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    Safe & Sound Music Player短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 平均而言,每个泰国人拥有 1.5 部智能手机,导致智能手机使用率很高。在过去的几年里,耳机分心一直是道路事故的原因之一,尤其是在城市地区。在泰国,许多行人在路上行走,在手机上听音乐时丧生,因为使用耳机让他们对周围环境一无所知。这些包括汽车、摩托车和火车,这对他们自己和路上的每个人都有危险。LMG 保险公司希望帮助人们意识到并避免这种危及生命的风险。但是我们如何帮助拯救他们的生命。当音乐是他们的生命? 结果 安全和声音音乐播放器受到音乐爱好者和重要公众人物的赞赏,包括曼谷顾问、泰国艺术家和记者。“城市人民的最佳应用程序! sutha Nitipanont-曼谷顾问 “智能功能,大影响” Kaona Pongpipat-曼谷邮报记者 “音乐爱好者的精彩应用! “STOONDIO-泰国崛起的歌手兼词曲作者 · 20% 的应用用户打电话给 LMG 呼叫中心,了解更多保险套餐信息。该应用程序自发布以来已经被激活了 150,000 多次,并且还在计数。•最重要的是,人们目前每天 6,000 小时安全地听音乐。 执行 引入安全和声音音乐播放器,这是世界上第一个音乐应用程序,旨在为市民提供更安全的音乐体验,享受音乐,同时避免道路事故。我们将谷歌地图集成到应用程序中,并在每部智能手机中使用位置跟踪技术来激活内置模式,以便在用户是否在街上按位置跟踪他们。这允许用户从应用程序中播放他们的曲调,并戴着耳机走路。当他们接近主干道或轨道时,应用程序会自动降低音乐音量,并激活麦克风,让周围的噪音进来。通过这样做,人们可以意识到周围的环境,降低事故的风险。该应用程序可供全球每个音乐爱好者在 Google Play 上下载。用户也可以直接从应用程序中拨打 LMG 保险,了解保险套餐的更多细节。 战略 LMG 保险公司希望推广 LMG 的意外保险计划,帮助人们意识到并避免耳机分心带来的危及生命的风险。但是我们如何帮助拯救他们的生命。当音乐是他们的生命?有几次关于街上耳机干扰的危险的运动,都要求他们通过不在街上听音乐来改变他们的行为,但是没有一个有效。策略是找到新的方式来激活人们享受音乐,同时变得更安全,而不改变他们的行为。 活动描述 引入安全和声音音乐播放器,世界上第一个音乐移动应用程序,为市民提供更安全的音乐体验。音乐播放器应用程序中的内置模式允许每个人享受音乐,同时避免道路事故。通过集成位置跟踪功能,用户可以直接从应用程序播放他们的曲调,并戴着耳机走路。当他们接近主要道路或铁路时,事故主要发生在那里, 该应用程序将自动将音乐音量降低到 70%,并激活麦克风,以允许周围的噪音在 30% 之前进入。通过这样做,人们可以更了解周围的环境,降低事故的风险。该应用程序可供每个音乐爱好者在 Google Play 上下载。用户也可以直接从应用程序中拨打 LMG 保险,了解保险套餐的更多细节。


