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    案例简介:活动描述 传统纪念品是一种大规模生产的、高度商品化的职业运动元素。物品几乎感觉不到笔的划痕,更不用说它们所代表的球员的鲜血、汗水和眼泪了。此外,大多数体育纪念品是为独家拍卖保留的,这意味着真正的粉丝永远没有机会看到它,更不用说拥有它了。所以我们创建了 Instabilia。实时创建的即时纪念品,随着行动在现场展开。在 NRL 原产地期间,我们捕捉到了澳大利亚最大游戏的每一个关键时刻,并将其永垂不朽,将它们变成粉丝们可以拥有的独一无二的 Instabilia, 在球场上发生的几秒钟内。Instabilia 有泥土、汗水、草渍等等,不仅仅是纪念品,它是足球历史的真正一部分, 讲述游戏关键时刻背后的故事,在澳大利亚通常被称为 “体育最伟大的竞争”。 概要 国家橄榄球联盟 (NRL) 在澳大利亚最大的年度体育赛事 -- 起源国期间,不断寻求新的创新方式来吸引球迷。像世界上大多数专业运动一样,它有大量的在线追随者,在社交媒体上关注这项运动的观众比在电视直播上多。我们的简介是创造一种体验,不仅能增强电视和在线观众的观看体验,但也形成了球迷和游戏之间更深的联系,最终使他们更接近行动。我们有两个关键目标:-主要目标是创造一个可以延长粉丝参与度的现场体验和超过 80 分钟的现场比赛时间的谈话。 -次要和非强制性目标是利用活动的规模,围绕 NRL 的合作伙伴慈善机构生命线产生捐赠和积极情绪。 战略 NRL 起源州结合了来自两个州的最好的球员,就像一场全明星赛,吸引了两个关键的观众:-每周关注俱乐部比赛的铁杆橄榄球联盟球迷。起源国是他们每年的巅峰事件。-在起源国出现的休闲粉丝,为他们的家乡欢呼。鉴于团队代表两个邻国,团队之间的吹牛权利元素被援引,创造了一个跨社会渠道的大规模对话,使全国电视直播相形见绌。我们的方法是利用休闲和铁杆球迷对各自球队和州的热情,通过在社交网络中创造热门时刻,将游戏的覆盖面扩大到 80 分钟的游戏时间之外。 执行 我们在体育场内建立了一个社会指挥中心,随着比赛的每一个关键时刻展开,我们的团队迅速行动起来。我们确定了球迷们喜欢拥有的物品 -- 沉重的铲球头饰,决定性的转换中的踢脚球,或者球员为球队得分时撞倒的角球。一个运动设计师团队在飞行中制作视频,讲述每个项目背后的故事来产生对话,而文案同时制作 Facebook 帖子、推特和 eBay 列表。几分钟内,我们的视频就在社交媒体上播放,驱使粉丝们去 eBay 现场拍卖,在那里他们可以出价拥有这些物品 -- 所有这些都是在下一次商业广告播出之前。每个项目需要最少的媒体投资,由于与当时的在线对话高度相关,几分钟内就能有机地接触到成千上万的人。 相关性 Instabilia 与娱乐狮子相关,因为它在直播的背景下对粉丝的参与进行了全新的讨论。已经证明,多达 87% 的球迷在现场体育赛事中使用第二个屏幕。我们把现有的行为更进一步,不仅允许他们讨论游戏中最重要的时刻,而且实际上在他们在直播电视上展示的几秒钟内拥有关键项目。 结果 Instabilia 取得了惊人的成绩,在许多高调的体育新闻网站上获得了全国媒体的关注,并在澳大利亚最大的电视网络之一,9 频道, 在他们每周的 NRL 项目中。我们的直播社交内容以最少的媒体投资获得了非凡的影响力,在《邮报》开始直播的几分钟内,就有成千上万的原籍国粉丝。活动结束后,与帖子的接触持续了几天,粉丝们为了拥有他们最喜欢的 Instabilia 作品而奋力拼搏。最重要的是,我们的 Instabilia 的售价是传统 “官方” 纪念品的 12 倍,有助于为 NRL 的合作伙伴慈善机构生命线筹集急需的资金。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription Traditional memorabilia is a mass-produced, highly commoditized element of professional sports. Items barely feel the scratch of a pen, let alone the blood, sweat and tears of the players they represent. Additionally, the majority of sports memorabilia is reserved for exclusive auctions, meaning true fans never get the opportunity to see it, let alone own it.So we created Instabilia. Instant memorabilia created in real-time, live as the action unfolds on the field. During the NRL State of Origin, we captured and immortalized every key moment of Australia’s biggest game, turning them into one-of-a-kind pieces of Instabilia that fans could own, all within seconds of it happening on the field. Complete with mud, sweat, grass stains and all, Instabilia is more than just memorabilia, it’s a genuine piece of football history, telling the story behind pivotal moments of the game that’s commonly referred to in Australia as ‘Sports greatest rivalry’. Synopsis The National Rugby League (NRL) are continually seeking new and innovative ways to engage fans during Australia’s biggest annual sporting event - The State of Origin. Like most professional sports around the world, it has a massive online following, with larger audiences following the action on social media than on live television.Our brief was to create an experience that would not only enhance the viewing experience for both television and online audiences, but also form a deeper connection between fans and the game, ultimately bringing them closer to the action.We had two key objectives:-The primary objective was to create a live experience that could extend fan engagement and conversation beyond the 80 minutes of on-field playing time.