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    Our Greatest Adventure短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:大纲 雷德利 · 斯科特的《火星人》讲述了一名美国宇航员 (马特·达蒙) 被困在火星上,被迫利用他的聪明才智和精神生存的故事。这部电影是一封给科学的情书,通过幽默、智慧和富有感染力的乐观主义的有力结合,让这个故事栩栩如生。我们与传奇电影制作人雷德利 · 斯科特和20世纪福克斯公司密切合作,为火星人设计了一个长达数月的原创故事,从公众的角度讲述了这次任务的故事。该活动旨在让观众看到人类前往火星的未来,为任务的船员建立一个丰富的情感背景故事,以全球紧迫感关注特派团的灾难事件。“我们最伟大的冒险” 是我们在竞选期间推出的梯形内容之一。 执行 2015年8月,我们在NASA、20世纪福克斯、StarTalk、国家地理和尼尔本人的帮助下,通过社交媒体推出了这部短片。它还被用来宣传《星之谈》的新一季,并在电影发行前几周的商业休息时间作为一部关于NatGeo的连载短片上映。短片本身是在7周内开发的 -- 从脚本到完成。我们的制作团队创造了一个美丽的混合现实空间环境和一系列以火星、爱马仕宇宙飞船等为特色的视觉效果,这些视觉效果旨在与故事片的质量和美感相匹配。 策略 尼尔 · 德格拉斯 · 泰森是一位极具影响力的科学家和天体物理学家,以利用社交媒体评论许多热门科幻电影和电视节目的可信度而闻名。尼尔的可信度和个人品牌使他成为火星人的理想影响者,也是突出电影对科学现实的独特热爱的关键。“我们最伟大的冒险” 是一种独一无二的伙伴关系,它的写作、设计和执行都是为了忠于火星人和尼尔的个人品牌。 市场活动描述 雷德利 · 斯科特的《火星》以大屏幕上有史以来最真实的太空探索任务之一为特色。为了强调这部电影对真实性的承诺,我们与流行文化最受欢迎的科学家尼尔 · 德格拉斯 · 泰森合作,在2035年为他的节目《明星》创作了一集令人惊叹的CG迷你剧集。尼尔 -- 看起来老了20岁 -- 打破了任务的现实科学,并提供了电影虚构太空计划的关键细节。这部短片的写作和发展是为了真实地捕捉尼尔对太空探索的热情和乐观。我们甚至给了他灰白的头发,让他更庄重地扮演这个角色,以带来几年额外的智慧和经验。 结果 “阿瑞斯: 我们最大的冒险” 产生了超过500万个多平台视图。观众和媒体欣喜若狂,称赞与尼尔 · 德格拉斯 · 泰森的合作是 “相当巧妙的宣传” (Slate) 和 “近代史上更酷的交叉促销动作之一” (影音俱乐部)。这一努力因其现实的性质、真实性和创新的营销而被集体宣布。这位书呆子甚至称之为 “有史以来最好、最有创意、坦率地说是最棒的电影宣传片之一” 最重要的是,火星人继续成为2015年最大的流行文化活动之一,以第一名开幕,成为有史以来第二高的秋季首映和雷德利 · 斯科特有史以来最成功的电影。


