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    西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的视觉识别

    案例简介:执行 动画和后续剧照构成了印刷、数字和移动图像视觉语言的基础。还开发了一种印刷方法,包括两种反映西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士行为的技巧。流畅的运动捕捉到了他宏大而全面的手势; 棱角分明的运动捕捉到了他更强烈而紧急的手势。这种技术很少应用于标题字体,以表达音乐的运动和情感。单数单词也被分成多行,以进一步增加运动感和节奏感。即使是音乐家的个人照片也捕捉到了他们的运动,这是音乐创作的内在内容。移动图像现在在他们的交流中起着主导作用,一系列结合动画和类型的电影推动了新赛季。这些都在 Barbican 、 LSO 的网站和数字频道的屏幕上展示。 活动描述 我们的创意,总是感人的,反映了伦敦交响乐团总是进步的,它的表演总是发自内心和情感的体验。受 LSO 标志的启发,我们从音乐和表演的同一个地方开始 -- 和指挥家一起。我们的想法很简单,我们想创造一个由西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士进行的视觉识别。我们开始使用西蒙爵士热情而独特的指挥动作来创作和塑造音乐,以告知品牌的视觉语言。这样做既能忠实于他的动作,又能反映音乐的情感品质。 战略 把西蒙爵士放在视觉身份的核心,有两个基本阶段: 第一阶段: 捕捉指挥的动作。西蒙爵士穿着运动捕捉服和手套,上身、手臂、手、手指上有 27 个反光标记,还有一根特制的指挥棒。十二台顶级 Vicon Vantage 摄像机从 360 拍摄到他的动作?以每秒 120 帧的速度进行埃尔加的原创主题变奏曲。排练结束时,我们有 150,000 多帧数据。第二阶段: 数据可视化我们然后委托一位数字艺术家将运动数据转换成一系列富有表现力的动画电影,反映音乐的情感品质。例如,管弦乐队的不和谐声音变成了木材、黄铜和弦乐的爆炸性抽象漩涡。对于一个以弦乐为主导的作品来说,拨浪鼓的清扫动作创造了流畅的弦乐雕塑。 结果 该品牌的新视觉语言通过运动和艺术诠释捕捉音乐的情感品质,使其更容易接近 -- 帮助 LSO 实现将古典音乐带给新的和年轻的观众的雄心。 “我们的新 LSO 品牌传达了伦敦交响乐团的开拓精神。它以一种更容易理解的方式代表古典音乐,反映了我们表演的内在力量。它为我们现有的品牌带来了新的活力,同时将西蒙爵士和我们的音乐制作置于我们品牌的核心。 LSO 推出了新品牌,以配合 1月开始销售的 2017/18 音乐会季。此后,LSO 经历了历史上最成功的销售时期。许多音乐会现在已经售罄,销售额和多场音乐会的预订量明显高于前几季。 概要 伦敦交响乐团是自治的,成立于 1904年。今天,它被认为是世界上最好的之一,以其强大的情感表现和开拓精神而闻名。这是第一个在美国巡回演出的伦敦管弦乐团; 第一个创建自己的唱片公司; 也是第一个建立自己的教育和外联项目的人 -- 这个项目体现了他们不断将古典音乐带给新观众的愿望。在任命世界著名指挥家西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士时,LSO 要求我们发展他们的品牌传播,以反映前方激动人心的新时代。简报的核心是挑战捕捉他们音乐的情感力量,庆祝西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的到来, 在某种程度上,这将呼应 LSO 的开拓精神,并帮助管弦乐队与更广泛的观众接触。

