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    壳牌 V-力量赛车 (希腊版)

    案例简介:摘要 整个欧洲的研究表明,消费者认为他们放在汽车油箱里的东西基本上是一样的,不管泵手柄上的品牌如何。壳牌已经能够说服三个国家的司机购买一种比普通汽油高 34% 的燃料, 同时在所有驱动因素中建立市场领先的质量和创新感知。通信计划带来了这个产品的生活与纯马力的概念。 活动目标 挑战是让司机关心汽油。他们需要足够的关心,真正多走一英里,在壳牌停留。然后他们需要足够的关心来要求 V-Power 赛车的名字。 目标受众 18-45 岁的男性,收入高于平均水平,拥有一辆快速的汽车,希望最大限度地利用驾驶。对于这些司机来说,他们把驾驶视为一种乐趣,他们的车是他们的骄傲和快乐。 创意策略 在这一类中,大多数广告都以加油站和汽车为特色,因此 VPR 广告显然需要打破这种模式,建立与驾驶的强烈情感联系。 这部电影采用了一种隐喻的风格来赋予 VPR 以生命。一匹孤独的黑马,法拉利的象征,在沙滩上奔向大海,然后像在跑道上一样在海浪上赛跑。配乐融合了一级方程式引擎的轰鸣声和令人振奋的歌剧咏叹调。画外音告诉你法拉利燃料的制造商现在可以买到最强大的燃料。 这一运动也与 Shella 利用海洋作为主要画布的全球战略相一致。 其他传播方案 创建了现场促销活动,如在壳牌工厂 F1-style 一个 pitstopa,并额外奖励尝试燃料。 媒体 电视 报纸 销售点 无线电 其他: 上一节指定的现场推广。 营销支出总额 在 500万下 媒体战略 1 a 在使用的媒体中占据最高质量的领域。燃料公司倾向于将活动分散到所有职位 & dayparts a VPR 活动必须与众不同,并作为燃料的固有属性展示媒体调度的质量。为以下目标设定了目标: -电视: 在中断、中心中断和前 20 名节目中的位置: 比燃料市场的平均水平高出 40%。 -打印: 首先,封面定位比平均水平高 33%。 2 F1 协会通过广播赞助报道本身,或者当不可能通过重量级赛事中的现货购买。大奖赛发生在发射国 a 的地方,这被大幅提升,例如,匈牙利大奖赛每休息 3 小时就见证了壳牌 VPR 的商业活动。壳牌在欧洲的 F1 报道中拥有最一致的通信优势,使竞争相形见绌。 结果的证据 VPR 发射的关键效果是将壳牌置于当前燃料战场之上。这使得他们能够在切割喉咙的主要市场上更平均地竞争,从优质燃料中获得额外的收入,同时也创造了高价值, 品牌忠诚的利基消费者对业务的长期发展至关重要。

    壳牌 V-力量赛车 (希腊版)

    案例简介:SUMMARY Research across Europe has shown that consumers believe what they put in their car fuel tank is essentially the same irrespective of the brand on the pump handle. Shell has been able to convince drivers in three countries to buy a fuel that costs up to 34% more than regular petrol for their car, while building a market leading perception of quality and innovation among all drivers. The communication plans brought this product to life with the concept of a Pure Horsepowera . CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES The challenge was to make drivers care about petrol. They needed to care enough to literally go the extra mile to stop at Shell. Then they needed to care enough to demand V-Power Racing by name. TARGET AUDIENCE Men 18-45 with above average income and a fast car who want to get the most out of driving. For these drivers, they see driving as a pleasure and their car is their pride and joy. CREATIVE STRATEGY In this category, most of the advertising featured petrol stations and cars, so there was a clear need for the advertising for VPR to break away from this pattern and build a strong emotional link to driving. The film adopts a metaphorical style to bring VPR to life. A lone black horse, the Ferrari symbol, gallops across sand to the sea and then races on the waves as if on a racetrack. The soundtrack fuses the roar of a Formula One engine with an uplifting operatic aria. The voiceover tells you the makers of the fuel for Ferrari now make the most powerful fuel you can buy. This campaign is also aligned with Shella s Global strategy of using the sea as its primary canvas. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES On site promotional events were created, such as an F1-style a pitstopa at Shell sites with additional incentives to try the fuel. MEDIA Television Newspaper Point-of-Sale Radio Other: on-site promotion as specified in previous section. TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Under a 5 million MEDIA STRATEGY 1 a Dominate the highest quality areas in the media used. Fuels companies tend to spread activity across all positions & dayparts a the VPR activity had to be distinctive and demonstrate quality in the media scheduling as an inherent attribute of the fuel. Targets were set for the following: - TV: Position in Break, Centre Break and Top 20 programming: 40% above average for the fuels market. - Print: First , & cover page positioning a 33% higher than average. 2 a F1 associationa through broadcast sponsorship of the coverage itself, or when not possible through heavyweight spot buying within the races. This was augmented with significant upweights where the Grand Prix occurred in the launch country a for instance, the Hungarian Grand Prix witnessed a Shell VPR commercial in every break for 3 hours. Shell has the most consistent communication presence in F1 coverage across in Europe, dwarfing the competition. EVIDENCE OF RESULTS The key effect of the VPR launch has been to position Shell significantly above the current fuels battleground. It has allowed them to compete more evenly in the cut throat maingrade market with the additional revenue generated from the premium fuel, while also creating a high value, brand loyal niche consumer vital to the long term of the business.

