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    Stone Milk短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 所有的活动都是围绕着石头牛奶瓶展开的,它被交付给顶级创意人员、设计师和营销主管。瓶子有一个极简主义的设计,这指导了整个运动的创作。极简主义的设计被选中,所以我们用最少的资源获得了伟大的处决,这使得这场运动本身成为 “从石头中获取牛奶” 的一个例子。我们有在线电影 (《彗星》、《内爆》、《电击枪》),讲述了一滴牛奶从石头中取出的史诗故事。它们是简单的 b & w 动画,只有黑色立方体和强大的声音设计。这些海报实际上是从石头中取出的,通过平版印刷过程,将运动的概念转化为印刷的方法。光刻给海报带来了原始的、过时的美学,有缺陷和不同的纹理,让他们看起来像他们很难被从石头里拿出来。 概要 文化背景 “把牛奶从石头里拿出来” 是巴西的一种表达方式,类似于 “把血从石头里拿出来”,意思是从不利的情况中得到一个很好的结果。每个有创造力的人都非常熟悉这种情况。挑战赛 2016 届巴西创意俱乐部节是在一个非常特殊、艰难的一年到来的: 巴西的深刻危机,客户预算短缺,代理机构的艰难时期。在这样的情况下,我们如何为创意节带来相关性? 战略 我们首先发布了一项广告活动,宣传石牛奶,这种新产品,以著名的表达方式命名。极简主义设计的在线电影、平面广告和海报展示了一瓶石奶。然后,我们开始将实际的石奶瓶发送给顶级创意人员、设计师和营销主管,作为直接营销工作。瓶子里的石奶的营养成分将显示关于巴西创意俱乐部节的信息,如日期、内容和门票销售。 结果 2016 届巴西创意俱乐部节的出席率是历年来最高的,吸引了来自巴西其他州的人,比前一年高出 33%。石奶是几条商业新闻的主题,帮助这个节日在巴西成为创造力的一极。 活动描述 我们把流行的表达变成了一个品牌产品: 石奶。一种由每个人生产的创新牛奶,即使时代艰难。石奶是为了提醒人们创造性思维及其结果的重要性而创作的。石奶瓶作为巴西创意俱乐部节的邀请被送到我们的目标。整个活动都是围绕这种 “新产品” 展开的,总是采用极简主义的设计,这使得活动本身成为 “从石头中获取牛奶” 的一个例子。


    案例简介:Execution All the campaign was developed around the Stone Milk bottle which was delivered to top creatives, designers and marketing executives. The bottles had a minimalist design, which guided the creation of the whole campaign. The minimalist design was chosen so we get great executions with minimal resources, making the campaign itself an example of “getting milk out of a stone”. We had online films (‘The Comet’, ‘The Implosion’, ‘The Catapult’) featuring epic stories about a drop of milk being taken out of stones. They were simple b&w animations, with only black cubes and a powerful sound design.The posters were literally taken out of a stone, through lithography process, taking the campaign’s concept to the very method of printing.The lithography gave the posters a raw, rudimentar aesthetics, with imperfections and different textures, making them look as they were very hard to be taken out of the stone. Synopsis CULTURAL CONTEXT“Getting milk out of a stone” is a Brazilian expression similar to “getting blood out of a stone”, meaning getting a great outcome from an adverse situation. A situation that everyone who works with creativity is very familiar with.CHALLENGEThe 2016 edition of the Brazilian Creative Club Festival came in a very particular, tough year: deep crisis in Brazil, short budgets in clients, hard times for agencies.How could we bring relevance for a festival about creativity in a scenario like that? Strategy We first released a campaign advertising the Stone Milk, this new product, named after the well-known expression. Online films, print ads and posters with minimalist design featured the bottle of the Stone Milk. Then, we started sending out the actual Stone Milk bottles to top creatives, designers and marketing executives, as a direct marketing effort. The Stone Milk’s nutritional facts in the bottle would show the information about the Brazilian Creative Club Festival, such as dates, content and ticket sales. Outcome The 2016 edition of the Brazilian Creative Club Festival had the largest attendance rate of all years, bringing people from other Brazilian states and surpassing the previous year by 33%. The Stone Milk was subject of several business news, helping the festival establish itself as a creativity pole in Brazil. CampaignDescription We turned the popular expression into a branded product: the Stone Milk. A milk produced by everyone that innovates, even when times are hard. The Stone Milk was created to remind people of the importance of the creative thinking and its results. The Stone Milk bottles were delivered to our target as an invitation for the Brazilian Creative Club Festival.The whole campaign was developed around this ‘new product’, always with a minimalist design, making the campaign itself an example of "getting milk out of a stone".

