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    案例简介:相关性 美国问候的模拟是一对一直接营销中的第一个独一无二的时刻。它以一种动手的方式让新的观众充分参与,教会他们新的行为,让他们意识到一个他们可能从未听说过的品牌,最后, sxSW 完全被风暴带走了。 战略 我们决定举办一个意想不到的活动,让我们年轻的、痴迷于数字的目标受众获得不公平的关注。实现这一目标的最佳方法是在我们的想法和它自己的环境之间制造一种张力。换句话说,我们知道,像美国问候这样的挑战者品牌能够真正摆脱混乱的唯一方法是创造一种在它提供的东西和它的位置上具有破坏性的体验。除此之外,这种体验还必须真正让美国问候品牌的形象栩栩如生:通过创造真正的、更有意义的联系来让每一天变得更好。 活动描述 我们决定用一种叫做 “模拟美国问候” 的体验来创造真实、更有意义的联系。这个想法拥抱了我们的模拟根源,并证明了有时,人们只需要简单的、非数字的互动就可以彼此联系。哦,我们忘了提到最重要的事情: 我们在哪里举办活动。这是德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 SxSW 互动,是世界上最大的数字节日,也是任何人都不希望找到任何类似东西的地方。这也是寻找我们年轻的、痴迷于数字的目标受众的最佳地点,但更重要的是,这是一个在我们的想法和它自己的环境之间制造注意力紧张的好方法。 结果 客户在活动上花了 600,000 美元。大约和电视广告一样的价格。为了同样的钱,他们受到了媒体的极大关注,包括《福布斯》、《卫报》、《今日美国》、《快速公司》、《 DigiDay 》、《英国活动家》、《 AdWeek 》、《 BrandChannel 》、 PRWeek,和潮流猎人。《美国问候模拟》也被福布斯、 AdWeek 和 CNBC 评为 “SxSW 十大品牌活动”。总共有 1.38亿多个媒体印象。在三天内,我们接待了 4000 多名游客 (大约每小时 200 人),他们花了 25 分钟 (平均时间) 在我们的空间与品牌互动。他们还在国内和国际范围内发送了 1200 多张贺卡。最重要的是,人们与来自世界各地的其他人建立了联系,不需要虚拟现实护目镜。 执行 活动空间向公众开放了三天,距离 SxSW 互动会议中心只有几个街区,空间内的所有活动都是日常数字行为的模拟版本。现场纺织艺术家缝制了 “自拍”,制作手工制作的动画 gif 、乙烯基听筒、数码照片到宝丽来的转换,在美国问候艺术家的帮助下制作个性化卡片, 交互式着色墙,一位现场艺术家创作了一幅壁画,参观者可以用纸卡的形式拍摄一幅壁画。我们还邀请了世界知名的嘉宾演讲者,讨论模拟思维和行为如何影响创造力和世界。演讲者包括: 设计师斯特凡 · 萨格梅斯特和亚伦 · 德拉普林,艺术家苏格温 · 钟和尚特尔 · 马丁,记者罗布 · 沃克 (纽约时报) 和大卫 · 萨克斯 (纽约人),电视主持人兼幽默作家大卫 · 里斯, 和独立唱片店老板约翰 · 昆兹。 概要 美国问候是一家有 110 年历史的纸质贺卡公司。他们的品牌总是在追赶更知名的 Hallmark 公司,他们的类别在慢慢下降 (纸卡正在输给许多新形式的数字通信) 人口老龄化。他们是一个品牌,代表着在人们之间建立真正的、更有意义的联系。他们想创造一个时刻,在帮助克服上述一些问题的同时,给品牌带来积极的关注。


    案例简介:Relevancy Analog by American Greetings was a first-of-its-kind moment in one-to-one direct marketing. It fully engaged a new audience in a hands-on way, taught them new behaviors, made them aware of a brand they may have never heard of, and lastly, it took SxSW completely by storm. Strategy We decided to stage an unexpected event that would capture an unfair share of attention with our young, digitally-obsessed target audience.The best way to achieve this was to create a tension between our idea and its very own environment.In other words, we knew that the only way a challenger brand like American Greetings could really cut through the clutter was by creating an experience that was disruptive in what it offered and in its location.In addition to this, the experience had to authentically bring to life what the American Greetings brand stands for: making every day better by creating real, more meaningful connections. Campaign Description We decided to bring to life the brand’s ethos of creating real, more meaningful connections with an experience called, “Analog by American Greetings.” The idea embraced our analog roots and proved that sometimes, people just need simple, non-digital interactions to relate to one another. Oh, we forgot to mention the most important thing: where we held the event. It was SxSW Interactive in Austin, Texas, the largest digital festival in the world, and definitely the last place anyone would expect to find anything analog.It was also the perfect location to find our young, digitally-obsessed target audience, but more importantly, a great way to create an attention-grabbing tension between our idea and its very own environment. Outcome The client spent $600,000 U.S. on the event. About the same price as a TV commercial.For that same sum of money, they received an inordinate amount of media attention, including feature articles in Forbes, The Guardian, USA Today, Fast Co., DigiDay, CampaignLive UK, AdWeek, BrandChannel, PRWeek, and Trendhunter.