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    案例简介:概要 我们创建了 snapcents -- 在不到 10 秒的时间内改变麦当劳招聘面貌的即时求职申请。我们把 Snapchat 变成了麦当劳最大的招聘渠道,允许青少年用 snap 申请 -- 没有简历,只有个性。使用 Snapchat 镜头,人们可以把自己变成麦当劳的一员,告诉我们为什么他们会在 10 秒内成为完美的候选人。为了支持镜头,我们在 Snapchat 、麦当劳餐馆和主要大学、学校和公共交通场所制作了广告,这些广告会立即触发快照。 活动描述 麦当劳通常是进入劳动力市场的一种方式,这意味着申请人通常没有以前的工作经验。传统简历的概念对大多数年轻人来说是无关紧要的,因为他们必须推销自己的个性。再加上年轻人已经习惯了这些天立即做任何事情,谈论、分享,甚至寻找爱情; 我们想为什么申请工作会有所不同? 我们认为 Snapchat 是接触年轻人的最佳场所,他们已经离开了像 Facebook 这样的主流网络,转而支持更多的即时 1:1 交流 -- 以及使用 Snapchat 镜头展示他们个性的能力,这种镜头挖掘了他们根深蒂固的行为 -- 这是自然的。 结果 结果是惊人的,在招募年轻人为麦当劳工作和为麦当劳创造大量赚钱的媒体方面,这有助于改变对该品牌的看法,并将他们定位为一个创新的雇主。 -在最初的 24 小时里,我们收到了近 3,000 份订单 -- 比传统方法在一周内收集的数量高出 4 倍。 -几天内我们已经雇佣了真正的年轻人在麦当劳任职 -- 社交媒体在澳大利亚、美国、英国、德国、法国、加拿大接受了全球媒体的报道, 西班牙和更多的国家 -- 估计在 3 天内达到 312 多人 -- 我们的镜头超过了 Snapchat 的基准,超过了 Snapchat 1.5 年的游戏时间镜头 执行 我们制作了一个 Snapchat 镜头,让年轻人穿上麦当劳的制服 -- 配有帽子和姓名徽章,让他们有机会把自己视为潜在的船员。他们所要做的就是告诉我们他们为什么要申请。该倡议得到了全国 Snapchat buy 的支持,让整个国家都能获得独家船员镜头。支持快照广告、数字户外和餐馆抵押品也允许他们通过简单地使用 Snapchat 应用程序扫描 Snapcode 立即触发快照。招聘信息展示了年轻人加入团队的各种原因 -- 从灵活的工作时间、有趣的工作环境到进步和培训机会,在鼓励他们立即加入船员行列之前。 战略 我们制作了一个 Snapchat 镜头,让年轻人穿上麦当劳的制服 -- 配有帽子和姓名徽章,让他们有机会把自己视为潜在的船员。他们所要做的就是告诉我们他们为什么要申请。该倡议得到了全国 Snapchat buy 的支持,让整个国家都能获得独家船员镜头。支持快照广告、数字户外和餐馆抵押品也允许他们通过简单地使用 Snapchat 应用程序扫描 Snapcode 立即触发快照。招聘信息展示了年轻人加入团队的各种原因 -- 从灵活的工作时间、有趣的工作环境到进步和培训机会,在鼓励他们立即加入船员行列之前。 相关性 快照是一种全新的招聘方式。使用 Snapchat 作为我们的主要渠道,我们能够直接吸引年轻人,并通过发送 10 秒钟的视频信息,称为 Snaplication,鼓励他们申请麦当劳的工作。转到 @ Maccas snapchat 帐户。应用程序是与我们的观众直接 1:1 接触,在一个我们知道他们最活跃的渠道中,使用了一种深深植根于他们行为中的机械师,这使得申请工作变得非常简单。


