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    Chrome Experiments: Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker短视频广告营销案例



    铬实验: 铬音乐实验室: 歌曲制作

    案例简介:概要 Chrome 音乐实验室的创建是为了让每个人通过有趣的动手实验更容易了解音乐和声音。我们喜欢听到教育工作者以令人兴奋的方式使用它,比如探索音乐及其与科学、数学、艺术、舞蹈等的联系。受这些教育工作者、音乐家和所有喜欢它的人的启发,今年我们决定用一个名为 “歌曲制作” 的音乐创作工具来扩展 Chrome 音乐实验室。 结果 -这次发射受到了老师和媒体 (边缘,每日点,干草叉,推子) 的广泛赞扬,在社交上,人们分享了很多创作。甚至野兽男孩制作人也创作了一首歌!-240万个用户对歌曲制作人的 120万次访问-大约 8 分钟的平均浏览时间-1580万次页面浏览-#1 embed 有超过 67k 的浏览-800 个国际用户 执行 我们的目标是为每个人建立一个简单易用、易于访问、免费的音乐创作工具。专注于这一点,把用户放在第一位,让我们能够设计和构建歌曲制作人 -- 这是一个对任何有兴趣探索音乐和创造自己音乐的人都很有趣和有用的工具。Song Maker 是一个实验,首先是为了成为用户,并希望任何好奇的人都可以成为创作者,甚至只是享受声音的修补和探索。歌曲制作人已经证明了这一点,从被用作一个完整的音乐创作工具到对音乐感兴趣的人的灵感和玩具。我们通过利用 Tone 等技术创造了基于浏览器的体验。 JS 和网络音频 API,产生了一个易于使用的工具,不需要创建帐户或登录,并允许通过一个简单的链接轻松共享,任何人都可以立即听到你做了什么。通过将工具放入世界中供任何人访问,它已经发展了自己的腿,并继续成为灵感和创造的平台。 活动描述 音乐应该适合每个人,调查今天网络上现有音乐工具的广度让我们意识到缺少了一些东西。有有限的免费和开放的音乐创作工具,门槛低,易于使用的界面。我们想创建一个简单的音乐制作工具,具有直观的设计,供每个人使用和实验。歌曲制作是任何人制作歌曲的一种简单方法,然后用链接分享它 -- 不需要登录或创建账户。任何人都可以立即听到你做了什么,甚至即兴创作自己的歌曲。它生活在网络上,所以你不需要安装任何应用程序来尝试它。而且,它可以跨设备工作 -- 手机、平板电脑、电脑。

    铬实验: 铬音乐实验室: 歌曲制作

    案例简介:Synopsis Chrome Music Lab was created to make learning about music and sounds more accessible to everyone through fun, hands-on experiments. We’ve loved hearing from educators who have been using it in exciting ways, like exploring music and its connections to science, math, art, dance, and more. Inspired by these educators, musicians, and everyone who has enjoyed it, this year we decided to expand Chrome Music Lab with a music creation tool called Song Maker. Outcome - The launch was widely praised by teachers and press (Verge, Daily Dot, Pitchfork, Fader), and on social, people shared lots of creations. Even the Beastie Boys producer made a song! - 2.4 million visits to song maker across 1.2 million users - ~8 minute average view time - 15.8 million pageviews - #1 embed had more than 67k views - 800k international users Execution Our goal was to build a simple to use, easy to access, free music creation tool for everyone. Focusing on this and putting the user first allowed us to design and build Song Maker - a tool that is fun and useful for anyone interested in exploring music and creating their own. Song Maker was an experiment designed above all to be user first and with the hope that anyone who is curious can become creators or even just enjoy tinkering and exploring with sound. Song Maker has proved to be just that, and has ranged from being used as a full music creation tool to simply an inspiration and toy for anyone interested in music. We created a browser based experience by leveraging technologies such Tone.JS and Web Audio API, resulting in an easy to use tool that requires no account creation or log-in and allows for easy sharing through a simple link for anyone to instantly hear what you made. By putting the tool out into the world for anyone to access it has grown legs of its own and continues to be a platform for inspiration and creation. CampaignDescription Music should be for everyone, and surveying the existing breadth of music tools on the web today made us realize something was missing. There are limited free and open music creation tools with low barriers to entry and an easy to use interface. We wanted to create a simple music making tool with an intuitive design for everyone to use and experiment with. Song Maker is a simple way for anyone to make a song, then share it with a link—no need to log in or make an account. Anyone can instantly hear what you made, and even riff on it to make their own song. It lives on the web, so you don’t need to install any apps to try it. And, it works across devices—phones, tablets, computers.