“Analog by American Greetings” was also named to the “Top 5 Brand Events at SxSW” by Forbes, AdWeek and CNBC.In total, there were over 138 million media impressions.In three days, we received over 4000 visitors (about 200 per hour), who spent over 25 minutes (avg.) in our space interacting with the brand. They also sent over 1200 greeting cards domestically and internationally from Analog.Most importantly, people made connections with other people from all over the world and no virtual reality goggles were required. Execution The event space was open to the public for three days, just a few blocks from the SxSW Interactive convention center.All of the activites within the space were analog versions of everyday digital behaviors. There were stitched “selfies” by an on-site textile artist, making handmade animated GIFs, vinyl listening stations, digital photo to polaroid conversions, making personalized cards with the help of American Greetings artists, an interactive coloring wall, and an on-site artist created a wall mural that visitors could actually take a piece of in the form of a paper card. We also invited world-renowned guest speakers to discuss how analog thinking and behavior can impact creativity and the world. Speakers included: designers Stefan Sagmeister and Aaron Draplin, artists Sougwen Chung and Shantell Martin, journalists Rob Walker (NY Times) and David Sax (The New Yorker), TV host and humorist David Rees, and independent record store owner John Kunz. Synopsis American Greetings is a 110 year-old paper greeting cards company. Their brand is always playing catch up to the better-known Hallmark company, and they exist in a slowly declining category (paper cards are losing out to many newer forms of digital-based communication) with an aging demographic. They are a brand that stands for creating real, more meaningful connections between people.They wanted to create a moment that would bring the brand positive attention while helping to overcome some of the issues outlined above.


    案例简介:相关性 美国问候的模拟是一对一直接营销中的第一个独一无二的时刻。它以一种动手的方式让新的观众充分参与,教会他们新的行为,让他们意识到一个他们可能从未听说过的品牌,最后, sxSW 完全被风暴带走了。 战略 我们决定举办一个意想不到的活动,让我们年轻的、痴迷于数字的目标受众获得不公平的关注。实现这一目标的最佳方法是在我们的想法和它自己的环境之间制造一种张力。换句话说,我们知道,像美国问候这样的挑战者品牌能够真正摆脱混乱的唯一方法是创造一种在它提供的东西和它的位置上具有破坏性的体验。除此之外,这种体验还必须真正让美国问候品牌的形象栩栩如生:通过创造真正的、更有意义的联系来让每一天变得更好。 活动描述 我们决定用一种叫做 “模拟美国问候” 的体验来创造真实、更有意义的联系。这个想法拥抱了我们的模拟根源,并证明了有时,人们只需要简单的、非数字的互动就可以彼此联系。哦,我们忘了提到最重要的事情: 我们在哪里举办活动。这是德克萨斯州奥斯汀的 SxSW 互动,是世界上最大的数字节日,也是任何人都不希望找到任何类似东西的地方。这也是寻找我们年轻的、痴迷于数字的目标受众的最佳地点,但更重要的是,这是一个在我们的想法和它自己的环境之间制造注意力紧张的好方法。 结果 客户在活动上花了 600,000 美元。大约和电视广告一样的价格。为了同样的钱,他们受到了媒体的极大关注,包括《福布斯》、《卫报》、《今日美国》、《快速公司》、《 DigiDay 》、《英国活动家》、《 AdWeek 》、《 BrandChannel 》、 PRWeek,和潮流猎人。《美国问候模拟》也被福布斯、 AdWeek 和 CNBC 评为 “SxSW 十大品牌活动”。总共有 1.38亿多个媒体印象。在三天内,我们接待了 4000 多名游客 (大约每小时 200 人),他们花了 25 分钟 (平均时间) 在我们的空间与品牌互动。他们还在国内和国际范围内发送了 1200 多张贺卡。最重要的是,人们与来自世界各地的其他人建立了联系,不需要虚拟现实护目镜。 执行 活动空间向公众开放了三天,距离 SxSW 互动会议中心只有几个街区,空间内的所有活动都是日常数字行为的模拟版本。现场纺织艺术家缝制了 “自拍”,制作手工制作的动画 gif 、乙烯基听筒、数码照片到宝丽来的转换,在美国问候艺术家的帮助下制作个性化卡片, 交互式着色墙,一位现场艺术家创作了一幅壁画,参观者可以用纸卡的形式拍摄一幅壁画。我们还邀请了世界知名的嘉宾演讲者,讨论模拟思维和行为如何影响创造力和世界。演讲者包括: 设计师斯特凡 · 萨格梅斯特和亚伦 · 德拉普林,艺术家苏格温 · 钟和尚特尔 · 马丁,记者罗布 · 沃克 (纽约时报) 和大卫 · 萨克斯 (纽约人),电视主持人兼幽默作家大卫 · 里斯, 和独立唱片店老板约翰 · 昆兹。 概要 美国问候是一家有 110 年历史的纸质贺卡公司。他们的品牌总是在追赶更知名的 Hallmark 公司,他们的类别在慢慢下降 (纸卡正在输给许多新形式的数字通信) 人口老龄化。他们是一个品牌,代表着在人们之间建立真正的、更有意义的联系。他们想创造一个时刻,在帮助克服上述一些问题的同时,给品牌带来积极的关注。


