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    Comparison Adds Pressure微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 2017年,Mirinda将迄今为止对印度孩子的考试压力的地下问题带入了公众意识,并敦促印度父母 # 释放压力。突然,考试压力成为印度的热点问题之一。首相谈到了这一点,许多品牌都加入了潮流。在2018年,我们将焦点放在印度青少年面临的另一个问题上,该问题并未得到广泛讨论: 与印度孩子所面临的其他问题的不断比较。结果是信心和自尊的巨大丧失。在地面活动 (医院帮助热线,频繁休息笔记本等) 的支持下,挑衅性内容有助于将此问题公开。我们的竞选活动在使印度总理释放对印度学童的压力方面发挥了很小的作用-将课程工作量减少了50%。 战略 在印度这样一个高度等级的社会里,青少年很难说出自己的心声,很难对长辈做出回应。Mirinda的创意策略一直专注于为印度青少年发声。印度非常有竞争力,超过12亿人在为每一个机会而战。这种竞争力在教育中最明显地体现出来。父母给孩子施加了很大的压力,要求他们在学习上做得很好,并与其他孩子竞争。他们使用许多工具来激励他们的孩子并给他们施加压力。最流行的工具是比较。印度父母经常以其他孩子的成就为例来激励自己的孩子。但是这样的比较通常会导致深层的心理问题-自尊心和压力降低。Mirinda决定将这个比较问题及其心理影响带入公众关注的焦点。 相关性 比较增加了压力 # 释放压力旨在使父母意识到考试期间不断进行比较会导致孩子的自尊心低下和失去信心。Mirinda的目标是成为青少年的声音,这些青少年在考试期间不断被父母进行比较,并与Fortis联合推出了一条求助热线,父母可以与辅导员交谈,以学习鼓励青少年的建设性方式。该运动是通过一部备受打击的数字电影发起的,该电影获得了4700万的观看次数,引发了一场全国性的辩论。撰写了超过254篇媒体文章来支持该运动。 结果 Mirinda不仅成为了青少年的代言人,而且向父母展示了一种美丽的方式来支持他们的孩子。活动发布后,富通求助热线电话从每天150个增加到700个。仅在YouTube上,该数字电影的观看次数就超过4600万次,并获得了96% 的积极情绪。撰写了超过254篇媒体文章来支持该品牌的知名度。 执行 该品牌以一部强硬的电影拉开了序幕,但Mirinda不仅决定发行,而且还提供了解决该问题的方法。Mirinda与印度顶级连锁医院之一: 富通医院 (Fortis Hospitals) 合作,并开通了一条帮助热线,以解决青少年压力问题。Mirinda将他们的9000万瓶变成了电话卡-每个瓶子的标签上都带有帮助热线号码。该品牌还与印度领先的笔记本电脑制造商Navneet和受欢迎的单口喜剧演员Veer Das合作,创建了频繁中断的笔记本电脑。然后帮助来自最意想不到的来源。总理人力资源部宣布从2019年起将NCERT教学大纲减少一半,从而释放了从一年级到12年级的学生的压力。在短短一年多的时间里,一个没有人谈论的问题从意识到全国性的行动。 运动描述 2017年,Mirinda将因考试而产生的父母压力问题引起了人们的关注。一年后,我们走得更深。我们超越了这个问题,调查了父母给孩子施加压力的工具。最有效和最具破坏性的工具是父母,叔叔和阿姨不断比较孩子。好心的家庭成员将他们的孩子与其他人进行比较以激励他们。但是这种比较对孩子们产生了深远的心理影响。它导致信心丧失并影响了他们的自尊心。Mirinda决定成为不断被比较的印度青少年的声音。因此,出生-比较增加了压力 # 释放压力。


