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    从灰烬到艺术 | Ash to Art短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:执行 为了展示我们的 25 件新艺术品,我们需要一个既著名又便于公众访问的展览空间。因此,我们选择了佳士得位于伦敦金街的全球总部来展示这一非常特殊的独特作品。展览于 2017年3月3日向公众开放,为期四天,然后于 3月8日在佳士得的战后和当代拍卖会上拍卖。尽管处决的范围很广,从雕塑到绘画,从绘画到陶瓷,所有的艺术品都包含了学校毁灭的主线,同时也拥有了它的重生。透过浅灰色的墙壁、阴沉的灯光和微妙的制服,这个空间既是对图书馆死亡的恰当纪念,也是为纪念曾经的一切提供了安静、反光的空间, 而是去想象和激励未来。 概要 2014年5月,格拉斯哥艺术学院被大火摧毁。它是英国最具标志性的建筑之一,也是最成功的艺术学校的所在地。这座建筑本身就是一件艺术品。不幸的是,大火摧毁了麦金托什图书馆,这是世界上最著名的新艺术主义室内设计之一,也是苏格兰建筑师查尔斯 · 雷尼 · 麦金托什的杰作。格拉斯哥艺术学院是一个国际知名的机构,特纳奖 (英国最负盛名的当代艺术奖) 的获奖者比任何其他学校都多。火灾发生后,学校从英国政府那里得到的财政帮助有限,需要一个变革性的想法来为重建筹集资金和宣传。 活动描述 灰到艺术。我们的想法利用了艺术界的团结,从火中把灰烬送给 25 位世界著名的艺术家,并要求他们创作一件新的艺术品, 然后将在世界上最大的拍卖行佳士得拍卖,以重建学校。每一块灰烬都被一个标签赋予了强大的含义和背景,标签上写着 “书柜”。查尔斯 · 雷尼 · 麦金托什C.1909 '。这些备受喜爱的艺术学校的有力提醒触动了即使是最慈善机构疲惫的艺术家的心。使用经典的艺术学校材料 -- 木炭 -- 让学校重生,引起了艺术家的共鸣。一位艺术家说,“这就像收到了一个亲爱的朋友的骨灰”,另一位说,“它释放了火的味道”。在向他们提供简单的原材料时,我们给了艺术家一个公开的简报,允许他们自由表达自我。 结果 火灾发生 3 年后,格拉斯哥艺术学院再次成为大新闻,因为我们的展览和拍卖吸引了来自世界各地的艺术爱好者。艺术家们创作了一套创造性的、多样化的作品,使旧建筑永垂不朽,将火的卑微副产品提升为 25 件标志性艺术作品的遗产。为期 3 天的展览吸引了 10,000 多人进入佳士得,并获得了艺术界主要影响者的大规模报道和积极评价,达到英国人口的 42%。拍卖现场直播,吸引了全球关注,吸引了来自全球 28 个国家的投标。拍卖导致总销售额为 706,438 英镑,还有更多的作品有待出售,我们的总销售额预计将远远超过 100万英镑。 战略 当一场毁灭性的大火摧毁了英国最重要的创造力中心之一的过去、现在和潜在的未来时,全球艺术界感受到了大量的情感。震惊。悲伤。悲伤。我们想利用这个艺术社区的情感来筹集资金和宣传来重建学校。

