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    The Time is Now短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:简要解释 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 所有关于疾病或患者意见的内容都必须在医学上准确无误,并得到充分证实。 战略 世界各地数百万患者和医生正在梦游进入 II 型糖尿病。在某种程度上,由于其令人难以置信的流行,人们有一种错误的感觉,这是一种慢性、可控制的疾病。。这使得他们对治疗没有紧迫感。这反过来又会导致糖尿病相关的并发症,如失明和截肢。今天,随着患者越来越年轻,很明显,他们将随着这种情况活得更久。因此,我们采取行动帮助医生相信 “现在是时候了”; 考虑这些失去太多的病人的未来,并在他们的诊断中尽早主动治疗他们。沙计时器运动,因此动画媒体, 被用来帮助想象时间和生活的流逝,以创造一种紧迫感,尽可能长时间地保持尽可能多的生活质量。 执行 故事和表演是在 6 个月的时间内开发和计划的。一旦故事的主要主题与客户达成一致,一名专业的沙艺术家与我们合作创作了一件独特而感人的表演艺术艺术作品 -- “现在是时候了”。在新 GALVUS 活动的内部启动中,她在数百名诺华员工面前现场表演。我们从灯箱上方录制了表演,创造了一个美丽的动画,可以一次又一次地播放。在 2016年9月为期五天的 EASD 会议上,它被展示给来自世界各地的数千名代表。 结果 在内部活动发布会上,这个独特的节目在 200 人面前现场表演,吸引了诺华的观众。他们的反馈非常积极: “你很难想象它可能是沙子。这是一种如此美丽的艺术。”“ 她非常优秀,如此惊人的技能。”“ 太神奇了。她做这件事的方式太漂亮了。你很难想象用沙子是可能的。"这部电影是在 EASD 2016 按需播放的。超过 3 天,它被播放了 85 次 -- 总播放时间约为 18 小时。据报道,许多代表观看了整部电影,考虑到 13 分钟的长度,这部电影令人印象深刻。这是 EASD 最受欢迎的电影之一。 观众 参加为期 3 天的国际糖尿病大会 EASD 的医疗保健专业人员。特别是全科医生、护士专家和厌倦的医生,他们需要积极主动地管理 2 型糖尿病。诺华的员工也喜欢这个故事的现场表演。 概要 如今人们越来越年轻地被诊断为 2 型糖尿病。他们有更多的时间忍受这种疾病,所以除非医生现在加强治疗,否则以后生活中的影响 -- 比如截肢或失明 -- 可能是毁灭性的。这是诺华公司为 GALVUS 发起的新运动的焦点,GALVUS 是一种糖尿病药丸: 现在就行动,在为时已晚之前加强治疗。我们的简报是创作一篇庆祝内部和外部活动启动的文章; 一个积极、感人的故事,强调了时间的重要性。。它必须超越内部启动活动,并在国际糖尿病大会 EASD 与代表们分享。 相关性 “时间到了” 不仅仅是一个动画。它作为现场沉浸式表演首次亮相,在 novartis 内部推出的新 GALVUS 创意活动中举行。这让与会者感到惊讶和着迷,并有助于提醒他们竞选背后的重要信息: 现在是采取行动的时候了。现场表演也是在国际大会上录制和播放的,在那里,它吸引了与会者长达 13 分钟以上的时间。 活动描述 我们想做一些令人振奋、迷人和感人的事情。这种体验会留在我们观众的脑海中。这完全抓住了时间的本质和重要性,尤其是在治疗 2 型糖尿病方面。在我们决定了风格和故事后,我们联系了一位专业的沙画师。她帮助我们讲述了 Samantha 的故事,Samantha 是一名 2 型糖尿病患者,她在 GALVUS 生活的旅程。萨曼莎过着充实的生活,享受着如果不早点治疗她可能会失去的东西。所有这些都在一个与新的 GALVUS 战役和时间流动完美匹配的媒介中。现场表演的情感,以及在沙滩上讲故事所产生的优雅、流畅的动作,都是这个创意的一部分。我们不仅仅想创作一部电影,我们还想创造一种体验。