    案例简介:Synopsis In 2017 Mirinda brought the hitherto underground issue of exam pressure on Indian kids into public consciousness and urged Indian parents to #ReleasethePressure. Suddenly, exam pressure became one of the hot button issues in India. The Prime Minister talked of it and many brands jumped on the bandwagon. In 2018, we put the spotlight on another issue faced by Indian teens, which was not talked about widely: The constant comparison to others which Indian kids are subject to. And the immense loss of confidence and self-esteem which is the result. Provocative content, supported by on ground activities (hospital helplines, frequent break notebooks and more) helped to bring this issue into the open. And our campaign had a small part in making the Prime Minister of India to release the pressure on Indian schoolchildren-by reducing the course work by 50%. Strategy In a highly hierarchical society like India, it is very difficult to for teenagers to speak out and answer back to their elders. The Mirinda creative strategy has been focused on giving a voice to Indian teens. India is very competitive, with over 1.2 billion people fighting for every opportunity. And this competitiveness is most clearly manifest in education. Parents put a lot of pressure on their kids to do well in their studies and compete with other kids. And they use many tools to motivate and put pressure on their kids. The most prevalent tool is comparison. Indian parents often resort to giving example of other children’s accomplishment to motivate their own child. But such comparison often resulted in deep psychological problems-reduced self esteem and stress. And Mirinda decided to bring this issue of Comparison and its psychological implications into the public spotlight. Relevancy Comparison Adds Pressure #ReleaseThePressure aims to make parents realize how constant comparison during exams can lead to low self-esteem and loss of confidence of a child. The objective of Mirinda was to become the voice of teens who were constantly being compared by their parents during exams and in association with Fortis it launched a helpline number where parents could talk to counsellors to learn constructive ways of encouraging their teens. The campaign was launched with a hard-hitting digital film which received 47 million views sparking a national debate. Over 254 media articles were written in support of the movement. Outcome Mirinda not only became the voice of the teens but showed parents a beautiful way to support their kids. The calls on the Fortis helpline number increased from 150 to 700 calls per day after the release of the campaign. The digital film was viewed more than 46 million times on YouTube alone and received 96% positive sentiments. Over 254 media articles were written in support of the awareness created by the brand. Execution The brand kicked off with a hard-hitting film But Mirinda decided not only to raise to issue, but also provide a means to address it. Mirinda partnered with one of India’s top hospital chains: Fortis Hospitals-and launched a helpline number to address the issue of teenage stress. Mirinda turned their 90 million bottles into a calling card- every bottle carried the helpline number on its label. The brand also collaborated with Navneet – India’s leading notebooks manufacturer and Veer Das a popular standup comedian to create the frequent-breaks notebooks. And then help came from the most unexpected source. The Prime Minister The HRD ministry announced the reduction of the NCERT syllabus by half from 2019 Thus, releasing the pressure for students from 1st grade to the 12th grade. In just over a year, an issue that nobody was talking about went from awareness to nationwide action. CampaignDescription In 2017, Mirinda raised the issue of parental pressure due to exams into the spotlight. A year later, we went deeper. We went beyond the issue and investigated the tools through which parents put pressure on their kids. The most potent and damaging tool was constant comparison of kids by parents, uncles and aunts. Well-meaning family members compared their kids to others to motivate them. But this comparison had a deep psychological impact on the kids. It caused loss of confidence and impacted their self-esteem. Mirinda decided to become the voice of Indian teens who were constantly being compared. And thus, was born -Comparison Adds Pressure #ReleaseThePressure.

    Comparison Adds Pressure

    案例简介:概要 2017年,Mirinda将迄今为止对印度孩子的考试压力的地下问题带入了公众意识,并敦促印度父母 # 释放压力。突然,考试压力成为印度的热点问题之一。首相谈到了这一点,许多品牌都加入了潮流。在2018年,我们将焦点放在印度青少年面临的另一个问题上,该问题并未得到广泛讨论: 与印度孩子所面临的其他问题的不断比较。结果是信心和自尊的巨大丧失。在地面活动 (医院帮助热线,频繁休息笔记本等) 的支持下,挑衅性内容有助于将此问题公开。我们的竞选活动在使印度总理释放对印度学童的压力方面发挥了很小的作用-将课程工作量减少了50%。 战略 在印度这样一个高度等级的社会里,青少年很难说出自己的心声,很难对长辈做出回应。Mirinda的创意策略一直专注于为印度青少年发声。印度非常有竞争力,超过12亿人在为每一个机会而战。这种竞争力在教育中最明显地体现出来。父母给孩子施加了很大的压力,要求他们在学习上做得很好,并与其他孩子竞争。他们使用许多工具来激励他们的孩子并给他们施加压力。最流行的工具是比较。印度父母经常以其他孩子的成就为例来激励自己的孩子。但是这样的比较通常会导致深层的心理问题-自尊心和压力降低。Mirinda决定将这个比较问题及其心理影响带入公众关注的焦点。 相关性 比较增加了压力 # 释放压力旨在使父母意识到考试期间不断进行比较会导致孩子的自尊心低下和失去信心。Mirinda的目标是成为青少年的声音,这些青少年在考试期间不断被父母进行比较,并与Fortis联合推出了一条求助热线,父母可以与辅导员交谈,以学习鼓励青少年的建设性方式。该运动是通过一部备受打击的数字电影发起的,该电影获得了4700万的观看次数,引发了一场全国性的辩论。撰写了超过254篇媒体文章来支持该运动。 结果 Mirinda不仅成为了青少年的代言人,而且向父母展示了一种美丽的方式来支持他们的孩子。活动发布后,富通求助热线电话从每天150个增加到700个。仅在YouTube上,该数字电影的观看次数就超过4600万次,并获得了96% 的积极情绪。撰写了超过254篇媒体文章来支持该品牌的知名度。 执行 该品牌以一部强硬的电影拉开了序幕,但Mirinda不仅决定发行,而且还提供了解决该问题的方法。Mirinda与印度顶级连锁医院之一: 富通医院 (Fortis Hospitals) 合作,并开通了一条帮助热线,以解决青少年压力问题。Mirinda将他们的9000万瓶变成了电话卡-每个瓶子的标签上都带有帮助热线号码。该品牌还与印度领先的笔记本电脑制造商Navneet和受欢迎的单口喜剧演员Veer Das合作,创建了频繁中断的笔记本电脑。然后帮助来自最意想不到的来源。总理人力资源部宣布从2019年起将NCERT教学大纲减少一半,从而释放了从一年级到12年级的学生的压力。在短短一年多的时间里,一个没有人谈论的问题从意识到全国性的行动。 运动描述 2017年,Mirinda将因考试而产生的父母压力问题引起了人们的关注。一年后,我们走得更深。我们超越了这个问题,调查了父母给孩子施加压力的工具。最有效和最具破坏性的工具是父母,叔叔和阿姨不断比较孩子。好心的家庭成员将他们的孩子与其他人进行比较以激励他们。但是这种比较对孩子们产生了深远的心理影响。它导致信心丧失并影响了他们的自尊心。Mirinda决定成为不断被比较的印度青少年的声音。因此,出生-比较增加了压力 # 释放压力。

