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    #Releasethepressure (Packaging)短视频广告营销案例



    # 释放压力 (包装)

    案例简介:结果 一个在表面下冒泡时间最长的问题,终于得到了应有的承认。美琳达不仅成为青少年的代言人,还向父母展示了支持孩子的美丽方式。消费者参与了高达 1100% 的谈话在美年达 138x 增长高于最近的饮料品牌超过 193 家媒体的文章是支持对造成 brandThe 数字电影被浏览 3500万次只一个月产生超过 6.49亿的免费印象更重要的是,全国 157万的父母承诺在这个考试季节释放压力,米林达马克 · 米林达是青少年最喜欢的品牌,也是数百万需要在这个考试季节释放的青少年不太可能的改变因素。 概要 虽然碳酸饮料类别中的大多数品牌都出现了积极的增长,但橙色饮料在核心消费者 -- 青少年之间一直失去相关性。过去 5 年,橙色饮料对投资组合的贡献下降了 5%。消费者对橙色饮料根本不感兴趣。在一个日益萎缩的类别中,两个主要品牌 -- 美琳达和芬达 -- 用类似的语言交谈 -- 鼓励青少年尽情享受疯狂的乐趣。如此之多,它们在消费者眼中几乎可以互换。没有任何品牌区分,美琳达面临着与消费者情感联系的严重缺失。我们意识到,如果我们想与青少年联系,我们必须脱离类别代码。我们不能仅仅谈论疯狂的乐趣而没有任何意义,相反,我们需要在青少年的生活中给嬉戏一个目的。 战略 2017 的简报是给美琳达玩乐的意义。本能地,洞察力显露出来。玩耍最重要的是消除紧张的情况。我们从印度各地的青少年那里听到了他们生活中的压力点,并看到了一个共同的主题: 考试期间的父母压力。在印度,高中考试被视为青少年生活的终点。它被视为迈向更美好未来的转折点。父母给孩子施加了极大的压力,要求他们在没有意识到对孩子心理健康的严重负面影响的情况下表现出色。报告显示,父母的压力是青少年自杀和抑郁的主要原因,尤其是在印度期末考试的 1月至 3月期间。Mirinda 终于找到了一个相关的角色,通过为沉默的学生说话,给他们隐藏的压力一个带有 # 释放压力的声音,作为这种大规模社会疾病的解毒剂。 活动描述 # 释放压力-是一个致力于让青少年暂时摆脱考试压力和父母期望的运动。美琳达传达了这一想法,将 1100万的瓶子变成了媒体,并使每个瓶子成为社会活动和变革的工具。帽子上的想法成为了一个标志性的象征,让父母可以把它拧下来,举起它来保证他们的支持,而这 1100万个美琳达瓶子的标签上有来自青少年的真实信件给他们的父母。 执行 我们要求印度各地的孩子给他们的父母写公开信,描述他们在压力下的感受。随着信件的涌入,该品牌发布了一部打击很大的数字电影,引发了一场全国性的辩论和同情的流露。该品牌随后做了不可思议的事情; 它将 1100万瓶转化为媒体。所有美琳达瓶子上都出现了真实的公开信。然后,美琳达用一个动作 -- 瓶盖来强调它的承诺!瓶盖成为了运动的标志性象征,也是社会激进主义和变革的工具。心理学家加入了在线为家长和学生提供免费建议的运动。 相关性 # 释放压力是一场运动,致力于让青少年暂时从考试压力和父母期望的压力中解脱出来。米琳达把 1100万瓶变成了媒体,做到了不可思议的事情。瓶子成为社会活动的工具,并随着青少年给父母的 1100万封真实的公开信而改变。这个想法 # 释放压力出现在所有的瓶盖上,成为推动父母转动瓶盖并承诺他们决心的运动的标志性象征。