    Chrome Experiments: Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker

    案例简介:概要 Chrome 音乐实验室的创建是为了让每个人通过有趣的动手实验更容易了解音乐和声音。我们喜欢听到教育工作者以令人兴奋的方式使用它,比如探索音乐及其与科学、数学、艺术、舞蹈等的联系。受这些教育工作者、音乐家和所有喜欢它的人的启发,今年我们决定用一个名为 “歌曲制作” 的音乐创作工具来扩展 Chrome 音乐实验室。 结果 -这次发射受到了老师和媒体 (边缘,每日点,干草叉,推子) 的广泛赞扬,在社交上,人们分享了很多创作。甚至野兽男孩制作人也创作了一首歌!-240万个用户对歌曲制作人的 120万次访问-大约 8 分钟的平均浏览时间-1580万次页面浏览-#1 embed 有超过 67k 的浏览-800 个国际用户 执行 我们的目标是为每个人建立一个简单易用、易于访问、免费的音乐创作工具。专注于这一点,把用户放在第一位,让我们能够设计和构建歌曲制作人 -- 这是一个对任何有兴趣探索音乐和创造自己音乐的人都很有趣和有用的工具。Song Maker 是一个实验,首先是为了成为用户,并希望任何好奇的人都可以成为创作者,甚至只是享受声音的修补和探索。歌曲制作人已经证明了这一点,从被用作一个完整的音乐创作工具到对音乐感兴趣的人的灵感和玩具。我们通过利用 Tone 等技术创造了基于浏览器的体验。 JS 和网络音频 API,产生了一个易于使用的工具,不需要创建帐户或登录,并允许通过一个简单的链接轻松共享,任何人都可以立即听到你做了什么。通过将工具放入世界中供任何人访问,它已经发展了自己的腿,并继续成为灵感和创造的平台。 活动描述 音乐应该适合每个人,调查今天网络上现有音乐工具的广度让我们意识到缺少了一些东西。有有限的免费和开放的音乐创作工具,门槛低,易于使用的界面。我们想创建一个简单的音乐制作工具,具有直观的设计,供每个人使用和实验。歌曲制作是任何人制作歌曲的一种简单方法,然后用链接分享它 -- 不需要登录或创建账户。任何人都可以立即听到你做了什么,甚至即兴创作自己的歌曲。它生活在网络上,所以你不需要安装任何应用程序来尝试它。而且,它可以跨设备工作 -- 手机、平板电脑、电脑。

    Chrome Experiments: Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker

    案例简介:Synopsis Chrome Music Lab was created to make learning about music and sounds more accessible to everyone through fun, hands-on experiments. We’ve loved hearing from educators who have been using it in exciting ways, like exploring music and its connections to science, math, art, dance, and more. Inspired by these educators, musicians, and everyone who has enjoyed it, this year we decided to expand Chrome Music Lab with a music creation tool called Song Maker. Outcome - The launch was widely praised by teachers and press (Verge, Daily Dot, Pitchfork, Fader), and on social, people shared lots of creations. Even the Beastie Boys producer made a song! - 2.4 million visits to song maker across 1.2 million users - ~8 minute average view time - 15.8 million pageviews - #1 embed had more than 67k views - 800k international users Execution Our goal was to build a simple to use, easy to access, free music creation tool for everyone. Focusing on this and putting the user first allowed us to design and build Song Maker - a tool that is fun and useful for anyone interested in exploring music and creating their own. Song Maker was an experiment designed above all to be user first and with the hope that anyone who is curious can become creators or even just enjoy tinkering and exploring with sound. Song Maker has proved to be just that, and has ranged from being used as a full music creation tool to simply an inspiration and toy for anyone interested in music. We created a browser based experience by leveraging technologies such Tone.JS and Web Audio API, resulting in an easy to use tool that requires no account creation or log-in and allows for easy sharing through a simple link for anyone to instantly hear what you made. By putting the tool out into the world for anyone to access it has grown legs of its own and continues to be a platform for inspiration and creation. CampaignDescription Music should be for everyone, and surveying the existing breadth of music tools on the web today made us realize something was missing. There are limited free and open music creation tools with low barriers to entry and an easy to use interface. We wanted to create a simple music making tool with an intuitive design for everyone to use and experiment with. Song Maker is a simple way for anyone to make a song, then share it with a link—no need to log in or make an account. Anyone can instantly hear what you made, and even riff on it to make their own song. It lives on the web, so you don’t need to install any apps to try it. And, it works across devices—phones, tablets, computers.

    铬实验: 铬音乐实验室: 歌曲制作


    Chrome Experiments: Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker










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