    Shell V-Power Racing (greek version)

    案例简介:摘要 整个欧洲的研究表明,消费者认为他们放在汽车油箱里的东西基本上是一样的,不管泵手柄上的品牌如何。壳牌已经能够说服三个国家的司机购买一种比普通汽油高 34% 的燃料, 同时在所有驱动因素中建立市场领先的质量和创新感知。通信计划带来了这个产品的生活与纯马力的概念。 活动目标 挑战是让司机关心汽油。他们需要足够的关心,真正多走一英里,在壳牌停留。然后他们需要足够的关心来要求 V-Power 赛车的名字。 目标受众 18-45 岁的男性,收入高于平均水平,拥有一辆快速的汽车,希望最大限度地利用驾驶。对于这些司机来说,他们把驾驶视为一种乐趣,他们的车是他们的骄傲和快乐。 创意策略 在这一类中,大多数广告都以加油站和汽车为特色,因此 VPR 广告显然需要打破这种模式,建立与驾驶的强烈情感联系。 这部电影采用了一种隐喻的风格来赋予 VPR 以生命。一匹孤独的黑马,法拉利的象征,在沙滩上奔向大海,然后像在跑道上一样在海浪上赛跑。配乐融合了一级方程式引擎的轰鸣声和令人振奋的歌剧咏叹调。画外音告诉你法拉利燃料的制造商现在可以买到最强大的燃料。 这一运动也与 Shella 利用海洋作为主要画布的全球战略相一致。 其他传播方案 创建了现场促销活动,如在壳牌工厂 F1-style 一个 pitstopa,并额外奖励尝试燃料。 媒体 电视 报纸 销售点 无线电 其他: 上一节指定的现场推广。 营销支出总额 在 500万下 媒体战略 1 a 在使用的媒体中占据最高质量的领域。燃料公司倾向于将活动分散到所有职位 & dayparts a VPR 活动必须与众不同,并作为燃料的固有属性展示媒体调度的质量。为以下目标设定了目标: -电视: 在中断、中心中断和前 20 名节目中的位置: 比燃料市场的平均水平高出 40%。 -打印: 首先,封面定位比平均水平高 33%。 2 F1 协会通过广播赞助报道本身,或者当不可能通过重量级赛事中的现货购买。大奖赛发生在发射国 a 的地方,这被大幅提升,例如,匈牙利大奖赛每休息 3 小时就见证了壳牌 VPR 的商业活动。壳牌在欧洲的 F1 报道中拥有最一致的通信优势,使竞争相形见绌。 结果的证据 VPR 发射的关键效果是将壳牌置于当前燃料战场之上。这使得他们能够在切割喉咙的主要市场上更平均地竞争,从优质燃料中获得额外的收入,同时也创造了高价值, 品牌忠诚的利基消费者对业务的长期发展至关重要。

    Shell V-Power Racing (greek version)

    案例简介:SUMMARY Research across Europe has shown that consumers believe what they put in their car fuel tank is essentially the same irrespective of the brand on the pump handle. Shell has been able to convince drivers in three countries to buy a fuel that costs up to 34% more than regular petrol for their car, while building a market leading perception of quality and innovation among all drivers. The communication plans brought this product to life with the concept of a Pure Horsepowera . CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES The challenge was to make drivers care about petrol. They needed to care enough to literally go the extra mile to stop at Shell. Then they needed to care enough to demand V-Power Racing by name. TARGET AUDIENCE Men 18-45 with above average income and a fast car who want to get the most out of driving. For these drivers, they see driving as a pleasure and their car is their pride and joy. CREATIVE STRATEGY In this category, most of the advertising featured petrol stations and cars, so there was a clear need for the advertising for VPR to break away from this pattern and build a strong emotional link to driving. The film adopts a metaphorical style to bring VPR to life. A lone black horse, the Ferrari symbol, gallops across sand to the sea and then races on the waves as if on a racetrack. The soundtrack fuses the roar of a Formula One engine with an uplifting operatic aria. The voiceover tells you the makers of the fuel for Ferrari now make the most powerful fuel you can buy. This campaign is also aligned with Shella s Global strategy of using the sea as its primary canvas. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES On site promotional events were created, such as an F1-style a pitstopa at Shell sites with additional incentives to try the fuel. MEDIA Television Newspaper Point-of-Sale Radio Other: on-site promotion as specified in previous section. TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Under a 5 million MEDIA STRATEGY 1 a Dominate the highest quality areas in the media used. Fuels companies tend to spread activity across all positions & dayparts a the VPR activity had to be distinctive and demonstrate quality in the media scheduling as an inherent attribute of the fuel. Targets were set for the following: - TV: Position in Break, Centre Break and Top 20 programming: 40% above average for the fuels market. - Print: First , & cover page positioning a 33% higher than average. 2 a F1 associationa through broadcast sponsorship of the coverage itself, or when not possible through heavyweight spot buying within the races. This was augmented with significant upweights where the Grand Prix occurred in the launch country a for instance, the Hungarian Grand Prix witnessed a Shell VPR commercial in every break for 3 hours. Shell has the most consistent communication presence in F1 coverage across in Europe, dwarfing the competition. EVIDENCE OF RESULTS The key effect of the VPR launch has been to position Shell significantly above the current fuels battleground. It has allowed them to compete more evenly in the cut throat maingrade market with the additional revenue generated from the premium fuel, while also creating a high value, brand loyal niche consumer vital to the long term of the business.

    壳牌 V-力量赛车 (希腊版)


    Shell V-Power Racing (greek version)










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