    # 释放压力 (包装)

    案例简介:Outcome An issue bubbling below the surface for the longest time, finally got its due acknowledgement. Mirinda not only became the voice of the teens but showed parents a beautiful way to support their kids. Consumer engagement went up 1100% as conversation around Mirinda grew 138x higher than the nearest beverage brand Over 193 media articles were written in support of the awareness created by the brandThe digital film was viewed 35 million times in just one month, generating over 649 million free earned impressionsMore importantly, 1.57 million parents across the country pledged to release the pressure this exam season with MirindaMaking Mirinda the most loved brand for teens and an unlikely agent of change for millions of teenagers needing a release this exam season. Synopsis While most brands in the carbonated drinks category were seeing positive growth, orange drinks were consistently losing relevance amongst the core consumers - teenagers. The contribution of orange drinks to the portfolio had dropped 5% in last 5 years. Consumers were simply not interested in orange drinks.Within a shrinking category, the two key brands- Mirinda and Fanta, were talking in a similar language – encouraging teens to indulge in crazy uninhibited fun. So much so, they had become almost interchangeable in the eyes of the consumers. Without any brand distinction, Mirinda was facing a serious loss of emotional connect with the consumers. We realized that, if we wanted to connect with the teens we had to break away from the category codes. We couldn’t just talk about crazy fun without any meaning, instead we needed to give playfulness a purpose in the lives of the teens. Strategy For 2017 the brief was to give Mirinda playfulness a meaning. Instinctively, the insight revealed itself. Playfulness matters the most to diffuse a stressful situation. We heard from teens, across India, on the stress points in their lives and saw one common theme: parental pressure during exams.In India high school exams are seen as the end all in a teenager’s life. It is seen as the turning point towards a better future. Parents put extreme pressure on their kids to excel without realizing the serious negative effects on their kids’ mental health. Reports suggest, parental pressure is the leading cause for suicide and depression amongst teenagers, especially during Jan-Mar, the time for final exams in India. Mirinda had at last found a relevant role as the antidote to this massive social ill by speaking up for the silent students and giving their hidden stress a voice with #ReleaseThePressure. CampaignDescription #ReleaseThePressure - is a movement committed to give teenagers a momentary release from the stress of exam pressure and parental expectations. Mirinda communicated the idea by turning 11 million of its bottles into media and made each bottle an instrument of social activism and change. The idea on the cap became an iconic symbol and allowed parents twist it off and hold it up to pledge their support while the labels of these 11 million Mirinda bottles carried authentic letters from teenagers to their parents. Execution We asked kids across India to write open letters to their parents describing how they feel under pressure.As the letters poured in, the brand released a hard hitting digital film It triggered a nationwide debate and outpouring of empathy. The brand then did the unthinkable; it turned its 11 million bottles into media. Authentic open letters appeared on all Mirinda bottles.Mirinda then underlined its commitment with an action - the bottle cap!The cap became an iconic symbol of the movement and an instrument of social activism and change. Psychologists joined the campaign to offer free advice online to parents and students. Relevancy #ReleaseThePressure is a movement committed to give teenagers a momentary release from the stress of exam pressure and parental expectations.Mirinda did the unthinkable, by turning its 11 million bottles into media. The bottle became an instrument of social activism and change with 11 million authentic open letters from teenagers to their parents. The idea #ReleaseThePressure appeared on all the bottle caps and became an iconic symbol of the movement nudging parents to turn the cap and pledge their resolve.

    #Releasethepressure (Packaging)

    案例简介:结果 一个在表面下冒泡时间最长的问题,终于得到了应有的承认。美琳达不仅成为青少年的代言人,还向父母展示了支持孩子的美丽方式。消费者参与了高达 1100% 的谈话在美年达 138x 增长高于最近的饮料品牌超过 193 家媒体的文章是支持对造成 brandThe 数字电影被浏览 3500万次只一个月产生超过 6.49亿的免费印象更重要的是,全国 157万的父母承诺在这个考试季节释放压力,米林达马克 · 米林达是青少年最喜欢的品牌,也是数百万需要在这个考试季节释放的青少年不太可能的改变因素。 概要 虽然碳酸饮料类别中的大多数品牌都出现了积极的增长,但橙色饮料在核心消费者 -- 青少年之间一直失去相关性。过去 5 年,橙色饮料对投资组合的贡献下降了 5%。消费者对橙色饮料根本不感兴趣。在一个日益萎缩的类别中,两个主要品牌 -- 美琳达和芬达 -- 用类似的语言交谈 -- 鼓励青少年尽情享受疯狂的乐趣。如此之多,它们在消费者眼中几乎可以互换。没有任何品牌区分,美琳达面临着与消费者情感联系的严重缺失。我们意识到,如果我们想与青少年联系,我们必须脱离类别代码。我们不能仅仅谈论疯狂的乐趣而没有任何意义,相反,我们需要在青少年的生活中给嬉戏一个目的。 战略 2017 的简报是给美琳达玩乐的意义。本能地,洞察力显露出来。玩耍最重要的是消除紧张的情况。我们从印度各地的青少年那里听到了他们生活中的压力点,并看到了一个共同的主题: 考试期间的父母压力。在印度,高中考试被视为青少年生活的终点。它被视为迈向更美好未来的转折点。父母给孩子施加了极大的压力,要求他们在没有意识到对孩子心理健康的严重负面影响的情况下表现出色。报告显示,父母的压力是青少年自杀和抑郁的主要原因,尤其是在印度期末考试的 1月至 3月期间。Mirinda 终于找到了一个相关的角色,通过为沉默的学生说话,给他们隐藏的压力一个带有 # 释放压力的声音,作为这种大规模社会疾病的解毒剂。 活动描述 # 释放压力-是一个致力于让青少年暂时摆脱考试压力和父母期望的运动。美琳达传达了这一想法,将 1100万的瓶子变成了媒体,并使每个瓶子成为社会活动和变革的工具。帽子上的想法成为了一个标志性的象征,让父母可以把它拧下来,举起它来保证他们的支持,而这 1100万个美琳达瓶子的标签上有来自青少年的真实信件给他们的父母。 执行 我们要求印度各地的孩子给他们的父母写公开信,描述他们在压力下的感受。随着信件的涌入,该品牌发布了一部打击很大的数字电影,引发了一场全国性的辩论和同情的流露。该品牌随后做了不可思议的事情; 它将 1100万瓶转化为媒体。所有美琳达瓶子上都出现了真实的公开信。然后,美琳达用一个动作 -- 瓶盖来强调它的承诺!瓶盖成为了运动的标志性象征,也是社会激进主义和变革的工具。心理学家加入了在线为家长和学生提供免费建议的运动。 相关性 # 释放压力是一场运动,致力于让青少年暂时从考试压力和父母期望的压力中解脱出来。米琳达把 1100万瓶变成了媒体,做到了不可思议的事情。瓶子成为社会活动的工具,并随着青少年给父母的 1100万封真实的公开信而改变。这个想法 # 释放压力出现在所有的瓶盖上,成为推动父母转动瓶盖并承诺他们决心的运动的标志性象征。