    案例简介:Synopsis On average, every Thai people own 1.5 smartphone, Leading to high smartphone usage. In these past years, headphones distraction has been one of the causes of road accidents, especially in city area. Numbers of pedestrians in Thailand have lost their lives while walking on road and listening to the music they love on the phone because using headphones make them unaware of the surroundings. These include car, motorbike, and train, which can be dangerous to themselves and everyone on the road.LMG Insurance wants to help people to be aware and avoid this life-threatening risk. But how can we help save their life ..when music is their life? Outcome • Safe & Sound Music Player is appreciated by music lovers and significant public figures, including Bangkok Counselor, Thai artists, and journalist. "Best app for city people!”Sutha Nitipanont – Bangkok Counselor“Smart feature, big impact”Kaona Pongpipat – Bangkok Post Journalist“Brilliant app for music lovers!”STOONDIO – Thailand’s rising singer-songwriter• 20% of app users called LMG Call Center for further insurance package information.• The app has been activated more than 150,000 times since launched and still counting. • Most importantly, people are currently listening to music safely 6,000 hours a day. Execution Introducing SAFE & SOUND Music Player, The world’s first music app that was designed for pedestrians’ safer music experience, enjoying the music while also avoiding road accidents. We integrated Google Map into the app and utilized the Location Tracking technology in each smartphone to activate built-in mode to track user by location if they are on the street or not. This allows users to play their tunes from the app and walk with their headphones on. When they approach main road or a rail track, the app will automatically lower the volume of the music and activating the microphone to allow the surroundings noise to come in. By doing so, people can be aware of the surroundings, lowering the risk of accidents. The app is available for every music lovers worldwide to download on Google Play. User can also call LMG insurance directly from the app for further details about insurance package. Strategy LMG Insurance wants to promote LMG's accident insurance package and help people to be aware and avoid life-threatening risk of headphone distraction. But how can we help save their life ..when music is their life ? There were several campaigns about the danger of headphone distractions on the street, all asking them to change their behavior by not to listen to the music on the street but none of them worked effectively. The strategy is to find the new way to activate people to enjoy the music and be safer at the same time, without changing their behavior. Campaign Description Introducing SAFE & SOUND Music Player, The world’s first music mobile app for pedestrians’ safer music experience. The built-in mode in music player app allows everyone to enjoy the music while also avoiding road accident. By integrating the Location Tracking feature, users can play their tunes right from the app and walk with their headphones on. When they approach main road or a rail track, where accidents mostly occur, the app will automatically lower the volume of the music to 70% and activating the microphone to allow the surrounding noise to come in by 30%. By doing so, people can be more aware of the surrounding, lowering the risk of accidents. The app is available for every music lovers to download on Google Play. User can also call LMG insurance directly from the app for further details about insurance package.

    Safe & Sound Music Player

    案例简介:概要 平均而言,每个泰国人拥有 1.5 部智能手机,导致智能手机使用率很高。在过去的几年里,耳机分心一直是道路事故的原因之一,尤其是在城市地区。在泰国,许多行人在路上行走,在手机上听音乐时丧生,因为使用耳机让他们对周围环境一无所知。这些包括汽车、摩托车和火车,这对他们自己和路上的每个人都有危险。LMG 保险公司希望帮助人们意识到并避免这种危及生命的风险。但是我们如何帮助拯救他们的生命。当音乐是他们的生命? 结果 安全和声音音乐播放器受到音乐爱好者和重要公众人物的赞赏,包括曼谷顾问、泰国艺术家和记者。“城市人民的最佳应用程序! sutha Nitipanont-曼谷顾问 “智能功能,大影响” Kaona Pongpipat-曼谷邮报记者 “音乐爱好者的精彩应用! “STOONDIO-泰国崛起的歌手兼词曲作者 · 20% 的应用用户打电话给 LMG 呼叫中心,了解更多保险套餐信息。该应用程序自发布以来已经被激活了 150,000 多次,并且还在计数。•最重要的是,人们目前每天 6,000 小时安全地听音乐。 执行 引入安全和声音音乐播放器,这是世界上第一个音乐应用程序,旨在为市民提供更安全的音乐体验,享受音乐,同时避免道路事故。我们将谷歌地图集成到应用程序中,并在每部智能手机中使用位置跟踪技术来激活内置模式,以便在用户是否在街上按位置跟踪他们。这允许用户从应用程序中播放他们的曲调,并戴着耳机走路。当他们接近主干道或轨道时,应用程序会自动降低音乐音量,并激活麦克风,让周围的噪音进来。通过这样做,人们可以意识到周围的环境,降低事故的风险。该应用程序可供全球每个音乐爱好者在 Google Play 上下载。用户也可以直接从应用程序中拨打 LMG 保险,了解保险套餐的更多细节。 战略 LMG 保险公司希望推广 LMG 的意外保险计划,帮助人们意识到并避免耳机分心带来的危及生命的风险。但是我们如何帮助拯救他们的生命。当音乐是他们的生命?有几次关于街上耳机干扰的危险的运动,都要求他们通过不在街上听音乐来改变他们的行为,但是没有一个有效。策略是找到新的方式来激活人们享受音乐,同时变得更安全,而不改变他们的行为。 活动描述 引入安全和声音音乐播放器,世界上第一个音乐移动应用程序,为市民提供更安全的音乐体验。音乐播放器应用程序中的内置模式允许每个人享受音乐,同时避免道路事故。通过集成位置跟踪功能,用户可以直接从应用程序播放他们的曲调,并戴着耳机走路。当他们接近主要道路或铁路时,事故主要发生在那里, 该应用程序将自动将音乐音量降低到 70%,并激活麦克风,以允许周围的噪音在 30% 之前进入。通过这样做,人们可以更了解周围的环境,降低事故的风险。该应用程序可供每个音乐爱好者在 Google Play 上下载。用户也可以直接从应用程序中拨打 LMG 保险,了解保险套餐的更多细节。

