two of the most topical contexts in 2009 – the crisis in the automobile industry, and Darwin’s theory of evolution. 2) Credibility through third-party validation. 3) Relevance for many different target media by offering content appropriate for each niche. 4) Stand out by avoiding the traditional boastful tone in car campaigns, and show empathy instead. 5) Build up expectations ahead of the centenary, focusing on the countdown to the celebrations.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 你如何说服国家通讯社写你的竞选五次,让诺贝尔奖评审团参与你的竞选,或者让竞争对手的粉丝称赞你?好吧,如果你的奥迪,把 100 年的同一年,汽车工业正面临着死亡和达尔文的应该在 200,启动 Carwinism。在 2010 届日内瓦车展上,奥迪斯全球首席执行官宣布了瑞典运动 Carwinism,他们在世界上最好的公关项目。尽管媒体专注于民族品牌萨博和沃尔沃的生存斗争,但卡文主义已经成功地达到了数百万瑞典人。达尔文生日那天,奥迪推出了 carwinism.se。在这里,著名的专家 -- 从诺贝尔物理学奖评审团成员到嘻哈专栏作家 -- 从他们的角度调查并解释了汽车进化 -- 卡文主义。就像任何物种一样,影响汽车进化的因素是无限的,潜在的媒体宣传也是如此。以至于甚至世界上最大的萨博粉丝网站 Saabsunited.com 也引用了 carwinism.se。 描述客户的简报: 目标是通过 100 周年纪念和奥迪作为技术和创新领导者的信息,优化奥迪目标群体的覆盖范围。因为奥迪目标 audicence 不一定阅读汽车页面,要做到这一点,我们需要超越汽车媒体。成功的标准是在一个人口为 500万的国家产生 900万或更多的影响。 结果: 不偏不倚的国家通讯社感到有必要至少五次报道这场运动。在一次活动中,奥迪在不同的媒体上得到了深入的报道,如 Elle 杂志、哲学博客、科学社区、记者博客,甚至是世界上最大的萨博粉丝网站。这同时确保了传统汽车、普通和商业媒体的宣传。距离: 1500万 (目标 500万) 70 篇--其中 40% 外电机媒介 p.联系人: 0,01 欧元 (0.11 亿瑞典克朗) 入选年度公关项目奥迪全球。世界上最大的萨博粉丝网站引用了 Carwinism。 执行: 达尔文生日那天,奥迪推出了 carwinism.se。在这里,著名的专家 -- 从诺贝尔物理学奖评审团成员到嘻哈专栏作家 -- 从他们的角度调查并解释了汽车的演变。就像任何物种一样,影响汽车进化的因素是无限的,潜在的媒体宣传也是如此。媒体在 Carwinsim 上发布了一系列帖子。例如: 当 “汽车和家用电器的平行进化” 吸引了设计师媒体的眼球时,关于音乐制作如何在开车时听音乐的故事成为了受欢迎的音乐媒体。扭转了竞选网站的逻辑 -- carwinism.se 作为促进奥迪技术和创新的新闻室和平台。我们没有最大化我们博客的流量,而是最大化了它之外的流量、宣传和参与。Carwinism 的这种编辑方法使得进入每日新闻流成为可能。 情况: 当奥迪瑞典公司在公司 100 周年庆典上发布简报时,三大挑战是: 1) 所有媒体的注意力都集中在萨博和沃尔沃身上, 两者都处于灭绝的边缘,吹嘘不是一种选择,即使奥迪是唯一一家表现良好的汽车公司,典型的奥迪消费者也不会阅读汽车页面,因此渴望在汽车页面之外得到媒体 战略: 这个想法是将奥迪和达尔文的周年纪念与历史上最严重的汽车行业危机结合起来,并引入一种新的进化理论 -- 卡文主义。这一理论是由来自不同行业的专家撰写的,因此与所有不同类型的媒体相关。应对挑战的策略可以概括为五点: 1) 通过利用 2009年最受欢迎的两个背景 -- 汽车行业的危机, 达尔文的进化论。2) 通过第三方验证的可信度。3) 通过提供适合每个利基的内容,与许多不同的目标媒体相关。4) 在汽车运动中避免传统的自吹自擂,并表现出同理心。5) 在百年前建立期望,专注于庆祝活动的倒计时。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: How do you persuade the national news agency to write about your campaign FIVE times, get the Nobel Prize jury involved in your campaign, or get fans of competitors to speak well of you? Well, if you are Audi and turn 100 years the same year that the car industry is facing death and Darwin should have turned 200, you launch Carwinism. During the 2010 Geneva motor show, Audis Global CEO announced the Swedish campaign, Carwinism, their best PR project in the world. Carwinism had managed to reach millons of Swedes despite the fact that media was preoccupied with national brands SAAB and Volvo’s survival struggle. On Darwin’s birthday, Audi launched carwinism.se. Here, prominent experts – from a Nobel Prize jury member in Physics to a hip hop columnist, investigated and explained the car evolution – carwinism – from their perspective. Just like any species, the factors influencing car evolution are infinite, and so are the potential media pitches. So much that even Saabsunited.com, the world’s largest SAAB-fansite, quoted carwinism.se. Describe the brief from the client: The goal was to optimise coverage for the Audi target group with the message of the 100 year anniversary and Audi as the