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    The Martian Vr Experience短视频广告营销案例



    火星 Vr 体验

    案例简介:大纲 随着消费者的心态转向更加个性化、身临其境的体验,他们期望他们的所有活动都能反映这一演变,包括与心爱的故事和角色互动的新方式。与此同时,超沉浸式虚拟现实平台的进步创造了一个完全重新想象讲述一个故事意味着什么的机会。20 世纪福克斯和福克斯创新实验室开始将虚拟现实从游戏领域中解放出来,并为新兴媒体激发新的应用浪潮。 执行 火星虚拟现实体验的发布始于偷窥,精心策划和策划,以配合三星发布第一个消费者版 Gear VR。然后,我们在世界上最大的舞台上首次展示了完整的体验: 消费电子展,在那里向三星 Gear VR,HTC Vive 和 Oculus Rift 的顶级影响者展示。消费电子展上的轰动之后,圣丹斯电影节著名的新前沿项目又上演了一场。 策略 制作团队利用电影的故事情节创造了火星虚拟现实体验的几个版本: 从最近推出的三星 Gear VR 的三分钟移动预告片,整整 25 分钟的场景汇编,就像书中的章节。这种结构允许参与者成为宇航员马克 · 沃特尼,因为他试图在火星上生存,既有互动的,也有更 “传统” 的视频内容。 市场活动描述 20 世纪福克斯、福克斯创新实验室和领先的行业工作室开创了一个全新的沉浸式娱乐时代,合作创造了火星虚拟现实体验。由雷德利 · 斯科特制作并由罗伯特 · 斯特罗姆伯格执导的执行,这场互动的沉浸式冒险持续了 15-20 分钟,观众从宇航员马克 · 沃特尼的角度参与其中,执行的任务,这将有助于他的生存和救援的机会。观众可以飞到火星表面,在 360 度的虚拟现实环境中以零重力操纵太空,驾驶漫游者,体验热门电影中的其他关键场景。 结果 行业影响者和评论家都称赞这项非凡的技术是消费者娱乐的未来。Mashable 称这种体验 “美味”,Engadget 称之为 “引人入胜” 《综艺》指出这是一个 “大结局…… 这真的很感人”,CNBC 称赞 “福克斯正在引领好莱坞进军虚拟现实” 快速公司称之为 “好莱坞最雄心勃勃的虚拟现实实验” 其他赞扬火星虚拟现实体验的顶级媒体包括《金融时报》、《财富》、好莱坞记者,国际商业时报,洛杉矶时报,纽约时报,Re/Code,今日美国,The Verge and The Wrap。这种参与延伸到社交媒体,在社交媒体上,这些记者与他们的追随者分享了兴奋,并改变了关于虚拟现实在未来如何使用的对话。

    火星 Vr 体验

    案例简介:Synopsis As consumer mindset shifts to more personalized, immersive experiences, they expect all their engagements to reflect this evolution, including new ways to interact with beloved stories and characters. At the same time, advancements in the ultra-immersive virtual reality platform have created an opportunity to completely reimagine what it means to tell a story. 20th Century Fox and Fox Innovation Lab set out to take virtual reality out of just the gaming space, and inspire a new wave of applications for the emerging medium. Execution The release of THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE began with a sneak peek, carefully planned and orchestrated to coincide with Samsung’s launch of the first consumer edition of Gear VR. We then debuted the full experience on the world’s largest stage: The Consumer Electronics Show, where it was demonstrated to top influencers on The Samsung Gear VR, the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift. The splash at CES was followed by a second showing at Sundance Film Festival’s prestigious New Frontier program. Strategy The production team leveraged the storyline from the film to create several versions of THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE: from a three minute mobile trailer for the recently launched Samsung Gear VR, to a full 25-minute compilation of scenes, like chapters in a book. This structure allows participants to become astronaut Mark Watney as he tries to survive on Mars, with both interactive and more “traditional” video content. Campaign Description Ushering in a brand-new era of immersive entertainment, 20th Century Fox, Fox Innovation Lab, and leading industry studios have partnered to create THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE. Executive produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Robert Stromberg, this interactive, immersive adventure runs 15-20 minutes, with viewers participating from astronaut Mark Watney’s perspective, performing tasks that will facilitate his chances for survival and rescue. Viewers can fly onto the surface of Mars, steer at zero gravity through space, drive a rover and experience other key scenes from the hit film in a 360-degree virtual reality environment. Outcome Industry influencers and critics alike hailed the remarkable technology as the future of consumer entertainment. Mashable called the experience “delicious” and Engadget described it as “engrossing.” Variety noted that it was a “grand finale … that’s truly emotional,” and CNBC praised that “Fox is leading Hollywood’s push into VR.” Fast Company called it “Hollywood’s most ambitious VR experiment.”Other top outlets that praised THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE include Financial Times, Fortune, The Hollywood Reporter, International Business Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Re/Code, USA Today, The Verge and The Wrap. That engagement extended to social media, where those same reporters shared the excitement with their followers and changed the conversation on how VR can and will be used in the future.