    #Releasethepressure (Packaging)

    案例简介:Outcome An issue bubbling below the surface for the longest time, finally got its due acknowledgement. Mirinda not only became the voice of the teens but showed parents a beautiful way to support their kids. Consumer engagement went up 1100% as conversation around Mirinda grew 138x higher than the nearest beverage brand Over 193 media articles were written in support of the awareness created by the brandThe digital film was viewed 35 million times in just one month, generating over 649 million free earned impressionsMore importantly, 1.57 million parents across the country pledged to release the pressure this exam season with MirindaMaking Mirinda the most loved brand for teens and an unlikely agent of change for millions of teenagers needing a release this exam season. Synopsis While most brands in the carbonated drinks category were seeing positive growth, orange drinks were consistently losing relevance amongst the core consumers - teenagers. The contribution of orange drinks to the portfolio had dropped 5% in last 5 years. Consumers were simply not interested in orange drinks.Within a shrinking category, the two key brands- Mirinda and Fanta, were talking in a similar language – encouraging teens to indulge in crazy uninhibited fun. So much so, they had become almost interchangeable in the eyes of the consumers. Without any brand distinction, Mirinda was facing a serious loss of emotional connect with the consumers. We realized that, if we wanted to connect with the teens we had to break away from the category codes. We couldn’t just talk about crazy fun without any meaning, instead we needed to give playfulness a purpose in the lives of the teens. Strategy For 2017 the brief was to give Mirinda playfulness a meaning. Instinctively, the insight revealed itself. Playfulness matters the most to diffuse a stressful situation. We heard from teens, across India, on the stress points in their lives and saw one common theme: parental pressure during exams.In India high school exams are seen as the end all in a teenager’s life. It is seen as the turning point towards a better future. Parents put extreme pressure on their kids to excel without realizing the serious negative effects on their kids’ mental health. Reports suggest, parental pressure is the leading cause for suicide and depression amongst teenagers, especially during Jan-Mar, the time for final exams in India. Mirinda had at last found a relevant role as the antidote to this massive social ill by speaking up for the silent students and giving their hidden stress a voice with #ReleaseThePressure. CampaignDescription #ReleaseThePressure - is a movement committed to give teenagers a momentary release from the stress of exam pressure and parental expectations. Mirinda communicated the idea by turning 11 million of its bottles into media and made each bottle an instrument of social activism and change. The idea on the cap became an iconic symbol and allowed parents twist it off and hold it up to pledge their support while the labels of these 11 million Mirinda bottles carried authentic letters from teenagers to their parents. Execution We asked kids across India to write open letters to their parents describing how they feel under pressure.As the letters poured in, the brand released a hard hitting digital film It triggered a nationwide debate and outpouring of empathy. The brand then did the unthinkable; it turned its 11 million bottles into media. Authentic open letters appeared on all Mirinda bottles.Mirinda then underlined its commitment with an action - the bottle cap!The cap became an iconic symbol of the movement and an instrument of social activism and change. Psychologists joined the campaign to offer free advice online to parents and students. Relevancy #ReleaseThePressure is a movement committed to give teenagers a momentary release from the stress of exam pressure and parental expectations.Mirinda did the unthinkable, by turning its 11 million bottles into media. The bottle became an instrument of social activism and change with 11 million authentic open letters from teenagers to their parents. The idea #ReleaseThePressure appeared on all the bottle caps and became an iconic symbol of the movement nudging parents to turn the cap and pledge their resolve.

    # 释放压力 (包装)


    #Releasethepressure (Packaging)










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