    案例简介:BriefExplanation BriefWithProjectedOutcomes All content regarding the disease or patient opinion had to be medically accurate and fully substantiated. Strategy Millions of patients and physicians around the world are sleepwalking into type II diabetes right now. In part, due to its incredible prevalence, people have a false sense that it is a chronic, manageable condition. This leaves them without a sense of urgency regarding treatment. Which in turn, leads to diabetes-related complications such as blindness and amputations later in life. Today, with patients getting diagnosed younger, it’s clear that they will be living longer with the condition. We therefore moved to help physicians believe that the ‘time is now’; to consider the future of these patients who have so much to lose, and to treat them proactively early into their diagnosis. The sand timer campaign, and therefore animation medium, was employed to help visualise the passing of both time and life to create a sense of urgency to preserve as much quality of life for as long as possible. Execution The story and performance was developed and planned over a period of 6 months. Once the main themes of the story were agreed with client, a professional sand artist, worked with us to create a unique and moving performance art piece – ‘The time is now’. She performed it live in front of hundreds of Novartis employees at the internal launch of the new GALVUS campaign.We recorded the performance from above the lightbox, creating a beautiful animation in its own right that could be played again and again. It was shown to thousands of delegates from around the world, during the five-day EASD Meeting in September 2016. Outcome Performed live in front of 200 people at the internal campaign launch, the unique show captivated the audience at Novartis. Their feedback was hugely positive: “You can hardly imagine that it’s possible that it’s sand. It’s such a beautiful art.”"She was excellent, such an amazing skill.""It was amazing. The way she did it was so beautiful. You can hardly imagine that's possible with sand." The film was played on demand at EASD 2016. Over 3 days, it was played 85 times - a total play time of approximately 18 hours. It was reported that many delegates watched the entire film, which is impressive considering it's 13 minutes long.It was one of the most popular films at EASD. Audience Healthcare professionals attending EASD, a 3-day international diabetes congress. Specifically general practitioners, nurse specialists, and jaded physicians who needed motivation to proactively manage type 2 diabetes.Novartis employees enjoyed a live performance of the story too. Synopsis People today are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes younger and younger. They have more time to live with the disease, so unless doctors step up their treatment now the impact later in life – like amputation or blindness – could be devastating. This was the focus of Novartis’ new campaign for GALVUS, a diabetes pill: acting now and intensifying treatment before it’s too late. Our brief was to create a piece to celebrate the internal and external campaign launch; a positive, moving story highlighting the importance of time. It had to to live beyond the internal launch event, and be shared with delegates at EASD, an international diabetes congress. Relevancy ‘The time is now’ is more than an animation. It debuted as a live, immersive performance, held at Novartis’ internal launch for their new GALVUS creative campaign. It astonished and enchanted attendees and helped to remind them of the important message behind their campaign: that the time to act is now. The live performance was recorded and played at an international congress too, where it captivated attendees for the full 13-minute+ run time. CampaignDescription We wanted to make something uplifting, captivating and moving. An experience that would stay in the minds of our audiences. Something that perfectly captured the essence and importance of time, particularly when it comes to treating type 2 diabetes. After we decided on a style and story, we contacted a professional sand artist. She helped us tell the story of Samantha, a patient with type 2 diabetes, and her journey through life with GALVUS. Samantha lived life to the full, enjoying things she might have lost if not treated earlier. And all in a medium that beautifully matched the new GALVUS campaign, and the flow of time.The emotion of a live performance, and the graceful, flowing movements generated by telling a story in sand were integral to the creative idea.We didn't just want to create a film, we wanted to create an experience.

    The Time is Now

    案例简介:简要解释 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 所有关于疾病或患者意见的内容都必须在医学上准确无误,并得到充分证实。 战略 世界各地数百万患者和医生正在梦游进入 II 型糖尿病。在某种程度上,由于其令人难以置信的流行,人们有一种错误的感觉,这是一种慢性、可控制的疾病。。这使得他们对治疗没有紧迫感。这反过来又会导致糖尿病相关的并发症,如失明和截肢。今天,随着患者越来越年轻,很明显,他们将随着这种情况活得更久。因此,我们采取行动帮助医生相信 “现在是时候了”; 考虑这些失去太多的病人的未来,并在他们的诊断中尽早主动治疗他们。沙计时器运动,因此动画媒体, 被用来帮助想象时间和生活的流逝,以创造一种紧迫感,尽可能长时间地保持尽可能多的生活质量。 执行 故事和表演是在 6 个月的时间内开发和计划的。一旦故事的主要主题与客户达成一致,一名专业的沙艺术家与我们合作创作了一件独特而感人的表演艺术艺术作品 -- “现在是时候了”。在新 GALVUS 活动的内部启动中,她在数百名诺华员工面前现场表演。我们从灯箱上方录制了表演,创造了一个美丽的动画,可以一次又一次地播放。在 2016年9月为期五天的 EASD 会议上,它被展示给来自世界各地的数千名代表。 结果 在内部活动发布会上,这个独特的节目在 200 人面前现场表演,吸引了诺华的观众。他们的反馈非常积极: “你很难想象它可能是沙子。这是一种如此美丽的艺术。”“ 她非常优秀,如此惊人的技能。”“ 太神奇了。她做这件事的方式太漂亮了。你很难想象用沙子是可能的。"这部电影是在 EASD 2016 按需播放的。超过 3 天,它被播放了 85 次 -- 总播放时间约为 18 小时。据报道,许多代表观看了整部电影,考虑到 13 分钟的长度,这部电影令人印象深刻。这是 EASD 最受欢迎的电影之一。 观众 参加为期 3 天的国际糖尿病大会 EASD 的医疗保健专业人员。特别是全科医生、护士专家和厌倦的医生,他们需要积极主动地管理 2 型糖尿病。诺华的员工也喜欢这个故事的现场表演。 概要 如今人们越来越年轻地被诊断为 2 型糖尿病。他们有更多的时间忍受这种疾病,所以除非医生现在加强治疗,否则以后生活中的影响 -- 比如截肢或失明 -- 可能是毁灭性的。这是诺华公司为 GALVUS 发起的新运动的焦点,GALVUS 是一种糖尿病药丸: 现在就行动,在为时已晚之前加强治疗。我们的简报是创作一篇庆祝内部和外部活动启动的文章; 一个积极、感人的故事,强调了时间的重要性。。它必须超越内部启动活动,并在国际糖尿病大会 EASD 与代表们分享。 相关性 “时间到了” 不仅仅是一个动画。它作为现场沉浸式表演首次亮相,在 novartis 内部推出的新 GALVUS 创意活动中举行。这让与会者感到惊讶和着迷,并有助于提醒他们竞选背后的重要信息: 现在是采取行动的时候了。现场表演也是在国际大会上录制和播放的,在那里,它吸引了与会者长达 13 分钟以上的时间。 活动描述 我们想做一些令人振奋、迷人和感人的事情。这种体验会留在我们观众的脑海中。这完全抓住了时间的本质和重要性,尤其是在治疗 2 型糖尿病方面。在我们决定了风格和故事后,我们联系了一位专业的沙画师。她帮助我们讲述了 Samantha 的故事,Samantha 是一名 2 型糖尿病患者,她在 GALVUS 生活的旅程。萨曼莎过着充实的生活,享受着如果不早点治疗她可能会失去的东西。所有这些都在一个与新的 GALVUS 战役和时间流动完美匹配的媒介中。现场表演的情感,以及在沙滩上讲故事所产生的优雅、流畅的动作,都是这个创意的一部分。我们不仅仅想创作一部电影,我们还想创造一种体验。