    案例简介:Execution To exhibit our 25 new artworks, we required an exhibition space that was both renowned and accessible to the general public. Therefore we chose Christie’s global headquarters in King St, London to exhibit this very special body of unique work. The exhibition was launched with a special press-event before opening to the general public on March 3rd 2017 and lasting four days, before going for auction on March 8th at Christie’s Post-War and Contemporary day sale. Despite the vast range of executions, from sculpture to drawing, painting to ceramic, all artworks contained the central thread of the school’s destruction, while simultaneously possessing its rebirth. Through the light grey walls, somber lights and subtle livery, the space was both a fitting memorial to the library’s death and provided the quiet, reflective space to both commemorate what once was, but to imagine and inspire what will be. Synopsis In May 2014, The Glasgow School of Art was devastated by fire. It was one of the UK’s most iconic buildings and home to its most successful art school. The building itself was a work of art. Tragically, the fire destroyed the Mackintosh Library, one of the world’s most famous Art Nouveau interiors and the masterpiece of visionary Scottish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh. The Glasgow School of Art is an internationally renowned institution and has produced more winners of the Turner Prize (the UK’s most prestigious contemporary art prize) than any other school. After the fire, the School received limited financial help from the UK government and needed a transformational idea to raise funds and publicity for the rebuild. CampaignDescription Ash to Art. Our idea harnessed the solidarity of the artistic community by sending ash from the fire to 25 world-famous artists, and asking them to create a new piece of art, which would then be auctioned at Christie’s, the world’s biggest auction house, to rebuild the School. Each piece of ash was given powerful meaning and context by a label identifying it as ‘Bookcase. Charles Rennie Mackintosh. C. 1909’. These powerful reminders of a much-loved art school touched the hearts of even the most charity-fatigued artists. The use of that classic art school material – charcoal – to reincarnate the School, struck a chord with artists. One of the artists said, “it was like receiving the ashes of a dear friend” and another said, “it released the smell of the fire”. In supplying them with simply a raw material, we gave artists an open brief allowing free reign for their self-expression. Outcome 3 years after the fire, The Glasgow School of Art became big news again as our exhibition and auction captured the attention of art lovers from around the world. The artists produced an inventive, diverse body of work that immortalised the old building, elevating the humble by-product of the fire into a legacy of 25 iconic pieces of art.The 3 day exhibition brought over 10,000 people into Christie’s and received mass coverage and positive reviews from key influencers in the artistic community, reaching 42% of the UK population. The auction was live streamed and drew global attention, attracting bids from 28 countries worldwide. The auction resulted in total sales of £706,438, and with further pieces still to be sold, our total is expected to be well in excess of £1 million. Strategy When a destructive fire wiped out the past, present and potentially the future of one of the UK’s most important centers of creativity, the global artistic community felt a flood of emotions. Shock. Grief. Sadness. We wanted to harness the emotion of this artistic community to raise money and publicity to rebuild the School.

    从灰烬到艺术 | Ash to Art

    案例简介:执行 为了展示我们的 25 件新艺术品,我们需要一个既著名又便于公众访问的展览空间。因此,我们选择了佳士得位于伦敦金街的全球总部来展示这一非常特殊的独特作品。展览于 2017年3月3日向公众开放,为期四天,然后于 3月8日在佳士得的战后和当代拍卖会上拍卖。尽管处决的范围很广,从雕塑到绘画,从绘画到陶瓷,所有的艺术品都包含了学校毁灭的主线,同时也拥有了它的重生。透过浅灰色的墙壁、阴沉的灯光和微妙的制服,这个空间既是对图书馆死亡的恰当纪念,也是为纪念曾经的一切提供了安静、反光的空间, 而是去想象和激励未来。 概要 2014年5月,格拉斯哥艺术学院被大火摧毁。它是英国最具标志性的建筑之一,也是最成功的艺术学校的所在地。这座建筑本身就是一件艺术品。不幸的是,大火摧毁了麦金托什图书馆,这是世界上最著名的新艺术主义室内设计之一,也是苏格兰建筑师查尔斯 · 雷尼 · 麦金托什的杰作。格拉斯哥艺术学院是一个国际知名的机构,特纳奖 (英国最负盛名的当代艺术奖) 的获奖者比任何其他学校都多。火灾发生后,学校从英国政府那里得到的财政帮助有限,需要一个变革性的想法来为重建筹集资金和宣传。 活动描述 灰到艺术。我们的想法利用了艺术界的团结,从火中把灰烬送给 25 位世界著名的艺术家,并要求他们创作一件新的艺术品, 然后将在世界上最大的拍卖行佳士得拍卖,以重建学校。每一块灰烬都被一个标签赋予了强大的含义和背景,标签上写着 “书柜”。查尔斯 · 雷尼 · 麦金托什C.1909 '。这些备受喜爱的艺术学校的有力提醒触动了即使是最慈善机构疲惫的艺术家的心。使用经典的艺术学校材料 -- 木炭 -- 让学校重生,引起了艺术家的共鸣。一位艺术家说,“这就像收到了一个亲爱的朋友的骨灰”,另一位说,“它释放了火的味道”。在向他们提供简单的原材料时,我们给了艺术家一个公开的简报,允许他们自由表达自我。 结果 火灾发生 3 年后,格拉斯哥艺术学院再次成为大新闻,因为我们的展览和拍卖吸引了来自世界各地的艺术爱好者。艺术家们创作了一套创造性的、多样化的作品,使旧建筑永垂不朽,将火的卑微副产品提升为 25 件标志性艺术作品的遗产。为期 3 天的展览吸引了 10,000 多人进入佳士得,并获得了艺术界主要影响者的大规模报道和积极评价,达到英国人口的 42%。拍卖现场直播,吸引了全球关注,吸引了来自全球 28 个国家的投标。拍卖导致总销售额为 706,438 英镑,还有更多的作品有待出售,我们的总销售额预计将远远超过 100万英镑。 战略 当一场毁灭性的大火摧毁了英国最重要的创造力中心之一的过去、现在和潜在的未来时,全球艺术界感受到了大量的情感。震惊。悲伤。悲伤。我们想利用这个艺术社区的情感来筹集资金和宣传来重建学校。