    案例简介:Synopsis Ridley Scott’s The Martian tells the story of an American astronaut (Matt Damon) stranded on Mars and forced to draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to survive. The film is a love letter to Science, bringing the story to life through a potent mix of humor, intelligence, and infectious optimism.We worked closely with legendary filmmaker Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox to design a months-long original narrative for The Martian that would tell the story of the mission from the public’s point of view. The campaign was built to give audiences a peek into a future where mankind has traveled to Mars, establish a rich emotional backstory for the crew of the mission, and follow the events of the mission’s disaster with a sense of global urgency.“Our Greatest Adventure” was one of our keystone content launches during the campaign. Execution In August 2015, we launched the short film across social media with the help of NASA, 20th Century Fox, StarTalk, National Geographic, and Neil himself. It was also used to promote the new season of StarTalk, and ran as a serialized short film on NatGeo during commercial breaks in the weeks leading up to the film’s release.The short itself was developed over the course of 7 weeks - from script to finish. Our production team created a beautiful mixed-reality space setting and a range of visuals featuring Mars, the Hermes spaceship, et al. that were designed to match the quality and aesthetic of the feature film. Strategy Neil deGrasse Tyson is a hugely influential scientist and astrophysicist, known for leveraging social media to comment on the credibility of many popular science fiction movies and television shows. Neil’s credibility and personal brand made him an ideal influencer for The Martian, and were key in highlighting the film’s singular devotion to science reality.“Our Greatest Adventure” was a one-of-a-kind partnership that was written, designed, and executed to remain true to both the The Martian and Neil’s personal brand. Campaign Description Ridley Scott’s The Martian features one of the most realistic space exploration missions ever presented on the big screen. To highlight the film’s commitment to authenticity, we partnered with pop culture’s favorite scientist—Neil deGrasse Tyson—to create a stunning CG mini-episode of his show StarTalk set in the year 2035.Neil—aged to look 20 years older—broke down the real-life science of the mission and provided key details about the film’s fictional space program. The short was written and developed to authentically capture Neil’s passion and optimism about space exploration. We even gave him greyer hair and had him play the role with a bit more gravitas, in order to bring forth a few extra years of wisdom and experience. Outcome “Ares: Our Greatest Adventure” generated over 5 million multiplatform views. Audiences and press devoured the campaign, praising the collaboration with Neil deGrasse Tyson as “a pretty ingenious bit of publicity” (Slate) and “one of the cooler cross-promotional moves in recent history” (AV Club). The effort was collectively heralded for its realistic nature, authenticity and innovative marketing. The Nerdist even called it “one of the best, most creative, and frankly most awesome promos for a movie ever.”Best of all, The Martian went on to become one of the biggest pop culture events of 2015, opening at #1, becoming the second-highest Fall opening of all-time and Ridley Scott’s most successful movie ever.

    Our Greatest Adventure

    案例简介:大纲 雷德利 · 斯科特的《火星人》讲述了一名美国宇航员 (马特·达蒙) 被困在火星上,被迫利用他的聪明才智和精神生存的故事。这部电影是一封给科学的情书,通过幽默、智慧和富有感染力的乐观主义的有力结合,让这个故事栩栩如生。我们与传奇电影制作人雷德利 · 斯科特和20世纪福克斯公司密切合作,为火星人设计了一个长达数月的原创故事,从公众的角度讲述了这次任务的故事。该活动旨在让观众看到人类前往火星的未来,为任务的船员建立一个丰富的情感背景故事,以全球紧迫感关注特派团的灾难事件。“我们最伟大的冒险” 是我们在竞选期间推出的梯形内容之一。 执行 2015年8月,我们在NASA、20世纪福克斯、StarTalk、国家地理和尼尔本人的帮助下,通过社交媒体推出了这部短片。它还被用来宣传《星之谈》的新一季,并在电影发行前几周的商业休息时间作为一部关于NatGeo的连载短片上映。短片本身是在7周内开发的 -- 从脚本到完成。我们的制作团队创造了一个美丽的混合现实空间环境和一系列以火星、爱马仕宇宙飞船等为特色的视觉效果,这些视觉效果旨在与故事片的质量和美感相匹配。 策略 尼尔 · 德格拉斯 · 泰森是一位极具影响力的科学家和天体物理学家,以利用社交媒体评论许多热门科幻电影和电视节目的可信度而闻名。尼尔的可信度和个人品牌使他成为火星人的理想影响者,也是突出电影对科学现实的独特热爱的关键。“我们最伟大的冒险” 是一种独一无二的伙伴关系,它的写作、设计和执行都是为了忠于火星人和尼尔的个人品牌。 市场活动描述 雷德利 · 斯科特的《火星》以大屏幕上有史以来最真实的太空探索任务之一为特色。为了强调这部电影对真实性的承诺,我们与流行文化最受欢迎的科学家尼尔 · 德格拉斯 · 泰森合作,在2035年为他的节目《明星》创作了一集令人惊叹的CG迷你剧集。尼尔 -- 看起来老了20岁 -- 打破了任务的现实科学,并提供了电影虚构太空计划的关键细节。这部短片的写作和发展是为了真实地捕捉尼尔对太空探索的热情和乐观。我们甚至给了他灰白的头发,让他更庄重地扮演这个角色,以带来几年额外的智慧和经验。 结果 “阿瑞斯: 我们最大的冒险” 产生了超过500万个多平台视图。观众和媒体欣喜若狂,称赞与尼尔 · 德格拉斯 · 泰森的合作是 “相当巧妙的宣传” (Slate) 和 “近代史上更酷的交叉促销动作之一” (影音俱乐部)。这一努力因其现实的性质、真实性和创新的营销而被集体宣布。这位书呆子甚至称之为 “有史以来最好、最有创意、坦率地说是最棒的电影宣传片之一” 最重要的是,火星人继续成为2015年最大的流行文化活动之一,以第一名开幕,成为有史以来第二高的秋季首映和雷德利 · 斯科特有史以来最成功的电影。