    案例简介:Synopsis We created Snaplications – the instant job application that changed the face of McDonald’s recruitment in under 10 seconds.We turned Snapchat into McDonald’s biggest recruitment channel, allowing teenagers to apply with a snap – no cv’s, just personality.Using a Snapchat lens, people could transform themselves into one of the McDonald’s crew, and told us why they’d be the perfect candidate in under 10 seconds.To support the lens we created ads across Snapchat, McDonald’s restaurants and major universities, schools and public transport locations that would trigger a snaplication instantly. CampaignDescription McDonald’s is typically an entry way into the workforce, meaning applicants generally have no prior work experience. The concept of a traditional resume is irrelevant for most young people given all they have to sell themselves on is their personality. Coupled with the insight that young people are used to doing everything instantly these days, talking, sharing, even finding love; we thought why should applying for a job be any different?We identified Snapchat as the perfect place to reach young people, they had already moved away from mainstream networks like Facebook in favour of more instant 1:1 communication – and the ability to showcase their personality using a Snapchat Lens tapped into behaviour that was so deeply ingrained within them – it was a natural fit. Outcome The results were astonishing, in both recruiting young people to work for McDonald’s and creating massive amounts of earned media for McDonald’s Australia – helping to shift perceptions of the brand and positioning them as an innovative employer.-In the first 24 hours we received nearly 3,000 snaplications – 4x higher than traditional methods gathered in a whole week.-Within days we had already hired real young people into positions at McDonald’s-Snaplications received global media coverage across Australia, USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Spain and many more-An estimated reach of 312M+ people in 3 days-Our lens exceeded Snapchat’s benchmarks by more than double-1.5 years worth of playtime with the Snapchat lens Execution We created a Snapchat lens that put young people into a McDonald’s uniform – complete with hat and name badge, giving them a chance to see themselves as a potential crew member. All they had to do was tell us why they wanted to apply. The initiative was supported with a national Snapchat buy, giving the entire country access to an exclusive crew lens. Supporting snap ads, digital out of home and restaurant collateral also allowed them to instantly trigger a Snaplication by simply scanning the Snapcode with the Snapchat app.Recruitment messaging showcased a variety of reasons why young people should join the crew – from flexible work hours, a fun work environment, to progression and training opportunities, before encouraging them to join the crew in a Snap. Strategy We created a Snapchat lens that put young people into a McDonald’s uniform – complete with hat and name badge, giving them a chance to see themselves as a potential crew member. All they had to do was tell us why they wanted to apply. The initiative was supported with a national Snapchat buy, giving the entire country access to an exclusive crew lens. Supporting snap ads, digital out of home and restaurant collateral also allowed them to instantly trigger a Snaplication by simply scanning the Snapcode with the Snapchat app.Recruitment messaging showcased a variety of reasons why young people should join the crew – from flexible work hours, a fun work environment, to progression and training opportunities, before encouraging them to join the crew in a Snap. Relevancy Snaplications is an entirely new way of looking at recruitment. Using Snapchat as our primary channel, we were able to engage young people directly and encourage them to apply for a job at McDonald's by sending a 10 second video message, called a Snaplication, to the @Maccas snapchat account.Applications were a direct 1:1 engagement with our audience, in a channel where we knew they were the most active, using a mechanic that was so deeply engrained in their behaviour, that it made applying for a job a Snap.


    案例简介:概要 我们创建了 snapcents -- 在不到 10 秒的时间内改变麦当劳招聘面貌的即时求职申请。我们把 Snapchat 变成了麦当劳最大的招聘渠道,允许青少年用 snap 申请 -- 没有简历,只有个性。使用 Snapchat 镜头,人们可以把自己变成麦当劳的一员,告诉我们为什么他们会在 10 秒内成为完美的候选人。为了支持镜头,我们在 Snapchat 、麦当劳餐馆和主要大学、学校和公共交通场所制作了广告,这些广告会立即触发快照。 活动描述 麦当劳通常是进入劳动力市场的一种方式,这意味着申请人通常没有以前的工作经验。传统简历的概念对大多数年轻人来说是无关紧要的,因为他们必须推销自己的个性。再加上年轻人已经习惯了这些天立即做任何事情,谈论、分享,甚至寻找爱情; 我们想为什么申请工作会有所不同? 我们认为 Snapchat 是接触年轻人的最佳场所,他们已经离开了像 Facebook 这样的主流网络,转而支持更多的即时 1:1 交流 -- 以及使用 Snapchat 镜头展示他们个性的能力,这种镜头挖掘了他们根深蒂固的行为 -- 这是自然的。 结果 结果是惊人的,在招募年轻人为麦当劳工作和为麦当劳创造大量赚钱的媒体方面,这有助于改变对该品牌的看法,并将他们定位为一个创新的雇主。 -在最初的 24 小时里,我们收到了近 3,000 份订单 -- 比传统方法在一周内收集的数量高出 4 倍。 -几天内我们已经雇佣了真正的年轻人在麦当劳任职 -- 社交媒体在澳大利亚、美国、英国、德国、法国、加拿大接受了全球媒体的报道, 西班牙和更多的国家 -- 估计在 3 天内达到 312 多人 -- 我们的镜头超过了 Snapchat 的基准,超过了 Snapchat 1.5 年的游戏时间镜头 执行 我们制作了一个 Snapchat 镜头,让年轻人穿上麦当劳的制服 -- 配有帽子和姓名徽章,让他们有机会把自己视为潜在的船员。他们所要做的就是告诉我们他们为什么要申请。该倡议得到了全国 Snapchat buy 的支持,让整个国家都能获得独家船员镜头。支持快照广告、数字户外和餐馆抵押品也允许他们通过简单地使用 Snapchat 应用程序扫描 Snapcode 立即触发快照。招聘信息展示了年轻人加入团队的各种原因 -- 从灵活的工作时间、有趣的工作环境到进步和培训机会,在鼓励他们立即加入船员行列之前。 战略 我们制作了一个 Snapchat 镜头,让年轻人穿上麦当劳的制服 -- 配有帽子和姓名徽章,让他们有机会把自己视为潜在的船员。他们所要做的就是告诉我们他们为什么要申请。该倡议得到了全国 Snapchat buy 的支持,让整个国家都能获得独家船员镜头。支持快照广告、数字户外和餐馆抵押品也允许他们通过简单地使用 Snapchat 应用程序扫描 Snapcode 立即触发快照。招聘信息展示了年轻人加入团队的各种原因 -- 从灵活的工作时间、有趣的工作环境到进步和培训机会,在鼓励他们立即加入船员行列之前。 相关性 快照是一种全新的招聘方式。使用 Snapchat 作为我们的主要渠道,我们能够直接吸引年轻人,并通过发送 10 秒钟的视频信息,称为 Snaplication,鼓励他们申请麦当劳的工作。转到 @ Maccas snapchat 帐户。应用程序是与我们的观众直接 1:1 接触,在一个我们知道他们最活跃的渠道中,使用了一种深深植根于他们行为中的机械师,这使得申请工作变得非常简单。