-The secondary and non mandatory objective was to use the scale of the event to generate donations and positive sentiment around the NRL’s partner charity, Lifeline. Strategy The NRL State of Origin combines the best players from two states, much like an All Star game, and attracts two key audiences:-Hardcore rugby league fans who follow club games every week. State of Origin is their pinnacle event each year.-Casual fans who emerge during the State of Origin, to cheer for their home State. Given the teams represent two neighboring states, an element of bragging rights between the teams is invoked, creating a mass conversation across social channels that dwarfs the live national TV coverage.Our approach was to capitalize on both casual and hardcore fans’ passion for their respective teams and states, by creating topical moments in social that would extend the reach of the game beyond the 80 minutes of playing time. Execution We built a social command center inside the stadium, and as every key moment of the game unfolded, our team sprung into action. We identified items that fans would love to own – headgear from a heavy tackle, a kicking tee from a decisive conversion, or a corner post a player crashed through to score for their team. A team of motion designers created videos on the fly, telling the story behind each item to generate conversation, while copywriters crafted Facebook posts, tweets and eBay listings simultaneously. Within minutes our videos were broadcast across social media, driving fans to a live eBay auction where they could bid to own the items – all before the next commercial break could go to air. Each item required minimal media investment, organically reaching hundreds of thousands of people within minutes thanks to high relevance to the online conversation at that moment. Relevancy Instabilia is relevant for Entertainement Lions as it places an entirely new spin on fan engagement within the context of live broadcasts. It's been demonstrated that up to 87% of fans use a second screen during live sporting event. We've taken that existing behaviour a step further by not just allowing them to discuss the games biggest moments, but actually owning key items within seconds of them unfolding on in front of them on live tv. Outcome Instabilia achieved fantastic results, gaining national media attention across a number of high profile sports news websites, as well as coverage on one of Australia’s largest television networks, Channel 9, during their weekly NRL program.Our live social content gained extraordinary reach with minimal media investment, reaching hundreds of thousands of State of Origin fans within minutes of the post going live. Engagement with the posts continued for several days beyond the event, as fans battled it out to own their favourite piece of Instabilia.Best of all, our Instabilia sold for up to 12 times more than its traditional ‘official’ memorabilia counterparts, helping to raise much needed funds for the NRL’s partner charity, Lifeline.


