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    案例简介:大纲 美国的五月是高中舞会的季节。一个能鼓起勇气的青少年互相邀请参加大型舞会的时代。作为一个现代品牌,汉堡王的持续任务是巧妙地将自己插入及时和相关的活动中,以便更好地与目标受众联系。它还可以作为品牌对同一受众的吸引力和持续提醒。考虑到这一点,有机会融入舞会季节,同时以一种完全出乎意料的方式与我们的主要竞争对手之一联系起来。 策略 策略很简单: 简短。直接点。令人惊讶的是,汉堡王品牌得到了很多及时的关注。使用它作为我们的北极星,我们使用汉堡王外面的字幕标志与Wendy的隔壁和广受欢迎的Wendy的社交媒体帐户进行交流。通过这种方式,我们能够吸引波士顿以外当地青少年目标受众的注意力,也能够通过吸引社交媒体巨头的目光在国家舞台上吸引注意力。坚持简短和直接的目标,我们用一个词的问题作为我们的行动号召。 结果 • 汉堡王收到了超过 98,000 个社交媒体的提及,这导致了 338% 的品牌对话增长。•期望的应答率是Wendy 's的肯定答案。收到了,所以回复率是 100%!•我们获得了 3,006,277 美元的广告收入。一个非常高的数字,一个基本上不需要花费我们的想法,除了花费大约 20 美元的胸花。•行为的改变是立竿见影的。温迪不再敌视汉堡王,在这两个品牌的推特历史上第一次突然成为友好的盟友。 执行 马林恩选定汉堡王外面的字幕更新为 “@ WENDYS PROM?” 几天内,路人发现了这个标志,并开始吸引人们对社交的关注。汉堡王随后决定将该标志的照片发布到自己的社交媒体账户 (Twitter,Facebook)。此后不久,温迪接受了我们在社交方面的承诺,这次谈话抓住了互联网的心。汉堡王几乎立即在社交网站上回应了它的字幕标志,但这次是一条信息,上面写着: “她答应了!” 与胸花被关押在国王之手. 活动描述 我们决定站在美国每个青少年的立场上为高中舞会做准备。接下来,我们知道我们必须寻找完美的约会对象。一个聪明、有吸引力、基本上不可企及的人。你知道,隔壁的女孩。最后,我们知道那一定是温迪的。是的,温迪的。我们汉堡世界的头号对手之一,也是社交媒体上绝对野蛮的巨魔。然后我们在波士顿郊外找到了一个地方,汉堡王和温迪并排坐着。对于一家餐馆 (青少年) 来说,这是一个完美的地方,可以邀请另一家餐馆 (青少年) 参加一年中最大的社交活动,只需一个简单的路标。


    案例简介:Synopsis The month of May in the United States is the season for high school proms. A time when teenagers, who can muster up the courage, ask one another to the big dance. As a modern brand, Burger King’s ongoing mandate is to cleverly insert itself into timely and relevant events to better connect with its target audience. It also serves as an engaging and constant reminder of the brand to that same audience. With that in mind, the opportunity presented itself to tie into the prom season while connecting in a completely unexpected way to one of our main rivals. Strategy The strategy was simple: Be brief. Be direct. Be surprising and get lots of timely attention for the Burger King brand. Using that as our north star, we used the marquee sign outside of a Burger King to communicate with the Wendy’s next door and the wildly popular Wendy’s social media account. In this way, we were able to get the attention of the local target audience of teenagers outside Boston, but also on a national stage by attracting the eye of a social media giant. Sticking with the goal of being brief and direct, we used a one-word question as our call to action. Outcome • Burger King received over 98,000 social media mentions which led to a 338% increase in brand conversations. • The desired response rate was a positive answer from Wendy’s. It was received and so, the response rate was 100%! • We received $3,006,277 in earned advertising value. A very high number for an idea that essentially cost us nothing, except for the corsage that cost was about twenty bucks. • The change in behavior was immediate. Wendy’s was no longer hostile toward Burger King, suddenly turning into a friendly ally for the first time ever in the two brands’ Twitter history. Execution The marquee outside the selected Burger King in Lynn, MA was updated to read, “@WENDYS PROM?” Within a few days the sign was spotted by passersby and began to garner attention on social. Burger King then decided to post a photo of the sign to its own social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook). Soon thereafter, Wendy’s accepted our promposal on social, and the conversation captured the hearts of the internet. Burger King responded almost immediately on social with an image of its marquee sign yet again, but this time with a message that read, “SHE SAID YES!” with a corsage being held out in the King’s hand. CampaignDescription We decided to put ourselves in the shoes of every teenager in America getting ready for the high school prom. Next, we knew we had to look for the perfect date. Someone who was smart, attractive, and basically unattainable. You know, the girl next door. In the end, we knew it had to be Wendy’s. Yes, that Wendy’s. One of our top adversaries in the world of hamburgers and an absolutely savage troll on social media. We then found a location just outside Boston where a Burger King and Wendy’s sat side by side. It was the perfect place for one restaurant (teenager) to ask another restaurant (teenager) to the biggest social event of the year with nothing more than a simple street sign.

