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    FUCK THE POOR短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果和有效性: 迄今为止,这部电影已经被观看了 350万多次。 Pilion Trust 收到了 163,734 英镑的捐款,是 50,000 英镑目标的三倍多。今年迄今为止,捐款增长了 1,623%,而且仍在上升。这代表了 32,647% 的投资回报率。 每月签约捐赠的人数增加了 572%,这代表了与品牌的长期关系的巨大增长。 到目前为止,该活动已经产生了 2.55亿个媒体印象,相当于赢得媒体的 300万英镑。 但最重要的是,这意味着无家可归的孩子的收容所不必关闭。 创意执行: 由于传统媒体没有钱,我们知道我们必须利用社交媒体来最大限度地提高参与度。 没有种子资金,我们与当地青年俱乐部的志愿者团队合作,利用客户和代理的联系,建立了一个有影响力的数据库。 为了确保在推特上的最大接触,我们详细讨论了 # FuckThePoor 标签。推特规定,不允许使用亵渎的标签成为趋势。但是我们决定利大于弊。 这部电影是通过 YouTube 、推特和脸谱网推出的, 我们的青年志愿者们夜以继日地工作,通过在 Pilion Trust 的 justging 页面上捐赠,将积极的评论转化为积极的行动。 见解、战略和想法: 英国慈善机构正在受苦。捐款下降 20%。政府资金下降 60%。 Pilion 信托基金规模很小。削减意味着他们无家可归的孩子收容所即将关闭。他们需要筹集 50,000 英镑来保持开放。 他们从未经营过任何广告,在忠诚支持者的核心之外也没有品牌知名度。 我们需要和尽可能多的人交谈以寻求帮助。但是他们没有钱参加大预算广告的活动。我们需要一种低成本、吸引注意力的方式来筹集资金和提高认识。 我们开始思考给予的心理学。我们发现,我们的感觉和我们所做的之间往往存在差距。 这种洞察力使我们在伦敦街头进行了一次社会实验。我们开始证明人们真的在乎。然后请他们给予足够的关心。


    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: To date the film has been watched over 3.5 million times. The Pilion Trust received £163,734 in donations, over three times the £50,000 target. Year to date donations are up 1,623% and still rising. This represents a 32,647% ROI. There has been a 572% rise in people signing up to give on a monthly basis, representing a huge increase in long term relationships with the brand. To date the campaign has generated 255 million media impressions equating to £8.3 million in earned media. But most of all it meant that the shelter for homeless kids didn’t have to close. Creative Execution: As there was no money for traditional media we knew we had to leverage social media to maximise engagement. Without the money for seeding we worked with a team of volunteers from a local youth club to build a database of influencers, leveraging both client and agency contacts. To ensure maximum reach on Twitter we debated the #FuckThePoor hashtag at length. Twitter dictates that hashtags using profanity will not be allowed to trend. But we decided the benefits outweighed the disadvantages. The film was launched via YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, and our youth volunteers worked around the clock to keep the conversations going and worked to convert positive comments into positive action by donating on The Pilion Trust’s JustGiving page. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: UK charities are suffering. Donations are down 20%. Government funding is down 60%. The Pilion Trust is tiny. The cuts meant their shelter for homeless kids was about to close. They needed to raise £50,000 to keep it open. They have never run any advertising and have no brand visibility outside a core of loyal supporters. We needed to speak to as many people as possible to ask for help. But they didn’t have the money for big budget ad’ campaigns. We needed a low cost, attention grabbing way of raising money and awareness. We started thinking about the psychology of giving. We identified that there’s often a gap between what we feel and what we do. This insight led us to conduct a social experiment on the streets of London. We set out to prove that people really did care. Then asked them to please care enough to give.


    案例简介:结果和有效性: 迄今为止,这部电影已经被观看了 350万多次。 Pilion Trust 收到了 163,734 英镑的捐款,是 50,000 英镑目标的三倍多。今年迄今为止,捐款增长了 1,623%,而且仍在上升。这代表了 32,647% 的投资回报率。 每月签约捐赠的人数增加了 572%,这代表了与品牌的长期关系的巨大增长。 到目前为止,该活动已经产生了 2.55亿个媒体印象,相当于赢得媒体的 300万英镑。 但最重要的是,这意味着无家可归的孩子的收容所不必关闭。 创意执行: 由于传统媒体没有钱,我们知道我们必须利用社交媒体来最大限度地提高参与度。 没有种子资金,我们与当地青年俱乐部的志愿者团队合作,利用客户和代理的联系,建立了一个有影响力的数据库。 为了确保在推特上的最大接触,我们详细讨论了 # FuckThePoor 标签。推特规定,不允许使用亵渎的标签成为趋势。但是我们决定利大于弊。 这部电影是通过 YouTube 、推特和脸谱网推出的, 我们的青年志愿者们夜以继日地工作,通过在 Pilion Trust 的 justging 页面上捐赠,将积极的评论转化为积极的行动。 见解、战略和想法: 英国慈善机构正在受苦。捐款下降 20%。政府资金下降 60%。 Pilion 信托基金规模很小。削减意味着他们无家可归的孩子收容所即将关闭。他们需要筹集 50,000 英镑来保持开放。 他们从未经营过任何广告,在忠诚支持者的核心之外也没有品牌知名度。 我们需要和尽可能多的人交谈以寻求帮助。但是他们没有钱参加大预算广告的活动。我们需要一种低成本、吸引注意力的方式来筹集资金和提高认识。 我们开始思考给予的心理学。我们发现,我们的感觉和我们所做的之间往往存在差距。 这种洞察力使我们在伦敦街头进行了一次社会实验。我们开始证明人们真的在乎。然后请他们给予足够的关心。


    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: To date the film has been watched over 3.5 million times. The Pilion Trust received £163,734 in donations, over three times the £50,000 target. Year to date donations are up 1,623% and still rising. This represents a 32,647% ROI. There has been a 572% rise in people signing up to give on a monthly basis, representing a huge increase in long term relationships with the brand. To date the campaign has generated 255 million media impressions equating to £8.3 million in earned media. But most of all it meant that the shelter for homeless kids didn’t have to close. Creative Execution: As there was no money for traditional media we knew we had to leverage social media to maximise engagement. Without the money for seeding we worked with a team of volunteers from a local youth club to build a database of influencers, leveraging both client and agency contacts. To ensure maximum reach on Twitter we debated the #FuckThePoor hashtag at length. Twitter dictates that hashtags using profanity will not be allowed to trend. But we decided the benefits outweighed the disadvantages. The film was launched via YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, and our youth volunteers worked around the clock to keep the conversations going and worked to convert positive comments into positive action by donating on The Pilion Trust’s JustGiving page. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: UK charities are suffering. Donations are down 20%. Government funding is down 60%. The Pilion Trust is tiny. The cuts meant their shelter for homeless kids was about to close. They needed to raise £50,000 to keep it open. They have never run any advertising and have no brand visibility outside a core of loyal supporters. We needed to speak to as many people as possible to ask for help. But they didn’t have the money for big budget ad’ campaigns. We needed a low cost, attention grabbing way of raising money and awareness. We started thinking about the psychology of giving. We identified that there’s often a gap between what we feel and what we do. This insight led us to conduct a social experiment on the streets of London. We set out to prove that people really did care. Then asked them to please care enough to give.





    广告公司: 阳狮 (英国 伦敦)




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