    Our Greatest Adventure

    案例简介:Synopsis Ridley Scott’s The Martian tells the story of an American astronaut (Matt Damon) stranded on Mars and forced to draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to survive. The film is a love letter to Science, bringing the story to life through a potent mix of humor, intelligence, and infectious optimism.We worked closely with legendary filmmaker Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox to design a months-long original narrative for The Martian that would tell the story of the mission from the public’s point of view. The campaign was built to give audiences a peek into a future where mankind has traveled to Mars, establish a rich emotional backstory for the crew of the mission, and follow the events of the mission’s disaster with a sense of global urgency.“Our Greatest Adventure” was one of our keystone content launches during the campaign. Execution In August 2015, we launched the short film across social media with the help of NASA, 20th Century Fox, StarTalk, National Geographic, and Neil himself. It was also used to promote the new season of StarTalk, and ran as a serialized short film on NatGeo during commercial breaks in the weeks leading up to the film’s release.The short itself was developed over the course of 7 weeks - from script to finish. Our production team created a beautiful mixed-reality space setting and a range of visuals featuring Mars, the Hermes spaceship, et al. that were designed to match the quality and aesthetic of the feature film. Strategy Neil deGrasse Tyson is a hugely influential scientist and astrophysicist, known for leveraging social media to comment on the credibility of many popular science fiction movies and television shows. Neil’s credibility and personal brand made him an ideal influencer for The Martian, and were key in highlighting the film’s singular devotion to science reality.“Our Greatest Adventure” was a one-of-a-kind partnership that was written, designed, and executed to remain true to both the The Martian and Neil’s personal brand. Campaign Description Ridley Scott’s The Martian features one of the most realistic space exploration missions ever presented on the big screen. To highlight the film’s commitment to authenticity, we partnered with pop culture’s favorite scientist—Neil deGrasse Tyson—to create a stunning CG mini-episode of his show StarTalk set in the year 2035.Neil—aged to look 20 years older—broke down the real-life science of the mission and provided key details about the film’s fictional space program. The short was written and developed to authentically capture Neil’s passion and optimism about space exploration. We even gave him greyer hair and had him play the role with a bit more gravitas, in order to bring forth a few extra years of wisdom and experience. Outcome “Ares: Our Greatest Adventure” generated over 5 million multiplatform views. Audiences and press devoured the campaign, praising the collaboration with Neil deGrasse Tyson as “a pretty ingenious bit of publicity” (Slate) and “one of the cooler cross-promotional moves in recent history” (AV Club). The effort was collectively heralded for its realistic nature, authenticity and innovative marketing. The Nerdist even called it “one of the best, most creative, and frankly most awesome promos for a movie ever.”Best of all, The Martian went on to become one of the biggest pop culture events of 2015, opening at #1, becoming the second-highest Fall opening of all-time and Ridley Scott’s most successful movie ever.



    Our Greatest Adventure










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