    Prom King

    案例简介:大纲 美国的五月是高中舞会的季节。一个能鼓起勇气的青少年互相邀请参加大型舞会的时代。作为一个现代品牌,汉堡王的持续任务是巧妙地将自己插入及时和相关的活动中,以便更好地与目标受众联系。它还可以作为品牌对同一受众的吸引力和持续提醒。考虑到这一点,有机会融入舞会季节,同时以一种完全出乎意料的方式与我们的主要竞争对手之一联系起来。 策略 策略很简单: 简短。直接点。令人惊讶的是,汉堡王品牌得到了很多及时的关注。使用它作为我们的北极星,我们使用汉堡王外面的字幕标志与Wendy的隔壁和广受欢迎的Wendy的社交媒体帐户进行交流。通过这种方式,我们能够吸引波士顿以外当地青少年目标受众的注意力,也能够通过吸引社交媒体巨头的目光在国家舞台上吸引注意力。坚持简短和直接的目标,我们用一个词的问题作为我们的行动号召。 结果 • 汉堡王收到了超过 98,000 个社交媒体的提及,这导致了 338% 的品牌对话增长。•期望的应答率是Wendy 's的肯定答案。收到了,所以回复率是 100%!•我们获得了 3,006,277 美元的广告收入。一个非常高的数字,一个基本上不需要花费我们的想法,除了花费大约 20 美元的胸花。•行为的改变是立竿见影的。温迪不再敌视汉堡王,在这两个品牌的推特历史上第一次突然成为友好的盟友。 执行 马林恩选定汉堡王外面的字幕更新为 “@ WENDYS PROM?” 几天内,路人发现了这个标志,并开始吸引人们对社交的关注。汉堡王随后决定将该标志的照片发布到自己的社交媒体账户 (Twitter,Facebook)。此后不久,温迪接受了我们在社交方面的承诺,这次谈话抓住了互联网的心。汉堡王几乎立即在社交网站上回应了它的字幕标志,但这次是一条信息,上面写着: “她答应了!” 与胸花被关押在国王之手. 活动描述 我们决定站在美国每个青少年的立场上为高中舞会做准备。接下来,我们知道我们必须寻找完美的约会对象。一个聪明、有吸引力、基本上不可企及的人。你知道,隔壁的女孩。最后,我们知道那一定是温迪的。是的,温迪的。我们汉堡世界的头号对手之一,也是社交媒体上绝对野蛮的巨魔。然后我们在波士顿郊外找到了一个地方,汉堡王和温迪并排坐着。对于一家餐馆 (青少年) 来说,这是一个完美的地方,可以邀请另一家餐馆 (青少年) 参加一年中最大的社交活动,只需一个简单的路标。

    Prom King

    案例简介:Synopsis The month of May in the United States is the season for high school proms. A time when teenagers, who can muster up the courage, ask one another to the big dance. As a modern brand, Burger King’s ongoing mandate is to cleverly insert itself into timely and relevant events to better connect with its target audience. It also serves as an engaging and constant reminder of the brand to that same audience. With that in mind, the opportunity presented itself to tie into the prom season while connecting in a completely unexpected way to one of our main rivals. Strategy The strategy was simple: Be brief. Be direct. Be surprising and get lots of timely attention for the Burger King brand. Using that as our north star, we used the marquee sign outside of a Burger King to communicate with the Wendy’s next door and the wildly popular Wendy’s social media account. In this way, we were able to get the attention of the local target audience of teenagers outside Boston, but also on a national stage by attracting the eye of a social media giant. Sticking with the goal of being brief and direct, we used a one-word question as our call to action. Outcome • Burger King received over 98,000 social media mentions which led to a 338% increase in brand conversations. • The desired response rate was a positive answer from Wendy’s. It was received and so, the response rate was 100%! • We received $3,006,277 in earned advertising value. A very high number for an idea that essentially cost us nothing, except for the corsage that cost was about twenty bucks. • The change in behavior was immediate. Wendy’s was no longer hostile toward Burger King, suddenly turning into a friendly ally for the first time ever in the two brands’ Twitter history. Execution The marquee outside the selected Burger King in Lynn, MA was updated to read, “@WENDYS PROM?” Within a few days the sign was spotted by passersby and began to garner attention on social. Burger King then decided to post a photo of the sign to its own social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook). Soon thereafter, Wendy’s accepted our promposal on social, and the conversation captured the hearts of the internet. Burger King responded almost immediately on social with an image of its marquee sign yet again, but this time with a message that read, “SHE SAID YES!” with a corsage being held out in the King’s hand. CampaignDescription We decided to put ourselves in the shoes of every teenager in America getting ready for the high school prom. Next, we knew we had to look for the perfect date. Someone who was smart, attractive, and basically unattainable. You know, the girl next door. In the end, we knew it had to be Wendy’s. Yes, that Wendy’s. One of our top adversaries in the world of hamburgers and an absolutely savage troll on social media. We then found a location just outside Boston where a Burger King and Wendy’s sat side by side. It was the perfect place for one restaurant (teenager) to ask another restaurant (teenager) to the biggest social event of the year with nothing more than a simple street sign.



    Prom King










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