    Stone Milk

    案例简介:执行 所有的活动都是围绕着石头牛奶瓶展开的,它被交付给顶级创意人员、设计师和营销主管。瓶子有一个极简主义的设计,这指导了整个运动的创作。极简主义的设计被选中,所以我们用最少的资源获得了伟大的处决,这使得这场运动本身成为 “从石头中获取牛奶” 的一个例子。我们有在线电影 (《彗星》、《内爆》、《电击枪》),讲述了一滴牛奶从石头中取出的史诗故事。它们是简单的 b & w 动画,只有黑色立方体和强大的声音设计。这些海报实际上是从石头中取出的,通过平版印刷过程,将运动的概念转化为印刷的方法。光刻给海报带来了原始的、过时的美学,有缺陷和不同的纹理,让他们看起来像他们很难被从石头里拿出来。 概要 文化背景 “把牛奶从石头里拿出来” 是巴西的一种表达方式,类似于 “把血从石头里拿出来”,意思是从不利的情况中得到一个很好的结果。每个有创造力的人都非常熟悉这种情况。挑战赛 2016 届巴西创意俱乐部节是在一个非常特殊、艰难的一年到来的: 巴西的深刻危机,客户预算短缺,代理机构的艰难时期。在这样的情况下,我们如何为创意节带来相关性? 战略 我们首先发布了一项广告活动,宣传石牛奶,这种新产品,以著名的表达方式命名。极简主义设计的在线电影、平面广告和海报展示了一瓶石奶。然后,我们开始将实际的石奶瓶发送给顶级创意人员、设计师和营销主管,作为直接营销工作。瓶子里的石奶的营养成分将显示关于巴西创意俱乐部节的信息,如日期、内容和门票销售。 结果 2016 届巴西创意俱乐部节的出席率是历年来最高的,吸引了来自巴西其他州的人,比前一年高出 33%。石奶是几条商业新闻的主题,帮助这个节日在巴西成为创造力的一极。 活动描述 我们把流行的表达变成了一个品牌产品: 石奶。一种由每个人生产的创新牛奶,即使时代艰难。石奶是为了提醒人们创造性思维及其结果的重要性而创作的。石奶瓶作为巴西创意俱乐部节的邀请被送到我们的目标。整个活动都是围绕这种 “新产品” 展开的,总是采用极简主义的设计,这使得活动本身成为 “从石头中获取牛奶” 的一个例子。

    Stone Milk

    案例简介:Execution All the campaign was developed around the Stone Milk bottle which was delivered to top creatives, designers and marketing executives. The bottles had a minimalist design, which guided the creation of the whole campaign. The minimalist design was chosen so we get great executions with minimal resources, making the campaign itself an example of “getting milk out of a stone”. We had online films (‘The Comet’, ‘The Implosion’, ‘The Catapult’) featuring epic stories about a drop of milk being taken out of stones. They were simple b&w animations, with only black cubes and a powerful sound design.The posters were literally taken out of a stone, through lithography process, taking the campaign’s concept to the very method of printing.The lithography gave the posters a raw, rudimentar aesthetics, with imperfections and different textures, making them look as they were very hard to be taken out of the stone. Synopsis CULTURAL CONTEXT“Getting milk out of a stone” is a Brazilian expression similar to “getting blood out of a stone”, meaning getting a great outcome from an adverse situation. A situation that everyone who works with creativity is very familiar with.CHALLENGEThe 2016 edition of the Brazilian Creative Club Festival came in a very particular, tough year: deep crisis in Brazil, short budgets in clients, hard times for agencies.How could we bring relevance for a festival about creativity in a scenario like that? Strategy We first released a campaign advertising the Stone Milk, this new product, named after the well-known expression. Online films, print ads and posters with minimalist design featured the bottle of the Stone Milk. Then, we started sending out the actual Stone Milk bottles to top creatives, designers and marketing executives, as a direct marketing effort. The Stone Milk’s nutritional facts in the bottle would show the information about the Brazilian Creative Club Festival, such as dates, content and ticket sales. Outcome The 2016 edition of the Brazilian Creative Club Festival had the largest attendance rate of all years, bringing people from other Brazilian states and surpassing the previous year by 33%. The Stone Milk was subject of several business news, helping the festival establish itself as a creativity pole in Brazil. CampaignDescription We turned the popular expression into a branded product: the Stone Milk. A milk produced by everyone that innovates, even when times are hard. The Stone Milk was created to remind people of the importance of the creative thinking and its results. The Stone Milk bottles were delivered to our target as an invitation for the Brazilian Creative Club Festival.The whole campaign was developed around this ‘new product’, always with a minimalist design, making the campaign itself an example of "getting milk out of a stone".



    Stone Milk






    广告公司: 博达大桥 (巴西 圣保罗) 制作公司: Vetor Zero




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