    案例简介:活动描述 传统纪念品是一种大规模生产的、高度商品化的职业运动元素。物品几乎感觉不到笔的划痕,更不用说它们所代表的球员的鲜血、汗水和眼泪了。此外,大多数体育纪念品是为独家拍卖保留的,这意味着真正的粉丝永远没有机会看到它,更不用说拥有它了。所以我们创建了 Instabilia。实时创建的即时纪念品,随着行动在现场展开。在 NRL 原产地期间,我们捕捉到了澳大利亚最大游戏的每一个关键时刻,并将其永垂不朽,将它们变成粉丝们可以拥有的独一无二的 Instabilia, 在球场上发生的几秒钟内。Instabilia 有泥土、汗水、草渍等等,不仅仅是纪念品,它是足球历史的真正一部分, 讲述游戏关键时刻背后的故事,在澳大利亚通常被称为 “体育最伟大的竞争”。 概要 国家橄榄球联盟 (NRL) 在澳大利亚最大的年度体育赛事 -- 起源国期间,不断寻求新的创新方式来吸引球迷。像世界上大多数专业运动一样,它有大量的在线追随者,在社交媒体上关注这项运动的观众比在电视直播上多。我们的简介是创造一种体验,不仅能增强电视和在线观众的观看体验,但也形成了球迷和游戏之间更深的联系,最终使他们更接近行动。我们有两个关键目标:-主要目标是创造一个可以延长粉丝参与度的现场体验和超过 80 分钟的现场比赛时间的谈话。 -次要和非强制性目标是利用活动的规模,围绕 NRL 的合作伙伴慈善机构生命线产生捐赠和积极情绪。 战略 NRL 起源州结合了来自两个州的最好的球员,就像一场全明星赛,吸引了两个关键的观众:-每周关注俱乐部比赛的铁杆橄榄球联盟球迷。起源国是他们每年的巅峰事件。-在起源国出现的休闲粉丝,为他们的家乡欢呼。鉴于团队代表两个邻国,团队之间的吹牛权利元素被援引,创造了一个跨社会渠道的大规模对话,使全国电视直播相形见绌。我们的方法是利用休闲和铁杆球迷对各自球队和州的热情,通过在社交网络中创造热门时刻,将游戏的覆盖面扩大到 80 分钟的游戏时间之外。 执行 我们在体育场内建立了一个社会指挥中心,随着比赛的每一个关键时刻展开,我们的团队迅速行动起来。我们确定了球迷们喜欢拥有的物品 -- 沉重的铲球头饰,决定性的转换中的踢脚球,或者球员为球队得分时撞倒的角球。一个运动设计师团队在飞行中制作视频,讲述每个项目背后的故事来产生对话,而文案同时制作 Facebook 帖子、推特和 eBay 列表。几分钟内,我们的视频就在社交媒体上播放,驱使粉丝们去 eBay 现场拍卖,在那里他们可以出价拥有这些物品 -- 所有这些都是在下一次商业广告播出之前。每个项目需要最少的媒体投资,由于与当时的在线对话高度相关,几分钟内就能有机地接触到成千上万的人。 相关性 Instabilia 与娱乐狮子相关,因为它在直播的背景下对粉丝的参与进行了全新的讨论。已经证明,多达 87% 的球迷在现场体育赛事中使用第二个屏幕。我们把现有的行为更进一步,不仅允许他们讨论游戏中最重要的时刻,而且实际上在他们在直播电视上展示的几秒钟内拥有关键项目。 结果 Instabilia 取得了惊人的成绩,在许多高调的体育新闻网站上获得了全国媒体的关注,并在澳大利亚最大的电视网络之一,9 频道, 在他们每周的 NRL 项目中。我们的直播社交内容以最少的媒体投资获得了非凡的影响力,在《邮报》开始直播的几分钟内,就有成千上万的原籍国粉丝。活动结束后,与帖子的接触持续了几天,粉丝们为了拥有他们最喜欢的 Instabilia 作品而奋力拼搏。最重要的是,我们的 Instabilia 的售价是传统 “官方” 纪念品的 12 倍,有助于为 NRL 的合作伙伴慈善机构生命线筹集急需的资金。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription Traditional memorabilia is a mass-produced, highly commoditized element of professional sports. Items barely feel the scratch of a pen, let alone the blood, sweat and tears of the players they represent. Additionally, the majority of sports memorabilia is reserved for exclusive auctions, meaning true fans never get the opportunity to see it, let alone own it.So we created Instabilia. Instant memorabilia created in real-time, live as the action unfolds on the field. During the NRL State of Origin, we captured and immortalized every key moment of Australia’s biggest game, turning them into one-of-a-kind pieces of Instabilia that fans could own, all within seconds of it happening on the field. Complete with mud, sweat, grass stains and all, Instabilia is more than just memorabilia, it’s a genuine piece of football history, telling the story behind pivotal moments of the game that’s commonly referred to in Australia as ‘Sports greatest rivalry’. Synopsis The National Rugby League (NRL) are continually seeking new and innovative ways to engage fans during Australia’s biggest annual sporting event - The State of Origin. Like most professional sports around the world, it has a massive online following, with larger audiences following the action on social media than on live television.Our brief was to create an experience that would not only enhance the viewing experience for both television and online audiences, but also form a deeper connection between fans and the game, ultimately bringing them closer to the action.We had two key objectives:-The primary objective was to create a live experience that could extend fan engagement and conversation beyond the 80 minutes of on-field playing time.