    西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的视觉识别

    案例简介:Execution Collectively the animations and subsequent stills form the basis of the visual language for print, digital and moving image. A typographic approach was developed too, consisting of two techniques reflecting Sir Simon Rattle’s movements as he conducts. A fluid movement captures his grand and sweeping gestures; an angular movement captures his more intense and urgent gestures. This technique is applied sparingly to the headline font to express the movement and emotion of the music. Singular words are also split over multiple lines, to further add a sense of movement and rhythm.Even the individual photographs of the musicians capture their movement, which is intrinsic to the creation of the music.Moving image now plays a lead role in their communications and a series of films combining the animations and type promote the new season. These are being displayed across screens at The Barbican, LSO’s website and digital channels. CampaignDescription Our creative idea, Always Moving, reflects that the London Symphony Orchestra is always progressive and that its performances are always visceral and emotional experiences. Inspired by the LSO logo, we started at the same place that the music and performances do – with the conductor. Our idea was simple, we wanted to create a visual identity that was conducted by Sir Simon Rattle. We set out to use Sir Simon’s passionate and distinctive conducting movements as he creates and shapes the music to inform the visual language of the brand. And to do this in a way that would stay true to his movements but also reflect the emotional qualities of the music. Strategy To put Sir Simon at the heart of the visual identity, there were two fundamental stages:Stage one: capturing the conductor’s movements.Sir Simon wore a motion capture suit and gloves, with 27 reflective markers on his upper body, arms, hands, fingers, along with a specially-modified baton. Twelve top-of-the-range Vicon Vantage cameras captured his movements from 360? at 120 frames per second as he conducted Elgar’s Variations on an Original Theme. At the end of the rehearsal we had over 150,000 frames of data.Stage two: data visualisationWe then commissioned a digital artist to transform the motion data into a series of expressive animated films reflecting the emotional qualities of the music. For example, the cacophony of the Orchestra at full force becomes an explosive abstract maelstrom of wood, brass and strings. For a string-led piece, Rattle’s sweeping movements create fluid string sculptures. Outcome The brand’s new visual language captures the emotional qualities of the music, through movement and artistic interpretation, making it more accessible – helping LSO achieve its ambition to take classical music to new and younger audiences.‘Our new LSO brand conveys the pioneering spirit of the London Symphony Orchestra. It represents classical music in a way that’s more accessible and reflects the visceral power of our performances. It does all this in way that brings new life to our existing marque and simultaneously places Sir Simon and our music-making at the very heart of our brand.’‘The LSO launched its new brand to coincide with the 2017/18 concert season going on sale in January. Since, the LSO has had the most successful period of sales in its history. Many concerts are now sold out, with sales and multiple concert bookings being significantly higher than previous seasons.’Edward Appleyard, LSO Project Lead Synopsis The London Symphony Orchestra is self-governed and was founded in 1904. Today, it is regarded as one of the finest in the world, renowned for its powerful emotional performances and pioneering spirit. It’s the first London orchestra to tour the US; the first to create its own record label; and the first to establish its own education and outreach programme – a project that epitomises their constant desire to take classical music to new audiences. At the appointment of world famous conductor, Sir Simon Rattle, the LSO asked us to evolve their brand communications to reflect the exciting new era ahead. At the core of the brief was the challenge to capture the emotional power of their music and celebrate the arrival of Sir Simon Rattle, in a way that would echo LSO’s pioneering spirit and help the orchestra to engage with a broader audience.

    Visual Identity Conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

    案例简介:执行 动画和后续剧照构成了印刷、数字和移动图像视觉语言的基础。还开发了一种印刷方法,包括两种反映西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士行为的技巧。流畅的运动捕捉到了他宏大而全面的手势; 棱角分明的运动捕捉到了他更强烈而紧急的手势。这种技术很少应用于标题字体,以表达音乐的运动和情感。单数单词也被分成多行,以进一步增加运动感和节奏感。即使是音乐家的个人照片也捕捉到了他们的运动,这是音乐创作的内在内容。移动图像现在在他们的交流中起着主导作用,一系列结合动画和类型的电影推动了新赛季。这些都在 Barbican 、 LSO 的网站和数字频道的屏幕上展示。 活动描述 我们的创意,总是感人的,反映了伦敦交响乐团总是进步的,它的表演总是发自内心和情感的体验。受 LSO 标志的启发,我们从音乐和表演的同一个地方开始 -- 和指挥家一起。我们的想法很简单,我们想创造一个由西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士进行的视觉识别。我们开始使用西蒙爵士热情而独特的指挥动作来创作和塑造音乐,以告知品牌的视觉语言。这样做既能忠实于他的动作,又能反映音乐的情感品质。 战略 把西蒙爵士放在视觉身份的核心,有两个基本阶段: 第一阶段: 捕捉指挥的动作。西蒙爵士穿着运动捕捉服和手套,上身、手臂、手、手指上有 27 个反光标记,还有一根特制的指挥棒。十二台顶级 Vicon Vantage 摄像机从 360 拍摄到他的动作?以每秒 120 帧的速度进行埃尔加的原创主题变奏曲。排练结束时,我们有 150,000 多帧数据。第二阶段: 数据可视化我们然后委托一位数字艺术家将运动数据转换成一系列富有表现力的动画电影,反映音乐的情感品质。例如,管弦乐队的不和谐声音变成了木材、黄铜和弦乐的爆炸性抽象漩涡。对于一个以弦乐为主导的作品来说,拨浪鼓的清扫动作创造了流畅的弦乐雕塑。 结果 该品牌的新视觉语言通过运动和艺术诠释捕捉音乐的情感品质,使其更容易接近 -- 帮助 LSO 实现将古典音乐带给新的和年轻的观众的雄心。 “我们的新 LSO 品牌传达了伦敦交响乐团的开拓精神。它以一种更容易理解的方式代表古典音乐,反映了我们表演的内在力量。它为我们现有的品牌带来了新的活力,同时将西蒙爵士和我们的音乐制作置于我们品牌的核心。 LSO 推出了新品牌,以配合 1月开始销售的 2017/18 音乐会季。此后,LSO 经历了历史上最成功的销售时期。许多音乐会现在已经售罄,销售额和多场音乐会的预订量明显高于前几季。 概要 伦敦交响乐团是自治的,成立于 1904年。今天,它被认为是世界上最好的之一,以其强大的情感表现和开拓精神而闻名。这是第一个在美国巡回演出的伦敦管弦乐团; 第一个创建自己的唱片公司; 也是第一个建立自己的教育和外联项目的人 -- 这个项目体现了他们不断将古典音乐带给新观众的愿望。在任命世界著名指挥家西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士时,LSO 要求我们发展他们的品牌传播,以反映前方激动人心的新时代。简报的核心是挑战捕捉他们音乐的情感力量,庆祝西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的到来, 在某种程度上,这将呼应 LSO 的开拓精神,并帮助管弦乐队与更广泛的观众接触。