leader in technology and innovation. Becuase the Audi target audicence do not necessarily read the motor pages, to do this, we needed to reach beyond the motoring media. The criteria for success was to generate a reach of five million or more in a country with a population of nine million. Results: The unbiased national news agency felt obliged to report on the campaign no less than five times. In one single campaign Audi got in-depth coverage in diverse media like Elle Magazine, philosophy blogs, science communities, journalist blogs and even the world’s biggest SAAB-fansite. This while securing publicity in traditional motor, general and business media. Reach: 15 million (objective 5 million) Over 70 articles – out of which 40 % outside motor media Cost p. contact: 0,01 Euro (SEK 0.11) Selected PR project of the year by Audi Global. Carwinism quoted by the world’s largest SAAB-fan site. Execution: On Darwin’s birthday, Audi launched carwinism.se. Here, prominent experts – from a Nobel Prize-jury member in Physics to a hip hop columnist, investigated and explained the evolution of the car from their perspective. Just like any species, the factors having influenced car evolution are infinite, and so are the potential media pitches. A series of postings on Carwinsim were picked up by media. For example: while 'the parallel evolution of cars and home appliances' caught the eye of designer media, the story on how music production evolved as listening to music while driving became popular intrigued music press. Reversing the logic of campaign sites - carwinism.se acted as a news room and platform for promoting Audi technology and innovation. Instead of maximising traffic to our blog, we maximised traffic, publicity and involvement outside it. This editorial approach of Carwinism made it possible to tap into the daily news flow. The Situation: When Audi Sweden was given the brief to create publicity around the company’s 100 year celebration, the three main challenges were: 1) all the media attention was on SAAB and Volvo, both on the brink of extinction 2) boasting was not an option, even if Audi was the only car company doing well 3) the typical Audi-consumers do not read the motor pages therefore it was desireable to get press outside the motor pages The Strategy: The idea was to combine Audi’s and Darwin’s anniversaries together with the worst car industry crisis in history and introduce a new evolution theory – Carwinism. That theory was being written by experts from all different trades, and therefore relevant for all different types of media. The strategy for meeting the challenges can be summarised in five points: 1) News value through exploiting two of the most topical contexts in 2009 – the crisis in the automobile industry, and Darwin’s theory of evolution. 2) Credibility through third-party validation. 3) Relevance for many different target media by offering content appropriate for each niche. 4) Stand out by avoiding the traditional boastful tone in car campaigns, and show empathy instead. 5) Build up expectations ahead of the centenary, focusing on the countdown to the celebrations.













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