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    The Health Purse (Sehat Ka Batua)短视频广告营销案例



    健康钱包 (Sehat Ka Batua)

    案例简介:概要 根据《商业研究杂志》,到 2020年,缺乏乳腺癌的早期诊断可能会导致每年 76,000 名印度女性死亡。在农村地区,威胁更大,3分之1 的妇女不知道乳腺癌,90% 的妇女不知道自我检查乳房的可能性。避免这种灾难的唯一方法是传播意识和鼓励行动。Mahindra Rise 致力于印度农村的健康和安全,不得不进行干预。该运动的目标是创造一个可持续的解决方案,让印度农村的妇女了解乳腺癌,并向她们展示如何以易于理解和理解的方式自我检查做。 战略 印度农村妇女的优先事项是以照顾家庭为中心的。他们既没有时间也没有意愿去考虑自己的健康 -- 经常在等待疾病症状显现到难以治愈的程度。为了增加乳腺癌的早期检测,必须向他们介绍一种新的行为。必须教他们如何检查自己并定期检查。由于媒体在这些村庄的传播范围有限,该运动是一个直接外联方案的一部分,该方案从一个村庄到另一个村庄与妇女接触并教育妇女。这使得信息能够在他们感到安全和舒适的环境中传递。 相关性 健康钱包是一个简单的工具,用于教育和提醒印度农村的妇女定期检查自己是否患有乳腺癌。在印度农村,公开谈论妇女的健康问题是文化上的禁忌,所以提醒媒介必须是个人和亲密的。虽然乳腺癌的发病率在上升,但在这些偏远的村庄,媒体的覆盖面非常低。由于该主题的敏感性,解决办法是直接通过一个外联方案分发这些钱包,该方案从一个村庄到另一个村庄与他们接触并对他们进行教育。 结果 在这一直接外联方案的第一阶段,向 6 个村庄的印度农村妇女分发了 2500 个保健钱包。这种影响可以从以下事实来衡量: a) 印度癌症患者援助协会不仅在这 6 个村庄举办了卫生讲习班,还分发了卫生钱包, 确认消息的相关性。B) Mahindra Rise 和 CPAA 都致力于在今年将这一举措推广到更多的村庄。C) 该方案的任务是帮助妇女了解乳腺癌的严重程度、自我检查的必要性以及提醒自己定期检查的必要性。健康钱包是一个提醒工具,一旦它取代了女性日常生活中的现有钱包,行为改变就会实现。 执行 在马哈拉施特拉邦的其他偏远村庄中,健康钱包是马欣德拉上升乳腺癌/健康意识运动的一部分。这些会议于 2018年3月开始,一直持续到 5 月。Mahindra 与当地医疗保健工作者联系,帮助在社区中心和村庄卫生中心建立提高认识营。他们提前通知村里的妇女,以确保参加在 CPAA-癌症患者援助协会支持下举行的这些会议。一个典型的会议持续大约 2 个小时,在给她们作为提醒的钱包之前,她们被教导如何在家进行乳房自我检查。该倡议正在扩大,以覆盖该国媒体黑暗地区的更多妇女。 活动描述 健康钱包不仅保护你的钱,还保护你免受乳腺癌的危险。影响任何行为改变的最佳方式是依靠现有的文化行为。“Batua” 是传统的印度妇女钱包。印度农村的女性在保护她们的钱方面有一种独特的做法 -- 她们把钱包放在上衣里。这种独特的习惯是否也有助于保护他们免于乳腺癌?基于这个古老的习惯,我们设计了带有女性检查自己的演示视觉效果的钱包 -- 这提醒了我们执行简单的乳房自我检查步骤。这些钱包印在亲肤的布料上,使用 9 种著名的印度民间艺术风格设计。“Batua” 因此成为一个钱包,不仅保护他们的财富,而且保护他们的健康。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 印度没有关于妇女健康意识信息的限制或法规。正常的做法是让医学专家证实这一信息。我们的倡议得到了癌症患者援助协会的支持和实施,该协会是印度癌症预防和指导的杰出组织。 简要解释 观众 巴尔校长由于缺乏对自我检查步骤的认识,对乳腺癌的治疗是晚期检测。健康钱包利用文化习惯来教育他们,并提醒他们进行定期检查,以帮助早期发现并拯救更多生命。