    Visual Identity Conducted by Sir Simon Rattle

    案例简介:Execution Collectively the animations and subsequent stills form the basis of the visual language for print, digital and moving image. A typographic approach was developed too, consisting of two techniques reflecting Sir Simon Rattle’s movements as he conducts. A fluid movement captures his grand and sweeping gestures; an angular movement captures his more intense and urgent gestures. This technique is applied sparingly to the headline font to express the movement and emotion of the music. Singular words are also split over multiple lines, to further add a sense of movement and rhythm.Even the individual photographs of the musicians capture their movement, which is intrinsic to the creation of the music.Moving image now plays a lead role in their communications and a series of films combining the animations and type promote the new season. These are being displayed across screens at The Barbican, LSO’s website and digital channels. CampaignDescription Our creative idea, Always Moving, reflects that the London Symphony Orchestra is always progressive and that its performances are always visceral and emotional experiences. Inspired by the LSO logo, we started at the same place that the music and performances do – with the conductor. Our idea was simple, we wanted to create a visual identity that was conducted by Sir Simon Rattle. We set out to use Sir Simon’s passionate and distinctive conducting movements as he creates and shapes the music to inform the visual language of the brand. And to do this in a way that would stay true to his movements but also reflect the emotional qualities of the music. Strategy To put Sir Simon at the heart of the visual identity, there were two fundamental stages:Stage one: capturing the conductor’s movements.Sir Simon wore a motion capture suit and gloves, with 27 reflective markers on his upper body, arms, hands, fingers, along with a specially-modified baton. Twelve top-of-the-range Vicon Vantage cameras captured his movements from 360? at 120 frames per second as he conducted Elgar’s Variations on an Original Theme. At the end of the rehearsal we had over 150,000 frames of data.Stage two: data visualisationWe then commissioned a digital artist to transform the motion data into a series of expressive animated films reflecting the emotional qualities of the music. For example, the cacophony of the Orchestra at full force becomes an explosive abstract maelstrom of wood, brass and strings. For a string-led piece, Rattle’s sweeping movements create fluid string sculptures. Outcome The brand’s new visual language captures the emotional qualities of the music, through movement and artistic interpretation, making it more accessible – helping LSO achieve its ambition to take classical music to new and younger audiences.‘Our new LSO brand conveys the pioneering spirit of the London Symphony Orchestra. It represents classical music in a way that’s more accessible and reflects the visceral power of our performances. It does all this in way that brings new life to our existing marque and simultaneously places Sir Simon and our music-making at the very heart of our brand.’‘The LSO launched its new brand to coincide with the 2017/18 concert season going on sale in January. Since, the LSO has had the most successful period of sales in its history. Many concerts are now sold out, with sales and multiple concert bookings being significantly higher than previous seasons.’Edward Appleyard, LSO Project Lead Synopsis The London Symphony Orchestra is self-governed and was founded in 1904. Today, it is regarded as one of the finest in the world, renowned for its powerful emotional performances and pioneering spirit. It’s the first London orchestra to tour the US; the first to create its own record label; and the first to establish its own education and outreach programme – a project that epitomises their constant desire to take classical music to new audiences. At the appointment of world famous conductor, Sir Simon Rattle, the LSO asked us to evolve their brand communications to reflect the exciting new era ahead. At the core of the brief was the challenge to capture the emotional power of their music and celebrate the arrival of Sir Simon Rattle, in a way that would echo LSO’s pioneering spirit and help the orchestra to engage with a broader audience.

    西蒙 · 拉特尔爵士的视觉识别


    Visual Identity Conducted by Sir Simon Rattle










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