    从灰烬到艺术 | Ash to Art

    案例简介:Execution To exhibit our 25 new artworks, we required an exhibition space that was both renowned and accessible to the general public. Therefore we chose Christie’s global headquarters in King St, London to exhibit this very special body of unique work. The exhibition was launched with a special press-event before opening to the general public on March 3rd 2017 and lasting four days, before going for auction on March 8th at Christie’s Post-War and Contemporary day sale. Despite the vast range of executions, from sculpture to drawing, painting to ceramic, all artworks contained the central thread of the school’s destruction, while simultaneously possessing its rebirth. Through the light grey walls, somber lights and subtle livery, the space was both a fitting memorial to the library’s death and provided the quiet, reflective space to both commemorate what once was, but to imagine and inspire what will be. Synopsis In May 2014, The Glasgow School of Art was devastated by fire. It was one of the UK’s most iconic buildings and home to its most successful art school. The building itself was a work of art. Tragically, the fire destroyed the Mackintosh Library, one of the world’s most famous Art Nouveau interiors and the masterpiece of visionary Scottish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh. The Glasgow School of Art is an internationally renowned institution and has produced more winners of the Turner Prize (the UK’s most prestigious contemporary art prize) than any other school. After the fire, the School received limited financial help from the UK government and needed a transformational idea to raise funds and publicity for the rebuild. CampaignDescription Ash to Art. Our idea harnessed the solidarity of the artistic community by sending ash from the fire to 25 world-famous artists, and asking them to create a new piece of art, which would then be auctioned at Christie’s, the world’s biggest auction house, to rebuild the School. Each piece of ash was given powerful meaning and context by a label identifying it as ‘Bookcase. Charles Rennie Mackintosh. C. 1909’. These powerful reminders of a much-loved art school touched the hearts of even the most charity-fatigued artists. The use of that classic art school material – charcoal – to reincarnate the School, struck a chord with artists. One of the artists said, “it was like receiving the ashes of a dear friend” and another said, “it released the smell of the fire”. In supplying them with simply a raw material, we gave artists an open brief allowing free reign for their self-expression. Outcome 3 years after the fire, The Glasgow School of Art became big news again as our exhibition and auction captured the attention of art lovers from around the world. The artists produced an inventive, diverse body of work that immortalised the old building, elevating the humble by-product of the fire into a legacy of 25 iconic pieces of art.The 3 day exhibition brought over 10,000 people into Christie’s and received mass coverage and positive reviews from key influencers in the artistic community, reaching 42% of the UK population. The auction was live streamed and drew global attention, attracting bids from 28 countries worldwide. The auction resulted in total sales of £706,438, and with further pieces still to be sold, our total is expected to be well in excess of £1 million. Strategy When a destructive fire wiped out the past, present and potentially the future of one of the UK’s most important centers of creativity, the global artistic community felt a flood of emotions. Shock. Grief. Sadness. We wanted to harness the emotion of this artistic community to raise money and publicity to rebuild the School.


    从灰烬到艺术 | Ash to Art










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