    Safe & Sound Music Player

    案例简介:Synopsis On average, every Thai people own 1.5 smartphone, Leading to high smartphone usage. In these past years, headphones distraction has been one of the causes of road accidents, especially in city area. Numbers of pedestrians in Thailand have lost their lives while walking on road and listening to the music they love on the phone because using headphones make them unaware of the surroundings. These include car, motorbike, and train, which can be dangerous to themselves and everyone on the road.LMG Insurance wants to help people to be aware and avoid this life-threatening risk. But how can we help save their life ..when music is their life? Outcome • Safe & Sound Music Player is appreciated by music lovers and significant public figures, including Bangkok Counselor, Thai artists, and journalist. "Best app for city people!”Sutha Nitipanont – Bangkok Counselor“Smart feature, big impact”Kaona Pongpipat – Bangkok Post Journalist“Brilliant app for music lovers!”STOONDIO – Thailand’s rising singer-songwriter• 20% of app users called LMG Call Center for further insurance package information.• The app has been activated more than 150,000 times since launched and still counting. • Most importantly, people are currently listening to music safely 6,000 hours a day. Execution Introducing SAFE & SOUND Music Player, The world’s first music app that was designed for pedestrians’ safer music experience, enjoying the music while also avoiding road accidents. We integrated Google Map into the app and utilized the Location Tracking technology in each smartphone to activate built-in mode to track user by location if they are on the street or not. This allows users to play their tunes from the app and walk with their headphones on. When they approach main road or a rail track, the app will automatically lower the volume of the music and activating the microphone to allow the surroundings noise to come in. By doing so, people can be aware of the surroundings, lowering the risk of accidents. The app is available for every music lovers worldwide to download on Google Play. User can also call LMG insurance directly from the app for further details about insurance package. Strategy LMG Insurance wants to promote LMG's accident insurance package and help people to be aware and avoid life-threatening risk of headphone distraction. But how can we help save their life ..when music is their life ? There were several campaigns about the danger of headphone distractions on the street, all asking them to change their behavior by not to listen to the music on the street but none of them worked effectively. The strategy is to find the new way to activate people to enjoy the music and be safer at the same time, without changing their behavior. Campaign Description Introducing SAFE & SOUND Music Player, The world’s first music mobile app for pedestrians’ safer music experience. The built-in mode in music player app allows everyone to enjoy the music while also avoiding road accident. By integrating the Location Tracking feature, users can play their tunes right from the app and walk with their headphones on. When they approach main road or a rail track, where accidents mostly occur, the app will automatically lower the volume of the music to 70% and activating the microphone to allow the surrounding noise to come in by 30%. By doing so, people can be more aware of the surrounding, lowering the risk of accidents. The app is available for every music lovers to download on Google Play. User can also call LMG insurance directly from the app for further details about insurance package.



    Safe & Sound Music Player






    广告公司: 天联 (泰国 曼谷)




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