    案例简介:Relevancy Analog by American Greetings was a first-of-its-kind moment in one-to-one direct marketing. It fully engaged a new audience in a hands-on way, taught them new behaviors, made them aware of a brand they may have never heard of, and lastly, it took SxSW completely by storm. Strategy We decided to stage an unexpected event that would capture an unfair share of attention with our young, digitally-obsessed target audience.The best way to achieve this was to create a tension between our idea and its very own environment.In other words, we knew that the only way a challenger brand like American Greetings could really cut through the clutter was by creating an experience that was disruptive in what it offered and in its location.In addition to this, the experience had to authentically bring to life what the American Greetings brand stands for: making every day better by creating real, more meaningful connections. Campaign Description We decided to bring to life the brand’s ethos of creating real, more meaningful connections with an experience called, “Analog by American Greetings.” The idea embraced our analog roots and proved that sometimes, people just need simple, non-digital interactions to relate to one another. Oh, we forgot to mention the most important thing: where we held the event. It was SxSW Interactive in Austin, Texas, the largest digital festival in the world, and definitely the last place anyone would expect to find anything analog.It was also the perfect location to find our young, digitally-obsessed target audience, but more importantly, a great way to create an attention-grabbing tension between our idea and its very own environment. Outcome The client spent $600,000 U.S. on the event. About the same price as a TV commercial.For that same sum of money, they received an inordinate amount of media attention, including feature articles in Forbes, The Guardian, USA Today, Fast Co., DigiDay, CampaignLive UK, AdWeek, BrandChannel, PRWeek, and Trendhunter.“Analog by American Greetings” was also named to the “Top 5 Brand Events at SxSW” by Forbes, AdWeek and CNBC.In total, there were over 138 million media impressions.In three days, we received over 4000 visitors (about 200 per hour), who spent over 25 minutes (avg.) in our space interacting with the brand. They also sent over 1200 greeting cards domestically and internationally from Analog.Most importantly, people made connections with other people from all over the world and no virtual reality goggles were required. Execution The event space was open to the public for three days, just a few blocks from the SxSW Interactive convention center.All of the activites within the space were analog versions of everyday digital behaviors. There were stitched “selfies” by an on-site textile artist, making handmade animated GIFs, vinyl listening stations, digital photo to polaroid conversions, making personalized cards with the help of American Greetings artists, an interactive coloring wall, and an on-site artist created a wall mural that visitors could actually take a piece of in the form of a paper card. We also invited world-renowned guest speakers to discuss how analog thinking and behavior can impact creativity and the world. Speakers included: designers Stefan Sagmeister and Aaron Draplin, artists Sougwen Chung and Shantell Martin, journalists Rob Walker (NY Times) and David Sax (The New Yorker), TV host and humorist David Rees, and independent record store owner John Kunz. Synopsis American Greetings is a 110 year-old paper greeting cards company. Their brand is always playing catch up to the better-known Hallmark company, and they exist in a slowly declining category (paper cards are losing out to many newer forms of digital-based communication) with an aging demographic. They are a brand that stands for creating real, more meaningful connections between people.They wanted to create a moment that would bring the brand positive attention while helping to overcome some of the issues outlined above.













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