    健康钱包 (Sehat Ka Batua)

    案例简介:Synopsis As per the Journal of Business Research, the lack of early diagnosis of breast cancer could kill 76,000 Indian women a year by 2020. The threat is larger in rural areas where one third of the women are unaware of breast cancer and 90% of them unaware of the possibility of self-examination of their breasts. The only way to avert such a catastrophe is to spread awareness and encourage action. Committed to health and safety of rural India, Mahindra Rise had to intervene. The objective of the campaign is to create a sustainable solution to reach women in rural India and educate them about breast cancer and demonstrate how they could examine themselves in the manner that was easy to understand and to do. Strategy The priorities of the women in rural India are centred around taking care of their families. They have neither the time nor the inclination to think about their own health - very often waiting for symptoms of illness to manifest to a degree that is hard to cure. To increase the early detection of breast cancer, a new behaviour had to be introduced to them. They had to be taught how to examine themselves and to do it regularly. Because the reach of media is limited in these villages, the campaign was part of a direct outreach programme that travelled from village to village to engage with and educate women. This allowed for the message to be delivered in an environment where they felt safe and comfortable. Relevancy The Health Purse is a simple tool that serves to educate and remind women of rural India to check themselves regularly for breast cancer. In rural India, it's culturally taboo to openly talk about women's health issues, so the reminder medium had to be personal and intimate. While incidence of breast cancer is on the rise, media reach is very low in these remote villages. Because of the sensitive nature of the topic, the solution was to hand out these purses directly through an outreach programme that travelled from village to village to engage with and educate them. Outcome In the first phase of this direct outreach programme, 2500 Health Purses were distributed to Rural Indian women across 6 villages. The impact can be gauged from the fact that: a) The Cancer Patients Aid Association of India not only conducted the health workshops in these 6 villages, they also distributed the Health purses, a confirmation of the relevance of the messaging. b) Both Mahindra Rise and the CPAA are committed to spread this initiative to many more villages through the year. c) The task of the programme was to help women understand the severity of breast cancer, the need for self-examination and the necessity to remind themselves to do this regularly. The Health Purse is a reminder tool and once it replaces the existing purses in the womens' daily lives, the behaviour change would have been achieved. Execution The Health Purses were given out as a part of Mahindra Rise breast cancer/health awareness drives in Madkepada, Belwadi, Kinipada, Katkariwadi, Sutarpada, Warkhanda among other remote villages in Maharashtra. These sessions started in March, 2018 and are continuing through till May. Mahindra gets in touch with local healthcare workers to help set up the awareness camps in community centres and village health centres. They inform the women in the village in advance to ensure attendance at these sessions which are conducted with the support of CPAA - Cancer Patients Aid Association. A typical session lasts around 2 hours, where women are taught how to perform a breast self-examination at home, before giving them the purses that serve as a reminder. The initiative is being scaled up to reach even more women in media-dark parts of the country. CampaignDescription The Health Purse A purse that not only protects your money, but protects you from the dangers of Breast Cancer as well. The best way to effect any behaviour change is to ride on existing cultural behaviour. A 'Batua' is the traditional Indian women's purse. Women in rural India have a unique practice when it comes to protecting their money - they keep their purses in their blouses. Could this unique habit also help protect them from breast cancer? Riding on this age-old habit, we designed purses with illustrative visuals of women checking themselves - which served as a reminder to perform the simple breast self-examination steps given inside. The purses were printed on skin-friendly cloth and designed using 9 famous Indian folk-art styles. The 'batua' thus became a purse that didn't just protect their wealth, but their health as well. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes There are no restrictions or regulations regarding women's health awareness messages in India. The normal practice is to get the message corroborated by medical experts. Our initiative was supported and conducted with the Cancer Patients Aid Association - India's pre-eminent organisation for Cancer prevention and guidance. BriefExplanation Audience The principal barrier to breast cancer treatment is late detection because of the lack of awareness about self-examination steps. The Health Purse addressed this barrier using a cultural habit to educate them and serve as a reminder for regular checks that could help early detection and save more lives.