    案例简介:Synopsis We created Snaplications – the instant job application that changed the face of McDonald’s recruitment in under 10 seconds.We turned Snapchat into McDonald’s biggest recruitment channel, allowing teenagers to apply with a snap – no cv’s, just personality.Using a Snapchat lens, people could transform themselves into one of the McDonald’s crew, and told us why they’d be the perfect candidate in under 10 seconds.To support the lens we created ads across Snapchat, McDonald’s restaurants and major universities, schools and public transport locations that would trigger a snaplication instantly. CampaignDescription McDonald’s is typically an entry way into the workforce, meaning applicants generally have no prior work experience. The concept of a traditional resume is irrelevant for most young people given all they have to sell themselves on is their personality. Coupled with the insight that young people are used to doing everything instantly these days, talking, sharing, even finding love; we thought why should applying for a job be any different?We identified Snapchat as the perfect place to reach young people, they had already moved away from mainstream networks like Facebook in favour of more instant 1:1 communication – and the ability to showcase their personality using a Snapchat Lens tapped into behaviour that was so deeply ingrained within them – it was a natural fit. Outcome The results were astonishing, in both recruiting young people to work for McDonald’s and creating massive amounts of earned media for McDonald’s Australia – helping to shift perceptions of the brand and positioning them as an innovative employer.-In the first 24 hours we received nearly 3,000 snaplications – 4x higher than traditional methods gathered in a whole week.-Within days we had already hired real young people into positions at McDonald’s-Snaplications received global media coverage across Australia, USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Spain and many more-An estimated reach of 312M+ people in 3 days-Our lens exceeded Snapchat’s benchmarks by more than double-1.5 years worth of playtime with the Snapchat lens Execution We created a Snapchat lens that put young people into a McDonald’s uniform – complete with hat and name badge, giving them a chance to see themselves as a potential crew member. All they had to do was tell us why they wanted to apply. The initiative was supported with a national Snapchat buy, giving the entire country access to an exclusive crew lens. Supporting snap ads, digital out of home and restaurant collateral also allowed them to instantly trigger a Snaplication by simply scanning the Snapcode with the Snapchat app.Recruitment messaging showcased a variety of reasons why young people should join the crew – from flexible work hours, a fun work environment, to progression and training opportunities, before encouraging them to join the crew in a Snap. Strategy We created a Snapchat lens that put young people into a McDonald’s uniform – complete with hat and name badge, giving them a chance to see themselves as a potential crew member. All they had to do was tell us why they wanted to apply. The initiative was supported with a national Snapchat buy, giving the entire country access to an exclusive crew lens. Supporting snap ads, digital out of home and restaurant collateral also allowed them to instantly trigger a Snaplication by simply scanning the Snapcode with the Snapchat app.Recruitment messaging showcased a variety of reasons why young people should join the crew – from flexible work hours, a fun work environment, to progression and training opportunities, before encouraging them to join the crew in a Snap. Relevancy Snaplications is an entirely new way of looking at recruitment. Using Snapchat as our primary channel, we were able to engage young people directly and encourage them to apply for a job at McDonald's by sending a 10 second video message, called a Snaplication, to the @Maccas snapchat account.Applications were a direct 1:1 engagement with our audience, in a channel where we knew they were the most active, using a mechanic that was so deeply engrained in their behaviour, that it made applying for a job a Snap.





    广告公司: VML (澳大利亚 悉尼) 制作公司: VML




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