    Comparison Adds Pressure

    案例简介:Synopsis In 2017 Mirinda brought the hitherto underground issue of exam pressure on Indian kids into public consciousness and urged Indian parents to #ReleasethePressure. Suddenly, exam pressure became one of the hot button issues in India. The Prime Minister talked of it and many brands jumped on the bandwagon. In 2018, we put the spotlight on another issue faced by Indian teens, which was not talked about widely: The constant comparison to others which Indian kids are subject to. And the immense loss of confidence and self-esteem which is the result. Provocative content, supported by on ground activities (hospital helplines, frequent break notebooks and more) helped to bring this issue into the open. And our campaign had a small part in making the Prime Minister of India to release the pressure on Indian schoolchildren-by reducing the course work by 50%. Strategy In a highly hierarchical society like India, it is very difficult to for teenagers to speak out and answer back to their elders. The Mirinda creative strategy has been focused on giving a voice to Indian teens. India is very competitive, with over 1.2 billion people fighting for every opportunity. And this competitiveness is most clearly manifest in education. Parents put a lot of pressure on their kids to do well in their studies and compete with other kids. And they use many tools to motivate and put pressure on their kids. The most prevalent tool is comparison. Indian parents often resort to giving example of other children’s accomplishment to motivate their own child. But such comparison often resulted in deep psychological problems-reduced self esteem and stress. And Mirinda decided to bring this issue of Comparison and its psychological implications into the public spotlight. Relevancy Comparison Adds Pressure #ReleaseThePressure aims to make parents realize how constant comparison during exams can lead to low self-esteem and loss of confidence of a child. The objective of Mirinda was to become the voice of teens who were constantly being compared by their parents during exams and in association with Fortis it launched a helpline number where parents could talk to counsellors to learn constructive ways of encouraging their teens. The campaign was launched with a hard-hitting digital film which received 47 million views sparking a national debate. Over 254 media articles were written in support of the movement. Outcome Mirinda not only became the voice of the teens but showed parents a beautiful way to support their kids. The calls on the Fortis helpline number increased from 150 to 700 calls per day after the release of the campaign. The digital film was viewed more than 46 million times on YouTube alone and received 96% positive sentiments. Over 254 media articles were written in support of the awareness created by the brand. Execution The brand kicked off with a hard-hitting film But Mirinda decided not only to raise to issue, but also provide a means to address it. Mirinda partnered with one of India’s top hospital chains: Fortis Hospitals-and launched a helpline number to address the issue of teenage stress. Mirinda turned their 90 million bottles into a calling card- every bottle carried the helpline number on its label. The brand also collaborated with Navneet – India’s leading notebooks manufacturer and Veer Das a popular standup comedian to create the frequent-breaks notebooks. And then help came from the most unexpected source. The Prime Minister The HRD ministry announced the reduction of the NCERT syllabus by half from 2019 Thus, releasing the pressure for students from 1st grade to the 12th grade. In just over a year, an issue that nobody was talking about went from awareness to nationwide action. CampaignDescription In 2017, Mirinda raised the issue of parental pressure due to exams into the spotlight. A year later, we went deeper. We went beyond the issue and investigated the tools through which parents put pressure on their kids. The most potent and damaging tool was constant comparison of kids by parents, uncles and aunts. Well-meaning family members compared their kids to others to motivate them. But this comparison had a deep psychological impact on the kids. It caused loss of confidence and impacted their self-esteem. Mirinda decided to become the voice of Indian teens who were constantly being compared. And thus, was born -Comparison Adds Pressure #ReleaseThePressure.



    Comparison Adds Pressure






    广告公司: 天联 (印度 古尔冈) 制作公司: Rising Sun Films




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