    The Health Purse (Sehat Ka Batua)

    案例简介:概要 根据《商业研究杂志》,到 2020年,缺乏乳腺癌的早期诊断可能会导致每年 76,000 名印度女性死亡。在农村地区,威胁更大,3分之1 的妇女不知道乳腺癌,90% 的妇女不知道自我检查乳房的可能性。避免这种灾难的唯一方法是传播意识和鼓励行动。Mahindra Rise 致力于印度农村的健康和安全,不得不进行干预。该运动的目标是创造一个可持续的解决方案,让印度农村的妇女了解乳腺癌,并向她们展示如何以易于理解和理解的方式自我检查做。 战略 印度农村妇女的优先事项是以照顾家庭为中心的。他们既没有时间也没有意愿去考虑自己的健康 -- 经常在等待疾病症状显现到难以治愈的程度。为了增加乳腺癌的早期检测,必须向他们介绍一种新的行为。必须教他们如何检查自己并定期检查。由于媒体在这些村庄的传播范围有限,该运动是一个直接外联方案的一部分,该方案从一个村庄到另一个村庄与妇女接触并教育妇女。这使得信息能够在他们感到安全和舒适的环境中传递。 相关性 健康钱包是一个简单的工具,用于教育和提醒印度农村的妇女定期检查自己是否患有乳腺癌。在印度农村,公开谈论妇女的健康问题是文化上的禁忌,所以提醒媒介必须是个人和亲密的。虽然乳腺癌的发病率在上升,但在这些偏远的村庄,媒体的覆盖面非常低。由于该主题的敏感性,解决办法是直接通过一个外联方案分发这些钱包,该方案从一个村庄到另一个村庄与他们接触并对他们进行教育。 结果 在这一直接外联方案的第一阶段,向 6 个村庄的印度农村妇女分发了 2500 个保健钱包。这种影响可以从以下事实来衡量: a) 印度癌症患者援助协会不仅在这 6 个村庄举办了卫生讲习班,还分发了卫生钱包, 确认消息的相关性。B) Mahindra Rise 和 CPAA 都致力于在今年将这一举措推广到更多的村庄。C) 该方案的任务是帮助妇女了解乳腺癌的严重程度、自我检查的必要性以及提醒自己定期检查的必要性。健康钱包是一个提醒工具,一旦它取代了女性日常生活中的现有钱包,行为改变就会实现。 执行 在马哈拉施特拉邦的其他偏远村庄中,健康钱包是马欣德拉上升乳腺癌/健康意识运动的一部分。这些会议于 2018年3月开始,一直持续到 5 月。Mahindra 与当地医疗保健工作者联系,帮助在社区中心和村庄卫生中心建立提高认识营。他们提前通知村里的妇女,以确保参加在 CPAA-癌症患者援助协会支持下举行的这些会议。一个典型的会议持续大约 2 个小时,在给她们作为提醒的钱包之前,她们被教导如何在家进行乳房自我检查。该倡议正在扩大,以覆盖该国媒体黑暗地区的更多妇女。 活动描述 健康钱包不仅保护你的钱,还保护你免受乳腺癌的危险。影响任何行为改变的最佳方式是依靠现有的文化行为。“Batua” 是传统的印度妇女钱包。印度农村的女性在保护她们的钱方面有一种独特的做法 -- 她们把钱包放在上衣里。这种独特的习惯是否也有助于保护他们免于乳腺癌?基于这个古老的习惯,我们设计了带有女性检查自己的演示视觉效果的钱包 -- 这提醒了我们执行简单的乳房自我检查步骤。这些钱包印在亲肤的布料上,使用 9 种著名的印度民间艺术风格设计。“Batua” 因此成为一个钱包,不仅保护他们的财富,而且保护他们的健康。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 印度没有关于妇女健康意识信息的限制或法规。正常的做法是让医学专家证实这一信息。我们的倡议得到了癌症患者援助协会的支持和实施,该协会是印度癌症预防和指导的杰出组织。 简要解释 观众 巴尔校长由于缺乏对自我检查步骤的认识,对乳腺癌的治疗是晚期检测。健康钱包利用文化习惯来教育他们,并提醒他们进行定期检查,以帮助早期发现并拯救更多生命。

