90% reported less straining to defecate. When you're done, just fold the magazine back up. And it's ready for your next #2. Cultural/Context information for the jury Brazilians are famous for being extroverts. But when it comes to the bathoom experience, poo is taboo. And there is much to improve – starting by the poop position. Neve®, the leading toilet paper in Brazil, decided to break the taboo with a solution that had always been there: the good old bathroom magazine. So we came up with a publication that sparks this dialogue, provides information and functional support for the ideal poo position, and disguises perfectly as a bathroom magazine."> Number 2 Magazine|海报/平面|广告营销案例【ADGuider广告指南】
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    案例简介:描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 巴西的医疗保健沟通受到严格监管。Rx品牌只能以无品牌的方式接近非hcp。所有主张都必须得到科学证据的支持,并在索引期刊上发表的研究支持。宣传运动应该是教育性的,而不是给民众带来恐惧。 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 蹲着是便便的自然姿势。但是西方的厕所阻止了我们-这可能会导致便秘,结肠疾病,痔疮。如果一个领先的卫生纸品牌可以帮助人们以一种有趣和谨慎的方式达到理想的位置,该怎么办? 写一个关于抵押品执行的简短总结 金伯利·克拉克 (Kimberly-Clark) 的第二本杂志是第一本帮助您便便的杂志。这是每个人的完美厕所伴侣。 它由胃肠病学家,直肠科医生,营养学家以及Neve交给患者。®舒适加样品。 每个问题都有一个时尚的封面,灵感来自女性患者便秘时的挣扎经历-或便秘消失时的自由。 在内部,有关纤维,营养,水合作用和消化健康的信息。 对于大结局…… 只需将其封面连接在一起,2号变成1英尺凳子,将膝盖抬高到完美的35度角。科学数据显示,这是理想的poo位置,不受常规厕所造成的压力: > 71% 报告了更快的排便; > 5倍以上的人报告 “非常容易” 的体验; > 90% 报告排便的压力较小。 完成后,只需将杂志折叠起来。它已经为你的下一个 #2做好了准备。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 巴西人以外向而闻名。但是当涉及到 沐浴体验,便便是禁忌。还有很多需要改进的地方-从便便位置开始。 内夫®,巴西领先的卫生纸,决定用一种一直存在的解决方案打破禁忌: 《旧浴室杂志》。 因此,我们想出了一份出版物,激发了这种对话,为理想的便便位置提供了信息和功能支持,并完美地伪装成浴室杂志。


    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: Healthcare communication is strictly regulated in Brazil. Rx brands can only approach non-HCPs in an unbranded way. All claims must be supported by scientific evidence backed by studies published on indexed journals. Awareness campaigns should be educational and not inflict fear on the population. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Squatting is the natural position to poo. But Western toilets prevent us from that – which may cause constipation, colon disease, hemorrhoids. What if a leading toilet paper brand could help people achieve the ideal position, in a fun and discreet way? Write a short summary about the collateral execution Number 2 by Kimberly-Clark is the first magazine that helps you poo. It's everyone's perfect toilet companion. It's handed to patients by gastroenterologists, proctologists, nutritionists, along with Neve® Comfort Plus samples. Every issue has a stylish cover inspired in the struggles female patients experience when constipated – or in the freedom they feel when constipation is gone. On the inside, information on fiber, nutrition, hydration and digestive health. And for the grand finale… just join its covers together, and Number 2 becomes a foot stool that raises your knees to a perfect 35-degree angle. Scientific data shows this is the ideal position to poo, free from the strain caused by conventional toilets: > 71% reported faster bowel movements; > 5x more people report a "very easy" experience; > 90% reported less straining to defecate. When you're done, just fold the magazine back up. And it's ready for your next #2. Cultural/Context information for the jury Brazilians are famous for being extroverts. But when it comes to the bathoom experience, poo is taboo. And there is much to improve – starting by the poop position. Neve®, the leading toilet paper in Brazil, decided to break the taboo with a solution that had always been there: the good old bathroom magazine. So we came up with a publication that sparks this dialogue, provides information and functional support for the ideal poo position, and disguises perfectly as a bathroom magazine.