-The secondary and non mandatory objective was to use the scale of the event to generate donations and positive sentiment around the NRL’s partner charity, Lifeline. Strategy The NRL State of Origin combines the best players from two states, much like an All Star game, and attracts two key audiences:-Hardcore rugby league fans who follow club games every week. State of Origin is their pinnacle event each year.-Casual fans who emerge during the State of Origin, to cheer for their home State. Given the teams represent two neighboring states, an element of bragging rights between the teams is invoked, creating a mass conversation across social channels that dwarfs the live national TV coverage.Our approach was to capitalize on both casual and hardcore fans’ passion for their respective teams and states, by creating topical moments in social that would extend the reach of the game beyond the 80 minutes of playing time. Execution We built a social command center inside the stadium, and as every key moment of the game unfolded, our team sprung into action. We identified items that fans would love to own – headgear from a heavy tackle, a kicking tee from a decisive conversion, or a corner post a player crashed through to score for their team. A team of motion designers created videos on the fly, telling the story behind each item to generate conversation, while copywriters crafted Facebook posts, tweets and eBay listings simultaneously. Within minutes our videos were broadcast across social media, driving fans to a live eBay auction where they could bid to own the items – all before the next commercial break could go to air. Each item required minimal media investment, organically reaching hundreds of thousands of people within minutes thanks to high relevance to the online conversation at that moment. Relevancy Instabilia is relevant for Entertainement Lions as it places an entirely new spin on fan engagement within the context of live broadcasts. It's been demonstrated that up to 87% of fans use a second screen during live sporting event. We've taken that existing behaviour a step further by not just allowing them to discuss the games biggest moments, but actually owning key items within seconds of them unfolding on in front of them on live tv. Outcome Instabilia achieved fantastic results, gaining national media attention across a number of high profile sports news websites, as well as coverage on one of Australia’s largest television networks, Channel 9, during their weekly NRL program.Our live social content gained extraordinary reach with minimal media investment, reaching hundreds of thousands of State of Origin fans within minutes of the post going live. Engagement with the posts continued for several days beyond the event, as fans battled it out to own their favourite piece of Instabilia.Best of all, our Instabilia sold for up to 12 times more than its traditional ‘official’ memorabilia counterparts, helping to raise much needed funds for the NRL’s partner charity, Lifeline.









    广告公司: VML (澳大利亚 悉尼) 制作公司: VML




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