    The Health Purse (Sehat Ka Batua)

    案例简介:Synopsis As per the Journal of Business Research, the lack of early diagnosis of breast cancer could kill 76,000 Indian women a year by 2020. The threat is larger in rural areas where one third of the women are unaware of breast cancer and 90% of them unaware of the possibility of self-examination of their breasts. The only way to avert such a catastrophe is to spread awareness and encourage action. Committed to health and safety of rural India, Mahindra Rise had to intervene. The objective of the campaign is to create a sustainable solution to reach women in rural India and educate them about breast cancer and demonstrate how they could examine themselves in the manner that was easy to understand and to do. Strategy The priorities of the women in rural India are centred around taking care of their families. They have neither the time nor the inclination to think about their own health - very often waiting for symptoms of illness to manifest to a degree that is hard to cure. To increase the early detection of breast cancer, a new behaviour had to be introduced to them. They had to be taught how to examine themselves and to do it regularly. Because the reach of media is limited in these villages, the campaign was part of a direct outreach programme that travelled from village to village to engage with and educate women. This allowed for the message to be delivered in an environment where they felt safe and comfortable. Relevancy The Health Purse is a simple tool that serves to educate and remind women of rural India to check themselves regularly for breast cancer. In rural India, it's culturally taboo to openly talk about women's health issues, so the reminder medium had to be personal and intimate. While incidence of breast cancer is on the rise, media reach is very low in these remote villages. Because of the sensitive nature of the topic, the solution was to hand out these purses directly through an outreach programme that travelled from village to village to engage with and educate them. Outcome In the first phase of this direct outreach programme, 2500 Health Purses were distributed to Rural Indian women across 6 villages. The impact can be gauged from the fact that: a) The Cancer Patients Aid Association of India not only conducted the health workshops in these 6 villages, they also distributed the Health purses, a confirmation of the relevance of the messaging. b) Both Mahindra Rise and the CPAA are committed to spread this initiative to many more villages through the year. c) The task of the programme was to help women understand the severity of breast cancer, the need for self-examination and the necessity to remind themselves to do this regularly. The Health Purse is a reminder tool and once it replaces the existing purses in the womens' daily lives, the behaviour change would have been achieved. Execution The Health Purses were given out as a part of Mahindra Rise breast cancer/health awareness drives in Madkepada, Belwadi, Kinipada, Katkariwadi, Sutarpada, Warkhanda among other remote villages in Maharashtra. These sessions started in March, 2018 and are continuing through till May. Mahindra gets in touch with local healthcare workers to help set up the awareness camps in community centres and village health centres. They inform the women in the village in advance to ensure attendance at these sessions which are conducted with the support of CPAA - Cancer Patients Aid Association. A typical session lasts around 2 hours, where women are taught how to perform a breast self-examination at home, before giving them the purses that serve as a reminder. The initiative is being scaled up to reach even more women in media-dark parts of the country. CampaignDescription The Health Purse A purse that not only protects your money, but protects you from the dangers of Breast Cancer as well. The best way to effect any behaviour change is to ride on existing cultural behaviour. A 'Batua' is the traditional Indian women's purse. Women in rural India have a unique practice when it comes to protecting their money - they keep their purses in their blouses. Could this unique habit also help protect them from breast cancer? Riding on this age-old habit, we designed purses with illustrative visuals of women checking themselves - which served as a reminder to perform the simple breast self-examination steps given inside. The purses were printed on skin-friendly cloth and designed using 9 famous Indian folk-art styles. The 'batua' thus became a purse that didn't just protect their wealth, but their health as well. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes There are no restrictions or regulations regarding women's health awareness messages in India. The normal practice is to get the message corroborated by medical experts. Our initiative was supported and conducted with the Cancer Patients Aid Association - India's pre-eminent organisation for Cancer prevention and guidance. BriefExplanation Audience The principal barrier to breast cancer treatment is late detection because of the lack of awareness about self-examination steps. The Health Purse addressed this barrier using a cultural habit to educate them and serve as a reminder for regular checks that could help early detection and save more lives.

    健康钱包 (Sehat Ka Batua)


    The Health Purse (Sehat Ka Batua)






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (印度 孟买) 制作公司: Bowline




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