    The Time is Now

    案例简介:BriefExplanation BriefWithProjectedOutcomes All content regarding the disease or patient opinion had to be medically accurate and fully substantiated. Strategy Millions of patients and physicians around the world are sleepwalking into type II diabetes right now. In part, due to its incredible prevalence, people have a false sense that it is a chronic, manageable condition. This leaves them without a sense of urgency regarding treatment. Which in turn, leads to diabetes-related complications such as blindness and amputations later in life. Today, with patients getting diagnosed younger, it’s clear that they will be living longer with the condition. We therefore moved to help physicians believe that the ‘time is now’; to consider the future of these patients who have so much to lose, and to treat them proactively early into their diagnosis. The sand timer campaign, and therefore animation medium, was employed to help visualise the passing of both time and life to create a sense of urgency to preserve as much quality of life for as long as possible. Execution The story and performance was developed and planned over a period of 6 months. Once the main themes of the story were agreed with client, a professional sand artist, worked with us to create a unique and moving performance art piece – ‘The time is now’. She performed it live in front of hundreds of Novartis employees at the internal launch of the new GALVUS campaign.We recorded the performance from above the lightbox, creating a beautiful animation in its own right that could be played again and again. It was shown to thousands of delegates from around the world, during the five-day EASD Meeting in September 2016. Outcome Performed live in front of 200 people at the internal campaign launch, the unique show captivated the audience at Novartis. Their feedback was hugely positive: “You can hardly imagine that it’s possible that it’s sand. It’s such a beautiful art.”"She was excellent, such an amazing skill.""It was amazing. The way she did it was so beautiful. You can hardly imagine that's possible with sand." The film was played on demand at EASD 2016. Over 3 days, it was played 85 times - a total play time of approximately 18 hours. It was reported that many delegates watched the entire film, which is impressive considering it's 13 minutes long.It was one of the most popular films at EASD. Audience Healthcare professionals attending EASD, a 3-day international diabetes congress. Specifically general practitioners, nurse specialists, and jaded physicians who needed motivation to proactively manage type 2 diabetes.Novartis employees enjoyed a live performance of the story too. Synopsis People today are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes younger and younger. They have more time to live with the disease, so unless doctors step up their treatment now the impact later in life – like amputation or blindness – could be devastating. This was the focus of Novartis’ new campaign for GALVUS, a diabetes pill: acting now and intensifying treatment before it’s too late. Our brief was to create a piece to celebrate the internal and external campaign launch; a positive, moving story highlighting the importance of time. It had to to live beyond the internal launch event, and be shared with delegates at EASD, an international diabetes congress. Relevancy ‘The time is now’ is more than an animation. It debuted as a live, immersive performance, held at Novartis’ internal launch for their new GALVUS creative campaign. It astonished and enchanted attendees and helped to remind them of the important message behind their campaign: that the time to act is now. The live performance was recorded and played at an international congress too, where it captivated attendees for the full 13-minute+ run time. CampaignDescription We wanted to make something uplifting, captivating and moving. An experience that would stay in the minds of our audiences. Something that perfectly captured the essence and importance of time, particularly when it comes to treating type 2 diabetes. After we decided on a style and story, we contacted a professional sand artist. She helped us tell the story of Samantha, a patient with type 2 diabetes, and her journey through life with GALVUS. Samantha lived life to the full, enjoying things she might have lost if not treated earlier. And all in a medium that beautifully matched the new GALVUS campaign, and the flow of time.The emotion of a live performance, and the graceful, flowing movements generated by telling a story in sand were integral to the creative idea.We didn't just want to create a film, we wanted to create an experience.



    The Time is Now






    广告公司: 阳狮 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: 阳狮




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