    The Martian Vr Experience

    案例简介:大纲 随着消费者的心态转向更加个性化、身临其境的体验,他们期望他们的所有活动都能反映这一演变,包括与心爱的故事和角色互动的新方式。与此同时,超沉浸式虚拟现实平台的进步创造了一个完全重新想象讲述一个故事意味着什么的机会。20 世纪福克斯和福克斯创新实验室开始将虚拟现实从游戏领域中解放出来,并为新兴媒体激发新的应用浪潮。 执行 火星虚拟现实体验的发布始于偷窥,精心策划和策划,以配合三星发布第一个消费者版 Gear VR。然后,我们在世界上最大的舞台上首次展示了完整的体验: 消费电子展,在那里向三星 Gear VR,HTC Vive 和 Oculus Rift 的顶级影响者展示。消费电子展上的轰动之后,圣丹斯电影节著名的新前沿项目又上演了一场。 策略 制作团队利用电影的故事情节创造了火星虚拟现实体验的几个版本: 从最近推出的三星 Gear VR 的三分钟移动预告片,整整 25 分钟的场景汇编,就像书中的章节。这种结构允许参与者成为宇航员马克 · 沃特尼,因为他试图在火星上生存,既有互动的,也有更 “传统” 的视频内容。 市场活动描述 20 世纪福克斯、福克斯创新实验室和领先的行业工作室开创了一个全新的沉浸式娱乐时代,合作创造了火星虚拟现实体验。由雷德利 · 斯科特制作并由罗伯特 · 斯特罗姆伯格执导的执行,这场互动的沉浸式冒险持续了 15-20 分钟,观众从宇航员马克 · 沃特尼的角度参与其中,执行的任务,这将有助于他的生存和救援的机会。观众可以飞到火星表面,在 360 度的虚拟现实环境中以零重力操纵太空,驾驶漫游者,体验热门电影中的其他关键场景。 结果 行业影响者和评论家都称赞这项非凡的技术是消费者娱乐的未来。Mashable 称这种体验 “美味”,Engadget 称之为 “引人入胜” 《综艺》指出这是一个 “大结局…… 这真的很感人”,CNBC 称赞 “福克斯正在引领好莱坞进军虚拟现实” 快速公司称之为 “好莱坞最雄心勃勃的虚拟现实实验” 其他赞扬火星虚拟现实体验的顶级媒体包括《金融时报》、《财富》、好莱坞记者,国际商业时报,洛杉矶时报,纽约时报,Re/Code,今日美国,The Verge and The Wrap。这种参与延伸到社交媒体,在社交媒体上,这些记者与他们的追随者分享了兴奋,并改变了关于虚拟现实在未来如何使用的对话。

    The Martian Vr Experience

    案例简介:Synopsis As consumer mindset shifts to more personalized, immersive experiences, they expect all their engagements to reflect this evolution, including new ways to interact with beloved stories and characters. At the same time, advancements in the ultra-immersive virtual reality platform have created an opportunity to completely reimagine what it means to tell a story. 20th Century Fox and Fox Innovation Lab set out to take virtual reality out of just the gaming space, and inspire a new wave of applications for the emerging medium. Execution The release of THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE began with a sneak peek, carefully planned and orchestrated to coincide with Samsung’s launch of the first consumer edition of Gear VR. We then debuted the full experience on the world’s largest stage: The Consumer Electronics Show, where it was demonstrated to top influencers on The Samsung Gear VR, the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift. The splash at CES was followed by a second showing at Sundance Film Festival’s prestigious New Frontier program. Strategy The production team leveraged the storyline from the film to create several versions of THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE: from a three minute mobile trailer for the recently launched Samsung Gear VR, to a full 25-minute compilation of scenes, like chapters in a book. This structure allows participants to become astronaut Mark Watney as he tries to survive on Mars, with both interactive and more “traditional” video content. Campaign Description Ushering in a brand-new era of immersive entertainment, 20th Century Fox, Fox Innovation Lab, and leading industry studios have partnered to create THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE. Executive produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Robert Stromberg, this interactive, immersive adventure runs 15-20 minutes, with viewers participating from astronaut Mark Watney’s perspective, performing tasks that will facilitate his chances for survival and rescue. Viewers can fly onto the surface of Mars, steer at zero gravity through space, drive a rover and experience other key scenes from the hit film in a 360-degree virtual reality environment. Outcome Industry influencers and critics alike hailed the remarkable technology as the future of consumer entertainment. Mashable called the experience “delicious” and Engadget described it as “engrossing.” Variety noted that it was a “grand finale … that’s truly emotional,” and CNBC praised that “Fox is leading Hollywood’s push into VR.” Fast Company called it “Hollywood’s most ambitious VR experiment.”Other top outlets that praised THE MARTIAN VR EXPERIENCE include Financial Times, Fortune, The Hollywood Reporter, International Business Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Re/Code, USA Today, The Verge and The Wrap. That engagement extended to social media, where those same reporters shared the excitement with their followers and changed the conversation on how VR can and will be used in the future.

    火星 Vr 体验


    The Martian Vr Experience










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