    Number 2 Magazine

    案例简介:描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 巴西的医疗保健沟通受到严格监管。Rx品牌只能以无品牌的方式接近非hcp。所有主张都必须得到科学证据的支持,并在索引期刊上发表的研究支持。宣传运动应该是教育性的,而不是给民众带来恐惧。 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 蹲着是便便的自然姿势。但是西方的厕所阻止了我们-这可能会导致便秘,结肠疾病,痔疮。如果一个领先的卫生纸品牌可以帮助人们以一种有趣和谨慎的方式达到理想的位置,该怎么办? 写一个关于抵押品执行的简短总结 金伯利·克拉克 (Kimberly-Clark) 的第二本杂志是第一本帮助您便便的杂志。这是每个人的完美厕所伴侣。 它由胃肠病学家,直肠科医生,营养学家以及Neve交给患者。®舒适加样品。 每个问题都有一个时尚的封面,灵感来自女性患者便秘时的挣扎经历-或便秘消失时的自由。 在内部,有关纤维,营养,水合作用和消化健康的信息。 对于大结局…… 只需将其封面连接在一起,2号变成1英尺凳子,将膝盖抬高到完美的35度角。科学数据显示,这是理想的poo位置,不受常规厕所造成的压力: > 71% 报告了更快的排便; > 5倍以上的人报告 “非常容易” 的体验; > 90% 报告排便的压力较小。 完成后,只需将杂志折叠起来。它已经为你的下一个 #2做好了准备。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 巴西人以外向而闻名。但是当涉及到 沐浴体验,便便是禁忌。还有很多需要改进的地方-从便便位置开始。 内夫®,巴西领先的卫生纸,决定用一种一直存在的解决方案打破禁忌: 《旧浴室杂志》。 因此,我们想出了一份出版物,激发了这种对话,为理想的便便位置提供了信息和功能支持,并完美地伪装成浴室杂志。

    Number 2 Magazine

    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: Healthcare communication is strictly regulated in Brazil. Rx brands can only approach non-HCPs in an unbranded way. All claims must be supported by scientific evidence backed by studies published on indexed journals. Awareness campaigns should be educational and not inflict fear on the population. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Squatting is the natural position to poo. But Western toilets prevent us from that – which may cause constipation, colon disease, hemorrhoids. What if a leading toilet paper brand could help people achieve the ideal position, in a fun and discreet way? Write a short summary about the collateral execution Number 2 by Kimberly-Clark is the first magazine that helps you poo. It's everyone's perfect toilet companion. It's handed to patients by gastroenterologists, proctologists, nutritionists, along with Neve® Comfort Plus samples. Every issue has a stylish cover inspired in the struggles female patients experience when constipated – or in the freedom they feel when constipation is gone. On the inside, information on fiber, nutrition, hydration and digestive health. And for the grand finale… just join its covers together, and Number 2 becomes a foot stool that raises your knees to a perfect 35-degree angle. Scientific data shows this is the ideal position to poo, free from the strain caused by conventional toilets: > 71% reported faster bowel movements; > 5x more people report a "very easy" experience; > 90% reported less straining to defecate. When you're done, just fold the magazine back up. And it's ready for your next #2. Cultural/Context information for the jury Brazilians are famous for being extroverts. But when it comes to the bathoom experience, poo is taboo. And there is much to improve – starting by the poop position. Neve®, the leading toilet paper in Brazil, decided to break the taboo with a solution that had always been there: the good old bathroom magazine. So we came up with a publication that sparks this dialogue, provides information and functional support for the ideal poo position, and disguises perfectly as a bathroom magazine.



    Number 2 Magazine










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